package import kotlinx.html.body import kotlinx.html.div import kotlinx.html.h1 import kotlinx.html.head import kotlinx.html.html import kotlinx.html.img import import import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Reaction import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.State import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Trigger import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.output.DefaultOutput import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.output.Output import java.text.DateFormat import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.HOURS import java.util.Locale /** * TODO * * @author [David ‘Bombe’ Roden]( */ class WetterComTrigger : Trigger { private val dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.ENGLISH) private var newState = false private lateinit var currentState: WetterComState override fun mergeStates(previousState: State, currentState: State): State? { newState = previousState != currentState this.currentState = currentState as WetterComState return currentState } override fun triggers(): Boolean { return newState } override fun output(reaction: Reaction): Output { val output = DefaultOutput("The weather (according to on %s".format(dateFormatter.format(currentState.dateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli()))) output.addText("text/html", htmlOutput()) return output } private fun htmlOutput(): String { return createHTML().html { head { style("text/css") { +".hour-state { display: table-row; }" +".hour-state > div { display: table-cell; }" } } body { val startTime = currentState.dateTime.toInstant() h1 { +"The Weather (according to on %s".format(dateFormatter.format(startTime.toEpochMilli())) } currentState.forEach { div("hour-state") { div("time") { +"%tH:%