# # jSite - jSite.properties - Copyright © 2006–2011 David Roden # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # English language file by David Roden # Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly. # However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat # (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html) # and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the # case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these # lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice, # otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced! jsite.general.ok=OK jsite.general.cancel=Cancel jsite.wizard.previous=Previous jsite.wizard.next=Next jsite.wizard.quit=Quit jsite.quit.question=Do you really want to quit? jsite.quit.question.title=Really quit? jsite.quit.overwrite-configuration=Overwrite configuration?

A configuration file already exists:

Should it be overwritten? jsite.quit.overwrite-configuration.title=Overwrite configuration? jsite.quit.config-not-saved=Configuration not saved

The configuration could not be saved.
Do you want to quit anyway? jsite.menu.languages=Languages jsite.menu.language.en=English jsite.menu.language.de=Deutsch jsite.menu.language.fr=Fran\u00e7ais jsite.menu.language.it=Italiano jsite.menu.language.pl=Polski jsite.menu.nodes=Nodes jsite.menu.nodes.manage-nodes=Manage nodes jsite.menu.options=Options jsite.menu.options.preferences=Preferences jsite.menu.help=Help jsite.menu.help.check-for-updates=Check for Updates jsite.menu.help.about=About jsite.about.message=jSite {0}

Copyright \u00a9 2006-2010 David Roden
Released under the GNU General Public License jsite.node-manager.heading=Node Manager jsite.node-manager.description=Manage your nodes here. jsite.node-manager.node-information=Node Information jsite.node-manager.add-node=Add Node jsite.node-manager.new-node=New Node jsite.node-manager.delete-node=Delete Node jsite.node-manager.delete-node.warning=Confirm node deletion

Really delete this node? jsite.node-manager.name=Name jsite.node-manager.hostname=Hostname jsite.node-manager.port=Port jsite.preferences.heading=Preferences jsite.preferences.description=Use this page to manage some global settings. jsite.preferences.temp-directory=Directory for temporary files jsite.preferences.temp-directory.default=Default (chosen by system) jsite.preferences.temp-directory.custom=Custom jsite.preferences.temp-directory.choose=Choose jsite.preferences.temp-directory.choose.approve=Choose jsite.preferences.config-directory=Location of configuration file jsite.preferences.config-directory.jar=Next to the JAR file jsite.preferences.config-directory.home=Home directory jsite.preferences.config-directory.custom=Custom directory jsite.insert.heading=Project insert jsite.insert.description=Please wait while the project is being inserted. jsite.insert.project-information=Project information jsite.insert.request-uri=Freesite jsite.insert.start-time=Start time jsite.insert.starting=Starting\u2026 jsite.insert.done=Done. jsite.insert.done.title=Insert done jsite.insert.insert-aborted=The insert was aborted. jsite.insert.insert-aborted.title=Insert Aborted jsite.insert.progress=Progress jsite.insert.k-per-s=KB/s jsite.insert.insert-failed=Insert failed

The insert of the project failed.
Some files could not be inserted. jsite.insert.insert-failed-with-cause=Insert failed

The insert of the project failed.
Some files could not be inserted.
The following error occured:

{0} jsite.insert.insert-failed.title=Insert Failed jsite.insert.inserted=Project inserted

Your project was inserted successfully. jsite.insert.okay-copy-uri=Copy URI to Clipboard jsite.insert.reinserted-edition=Edition Reinserted

The edition you are just inserting
has already been inserted before. jsite.insert.reinserted-edition.title=Edition Reinserted jsite.file-scanner.can-not-read-directory=Can not read directory jsite.project.heading=Select a Project jsite.project.description=Select a project to process from the list below, or create a new project. jsite.project.action.browse=Browse jsite.project.action.browse.choose=Choose jsite.project.action.browse.tooltip=Browse for directory jsite.project.action.add-project=Add project jsite.project.action.add-project.tooltip=Add a new project jsite.project.new-project.name=New Project jsite.project.action.delete-project=Delete project jsite.project.action.delete-project.tooltip=Delete a project jsite.project.action.delete-project.confirm=Confirm deletion

The project \u201c{0}\u201d will be deleted!
Do you want to continue? jsite.project.action.clone-project=Clone project jsite.project.action.clone-project.copy=Copy of {0} jsite.project.action.clone-project.tooltip=Clone the selected project jsite.project.action.copy-uri=Copy URI to Clipboard jsite.project.action.copy-uri.tooltip=Copies the URI of the project to the clipboard jsite.project.action.manage-keys=Manage Keys jsite.project.action.manage-keys.tooltip=Manages the keys of this project jsite.project.action.reset-edition=Reset Edition jsite.project.action.reset-edition.tooltip=Resets the edition number of the project jsite.project.project.information=Project Information jsite.project.project.name=Name jsite.project.project.description=Description jsite.project.project.local-path=Local path jsite.project.project.address=Address jsite.project.project.path=Freesite Path jsite.project.project.edition=Edition jsite.project.project.uri=URI jsite.project.keygen.io-error=Node communication failure

Communication with the node failed
with the following error message:


Please make sure that you have entered
the correct host name and port number
on the "Node Settings" page. jsite.project.warning.generate-new-key=Generate new key?

If you generate a new key, your site will be published
under that new key. Any trust that other users put
in the old key of your site will be gone!
Also, the edition will be reset. jsite.project.warning.reset-edition=Reset edition?

Resetting the edition can lead to insert failures
and lots of confusion if you have not changed
the path or the keys of the project! jsite.project.warning.use-clipboard-now=URI copied

Please note that it is possible that quitting jSite
now will empty the clipboard. Please use the
copied URI immediately in another window! jsite.project-files.heading=Project Files jsite.project-files.description=On this page you can specify parameters for the files within the project, such as
externally generated keys or MIME types, if the automatic detection failed. jsite.project-files.action.rescan=Re-scan jsite.project-files.action.rescan.tooltip=Re-scan the project directory for new files jsite.project-files.ignore-hidden-files=Ignore hidden files jsite.project-files.ignore-hidden-files.tooltip=When selected, hidden files are not inserted jsite.project-files.file-options=File Options jsite.project-files.default=Default file jsite.project-files.default.tooltip=Specify that this file is the project\u2019s index file jsite.project-files.insert=Insert jsite.project-files.insert.tooltip=Uncheck if you do not want to insert this file jsite.project-files.force-insert=Force insert jsite.project-files.force-insert.tooltip=Forces the insert of this file even it is not modified jsite.project-files.insert-redirect=Redirect jsite.project-files.insert-redirect.tooltip=Check if you want to insert a redirect for this file jsite.project-files.custom-key=Custom key jsite.project-files.custom-key.tooltip=The externally created key for the file jsite.project-files.rename=Rename jsite.project-files.rename.tooltip=Renames the file in the uploaded site jsite.project-files.mime-type=MIME type jsite.project-files.mime-type.tooltip=Select the correct MIME type here if the detection failed jsite.project-files.container=Container jsite.project-files.container.tooltip=Selects a container for the current file jsite.project-files.scan-error=Error scanning files

Either the directory of the project does not exist
or some files/directories in it are not accessible.
Please go back and select the correct directory. jsite.project-files.insert-now=Insert now jsite.project-files.invalid-default-file=Only files in the root directory may be selected as default files. jsite.update-checker.found-version.title=Found New Version jsite.update-checker.found-version.message=A new version was found.

Version {0} (released {1,date}) jsite.update-checker.latest-version.title=Update Check jsite.update-checker.latest-version.newer.message=You are running version {0} but a newer
version ({1}) has been found! jsite.update-checker.latest-version.older.message=You are running version {0} but the
latest version seems to be {1}. jsite.update-checker.latest-version.okay.message=You are currently running version {0}
which is the latest version. jsite.key-dialog.title=Manage Project Keys jsite.key-dialog.button.ok.tooltip=Accepts the changes jsite.key-dialog.button.cancel.tooltip=Discards the changes jsite.key-dialog.button.generate=Regenerate Keys jsite.key-dialog.button.generate.tooltip=Create a new key pair jsite.key-dialog.label.keys=Keys jsite.key-dialog.label.private-key=Private Key jsite.key-dialog.label.public-key=Public Key jsite.key-dialog.label.actions=Actions jsite.warning.empty-index=No default file

You did not specify a default file for this project.
While it is possible to insert a project without a default
file you should specify one to ease browsing. jsite.warning.index-not-html=Default file is not HTML

Your default file does not have the MIME type "text/html"!
Loading your Freesite in a browser may give unexpected results. jsite.error.no-node-selected=No node selected

Please select a node from the menu! jsite.error.no-node-running=Node is not running

You can not insert a project if your node is not running.
Please start your node and try again. jsite.error.no-local-path=No local path

You did not specify a local path for the files to insert.
It is not possible to continue without one. jsite.error.no-path=No freesite path

You did not specify a freesite path.
It is not possible to continue without one. jsite.error.index-missing=Your default file is missing

A default file was previously specified but it
does not exist anymore! Please select
a new default file in the list of files. jsite.error.index-not-inserted=Default file not inserted

You have chosen not to insert the default file!
You need to either choose to insert it or select
a different default file! jsite.error.no-custom-key=No custom key for file

You specified not to insert {0}
but failed to enter a key to redirect to! jsite.error.no-files-to-insert=No files to insert

You do not have any files selected for insertion!
Please select at least one file to insert. jsite.error.duplicate-file=Duplicate file

The file {0} is inserted twice!
Please check your filenames and redirects.