/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*! \file node.h
-** \brief Template Header
+** \brief Base class for Layers and Value Nodes.
+** It defines the base members for the parent - child relationship,
+** the times where the node is modified and the handling of
+** the GUID on deletion and changing.
** $Id$
namespace synfig {
+//!\brief TimePoint class: holds the time and the before and after interpolation mode
+ * It includes a GUID, to make it unique
+ * \see guid.h interpolation.h
class TimePoint
GUID guid;
void set_before(Interpolation x) { before=x; }
void set_after(Interpolation x) { after=x; }
+ //! Modify the TimePoint based on the values of \x "merging"
+ //! the interpolations. Used to insert a Time Point in a Time Points Set
+ //! \see TimePointSet::iterator TimePointSet::insert(const TimePoint& x)
void absorb(const TimePoint& x);
}; // END of class TimePoint
/*! \note The second parameter is the *OLD* guid! */
sigc::signal<void,GUID> signal_guid_changed_;
- //! Deleted
+ //! Node deleted
sigc::signal<void> signal_deleted_;
void changed();
- //! Gets the GUID for this value node
+ //! Gets the GUID for this Node
const GUID& get_guid()const;
- //! Sets the GUID for this value node
+ //! Sets the GUID for this Node
void set_guid(const GUID& x);
//! Gets the time when the Node was changed
//! Adds the parameter \x as the child of the current Node
void add_child(Node*x);
- //! Remove the parameter \x as a child of the current Node
+ //! Removes the parameter \x as a child of the current Node
void remove_child(Node*x);
//!Returns how many parenst has the current Node
+ //! Used when the node has changed. Makes changed the parent too.
+ //! To be overloaded by the derivative classes. Emits a signal where the
+ //! the GUI can be connected to.
virtual void on_changed();
+ //! Used when the node's GUID has changed.
+ //! To be overloaded by the derivative classes. Emits a signal where the
+ //! the GUI can be connected to.
virtual void on_guid_changed(GUID guid);
- /*! Function to be overloaded that fills
- */
+ //! Function to be overloaded that fills the Time Point Set with
+ //! all the children Time Points.
virtual void get_times_vfunc(time_set &set) const = 0;
}; // End of Node class
+//! Finds a node by its GUID.
+//! \see global_node_map()
synfig::Node* find_node(const synfig::GUID& guid);
+//! Returns a Handle to the Node by its GUID
template<typename T> etl::handle<T>
guid_cast(const synfig::GUID& guid)