View.CreateSone.Text.WotIdentityRequired=To create a Sone you need an identity from the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link}.
View.CreateSone.Select.Default=Select an identity
View.CreateSone.Text.NoIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities. Please head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} and create an identity.
-View.CreateSone.Text.NoNonSoneIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities that are not already a Sone. Please head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} and create an identity.
+View.CreateSone.Text.NoNonSoneIdentities=You do not have any Web of Trust identities that are not already a Sone. Use one of the remaining Web of Trust identities to create a new Sone or head over to the {link}Web of Trust plugin{/link} to create a new identity.
View.CreateSone.Button.Create=Create Sone
View.CreateSone.Text.Error.NoIdentity=You have not selected an identity.