Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=Für Schreibzugriffe
Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=„Web of Trust“ Optionen
-Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Identitäten strenger filtern. Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden Identitäten, die von mindestens einer Ihrer lokalen Identitäten einen negativen Vertrauenswert zugewiesen bekommen haben, komplett ignoriert; ansonsten werden Identitäten gezeigt, wenn sie von mindestens einer Ihrer Identitäten einen positiven Vertrauenswert zugewiesen bekommen.
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Identitäten strenger filtern. Wenn diese Option gewählt ist, werden Identitäten, die von mindestens einer Ihrer lokalen Identitäten einen negativen Vertrauenswert zugewiesen bekommen haben, komplett ignoriert; ansonsten werden Identitäten gezeigt, wenn sie von mindestens einer Ihrer Identitäten einen positiven Vertrauenswert zugewiesen bekommen. (Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Einstellung ein paar Minuten braucht, um Wirkung zu zeigen!)
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Setzt die Konfiguration des Sone-Plugins beim nächsten Start zurück. Vorsicht: {strong}Alle Informationen Ihrer Sones werden gelöscht{/strong}, also stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie die notwendigen Sicherungen angefertigt haben! Damit diese Option aktiv wird, muss auch die folgende Option aktiviert werden.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Diese Option muss auf „ja“ gestellt werden, wenn Sie wirklich {strong}wirklich{/strong} sämtliche Informationen des Sone-Plugins beim nächsten Start entfernen möchten.
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=For Write Access
Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
-Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them.
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Section.Cleaning.Title=Clean Up
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Resets the configuration of the Sone plugin at the next restart. Warning! {strong}This will destroy all of your Sones{/strong} so make sure you have backed up everyhing you still need! Also, you need to set the next option to true to actually do it.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=This option needs to be set to “yes” if you really, {strong}really{/strong} want to clear the plugin configuration on the next restart.
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=Para acceso de escritura
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Reinicia la configuración del plugin Sone en el siguiente reinicio.Cuidado! {strong}Esto destruirá todos tus Sone{/strong} de modo que asegurate de que has hecho una copia de seguridad de todo lo que necesitas! También tendrás que asignar cierto a la siguiente opción para hacerlo.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Esta opción tiene que ser puesta en "yes" si realmente, {strong}realmente{/strong} quieres limpiar la configuración del plugin en el siguiente reinicio.
Navigation.Menu.Sone.Item.Rescue.Tooltip=Récupération de votre Sone
Navigation.Menu.Sone.Item.About.Name=A propos
Navigation.Menu.Sone.Item.About.Tooltip=Informations à propos de Sone
-Navigation.Menu.Sone.Item.Metrics.Tooltip=Metrics collected by Sone
+Navigation.Menu.Sone.Item.Metrics.Tooltip=Métriques collectées par Sone
Page.About.Title=A propos de - Sone
Page.About.Page.Title=A propos
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=Pour accès à l'écriture
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Réinitialiser la configuration du plugin Sone au prochain redémarrage. Attention! {strong}Cela détruira tous vos Sones{/strong}. Soyez sûr d'avoir sauvegardé tout ce dont vous avez besoin! Vous devez également choisir "Oui" à l'option suivante pour procéder à la réinitialisation.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Choisir "Oui" pour cette option si vous voulez vraiment{strong}vraiment{/strong} effacer la configuration au prochain redémarrage.
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=For skrivetilgang
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Section.Cleaning.Title=Rydd opp
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Nullstill konfigurasjonen til Sone-tillegget ved neste omstart. Advarsel! {strong}Dette vil ødelegge alle dine Soner{/strong} så forsikre deg om at du har tatt backup av alt du fremdeles trenger! Du vil måtte sette det neste valget til 'true' for faktisk å nullstille.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Denne innstillingen må bli satt til «ja» hvis du virkelig {strong}virkelig{/strong} ønsker å slette Sone-tilleggets innstillinger ved neste omstart.
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=Dostęp z zapisem
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Przy kolejnym uruchomieniu zresetuj ustawienia wtyczki Sone. Uwaga!{strong}Wszystkie twoje profile Sone zostaną zniszczone{/strong}upewnij się, że wykonano kopie zapasowe wszystkich niezbędnych danych! Wymagane wybranie odpowiedzi "tak" w następnej opcji.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Wymagane wybranie opcji"tak"jeśli {strong}naprawdę{/strong} jesteś zdecydowany zresetować ustawienia wtyczki konfiguracyjnej przy kolejnym uruchomieniu.
Page.Options.Option.FcpFullAccessRequired.Value.Writing=Для доступа на запись
+Page.Options.Section.WebOfTrustOptions.Title=Web of Trust Settings
+Page.Options.Option.StrictFiltering.Description=Apply stricter filtering of identities. When this is selected, Sone will completely ignore identities that have a negative trust value for any of your local identities, otherwise they will be shown as long as at least one of your local identities has a positive trust value for them. (Note that it will take a couple of minutes for this setting to show effect.)
Page.Options.Option.ClearOnNextRestart.Description=Сбрасывает настройки дополнения Sone во время следующего перезапуска. Предупреждение! {strong}Это уничтожит все ваши Sone{/strong}, так что удостоверьтесь, что вы сохранили резервные копии всего, что вам еще нужно! Кроме того, вам нужно установить следующую настройку в значение true, чтобы действительно это сделать.
Page.Options.Option.ReallyClearOnNextRestart.Description=Эта опция должна быть установлена в "yes", если вы действительно, {strong}действительно{/strong} хотите очистить настройки дополнения во время следующего перезапуска.