+ * Returns the party with the given ID.
+ *
+ * @param partyId
+ * The ID of the party
+ * @return The party with the given ID
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public Party getPartyById(String partyId) throws DatabaseException {
+ Query query = new Query(Type.SELECT, "PARTIES");
+ query.addField(new Field("PARTIES.*"));
+ query.addWhereClause(new ValueFieldWhereClause(new ValueField("PARTIES.ID", new StringParameter(partyId))));
+ return loadPartyProperties(database.getSingle(query, partyCreator));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the properties of the given party.
+ *
+ * @param party
+ * The party to load the properties for
+ * @return The party with its properties loaded
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public Party loadPartyProperties(Party party) throws DatabaseException {
+ return loadProperties(party, "PARTY_PROPERTIES", "PARTY");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads the properties of the given parties.
+ *
+ * @param parties
+ * The parties to load the properties for
+ * @return The parties with their properties loaded
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public List<Party> loadPartyProperties(List<Party> parties) throws DatabaseException {
+ for (Party party : parties) {
+ loadPartyProperties(party);
+ }
+ return parties;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the given party.
+ *
+ * @param party
+ * The party to save
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public void saveParty(Party party) throws DatabaseException {
+ Query query = new Query(Type.UPDATE, "PARTIES");
+ query.addValueField(new ValueField("NAME", new StringParameter(party.getName())));
+ query.addWhereClause(new ValueFieldWhereClause(new ValueField("ID", new StringParameter(party.getId()))));
+ database.update(query);
+ savePartyProperties(party);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Saves the properties of the given party.
+ *
+ * @param party
+ * The party whose properties to save
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public void savePartyProperties(Party party) throws DatabaseException {
+ saveProperties(party.getProperties(), "PARTY_PROPERTIES", "PARTY", party.getId());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new party with the given name.
+ *
+ * @param name
+ * The name of the party
+ * @return The new party
+ * @throws DatabaseException
+ * if a database error occurs
+ */
+ public Party createParty(String name) throws DatabaseException {
+ Query query = new Query(Type.INSERT, "PARTIES");
+ String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+ query.addValueField(new ValueField("ID", new StringParameter(id)));
+ query.addValueField(new ValueField("NAME", new StringParameter(name)));
+ database.insert(query);
+ return getPartyById(id);
+ }
+ /**
* Returns the user with the given name.
* @param username