package net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.filters.webpages.savoy import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Reaction import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import org.hamcrest.Matchers.empty import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.not import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode import org.junit.Test import java.time.LocalDateTime class MovieStateTest { @Test fun `summary contains date of earliest movie`() { val movieState = MovieState( setOf( Movie("1", "", "", listOf(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 12, 18, 45), "", ""))), Movie("2", "", "", listOf(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 3, 12, 15, 30), "", ""))), Movie("3", "", "", listOf(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 11, 21, 15), "", ""))) ), emptySet() ) assertThat(movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)).summary(), containsString("2024-02-11")) } @Test fun `movie state without new movies is not triggered`() { assertThat(MovieState(emptySet(), emptySet()).triggered(), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `movie state with a new movie is triggered`() { assertThat(MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", ""))).triggered(), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `html output does not contain a section for new movies if there are no new movies`() { val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), emptySet()) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html")) assertThat(""), empty()) } @Test fun `html output does contain a section for new movie if there are new movies`() { val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", ""), Movie("2", "", ""))) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html")) assertThat(""), not(empty())) } @Test fun `new movies section contains description of movies`() { val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", "Movie 1 is cool."), Movie("2", "", "Movie 2 is bad."))) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html")) assertThat(" .description").map(Element::text), contains("Movie 1 is cool.", "Movie 2 is bad.")) } @Test fun `new movies section contains the titles of all new movies`() { val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("New Movie", "", ""), Movie("Even Newer Movie", "", ""))) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html")) assertThat(" .name").textNodes().map(TextNode::text), containsInAnyOrder("New Movie", "Even Newer Movie")) } @Test fun `html output contains section for the daily programme`() { val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), emptySet()) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html")) assertThat("section.daily-programmes"), not(empty())) } @Test fun `html output contains a section for each day with a movie`() { val movieState = MovieState( setOf( movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"), movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"), movie("Movie 3", "", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"), movie("Movie 4", "", "", "20240216-1000"), ), emptySet() ) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val html = output.text("text/html") val document = Jsoup.parse(html) assertThat("section.daily-programmes").map { it.attr("data-date") }, contains("2024-02-12", "2024-02-13", "2024-02-14", "2024-02-16")) } @Test fun `html output contains the correct movies within each day`() { val movieState = MovieState( setOf( movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"), movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"), movie("Movie 3", "", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"), movie("Movie 4", "", "", "20240216-1000"), ), setOf( movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"), movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815") ) ) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val html = output.text("text/html") val document = Jsoup.parse(html) assertThat("section.daily-programmes[data-date='2024-02-12'] li.performance").map {".time").text() + " - " +".name").text() }, contains( "18:45 - Movie 1", "20:30 - Movie 2" ) ) } @Test fun `html output contains the correct release type for movies`() { val movieState = MovieState( setOf( movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845" to "2D OV", "20240213-1330" to "2D", "20240214-1815" to "2D OmeU"), ), setOf() ) val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)) val html = output.text("text/html") val document = Jsoup.parse(html) assertThat("section.daily-programmes li.performance") .map { performance -> listOf(".name", ".time", ".type").map { }.joinToString(" - ") }, contains( "Movie 1 - 18:45 - 2D OV", "Movie 1 - 13:30 - 2D", "Movie 1 - 18:15 - 2D OmeU" ) ) } } private fun dateTime(dateTimeString: String) = LocalDateTime.of( dateTimeString.substring(0..3).toInt(), dateTimeString.substring(4..5).toInt(), dateTimeString.substring(6..7).toInt(), dateTimeString.substring(9..10).toInt(), dateTimeString.substring(11..12).toInt(), ) private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, description: String = "", vararg times: String) = .map { Performance(it, "", "https://link/$it") } .let { Movie(name, imageUrl, description, it) } private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, description: String = "", vararg timesAndTypes: Pair) = { Performance(it.first.let(::dateTime), it.second, "https://link/${it.first}") } .let { Movie(name, imageUrl, description, it) }