/* * Sone - WebOfTrustConnector.java - Copyright © 2010–2019 David Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot import com.google.inject.* import freenet.support.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.NumberParsers.* import java.lang.String.* import java.util.* import java.util.logging.* import java.util.logging.Logger import java.util.logging.Logger.* /** * Connector for the Web of Trust plugin. */ class PluginWebOfTrustConnector @Inject constructor(private val pluginConnector: PluginConnector) : WebOfTrustConnector { private val logger: Logger = getLogger(PluginWebOfTrustConnector::class.java.name) override fun loadAllOwnIdentities(): Set { val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetOwnIdentities").get()) var ownIdentityCounter = -1 val ownIdentities = HashSet() while (true) { val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++ownIdentityCounter) ?: break val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$ownIdentityCounter") val insertUri = fields.get("InsertURI$ownIdentityCounter") val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$ownIdentityCounter") val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri, insertUri) ownIdentity.contexts = fields.contexts("Contexts$ownIdentityCounter.") ownIdentity.properties = fields.properties("Properties$ownIdentityCounter.") ownIdentities.add(ownIdentity) } return ownIdentities } override fun loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String?): Set { val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentitiesByScore").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Selection", "+").put("Context", context ?: "").put("WantTrustValues", "true").get()) val identities = HashSet() var identityCounter = -1 while (true) { val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++identityCounter) ?: break val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$identityCounter") val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$identityCounter") val identity = DefaultIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri) identity.contexts = fields.contexts("Contexts$identityCounter.") identity.properties = fields.properties("Properties$identityCounter.") val trust = parseInt(fields.get("Trust$identityCounter"), null) val score = parseInt(fields.get("Score$identityCounter"), 0)!! val rank = parseInt(fields.get("Rank$identityCounter"), 0)!! identity.setTrust(ownIdentity, Trust(trust, score, rank)) identities.add(identity) } return identities } @Throws(PluginException::class) override fun addContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "AddContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get()) } @Throws(PluginException::class) override fun removeContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get()) } override fun setProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String, value: String) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).put("Value", value).get()) } override fun removeProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).get()) } override fun getTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity): Trust { val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentity").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Identity", identity.id).get()) val trust = fields.get("Trust") val score = fields.get("Score") val rank = fields.get("Rank") var explicit: Int? = null var implicit: Int? = null var distance: Int? = null try { explicit = Integer.valueOf(trust) } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) { /* ignore. */ } try { implicit = Integer.valueOf(score) } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) { /* ignore. */ } try { distance = Integer.valueOf(rank) } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) { /* ignore. */ } return Trust(explicit, implicit, distance) } override fun setTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity, trust: Int, comment: String) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).put("Value", trust.toString()).put("Comment", comment).get()) } override fun removeTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity) { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).get()) } override fun ping() { performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "Ping").get()) } private fun performRequest(fields: SimpleFieldSet): PluginReply { logger.log(Level.FINE, format("Sending FCP Request: %s", fields.get("Message"))) val pluginReply = pluginConnector.sendRequest(WOT_PLUGIN_NAME, "", fields) logger.log(Level.FINEST, format("Received FCP Response for %s: %s", fields.get("Message"), pluginReply.fields.get("Message"))) if ("Error" == pluginReply.fields.get("Message")) { throw PluginException("Could not perform request for " + fields.get("Message")) } return pluginReply } } private const val WOT_PLUGIN_NAME = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust" private fun SimpleFieldSet.contexts(prefix: String) = generateSequence(0, Int::inc) .map { get("${prefix}Context$it") } .takeWhile { it != null } .toSet() private fun SimpleFieldSet.properties(prefix: String) = generateSequence(0, Int::inc) .takeWhile { get("${prefix}Property${it}.Name") != null } .map { get("${prefix}Property${it}.Name") to get("${prefix}Property${it}.Value") } .toMap()