/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
/*! \file synfig/renddesc.h
-** \brief Template Header
+** \brief Class that defines the parameters needed by the Renderer to
+* render a context to a surface.
** $Id$
+ //! Width and height of the compostion in pixels
int w_,h_;
+ //! Horizontal resolution of the composition in pixels per meter
Real x_res;
+ //! Vertical resolution of the composition in pixels per meter
Real y_res;
+ //! The Top Left and the Bottom Right Points of the composition
Point tl_, br_;
+ //! The Focus Point of the compostion. Used when zooming in
Point focus;
+ //! Anti-alias value
int a;
- //Gamma gamma;
+ //! The background color used when alpha is not supported or avoided
Color background;
+ //! The result of the flags combination.
+ //! \see enum Lock
int flags;
+ //! Interlaced flag for targets that suports it
bool interlaced;
+ //! Clamp flag to decide if color must be clamped or not
bool clamp;
+ //! Frame rate of the composition to be rendered
float frame_rate;
+ //! Begin time and end time of the Composition to render
Time time_begin, time_end;
+ //! Anti alias filers types. Seems never implemented
time_end (0)
{ }
- //! \writeme
+ //! Applies the given Render Description \x to the current one
RendDesc &apply(const RendDesc &x);
- //! \writeme
+ //! Gets the background color
const Color &get_bg_color()const;
- //! \writeme
+ //! Sets the background color
RendDesc &set_bg_color(const Color &bg);
//! Return the width of the composition in pixels
//! Set the width of the composition in pixels.
/*! The other parameters are adjusted according to the
** constraints placed on the flags.
+ * Seems to be incomplete and doesn't use all the possible
+ * flags.
+ * \todo write the needed code to keep the flags usage
RendDesc &set_w(int x);
//! Set the height of the composition in pixels.
/*! The other parameters are adjusted according to the
** constraints placed on the flags.
+ * Seems to be incomplete and doesn't use all the possible
+ * flags.
+ * \todo write the needed code to keep the flags usage
RendDesc &set_h(int y);
//! Set the span distance
RendDesc& set_span(const Real &x);
- //const Gamma &get_gamma()const;
- //RendDesc &set_gamma(const Gamma &x);
+ //! Gets the focus Point
const Point &get_focus()const;
+ //! Sets the focus Point
RendDesc &set_focus(const Point &x);
+ //! Gets the top left point of the compostion
const Point &get_tl()const;
+ //! Sets the top left point of the compostion
RendDesc &set_tl(const Point &x);
+ //! Gets the bottom right point of the compostion
const Point &get_br()const;
+ //! Sets the bottom right point of the compostion
RendDesc &set_br(const Point &x);
+ //! Returns the rectangle of the composition
Rect get_rect()const { return Rect(get_tl(),get_br()); }
+ //! Sets the view port by the top left and right bottom corners
RendDesc &set_viewport(const Point &__tl, const Point &__br);
+ //! Sets the view port by the four corners values
RendDesc &set_viewport(Vector::value_type a,Vector::value_type b,Vector::value_type c,Vector::value_type d);
//! Returns the width of one pixel
Real get_pw()const;
//! Returns the height of one pixel
Real get_ph()const;
//! Sets viewport to represent the screen at the given pixel coordinates
RendDesc &set_subwindow(int x, int y, int w, int h);
}; // END of class RendDesc