X-Git-Url: https://git.pterodactylus.net/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=src%2Fmain%2Fresources%2Fi18n%2Fsone.en.properties;h=a5f423eceb540df4d0089f88a45528cdc09876b6;hb=67ebd4f4ece65f6e3c32ceaed755fe79323b8be9;hp=914d9a87d41e269af7f4daae8436d7b89914e55d;hpb=9ad7670a3f8d82914939e89e5b3d429bb5fcbbb4;p=Sone.git diff --git a/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties b/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties index 914d9a8..a5f423e 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties @@ -6,103 +6,72 @@ Navigation.Menu.Item.Index.Name=Your Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.Index.Tooltip=Show your Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.CreateSone.Name=Create Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.CreateSone.Tooltip=Create a new Sone -Navigation.Menu.Item.ImportSone.Name=Import Sone -Navigation.Menu.Item.ImportSone.Tooltip=Import a Sone from a backup Navigation.Menu.Item.KnownSones.Name=Known Sones Navigation.Menu.Item.KnownSones.Tooltip=Shows all known Sones +Navigation.Menu.Item.Bookmarks.Name=Bookmarks +Navigation.Menu.Item.Bookmarks.Tooltip=Show bookmarked posts Navigation.Menu.Item.EditProfile.Name=Edit Profile Navigation.Menu.Item.EditProfile.Tooltip=Edit the Profile of your Sone +Navigation.Menu.Item.ImageBrowser.Name=Images +Navigation.Menu.Item.ImageBrowser.Tooltip=Manages your Images Navigation.Menu.Item.DeleteSone.Name=Delete Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.DeleteSone.Tooltip=Deletes the current Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.Logout.Name=Logout Navigation.Menu.Item.Logout.Tooltip=Logs you out of the current Sone Navigation.Menu.Item.Options.Name=Options Navigation.Menu.Item.Options.Tooltip=Options for the Sone plugin -Navigation.Menu.Item.Blacklist.Name=Blacklist -Navigation.Menu.Item.Blacklist.Tooltip=Manages the global blacklist Navigation.Menu.Item.About.Name=About Navigation.Menu.Item.About.Tooltip=Information about Sone -Navigation.Menu.Item.Help.Name=Help -Navigation.Menu.Item.Help.Tooltip=The Sone User Manual - -Page.Help.Title=Help - Sone -Page.Help.Page.Title=The Sone User Manual -Page.Help.Text.Introduction=Though Sone aims to be very easy to use there probably are a couple of functions that need to be explained. -Page.Help.Topic.Blocking.Title=What is “blocking?” -Page.Help.Topic.Blocking.Text=“Blocking a Sone” means to exclude it from the current Sone distribution method. Every time your Sone is updated, a list of all Sones you know is distributed as well—unless you block or blacklist a Sone. -Page.Help.Topic.Blacklisting.Title=What is the difference between “blocking” and “blacklisting?” -Page.Help.Topic.Blacklisting.Text=Blocking a Sone is only possible when you are logged in to a Sone so you can choose to not distribute somebody else’s Sone per Sone. Blacklisting works globally—a blacklisted Sone will not be distributed by any Sone on your node, starting with the next update of each Sone. Page.About.Title=About - Sone Page.About.Page.Title=About +Page.About.Flattr.Description=If you like Sone and you would like to reward me, you can use the Flattr button at the bottom of each page. Flattr is a non-anonymous micro payment that acts like an internet tip jar where the amount each user spends is limited (lowest being 2 € per month). More information can be found on {link}flattr.com{/link}. +Page.About.Homepage.Title=Homepage +Page.About.Homepage.Description=You can find more information and the source code of Sone on the {link}homepage{/link}. +Page.About.License.Title=License Page.Options.Title=Options - Sone Page.Options.Page.Title=Options Page.Options.Page.Description=These options influence the runtime behaviour of the Sone plugin. +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.Title=Sone-specific Options +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.NotLoggedIn=These options are only available if you are {link}logged in{/link}. +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.LoggedIn=These options are only available while you are logged in and they are only valid for the Sone you are logged in as. +Page.Options.Option.AutoFollow.Description=If a new Sone is discovered, follow it automatically. +Page.Options.Section.RuntimeOptions.Title=Runtime Behaviour Page.Options.Option.InsertionDelay.Description=The number of seconds the Sone inserter waits after a modification of a Sone before it is being inserted. +Page.Options.Option.PostsPerPage.Description=The number of posts to display on a page before pagination controls are being shown. +Page.Options.Section.TrustOptions.Title=Trust Settings +Page.Options.Option.PositiveTrust.Description=The amount of positive trust you want to assign to other Sones by clicking the checkmark below a post or reply. +Page.Options.Option.NegativeTrust.Description=The amount of trust you want to assign to other Sones by clicking the red X below a post or reply. This value should be negative. +Page.Options.Option.TrustComment.Description=The comment that will be set in the web of trust for any trust you assign from Sone. +Page.Options.Section.RescueOptions.Title=Rescue Settings +Page.Options.Option.SoneRescueMode.Description=Try to rescue your Sones at the next start of the Sone plugin. This will read your all your old Sones from Freenet and ignore any disappearing postings and replies. You have to unlock your local Sones after they have been restored and you have to manually disable the rescue mode once you are satisfied with what has been restored! +Page.Options.Section.Cleaning.Title=Clean Up Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Resets the configuration of the Sone plugin at the next restart. Warning! {strong}This will destroy all of your Sones{/strong} so make sure you have backed up everyhing you still need! Also, you need to set the next option to true to actually do it. Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=This option needs to be set to “yes” if you really, {strong}really{/strong} want to clear the plugin configuration on the next restart. Page.Options.Button.Save=Save -Page.Blacklist.Title=Blacklist - Sone -Page.Blacklist.Page.Title=Blacklist -Page.Blacklist.Text.Description=The Sone on the blacklist are prevented from being distributed with your next Sone updates, and there will be no updates fetched for these Sones. -Page.Blacklist.Text.Empty=There are currently no Sones in the blacklist. - -Page.BlacklistSone.Title=Blacklist Sone - Sone - -Page.UnblacklistSone.Title=Unblacklist Sone - Sone - Page.Login.Title=Login - Sone Page.Login.Page.Title=Login Page.Login.Label.SelectSone=Select Sone: Page.Login.Option.NoSone=Select Sone… -Page.Login.LoadSone.Title=Load Sone -Page.Login.LoadSone.Description=This function can be used to load an existing Sone. You need to specify both keys of the Sone to load it! -Page.Login.LoadSone.Label.RequestURI=Sone Request URI: -Page.Login.LoadSone.Label.InsertURI=Sone Insert URI: -Page.Login.LoadSone.Button.LoadSone=Load Sone - Page.Login.CreateSone.Title=Create Sone -Page.Login.CreateSone.Description=Use this function if you want to create a completely new Sone, either at a location of your choosing or a new, random location. The name you specify can later be overridden in your profile, this name is just used when your Sone has not yet been completely downloaded by other people or when your profile is empty. -Page.Login.CreateSone.Label.RequestURI=Sone Request URI: -Page.Login.CreateSone.Label.InsertURI=Sone Insert URI: -Page.Login.CreateSone.Label.Name=Sone name: -Page.Login.CreateSone.Label.DocumentName=Name in key: -Page.Login.CreateSone.Button.CreateFromURI=Create at given URI -Page.Login.CreateSone.Button.CreateRandom=Create new Sone - -Page.ImportSone.Title=Import Sone - Sone -Page.ImportSone.Page.Title=Import Sone -Page.ImportSone.Button.Import=Import Page.CreateSone.Title=Create Sone - Sone Page.DeleteSone.Title=Delete Sone - Sone Page.DeleteSone.Page.Title=Delete Sone “{zone}”? -Page.DeleteSone.Page.Description=This will not delete the Sone from Freenet (because that is impossible), it will merely remove all references to this Sone from this plugin instance. You can write down the insert and request keys and reload your Sone from a different plugin instance or computer. -Page.DeleteSone.Label.RequestURI=Request URI: -Page.DeleteSone.Label.InsertURI=Insert URI: +Page.DeleteSone.Page.Description=This will not delete the Sone from Freenet (because that is impossible), it will merely disconnect your web of trust identity from Sone. Page.DeleteSone.Button.Yes=Yes, delete. Page.DeleteSone.Button.No=No, do not delete. Page.Index.Title=Your Sone - Sone -Page.Index.Page.Title=Your Sone: {sone} Page.Index.Label.Text=Post text: +Page.Index.Label.Sender=Sender: Page.Index.Button.Post=Post! Page.Index.PostList.Title=Post Feed Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Nobody has written any posts yet. You should probably start it right now! -Page.Index.AddSone.Title=Add Sone by Key -Page.Index.AddSone.Description=Here you can enter the Freenet URI of another Sone that should be loaded. Once the Sone has been loaded, it will show up here. -Page.Index.AddSone.Button.Add=Add Sone - -Page.AddSone.Title=Add Sone - Sone -Page.AddSone.Page.Title=Add Sone -Page.AddSone.Text.SoneLoading=The Sone at the given key is now being loaded. Please wait until it appears in your {link}Known Sones.{/link} -Page.AddSone.Text.ReturnToIndex=Or {link}return to the index{/link}. -Page.AddSone.Text.AddAnotherSone=Or you can add another Sone by entering it’s Freenet URI below: -Page.AddSone.Button.AddSone=Add Sone Page.KnownSones.Title=Known Sones - Sone Page.KnownSones.Page.Title=Known Sones @@ -119,19 +88,32 @@ Page.EditProfile.Birthday.Title=Birthday Page.EditProfile.Birthday.Label.Day=Day: Page.EditProfile.Birthday.Label.Month=Month: Page.EditProfile.Birthday.Label.Year=Year: -Page.EditProfile.Page.Status.Changed=Your changes have been saved and will be inserted shortly. +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Title=Custom Fields +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Description=Here you can enter custom fields into your profile. These fields can contain anything you want and be as terse or as verbose as you wish. Just remember that when it comes to anonymity, sometimes less is more. +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Button.Edit=edit +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Button.MoveUp=move up +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Button.MoveDown=move down +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Button.Delete=delete +Page.EditProfile.Fields.Button.ReallyDelete=really delete +Page.EditProfile.Fields.AddField.Title=Add Field +Page.EditProfile.Fields.AddField.Label.Name=Name: +Page.EditProfile.Fields.AddField.Button.AddField=Add Field Page.EditProfile.Button.Save=Save Profile -Page.EditProfile.Keys.Title=Sone Keys -Page.EditProfile.Keys.Description.RequestKey=These keys define your Sone. The request key can be (and even should be) distributed to as many people as possible. When they add this key to their Sone it will enable them to read your posts, too. -Page.EditProfile.Keys.Description.InsertKey=The insert key you have to keep to yourself. Don’t give this out, under no circumstances, to nobody! You need this key to insert your Sone into Freenet. -Page.EditProfile.Keys.Description.Summary=So these two keys are essentially your Sone. Entering these two keys in the “create Sone” form also enables you to re-create your Sone at any later time. -Page.EditProfile.Label.RequestKey=Request key: -Page.EditProfile.Label.InsertKey=Insert key; -Page.EditProfile.Backup.Title=Backup -Page.EditProfile.Backup.Description=Various unforeseen events can make it necessary to install a clean version of Sone. With a profile backup you can restore your Sone at a later point from any installation of Sone and by downloading all your posts and replies from Freenet again. -Page.EditProfile.Backup.Button.DownloadBackup=Download Backup - -Page.BackupProfile.Title=Backup Profile - Sone +Page.EditProfile.Error.DuplicateFieldName=The field name “{fieldName}” does already exist. + +Page.EditProfileField.Title=Edit Profile Field - Sone +Page.EditProfileField.Page.Title=Edit Profile Field +Page.EditProfileField.Text=Enter a new name for this profile field. +Page.EditProfileField.Error.DuplicateFieldName=The field name you entered does already exist. +Page.EditProfileField.Button.Save=Change +Page.EditProfileField.Button.Reset=Revert to old name +Page.EditProfileField.Button.Cancel=Do not change name + +Page.DeleteProfileField.Title=Delete Profile Field - Sone +Page.DeleteProfileField.Page.Title=Delete Profile Field +Page.DeleteProfileField.Text=Do you really want to delete this profile field? +Page.DeleteProfileField.Button.Yes=Yes, delete +Page.DeleteProfileField.Button.No=No, do not delete Page.CreatePost.Title=Create Post - Sone Page.CreatePost.Page.Title=Create Post @@ -147,22 +129,22 @@ Page.CreateReply.Button.Post=Post Reply! Page.ViewSone.Title=View Sone - Sone Page.ViewSone.Page.TitleWithoutSone=View unknown Sone -Page.ViewSone.Page.TitleWithSone=View Sone “{sone}” +Page.ViewSone.NoSone.Description=There is currently no known Sone with the ID {sone}. If you were looking for a specific Sone, make sure that it is visible in your web of trust! Page.ViewSone.UnknownSone.Description=This Sone has not yet been retrieved. Please check back in a short time. +Page.ViewSone.WriteAMessage=You can write a message to this Sone here. Please note that everybody will be able to read this message! Page.ViewSone.PostList.Title=Posts by {sone} Page.ViewSone.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=This Sone has not yet posted anything. -Page.ViewSone.UnfollowSone.Text=Unfollow this Sone -Page.ViewSone.FollowSone.Text=Follow this Sone -Page.ViewSone.Following.Title=This Sone follows -Page.ViewSone.Following.FollowingNone.Text=Apparently, this Sone does not yet follow any other Sone. - -Page.BlockSone.Title=Block Sone - Sone - -Page.UnblockSone.Title=Block Sone - Sone +Page.ViewSone.Profile.Title=Profile +Page.ViewSone.Profile.Label.Name=Name +Page.ViewSone.Replies.Title=Replies to Posts Page.ViewPost.Title=View Post - Sone Page.ViewPost.Page.Title=View Post by {sone} -Page.ViewPost.Button.PostReply=Post Reply! +Page.ViewPost.Page.TitleUnknownSone=View Unknown Post +Page.ViewPost.Text.UnknownPost=This post has not yet been downloaded. + +Page.Like.Title=Like Post - Sone +Page.Unlike.Title=Unlike Post - Sone Page.DeletePost.Title=Delete Sone - Sone Page.DeletePost.Page.Title=Delete Sone @@ -176,57 +158,207 @@ Page.DeleteReply.Text.PostWillBeGone=Deleting a reply will remove it from your S Page.DeleteReply.Button.Yes=Yes, delete. Page.DeleteReply.Button.No=No, do not delete. +Page.LockSone.Title=Lock Sone - Sone + +Page.UnlockSone.Title=Unlock Sone - Sone + Page.FollowSone.Title=Follow Sone - Sone Page.UnfollowSone.Title=Unfollow Sone - Sone +Page.ImageBrowser.Title=Image Browser - Sone +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Title=Album “{album}” +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Error.NotFound.Text=The requested album could not be found. It is possible that it has not yet been downloaded, or that it has been deleted. +Page.ImageBrowser.Sone.Title=Albums of {sone} +Page.ImageBrowser.Sone.Error.NotFound.Text=The requested Sone could not be found. It is possible that it has not yet been downloaded. +Page.ImageBrowser.CreateAlbum.Button.CreateAlbum=Create Album +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Edit.Title=Edit Album +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Label.Title=Title: +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Label.Description=Description: +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Button.Save=Save Album +Page.ImageBrowser.Album.Button.Delete=Delete Album +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Edit.Title=Edit Image +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Title.Label=Title: +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Description.Label=Description: +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Button.Save=Save Image +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Delete.Title=Delete Image +Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Button.Delete=Delete Image + +Page.CreateAlbum.Title=Create Album - Sone +Page.CreateAlbum.Page.Title=Create Album +Page.CreateAlbum.Error.NameMissing=You seem to have forgotten to enter a name for your new album. + +Page.UploadImage.Title=Upload Image - Sone +Page.UploadImage.Error.InvalidImage=The image you were trying to upload could not be recognized. Please upload only JPEG (*.jpg or *.jpeg), or PNG (*.png) images. + +Page.EditImage.Title=Edit Image + +Page.DeleteImage.Title=Delete Image +Page.DeleteImage.Page.Title=Delete Image +Page.DeleteImage.Text.ImageWillBeGone=This will remove the image “{image}” from your album “{album}”. If it has already been inserted into Freenet it can not be removed from there forcefully. Do you want to do delete the image? +Page.DeleteImage.Button.Yes=Yes, delete image. +Page.DeleteImage.Button.No=No, don’t delete image. + +Page.EditAlbum.Title=Edit Album + +Page.DeleteAlbum.Title=Delete Album +Page.DeleteAlbum.Page.Title=Delete Album +Page.DeleteAlbum.Text.AlbumWillBeGone=This will remove your album “{title}”. Do you really want to do that? +Page.DeleteAlbum.Button.Yes=Yes, delete album. +Page.DeleteAlbum.Button.No=No, don’t delete album. + +Page.Trust.Title=Trust Sone - Sone + +Page.Distrust.Title=Distrust Sone - Sone + +Page.Untrust.Title=Untrust Sone - Sone + +Page.MarkAsKnown.Title=Mark as Known - Sone + +Page.Bookmark.Title=Bookmark - Sone +Page.Unbookmark.Title=Remove Bookmark - Sone +Page.Bookmarks.Title=Bookmarks - Sone +Page.Bookmarks.Page.Title=Bookmarks +Page.Bookmarks.Text.NoBookmarks=You don’t have any bookmarks defined right now. You can bookmark posts by clicking the star below the post. +Page.Bookmarks.Text.PostsNotLoaded=Some of your bookmarked posts have not been shown because they could not be loaded. This can happen if you restarted Sone recently or if the originating Sone has deleted the post. If you are reasonable sure that these posts do not exist anymore, you can {link}unbookmark them{/link}. + +Page.Search.Title=Search - Sone +Page.Search.Page.Title=Search Results +Page.Search.Text.SoneHits=The following Sones match your search terms. +Page.Search.Text.PostHits=The following posts match your search terms. +Page.Search.Text.NoHits=No Sones or posts matched your search terms. + Page.NoPermission.Title=Unauthorized Access - Sone Page.NoPermission.Page.Title=Unauthorized Access Page.NoPermission.Text.NoPermission=You tried to do something that you do not have sufficient authorization for. Please refrain from such actions in the future or we will be forced to take counter-measures! +Page.DismissNotification.Title=Dismiss Notification - Sone + +Page.WotPluginMissing.Text.WotRequired=Because the Web of Trust is an integral part of Sone, the Web of Trust plugin has to be loaded in order to run Sone. +Page.WotPluginMissing.Text.LoadPlugin=Please load the Web of Trust plugin in the {link}plugin manager{/link}. + Page.Logout.Title=Logout - Sone -View.Head.ProfileLink.Text=Your Profile +Page.Invalid.Title=Invalid Action Performed +Page.Invalid.Page.Title=Invalid Action Performed +Page.Invalid.Text=An invalid action was performed, or the action was valid but the parameters were not. Please go back to the {link}index page{/link} and try again. If the error persists you have probably found a bug. + +View.Search.Button.Search=Search -Page.Tail.Text.KeyOfSone=Key of this Sone (give this to other people): +View.CreateSone.Text.WotIdentityRequired=To create a Sone you need an identity from the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link}. +View.CreateSone.Select.Default=Select an identity +View.CreateSone.Text.NoIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities. Please head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} and create an identity. +View.CreateSone.Text.NoNonSoneIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities that are not already a Sone. Use one of the remaining Web of Trust identities to create a new Sone or head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} to create a new identity. +View.CreateSone.Button.Create=Create Sone +View.CreateSone.Text.Error.NoIdentity=You have not selected an identity. View.Sone.Label.LastUpdate=Last update: +View.Sone.Text.UnknownDate=unknown +View.Sone.Button.UnlockSone=unlock +View.Sone.Button.UnlockSone.Tooltip=Allow this Sone to be inserted now +View.Sone.Button.LockSone=lock +View.Sone.Button.LockSone.Tooltip=Prevents this Sone from being inserted right now View.Sone.Button.UnfollowSone=unfollow View.Sone.Button.FollowSone=follow -View.Sone.Button.UnblockSone=unblock -View.Sone.Button.BlockSone=block -View.Sone.Button.BlacklistSone=blacklist -View.Sone.Button.UnblacklistSone=unblacklist View.Sone.Status.Modified=This Sone was modified and waits to be inserted. View.Sone.Status.Unknown=This Sone has not yet been retrieved. View.Sone.Status.Idle=This Sone is idle, i.e. not being inserted or downloaded. View.Sone.Status.Downloading=This Sone is currently being downloaded. View.Sone.Status.Inserting=This Sone is currently being inserted. +View.Post.UnknownAuthor=(unknown) +View.Post.Bookmarks.PostIsBookmarked=Post is bookmarked, click to remove from bookmarks +View.Post.Bookmarks.PostIsNotBookmarked=Post is not bookmarked, click to bookmark View.Post.DeleteLink=Delete View.Post.SendReply=Post Reply! View.Post.Reply.DeleteLink=Delete View.Post.LikeLink=Like View.Post.UnlikeLink=Unlike +View.Post.ShowSource=Toggle Parser +View.Post.NotDownloaded=This post has not yet been downloaded, or it has been deleted. + +View.UpdateStatus.Text.ChooseSenderIdentity=Choose the sender identity + +View.Trust.Tooltip.Trust=Trust this person +View.Trust.Tooltip.Distrust=Assign negative trust to this person +View.Trust.Tooltip.Untrust=Remove your trust assignment for this person + +View.CreateAlbum.Title=Create Album +View.CreateAlbum.Label.Name=Name: +View.CreateAlbum.Label.Description=Description: + +View.UploadImage.Title=Upload Image +View.UploadImage.Label.Title=Title: +View.UploadImage.Label.Description=Description: +View.UploadImage.Button.UploadImage=Upload Image + +View.Time.InTheFuture=in the future +View.Time.AFewSecondsAgo=a few seconds ago +View.Time.HalfAMinuteAgo=about half a minute ago +View.Time.AMinuteAgo=about a minute ago +View.Time.XMinutesAgo=${min} minutes ago +View.Time.HalfAnHourAgo=half an hour ago +View.Time.AnHourAgo=about an hour ago +View.Time.XHoursAgo=${hour} hours ago +View.Time.ADayAgo=about a day ago +View.Time.XDaysAgo=${day} days ago +View.Time.AWeekAgo=about a week ago +View.Time.XWeeksAgo=${week} week ago +View.Time.AMonthAgo=about a month ago +View.Time.XMonthsAgo=${month} months ago +View.Time.AYearAgo=about a year ago +View.Time.XYearsAgo=${year} years ago WebInterface.DefaultText.StatusUpdate=What’s on your mind? -WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateSoneName=The name of your Sone -WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateSoneDocumentName=The document name of your Sone (e.g. the “foo” in USK@…/foo/0) -WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateSoneRequestURI=The Request Key of your Sone -WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateSoneInsertURI=The Insert Key of your Sone -WebInterface.DefaultText.LoadSoneRequestURI=The Request Key of the Sone -WebInterface.DefaultText.LoadSoneInsertURI=The Insert Key of the Sone +WebInterface.DefaultText.Message=Write a Message… WebInterface.DefaultText.Reply=Write a Reply… -WebInterface.DefaultText.SoneRequestURI=Sone Request Key WebInterface.DefaultText.FirstName=First name WebInterface.DefaultText.MiddleName=Middle name(s) WebInterface.DefaultText.LastName=Last name WebInterface.DefaultText.BirthDay=Day WebInterface.DefaultText.BirthMonth=Month WebInterface.DefaultText.BirthYear=Year +WebInterface.DefaultText.FieldName=Field name WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.InsertionDelay=Time to wait after a Sone is modified before insert (in seconds) +WebInterface.DefaultText.Search=What are you looking for? +WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateAlbum.Name=Album title +WebInterface.DefaultText.CreateAlbum.Description=Album description +WebInterface.DefaultText.EditAlbum.Title=Album title +WebInterface.DefaultText.EditAlbum.Description=Album description +WebInterface.DefaultText.UploadImage.Title=Image title +WebInterface.DefaultText.UploadImage.Description=Image description +WebInterface.DefaultText.EditImage.Title=Image title +WebInterface.DefaultText.EditImage.Description=Image description +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.PostsPerPage=Number of posts to show on a page +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.PositiveTrust=The positive trust to assign +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.NegativeTrust=The negative trust to assign +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.TrustComment=The comment to set in the web of trust WebInterface.Confirmation.DeletePostButton=Yes, delete! WebInterface.Confirmation.DeleteReplyButton=Yes, delete! WebInterface.SelectBox.Choose=Choose… WebInterface.SelectBox.Yes=Yes WebInterface.SelectBox.No=No +WebInterface.ClickToShow.Replies=Click here to show hidden replies. +WebInterface.VersionInformation.CurrentVersion=Current Version: +WebInterface.VersionInformation.LatestVersion=Latest Version: + +Notification.ClickHereToRead=Click here to read the full text of the notification. +Notification.FirstStart.Text=This seems to be the first time you start Sone. To start, create a new Sone from a web of trust identity and start following other Sones. +Notification.Startup.Text=Sone is currently starting up. It may take a while to retrieve all identities and Sones from the web of trust. If you are missing some elements, please be patient, they will probably reappear very soon. +Notification.ConfigNotRead.Text=The configuration file “sone.properties” could not be read, probably because it was not saved correctly. This can happen on versions prior to Sone 0.3.3 and there is nothing you can do about it. +Notification.Button.Dismiss=Dismiss +Notification.NewSone.ShortText=New Sones have been discovered: +Notification.NewSone.Text=New Sones have been discovered: +Notification.NewPost.ShortText=New posts have been discovered. +Notification.NewPost.Text=New posts have been discovered by the following Sones: +Notification.NewPost.Button.MarkRead=Mark as read +Notification.NewReply.ShortText=New replies have been discovered. +Notification.NewReply.Text=New replies have been discovered for posts by the following Sones: +Notification.SoneIsBeingRescued.Text=The following Sones are currently being rescued: +Notification.SoneRescued.Text=The following Sones have been rescued: +Notification.SoneRescued.Text.RememberToUnlock=Please remember to control the posts and replies you have given and don’t forget to unlock your Sones! +Notification.LockedSones.Text=The following Sones have been locked for more than 5 minutes. Please check if you really want to keep these Sones locked: +Notification.NewVersion.Text=Version {version} of the Sone plugin was found. Download it from USK@nwa8lHa271k2QvJ8aa0Ov7IHAV-DFOCFgmDt3X6BpCI,DuQSUZiI~agF8c-6tjsFFGuZ8eICrzWCILB60nT8KKo,AQACAAE/sone/{edition}​! +Notification.InsertingImages.Text=The following images are being inserted: +Notification.InsertedImages.Text=The following images have been inserted: +Notification.ImageInsertFailed.Text=The following images could not be inserted: