#include <sigc++/retype.h>
//#include <sigc++/hide.h>
#include <synfig/valuenode_composite.h>
+#include <synfig/valuenode_duplicate.h>
#include "widget_waypointmodel.h"
#include <gtkmm/actiongroup.h>
#include "iconcontroller.h"
// Populate the convert menu by looping through
// the ValueNode book and find the ones that are
// relevant.
- // don't allow the Index parameter of the Duplicate layer to be converted
- if (!value_desc.parent_is_layer_param() || value_desc.get_layer()->get_name() != "duplicate" || value_desc.get_param_name() != "index")
+ // show the 'Convert' sub-menu if this valuedesc is anything other than either:
+ // the 'Index' parameter of a Duplicate layer
+ // or
+ // a Duplicate ValueNode whose parent is not a (layer or ValueNode)
+ if (!((value_desc.parent_is_layer_param() &&
+ value_desc.get_layer()->get_name() == "duplicate" &&
+ value_desc.get_param_name() == "index") ||
+ (value_desc.is_value_node() &&
+ ValueNode_Duplicate::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()) &&
+ !(value_desc.parent_is_layer_param() ||
+ value_desc.parent_is_value_node()))))
Gtk::Menu *convert_menu=manage(new Gtk::Menu());
LinkableValueNode::Book::const_iterator iter;