X-Git-Url: https://git.pterodactylus.net/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=src%2Fmain%2Fresources%2Fi18n%2Fsone.en.properties;h=4c36d4e5b4a911169a4e473458b03156394d4c42;hb=3fd7b8594c097f1448fe84f47f579fc9c85aaa25;hp=c8604cbd76e907d3f04593edcb1bbe4b1752b187;hpb=c67605d6ee939160420d176cba9571f442c14978;p=Sone.git diff --git a/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties b/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties index c8604cb..4c36d4e 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties +++ b/src/main/resources/i18n/sone.en.properties @@ -23,21 +23,41 @@ Navigation.Menu.Item.About.Tooltip=Information about Sone Page.About.Title=About - Sone Page.About.Page.Title=About +Page.About.Flattr.Description=If you like Sone and you would like to reward me, you can use the Flattr button at the bottom of each page. Flattr is a non-anonymous micro payment that acts like an internet tip jar where the amount each user spends is limited (lowest being 2 € per month). More information can be found on {link}flattr.com{/link}. +Page.About.Homepage.Title=Homepage +Page.About.Homepage.Description=You can find more information and the source code of Sone on the {link}homepage{/link}. +Page.About.License.Title=License Page.Options.Title=Options - Sone Page.Options.Page.Title=Options Page.Options.Page.Description=These options influence the runtime behaviour of the Sone plugin. +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.Title=Sone-specific Options +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.NotLoggedIn=These options are only available if you are {link}logged in{/link}. +Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.LoggedIn=These options are only available while you are logged in and they are only valid for the Sone you are logged in as. +Page.Options.Option.AutoFollow.Description=If a new Sone is discovered, follow it automatically. Note that this will only follow Sones that are discovered after you activate this option! Page.Options.Section.RuntimeOptions.Title=Runtime Behaviour Page.Options.Option.InsertionDelay.Description=The number of seconds the Sone inserter waits after a modification of a Sone before it is being inserted. +Page.Options.Option.PostsPerPage.Description=The number of posts to display on a page before pagination controls are being shown. +Page.Options.Option.CharactersPerPost.Description=The number of characters to display from a post before cutting it off and showing a link to expand it (-1 to disable). +Page.Options.Option.RequireFullAccess.Description=Whether to deny access to Sone to any host that has not been granted full access. Page.Options.Section.TrustOptions.Title=Trust Settings Page.Options.Option.PositiveTrust.Description=The amount of positive trust you want to assign to other Sones by clicking the checkmark below a post or reply. Page.Options.Option.NegativeTrust.Description=The amount of trust you want to assign to other Sones by clicking the red X below a post or reply. This value should be negative. Page.Options.Option.TrustComment.Description=The comment that will be set in the web of trust for any trust you assign from Sone. +Page.Options.Section.FcpOptions.Title=FCP Interface Settings +Page.Options.Option.FcpInterfaceActive.Description=Activate the FCP interface to allow other plugins and remote clients to access your Sone plugin. +Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Description=Require FCP connection from allowed hosts (see your {link}node’s configuration, section “FCP”{/link}) +Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.No=No +Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=For Write Access +Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Always=Always Page.Options.Section.RescueOptions.Title=Rescue Settings -Page.Options.Option.SoneRescueMode.Description=Try to rescue your Sones at the next start of the Sone plugin. This will read your all your old Sones from Freenet and ignore any disappearing postings and replies. You have to unlock your local Sones after they have been restored and you have to manually disable the rescue mode once you are satisfied with what has been restored! +Page.Options.Option.SoneRescueMode.Description1=Try to rescue your Sones at the next start of the Sone plugin. The Rescue Mode will start at the latest known edition and will try to download all editions sequentially backwards, merging all discovered posts and replies together, until it is stopped or it has reached the first edition. +Page.Options.Option.SoneRescueMode.Description2=When using the Rescue Mode because Sone lost its configuration it usually suffices to let the Rescue Mode only run for a short time; use a second tab to control how many posts of your Sone are visible again. As soon as the last valid edition is loaded you can then deactivate the Rescue Mode. +Page.Options.Option.SoneRescueMode.Description3=Note that when you use the Rescue Mode posts that you have deleted after they have been inserted will have to be deleted again. Unfortunately this is an unavoidable side effect of the Rescue Mode. Page.Options.Section.Cleaning.Title=Clean Up Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Resets the configuration of the Sone plugin at the next restart. Warning! {strong}This will destroy all of your Sones{/strong} so make sure you have backed up everyhing you still need! Also, you need to set the next option to true to actually do it. Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=This option needs to be set to “yes” if you really, {strong}really{/strong} want to clear the plugin configuration on the next restart. +Page.Options.Warnings.ValueNotChanged=This option was not changed because the value you specified was not valid. Page.Options.Button.Save=Save Page.Login.Title=Login - Sone @@ -125,6 +145,8 @@ Page.ViewSone.PostList.Title=Posts by {sone} Page.ViewSone.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=This Sone has not yet posted anything. Page.ViewSone.Profile.Title=Profile Page.ViewSone.Profile.Label.Name=Name +Page.ViewSone.Profile.Name.WoTLink=web of trust profile +Page.ViewSone.Replies.Title=Posts {sone} has replied to Page.ViewPost.Title=View Post - Sone Page.ViewPost.Page.Title=View Post by {sone} @@ -195,7 +217,7 @@ View.Search.Button.Search=Search View.CreateSone.Text.WotIdentityRequired=To create a Sone you need an identity from the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link}. View.CreateSone.Select.Default=Select an identity View.CreateSone.Text.NoIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities. Please head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} and create an identity. -View.CreateSone.Text.NoNonSoneIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities that are not already a Sone. Please head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} and create an identity. +View.CreateSone.Text.NoNonSoneIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities that are not already a Sone. Use one of the remaining Web of Trust identities to create a new Sone or head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} to create a new identity. View.CreateSone.Button.Create=Create Sone View.CreateSone.Text.Error.NoIdentity=You have not selected an identity. @@ -214,6 +236,9 @@ View.Sone.Status.Downloading=This Sone is currently being downloaded. View.Sone.Status.Inserting=This Sone is currently being inserted. View.Post.UnknownAuthor=(unknown) +View.Post.WebOfTrustLink=web of trust profile +View.Post.Permalink=link post +View.Post.PermalinkAuthor=link author View.Post.Bookmarks.PostIsBookmarked=Post is bookmarked, click to remove from bookmarks View.Post.Bookmarks.PostIsNotBookmarked=Post is not bookmarked, click to bookmark View.Post.DeleteLink=Delete @@ -222,6 +247,9 @@ View.Post.Reply.DeleteLink=Delete View.Post.LikeLink=Like View.Post.UnlikeLink=Unlike View.Post.ShowSource=Toggle Parser +View.Post.NotDownloaded=This post has not yet been downloaded, or it has been deleted. +View.Post.ShowMore=show more +View.Post.ShowLess=show less View.UpdateStatus.Text.ChooseSenderIdentity=Choose the sender identity @@ -229,6 +257,23 @@ View.Trust.Tooltip.Trust=Trust this person View.Trust.Tooltip.Distrust=Assign negative trust to this person View.Trust.Tooltip.Untrust=Remove your trust assignment for this person +View.Time.InTheFuture=in the future +View.Time.AFewSecondsAgo=a few seconds ago +View.Time.HalfAMinuteAgo=about half a minute ago +View.Time.AMinuteAgo=about a minute ago +View.Time.XMinutesAgo=${min} minutes ago +View.Time.HalfAnHourAgo=half an hour ago +View.Time.AnHourAgo=about an hour ago +View.Time.XHoursAgo=${hour} hours ago +View.Time.ADayAgo=about a day ago +View.Time.XDaysAgo=${day} days ago +View.Time.AWeekAgo=about a week ago +View.Time.XWeeksAgo=${week} weeks ago +View.Time.AMonthAgo=about a month ago +View.Time.XMonthsAgo=${month} months ago +View.Time.AYearAgo=about a year ago +View.Time.XYearsAgo=${year} years ago + WebInterface.DefaultText.StatusUpdate=What’s on your mind? WebInterface.DefaultText.Message=Write a Message… WebInterface.DefaultText.Reply=Write a Reply… @@ -240,6 +285,11 @@ WebInterface.DefaultText.BirthMonth=Month WebInterface.DefaultText.BirthYear=Year WebInterface.DefaultText.FieldName=Field name WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.InsertionDelay=Time to wait after a Sone is modified before insert (in seconds) +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.PostsPerPage=Number of posts to show on a page +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.CharactersPerPost=Number of characters per post after which to cut the post off +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.PositiveTrust=The positive trust to assign +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.NegativeTrust=The negative trust to assign +WebInterface.DefaultText.Option.TrustComment=The comment to set in the web of trust WebInterface.DefaultText.Search=What are you looking for? WebInterface.Confirmation.DeletePostButton=Yes, delete! WebInterface.Confirmation.DeleteReplyButton=Yes, delete! @@ -261,9 +311,11 @@ Notification.NewPost.ShortText=New posts have been discovered. Notification.NewPost.Text=New posts have been discovered by the following Sones: Notification.NewPost.Button.MarkRead=Mark as read Notification.NewReply.ShortText=New replies have been discovered. -Notification.NewReply.Text=New replies have been discovered by the following Sones: +Notification.NewReply.Text=New replies have been discovered for posts by the following Sones: Notification.SoneIsBeingRescued.Text=The following Sones are currently being rescued: Notification.SoneRescued.Text=The following Sones have been rescued: Notification.SoneRescued.Text.RememberToUnlock=Please remember to control the posts and replies you have given and don’t forget to unlock your Sones! Notification.LockedSones.Text=The following Sones have been locked for more than 5 minutes. Please check if you really want to keep these Sones locked: Notification.NewVersion.Text=Version {version} of the Sone plugin was found. Download it from USK@nwa8lHa271k2QvJ8aa0Ov7IHAV-DFOCFgmDt3X6BpCI,DuQSUZiI~agF8c-6tjsFFGuZ8eICrzWCILB60nT8KKo,AQACAAE/sone/{edition}​! +Notification.Mention.ShortText=You have been mentioned. +Notification.Mention.Text=You have been mentioned in the following posts: