Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.Title=Sone-specific Options
Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.NotLoggedIn=These options are only available if you are {link}logged in{/link}.
Page.Options.Section.SoneSpecificOptions.LoggedIn=These options are only available while you are logged in and they are only valid for the Sone you are logged in as.
-Page.Options.Option.AutoFollow.Description=If a new Sone is discovered, follow it automatically.
+Page.Options.Option.AutoFollow.Description=If a new Sone is discovered, follow it automatically. Note that this will only follow Sones that are discovered after you activate this option!
Page.Options.Section.RuntimeOptions.Title=Runtime Behaviour
Page.Options.Option.InsertionDelay.Description=The number of seconds the Sone inserter waits after a modification of a Sone before it is being inserted.
Page.Options.Option.PostsPerPage.Description=The number of posts to display on a page before pagination controls are being shown.