head {
style("text/css") {
unsafe {
- +".hour-state { display: table-row; } "
- +".hour-state > div { display: table-cell; padding-right: 1em; } "
+ +".weather-states { display: table; } "
+ +".hour-state, .header { display: table-row; } "
+ +".hour-state > div { display: table-cell; padding: 0em 0.5em; text-align: center; } "
+ +".header > div { display: table-cell; padding: 0em 0.5em; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } "
body {
val startTime = state.dateTime.toInstant()
h1 { +"The Weather (according to wetter.de) on %s".format(dateFormatter.format(startTime.toEpochMilli())) }
+ val showFeltTemperature = state.any { it.feltTemperature != null }
+ val showGustSpeed = state.any { it.gustSpeed != null }
+ val showHumidity = state.any { it.humidity != null }
state.forEach {
- div("hour-state") {
- div("time") { +"%tH:%<tM".format(startTime.plus(it.hourIndex.toLong(), ChronoUnit.HOURS).toEpochMilli()) }
- div("temperature") { +"%d °C".format(it.temperature) }
- it.feltTemperature?.let {
- div("felt-temperature") { +"(%d °C)".format(it) }
+ div("weather-states") {
+ div("header") {
+ div { +"Time" }
+ div { +"Temperature" }
+ if (showHumidity) {
+ div { +"feels like" }
+ }
+ div { +"Chance of Rain" }
+ div { +"Amount" }
+ div { +"Wind from" }
+ div { +"Speed" }
+ if (showGustSpeed) {
+ div { +"Gusts" }
+ }
+ if (showHumidity) {
+ div { +"Humidity" }
+ }
+ div { +"Description" }
+ div { +"Image" }
- div("rain-probability") { +"%d%%".format((it.rainProbability * 100).toInt()) }
- div("rain-amount") { +"%s l/m²".format(it.rainAmount.minDigits()) }
- div("wind-direction") { +it.windDirection.arrow }
- div("wind-speed") { +"%d km/h".format(it.windSpeed) }
- it.gustSpeed?.let {
- div("gust-speed") { +"(up to %d km/h)".format(it) }
+ div("hour-state") {
+ div("time") { +"%tH:%<tM".format(startTime.plus(it.hourIndex.toLong(), ChronoUnit.HOURS).toEpochMilli()) }
+ div("temperature") { +"%d °C".format(it.temperature) }
+ if (showFeltTemperature) {
+ div("felt-temperature") { +if (it.feltTemperature != null) "(${it.feltTemperature} °C)" else "" }
+ }
+ div("rain-probability") { +"%d%%".format((it.rainProbability * 100).toInt()) }
+ div("rain-amount") { +"%s l/m²".format(it.rainAmount.minDigits()) }
+ div("wind-direction") { +it.windDirection.arrow }
+ div("wind-speed") { +"%d km/h".format(it.windSpeed) }
+ if (showGustSpeed) {
+ div("gust-speed") { +if (it.gustSpeed != null) "(up to ${it.gustSpeed} km/h)" else "" }
+ }
+ if (showHumidity) {
+ div("humidity") { +if (it.humidity != null) "${it.humidity.times(100).toInt()}%" else "" }
+ }
+ div("description") { +it.description }
+ div("image") { img(src = it.image) }
- it.humidity?.let {
- div("humidity") { +"%d%%".format((it * 100).toInt()) }
- }
- div("description") { +it.description }
- div("image") { img(src = it.image) }
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.`is`
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.not
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import java.io.File
assertThat(htmlText, containsString("http://28"))
+ @Test
+ fun outputContainsColumnHeadersForAllColumns() {
+ val currentState = WeatherState("Weather", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 5, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, of("Europe/Berlin")))
+ currentState += HourState(0, 10, 11, 0.12, 13.0, WindDirection.SOUTHSOUTHEAST, 14, 15, 0.16, "17", "http://18")
+ currentState += HourState(1, 20, 21, 0.22, 23.0, WindDirection.NORTHNORTHWEST, 24, 25, 0.26, "27", "http://28")
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ val reaction = mock(Reaction::class.java)
+ val output = trigger.output(reaction)
+ val htmlText = output.text("text/html", -1)
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Time"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Temperature"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("feels like"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Chance of Rain"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Amount"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Wind from"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Speed"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Gusts"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Humidity"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Description"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Image"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun outputDoesNotContainColumnHeadersForMissingColumns() {
+ val currentState = WeatherState("Weather", ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 5, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, of("Europe/Berlin")))
+ currentState += HourState(0, 10, null, 0.12, 13.0, WindDirection.SOUTHSOUTHEAST, 14, null, null, "17", "http://18")
+ currentState += HourState(1, 20, null, 0.22, 23.0, WindDirection.NORTHNORTHWEST, 24, null, null, "27", "http://28")
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ val reaction = mock(Reaction::class.java)
+ val output = trigger.output(reaction)
+ val htmlText = output.text("text/html", -1)
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Time"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Temperature"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, not(containsString("feels like")))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Chance of Rain"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Amount"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Wind from"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Speed"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, not(containsString("Gusts")))
+ assertThat(htmlText, not(containsString("Humidity")))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Description"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("Image"))
+ }