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“The only addiction my treatment doesn’t seem to help is my potato fetish.”

That’s because the bread they lace with every unregulated addictive substance they feasibly can is potato bread. Note that quite a few of those unregulated substances are sexual stimulants, so if your potato fetish is holding steady, you’re actually ahead of the game.

Oh fuck not Raël and his raëlians… Christ, why are these cults always obsessed by space and extraterrestrial weirdos.

Ok but true words, we are really sorry where I live for being the place of origin for this nonsense and we’ll be the first ones to cheer we he finally fuck off back to space or whatever that madman believes will happen when he finally kicks it.

What’s the red flag for raëlians in this comic? I’m out of touch and don’t remember all my creepy red flags in specific, other than the giant waving one that is everything about these jackasses.

Panel 4, penultimate word. “Raël”.

Other than that, the drawings on the board could be misconstrued as something if one doesn’t look too close and forgets the crap peddled by New Beginnings. That *sounds* like a dismissal, but I’ve known some cultists who delight in “hiding the truth in plain sight”, so that is sometimes the way you need to look for their crap. The number of cultists I’ve known who delight in that shit is pretty close to the number of cultists I’ve know. It’s probably not statistically representative of the total population, though, as my sample size is quite small so my p-value is rather large.

Real fresh meat for the plot here!
So the Sandman group decided to pursue this lead. Mira can even name Dan as the friend if this guy tries to call that bluff. But I wasn’t actually expecting a reaction like panel 7.

Recall ch7 pg27. The version of Skullfuck that hit Shitparade has Right Living nonsense inside its code, but
it’s not the original code. So I think we are looking for someone who would be both 1) associated with New Beginnings Drug Rehabilitation Services and 2) competent enough to modify the code.
It does not make sense to me that this would be Eve, among other reasons because she should have known what Skullfuck was and refused to be involved in modifying it. I would be surprised if it was this dude, since he’s old (in a world where this tech is new), but I could be wrong, and even if it’s not him it could mean he knows something.

The other mystery is how this version, with (at least) 2 different contributing authors, came to be.
It’s fucked up, but suppose somebody at New Beginnings found Skullfuck and got the idea to rehabilitate it as _forcible_ therapeutic intervention. Skullfuck is malware, but before that it’s code that the user can’t interfere with. Literally it has the potential to brainwash somebody. Which could be attractive to an ethically flexible therapist. Just run the code on their brain and _make_ them stop wanting to do drugs!

Of course whether they knew how to make the code _actually do that_ is a different question. It clearly doesn’t.
Maybe this guy is clever enough to figure out how to modify code but delusional enough to think that inserting text strings will be enough to make it have that effect?

It can be amazing what code atrocities one can commit when one has no respect or understanding for code, but no inhibitions with mucking with it. Add in a little knowledge (you know, one of the most dangerous things in existence) and it’s even worse.

Just to be clear: I’m a fan of knowledge. But you need enough to be safe before you start trying to change the world with it, or bad things happen.

It must have been one of his cult followers. That guy himself is too busy running the scam. He provides the motivation, his marks provide the skill.

Or in this case, lack of skill. It is not too far-fetched that skullfuck was not meant to be lethal. The Morris worm was not meant to force a coordinated shutdown of the internet either.

Still, someone would have to have written the original code for a purpose.

And someone has set up the Epitaph. And named it.

I have my suspicions.

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Blue Pill Arcade is complete

Blue Pill Arcade is complete published on No Comments on Blue Pill Arcade is complete

Blue Pill Arcade, Drugs & Wires prequel comic, is now finished!

BPA takes us back to the year 1993 and explores Dan and Eve’s relationship and the early days of VR in Stradania.

You don’t need to read D&W or the original Dreamspace prequel as BPA is meant to be completely standalone.

~Please note that part 3 is for adult readers only.~

  • Physical copies are available in our merch store. (Please check the Covid page for the list of countries we can ship to) We’ll look into printing a single volume once we’re out of issue 3.
  • Digital PDFs are now available to all of our $5 tier Patreon supporters, but you can also pick them up on Gumroad!

Dan’s long lost tracks are released!

Dan’s long lost tracks are released! published on 2 Comments on Dan’s long lost tracks are released!

Not many people know that, but our boy Dan used to make music in his university days. Thanks to the wonders of technology his 1992 debut “Privation Sensorielle” has been digitised and preserved for generations to come, possibly against its creator’s will.

Fanart Contest Winners

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Our second fanart contest has just wrapped up! Thanks to everyone who participated – we got so many beautiful entries from folks, judging was difficult to say the least.

Here’s all the entries, all links and credits available below (if provided):

Winners & Runner-ups

Our Fanart category winner is Symberzite with a brilliant Bladerunner/D&W mashup. Check out their piece on twitter!

Fanart runner-up is Leona Florianova because who can resist those colours? Check out her piece on Tumblr

Now for Original Characters! Our OC winner is ekrixart with their character Niles. Check them out on tumblr! We love the idea for the mods and how they’re all both functional and plausible in D&W world.

Our OC Runner-Up is Flygohr – that character sheet presentation is A+. Check out his work on Instagram

Links to other participants and entries: (let me know if I missed you – some entries were emailed without any links)

-Winners and runner-ups will receive a signed Vol.1 of Drugs & Wires, winners will also get part 1 of Blue Pill Arcade, a phone charm and a personalised sketch from Cryo.

Thanks so much to everyone who joined – we’ll try and update our fan gallery as soon as our website is fixed. (FYI, our site is still experiencing some issues so I’m not even sure when we’ll able to update the comic on here. Hopefully soon!)

Drugs & Wires 2019 Update!

Drugs & Wires 2019 Update! published on 2 Comments on Drugs & Wires 2019 Update!

danvintagev2(pic unrelated! But I really don’t post enough non-comic art here!)

Happy (belated!) 2019, everyone. Cryo here! (or..Mary, seeing how I’ve totally deanonymised myself on social media lately.

I realised this website’s been quiet for a while now so I figured I’d give you an update of all the things in case you don’t follow our ramblings on social media.

Drugs & Wires has been updating on Patreon for the past few weeks – I felt like it’s best to build a buffer for public updates going forward. The good news is that public updates will resume this Wednesday, 23rd Jan – but if you just can’t wait you can read the first 3 pages on Patreon for just $3. I’ve also had to switch my streams to patreon-only to avoid spoilers, those are available to all patrons!

We still have an active Discord with open access and a welcoming community for all as well as an exclusive #patreon channel where I post WIPs for patrons and other things sometimes. (if you scroll far enough you might even find some extremely secret pre-2012 art of what would eventually become Dan and Lin)

All physical Kickstarter rewards went out back in October 2018, and digital goodies dropped in November. Please get in touch if you’re a backer and haven’t received your package so we can sort something out! So far we’ve only had a couple of packages returning or missing. KS fulfillment was a ton of work for us both, but seeing the items drop was so satisfying. Thanks to all of you who supported the campaign! <3 I don’t think I ever want to burn another floppy, though.

Capturehaul(photo source: paula.clu)

If you missed the Kickstarter and would like to buy the book, it’s available in my new store!  I’ve also got some other merch available too, though most Kickstarter stuff is very limited edition and as I’m typing this there’s only 2 Wirehead shirts left.

Regarding convention appearances: I managed to get a trading table at Dublin Comic Con this March! Nothing else confirmed so far. Now that I live in Ireland travelling for UK cons is gonna be a bit more of a challenge!

Lastly I wanted to apologise for the mess that 2018 was for updates, it’s all on me. I went back to full time work last year and between that, Kickstarter prep and a cross country move it’s been hard to keep my schedule and brain stable! Thankfully things are looking better now – for the time being I’m back on freelance so I’ve been doing colouring for Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt with the best team ever, getting my new merch brand Hello Void off the ground (I liked designing KS merch so much I decided I don’t want to stop) and also trying to get Drugs & Wires back on track.

Anyway, thanks for reading and sticking with us! Here’s to many more pages in 2019.



Drugs & Wires Vol.1 Kickstarter is now live!

Drugs & Wires Vol.1 Kickstarter is now live! published on No Comments on Drugs & Wires Vol.1 Kickstarter is now live!

cover1resizedAfter months of prep and numbercrunch, the Drugs & Wires Volume 1 Kickstarter is now officially live!

Help us fund the first collected edition of D&W and score some fun (and exclusive!) goodies while doing so – a win-win for everybody!

Schedule Update & Things!

Schedule Update & Things! published on 2 Comments on Schedule Update & Things!

CaptureHey everyone! Cryo here with a very much belated news update. We really don’t update this thing often enough.

If you’re reading Drugs & Wires regularly, you might have noticed that our updates have been a bit all over the place lately – and I apologise for that! A couple of months ago I had to go back to working full-time  and readjusting to that has been challenging. In addition to that, I’m busy preparing the first issue of Blue Pill Arcade for London MCM and both me and Io are working on some extras and things for our upcoming Kickstarter! (more on that later)

Anyway, it seems like June is going to be extremely busy for both work and personal reasons, so unfortunately I’m left with no other choice than to take a mini-hiatus and put D&W on a break until July. We might update before then, but I can’t promise it’ll be regular. I’m very sorry about that – hopefully the stuff we’ll be working on in the meantime is gonna make up for that! I’ve also closed down our Tictail store until after MCM to help me keep track of stock.

Speaking of Kickstarters – we’re planning on launching one for a collected edition of chapters 1-4. I’ve been slowly adapting it all for print and making rewards (BPA comic being one of them) and there’s still a lot of work to be done, but hopefully we’ll get there! If you’d like to know when it launches, sign up for our mailing list here. (Your email might already be on there if you’ve bought stuff from the Tictail store in the past) I promise I won’t spam you more than a couple times a year – it’s just a neat option for people who can’t keep up with my shitposting on social media!

I’ll be documenting everything we do on the meantime on Patreon and Patreon-only Discord channel and hopefully giving people early glimpses of the pages when I do get to draw them.

And finally, here’s a regular reminder that D&W does have its own very active & friendly Discord server – so do have a look if you haven’t yet.






Blue Pill Arcade – Side Comic Launch

Blue Pill Arcade – Side Comic Launch published on 2 Comments on Blue Pill Arcade – Side Comic Launch


Good news – after many months of writing scripts and thumbnails, Blue Pill Arcade is finally getting drawn! First 5 pages are already up on Patreon.

Blue Pill Arcade is a prequel set 2 years before the events of the main comic. While Dreamspace (our original prequel series) focuses on Dan’s last moments in VR, BPA is all about the early days of Dreamspace and its users. Expect it to be a little more light-hearted than the main series (light-hearted by D&W standards, anyway…)

We’ll update the comic  in monthly installments of 6 to 8 pages (depending on Cryo’s workload) and keep it as a Patreon exclusive until the story is finished.  Once it’s done, we’ll see how to go about publishing it, but it’d most likely be available for purchase online.

Anyway, here’s a sneak peak of people’s typical reaction to Fixer:






Extra D&W Pages for July!

Extra D&W Pages for July! published on No Comments on Extra D&W Pages for July!

Good news, ‘Wireheads – thanks to ongoing support from our Patreon backers, we’ll be publishing another five pages of D&W this month! Slightly less good news: next Monday’s page will unfortunately be bumped, as Claire’s on the road with only the barest of bare-bone art-ing tools at her disposal.

The projected update schedule for this month is:

10/07 – Chapter 4, Page 10 & 11
17/07 – Chapter 4, Page 12
24/07 – Chapter 4, Page 13
31/07 – Chapter 4, Page 14
02/08 – Chapter 4, Page 15

Hearty thanks are due to all of our July patrons:

Diceman, Laura Hutton, Ben Sebastian, Vloshko, Tori Hansen, Matt K, samieperv, Aleksander Ratzloff, Aaron Clark, HD Moore, Tarl Armstrong, Pavel Penev, Adrenaline, Matt Tarky, Richard E. Gropp, stroggo, Xemobiz, Jess Waldrip, Dustrial, Katheudo, grimmware, Minno, Carryl, littledot63, Franck Yvonnet, bryce, raine ko, Jesse Edmund Juniper, Alazavrus Bakanovic, Dmitry Mamchur, Ben Ireland, Pet Rock, Skynix Samson, Lacey, Jeff Couturier, Jay Fabares, Jennifer, cstone, Oscar Aamu, GhostlyPI, Mighterbump, Dm3 C, Anton, Lee, vex, Escher Null, Patty Brehm, Marco Antonio Assfalk de Oliveira, rockjar, Mitch Bigelow, nerveblot, Dylan Evans, Michael Hartog, BitVictim, toherrys, RISING SΛND, M D Penman, MercenaryElf, Weird Montgomery, EdZ, Ethel Morgan, Matt Zweig, meskio, Giuliano Di Pasquale, Matthew Hathaway, Waxhead Jed, tekniklr, Shobana ‘Bob’ Appavu, Корявый Почерк, snowdogermine, Thylacinx, Dan Testerman, neid buell, Kalia, Daniel Joelsson, Austin Bookheimer, and Carl.

Extra D&W Pages Coming This Month!

Extra D&W Pages Coming This Month! published on No Comments on Extra D&W Pages Coming This Month!

With the generous help of our Patreon supporters, we’ve reached our first major stretch goal: an extra page of Drugs & Wires each month!

The projected update schedule for this month is:

05/06 – Chapter 4, Page 5
12/06 – Chapter 4, Page 6
19/06 – Chapter 4, Page 7
26/06 – Chapter 4, Page 8
28/06 – Chapter 4, Page 9

A big “thank you” to all of June patrons:

Diceman, Laura Hutton, Ben Sebastian, Matt K, samieperv, Aleksander Ratzloff, Aaron Clark, HD Moore, Tarl Armstrong, Pavel Penev, Adrenaline, Matt Tarky, Richard E. Gropp, Eric, stroggo, Xemobiz, Jess Waldrip, Carryl, Rift, littledot63, Franck Yvonnet, bryce, raine ko, Jesse Edmund Juniper, Alazavrus Bakanovic, Dmitry Mamchur, Ben Ireland, Pet Rock, Skynix Samson, Jennifer, cstone, Oscar Aamu, GhostlyPI, Mighterbump, Dm3 C, Anton, Lee, vex, Escher Null, Patty Brehm, Marco Antonio Assfalk de Oliveira, rockjar, Mitch Bigelow, nerveblot, Dylan Evans, Michael Hartog, BitVictim, toherrys, RISING SΛND, M D Penman, MercenaryElf, Weird Montgomery, snowdogermine, EdZ, Ethel Morgan, Matthew Carroll, Matt Zweig, meskio, Grim, Giuliano Di Pasquale, Matthew Hathaway, Waxhead Jed, tekniklr, Emanuel, Shobana ‘Bob’ Appavu, Dan Testerman, neid buell, Kalia, Daniel Joelsson, Austin Bookheimer, Geovanna Ramirez, and Carl.

Your support helps keep this comic rolling, and we’re immensely grateful for it!

Drugs & Wires #3 & Convention Schedule

Drugs & Wires #3 & Convention Schedule published on No Comments on Drugs & Wires #3 & Convention Schedule

Hey everyone, haven’t posted here in a while! Actually, I’m pretty sure this is my first time writing a news post on here – normally Io’s much better at it, but I’ve got way more free time on my hands these days, so it’s only fair I start updating more often.

chapter3coverfinal2So, the big news: Issue #3, “Rock Bottom” is ready to be sent off to the printers – we’re currently taking pre-orders to help us with the printing costs! You can order a copy (and limited edition sketch) in D&W Tictail store. For those of you supporting us on Patreon, you can grab a 20% discount code in the latest post.

If you’d rather pick it up from Cryoclaire in person, here’s a list of our convention appearances confirmed so far:

  • Em-con, Nottingham, 29-30th April
  • TCAF, Toronto,  13-14th May (First time in Canada! Exciting times)
  • MCM London 26-29th May
  • Thought Bubble, Leeds, 23-24th September
  • Nottingham Comic Con, Nottingham, 14th October.

Hope to see some of you there!
If you’re ever in Nottingham but can’t make it to the conventions, Drugs & Wires is now stocked at thte Page45 comic shop – they even said some nice things about us in their review!
We  got some very positive and in-depth review from Loser-City and got to be a Pick Of The Week over at ComicBookHour all in the past couple of weeks.
And since I’m just showing off now, we also got interviewed by Jon Erik Christianson over at Comics Alliance which was great. Sadly we’ve heard sad news of the website getting shut down – so go read the thing while it’s still available! There are many more interviews with indie/webcomic creators including our comic buddies Rising Sand.

All in all it’s been a good year for D&W so far and we can’t wait to come back with Chapter 4!  And with that I’ll stop typing and go get some actual work done. Eloquent news post is definitely more of Io’s thing.




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