# # jSite - a tool for uploading websites into Freenet # Copyright (C) 2006 David Roden # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # English language file by David Roden # Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly. # However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat # (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html) # and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the # case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these # lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice, # otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced! jsite.main.already-running=jSite is already running

A lock file has been found that suggests that another
instance of jSite is already running. Running multiple instances
of jSite is guaranteed to break your configuration. jsite.main.already-running.override=Start anyway jsite.wizard.previous=Previous jsite.wizard.next=Next jsite.wizard.quit=Quit jsite.quit.question=Do you really want to quit? jsite.quit.config-not-saved=Configuration not saved

The configuration could not be saved.
Do you want to quit anyway? jsite.menu.languages=Languages jsite.menu.language.en=English jsite.menu.language.de=Deutsch jsite.menu.language.fr=Fran\u00e7ais jsite.menu.language.it=Italiano jsite.menu.language.pl=Polski jsite.menu.nodes=Nodes jsite.menu.nodes.manage-nodes=Manage nodes jsite.menu.options=Options jsite.menu.options.preferences=Preferences jsite.menu.help=Help jsite.menu.help.check-for-updates=Check for Updates jsite.menu.help.about=About jsite.about.message=jSite {0}

Copyright \u00a9 2006-2010 David Roden
Released under the GNU General Public License jsite.node-manager.heading=Node Manager jsite.node-manager.description=Manage your nodes here. jsite.node-manager.node-information=Node Information jsite.node-manager.add-node=Add Node jsite.node-manager.new-node=New Node jsite.node-manager.delete-node=Delete Node jsite.node-manager.delete-node.warning=Confirm node deletion

Really delete this node? jsite.node-manager.name=Name jsite.node-manager.hostname=Hostname jsite.node-manager.port=Port jsite.preferences.heading=Preferences jsite.preferences.description=Use this page to manage some global settings. jsite.preferences.temp-directory=Directory for temporary files jsite.preferences.temp-directory.default=Default (chosen by system) jsite.preferences.temp-directory.custom=Custom jsite.preferences.temp-directory.choose=Choose jsite.preferences.temp-directory.choose.approve=Choose jsite.insert.heading=Project insert jsite.insert.description=Please wait while the project is being inserted. jsite.insert.project-information=Project information jsite.insert.request-uri=Freesite jsite.insert.start-time=Start time jsite.insert.starting=Starting\u2026 jsite.insert.done=Done. jsite.insert.done.title=Insert done jsite.insert.progress=Progress jsite.insert.k-per-s=KB/s jsite.insert.insert-failed=Insert failed

The insert of the project failed.
Some files could not be inserted. jsite.insert.insert-failed-with-cause=Insert failed

The insert of the project failed.
Some files could not be inserted.
The following error occured:

{0} jsite.insert.inserted=Project inserted

Your project was inserted successfully. jsite.insert.okay=OK jsite.insert.okay-copy-uri=Copy URI to Clipboard jsite.file-scanner.can-not-read-directory=Can not read directory jsite.project.heading=Select a Project jsite.project.description=Select a project to process from the list below, or create a new project. jsite.project.action.browse=Browse jsite.project.action.browse.choose=Choose jsite.project.action.browse.tooltip=Browse for directory jsite.project.action.add-project=Add project jsite.project.action.add-project.tooltip=Add a new project jsite.project.new-project.name=New Project jsite.project.action.delete-project=Delete project jsite.project.action.delete-project.tooltip=Delete a project jsite.project.action.delete-project.confirm=Confirm deletion

The project \u201c{0}\u201d will be deleted!
Do you want to continue? jsite.project.action.clone-project=Clone project jsite.project.action.clone-project.copy=Copy of {0} jsite.project.action.clone-project.tooltip=Clone the selected project jsite.project.action.copy-uri=Copy URI to Clipboard jsite.project.action.copy-uri.tooltip=Copies the URI of the project to the clipboard jsite.project.action.generate-new-key=Generate New Key jsite.project.action.generate-new-key.tooltip=Generates a new key for the project jsite.project.action.reset-edition=Reset Edition jsite.project.action.reset-edition.tooltip=Resets the edition number of the project jsite.project.project.information=Project Information jsite.project.project.name=Name jsite.project.project.description=Description jsite.project.project.local-path=Local path jsite.project.project.address=Address jsite.project.project.public-key=Request URI jsite.project.project.private-key=Insert URI jsite.project.project.path=Freesite Path jsite.project.project.edition=Edition jsite.project.keygen.io-error=Node communication failure

Communication with the node failed
with the following error message:


Please make sure that you have entered
the correct host name and port number
on the "Node Settings" page. jsite.project.warning.no-local-path=No local path

You did not specify a local path for the files to insert.
It is not possible to continue without one. jsite.project.warning.no-path=No freesite path

You did not specify a freesite path.
It is not possible to continue without one. jsite.project.warning.generate-new-key=Generate new key?

If you generate a new key, your site will be published
under that new key. Any trust that other users put
in the old key of your site will be gone! jsite.project.warning.reset-edition=Reset edition?

Resetting the edition can lead to insert failures
and lots of confusion if you have not changed
the path or the keys of the project! jsite.project-files.heading=Project Files jsite.project-files.description=On this page you can specify parameters for the files within the project, such as
externally generated keys or MIME types, if the automatic detection failed. jsite.project-files.action.rescan=Re-scan jsite.project-files.action.rescan.tooltip=Re-scan the project directory for new files jsite.project-files.action.add-container=Add jsite.project-files.action.add-container.tooltip=Adds a new container to the project and this file to it jsite.project-files.action.add-container.message=Enter the name of the new container jsite.project-files.action.edit-container=Edit jsite.project-files.action.edit-container.tooltip=Changes the name of the container jsite.project-files.action.edit-container.message=Enter the new name of the container jsite.project-files.action.delete-container=Delete jsite.project-files.action.delete-container.tooltip=Deletes this container jsite.project-files.action.delete-container.message=Do you really want to delete this container? jsite.project-files.ignore-hidden-files=Ignore hidden files jsite.project-files.ignore-hidden-files.tooltip=When selected, hidden files are not inserted jsite.project-files.file-options=File Options jsite.project-files.default=Default file jsite.project-files.default.tooltip=Specify that this file is the project\u2019s index file jsite.project-files.insert=Insert jsite.project-files.insert.tooltip=Uncheck if this file was inserted externally jsite.project-files.custom-key=Custom key jsite.project-files.custom-key.tooltip=The externally created key for the file jsite.project-files.mime-type=MIME type jsite.project-files.mime-type.tooltip=Select the correct MIME type here if the detection failed jsite.project-files.container=Container jsite.project-files.container.tooltip=Selects a container for the current file jsite.project-files.replacement=Replacements jsite.project-files.replacement.tooltip=Activates replacements in file jsite.project-files.replacement.edition-range=Range jsite.project-files.replacement.edition-range.tooltip=Also replace $[EDITION+1], $[EDITION+2]\u2026 jsite.project-files.scan-error=Error scanning files

Either the directory of the project does not exist
or some files/directories in it are notaccessible.
Please go back and select the correct directory. jsite.project-files.empty-index=No default file

You did not specify a default file for this project.
While it is possible to insert a project without a default
file you should specify one to ease browsing. jsite.project-files.index-missing=Your default file is missing

A default file was previously specified but it
does not exist anymore! Please select
a new default file in the list of files. jsite.project-files.container-index=Default file in container

Your default file was placed in a container!
This might make other people shun your page. jsite.project-files.index-not-html=Default file is not HTML

Your default file does not have the MIME type "text/html"!
Loading your Freesite in a browser may give unexpected results. jsite.project-files.no-node-running=Node is not running

You can not insert a project if your node is not running.
Please start your node and try again. jsite.project-files.no-custom-key=No custom key for file

You specified not to insert {0}
but failed to enter a key to redirect to! jsite.project-files.no-node-selected=No node selected

Please select a node from the menu! jsite.project-files.insert-now=Insert now jsite.update-checker.found-version.title=Found New Version jsite.update-checker.found-version.message=A new version was found.

Version {0} (released {1,date}) jsite.update-checker.latest-version.title=Update Check jsite.update-checker.latest-version.newer.message=You are running version {0} but a newer
version ({1}) has been found! jsite.update-checker.latest-version.older.message=You are running version {0} but the
latest version seems to be {1}. jsite.update-checker.latest-version.okay.message=You are currently running version {0}
which is the latest version.