public class ImageLinkFilter implements Filter {
/** The template to render for the <img%gt; tag. */
- private static final Template linkTemplate = TemplateParser.parse(new StringReader("<img<%ifnull !class> class=\"<%class|css>\"<%/if> src=\"<%src|html>\" alt=\"<%alt|html>\" title=\"<%title|html>\" width=\"<%width|html>\" height=\"<%height|html>\" />"));
+ private static final Template linkTemplate = TemplateParser.parse(new StringReader("<img<%ifnull !class> class=\"<%class|css>\"<%/if> src=\"<%src|html>\" alt=\"<%alt|html>\" title=\"<%title|html>\" width=\"<%width|html>\" height=\"<%height|html>\" style=\"position: relative;<%ifnull ! top>top: <% top|html>;<%/if><%ifnull ! left>left: <% left|html>;<%/if>\"/>"));
/** The template context factory. */
private final TemplateContextFactory templateContextFactory;
String imageClass = parameters.get("class");
int maxWidth = Numbers.safeParseInteger(parameters.get("max-width"), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int maxHeight = Numbers.safeParseInteger(parameters.get("max-height"), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ String mode = String.valueOf(parameters.get("mode"));
String title = parameters.get("title");
if ((title != null) && title.startsWith("=")) {
title = String.valueOf(templateContext.get(title.substring(1)));
int imageWidth = image.getWidth();
int imageHeight = image.getHeight();
- double scale = 1;
- if ((imageWidth > maxWidth) || (imageHeight > maxHeight)) {
- scale = Math.min(maxWidth / (double) imageWidth, maxHeight / (double) imageHeight);
+ if ("enlarge".equals(mode)) {
+ double scale = Math.max(maxWidth / (double) imageWidth, maxHeight / (double) imageHeight);
+ linkTemplateContext.set("width", (int) (imageWidth * scale + 0.5));
+ linkTemplateContext.set("height", (int) (imageHeight * scale + 0.5));
+ if (scale >= 1) {
+ linkTemplateContext.set("left", String.format("%dpx", (int) ((imageWidth * scale) - maxWidth) / 2));
+ linkTemplateContext.set("top", String.format("%dpx", (int) ((imageHeight * scale) - maxHeight) / 2));
+ } else {
+ linkTemplateContext.set("left", String.format("%dpx", (int) (maxWidth - (imageWidth * scale)) / 2));
+ linkTemplateContext.set("top", String.format("%dpx", (int) (maxHeight - (imageHeight * scale)) / 2));
+ }
+ } else {
+ double scale = 1;
+ if ((imageWidth > maxWidth) || (imageHeight > maxHeight)) {
+ scale = Math.min(maxWidth / (double) imageWidth, maxHeight / (double) imageHeight);
+ }
+ linkTemplateContext.set("width", (int) (imageWidth * scale + 0.5));
+ linkTemplateContext.set("height", (int) (imageHeight * scale + 0.5));
- linkTemplateContext.set("width", (int) (imageWidth * scale + 0.5));
- linkTemplateContext.set("height", (int) (imageHeight * scale + 0.5));
linkTemplateContext.set("alt", Default.forNull(title, image.getDescription()));
linkTemplateContext.set("title", Default.forNull(title, image.getTitle()));
<%first><h2><%= Page.ImageBrowser.Header.Albums|l10n|html></h2><%/first>
<%if loop.count|mod divisor=3><div class="image-row"><%/if>
<div class="album image">
- <a href="imageBrowser.html?album=<%|html>" title="<% album.title|html>">
- <%ifnull album.albumImage>
- <img src="images/unknown-image-0.png" width="200" height="150" alt="<% album.title|html>" title="<% album.title|html>" />
- <%else><!-- TODO -->
- <% album.albumImage|image-link max-width=200 max-height=150 title==album.title>
- <%/if>
- <br/>
- <% album.title|html>
- </a>
+ <div class="image-container">
+ <a href="imageBrowser.html?album=<%|html>" title="<% album.title|html>">
+ <%ifnull album.albumImage>
+ <img src="images/unknown-image-0.png" width="266" height="200" alt="<% album.title|html>" title="<% album.title|html>" style="position: relative; top: 0px; left: -33px;" />
+ <%else><!-- TODO -->
+ <% album.albumImage|image-link max-width=200 max-height=200 mode=enlarge title==album.title>
+ <%/if>
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ <% album.title|html>
<%= false|store key=endRow>
<%if loop.count|mod divisor=3 offset=1><%= true|store key=endRow><%/if>
<%foreach album.images image>
<%first><h2><%= Page.ImageBrowser.Header.Images|l10n|html></h2><%/first>
<%if loop.count|mod divisor=3><div class="image-row"><%/if>
- <div class="image">
- <a href="imageBrowser.html?image=<|html>"><% image|image-link max-width=200 max-height=150></a>
+ <div id="image-<%|html>" class="image">
+ <div class="image-id hidden"><%|html></div>
+ <div class="image-container">
+ <a href="imageBrowser.html?image=<|html>"><% image|image-link max-width=200 max-height=200 mode=enlarge title==image.title></a>
+ </div>
<%if album.sone.local>
- <br/>
<form class="edit-image" action="editImage.html" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="formPassword" value="<%formPassword|html>" />
<input type="hidden" name="returnPage" value="<%request.uri|html>" />
<input type="hidden" name="image" value="<|html>" />
- <div>
- <input type="text" name="title" value="<%image.title|html>" />
+ <div class="show-data">
+ <div class="image-title"><% image.title|html></div>
+ <div class="image-description"><% image.description|html></div>
- <div>
- <textarea name="description"><%image.description|html></textarea>
- </div>
- <div>
- <button type="submit"><%= Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Button.Save|l10n|html></button>
+ <div class="edit-data hidden">
+ <div>
+ <input type="text" name="title" value="<%image.title|html>" />
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <textarea name="description"><%image.description|html></textarea>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <button type="submit"><%= Page.ImageBrowser.Image.Button.Save|l10n|html></button>
+ </div>
<%foreach sone.albums album>
<%if loop.count|mod divisor=3><div class="image-row"><%/if>
<div class="album image">
- <a href="imageBrowser.html?album=<%|html>" title="<% album.title|html>">
- <%ifnull album.albumImage>
- <img src="images/unknown-image-0.png" width="200" height="150" alt="<% album.title|html>" title="<% album.title|html>" />
- <%else><!-- TODO -->
- <% album.albumImage|image-link max-width=200 max-height=150 title==album.title>
- <%/if>
- <br/>
+ <div class="image-container">
+ <a href="imageBrowser.html?album=<%|html>" title="<% album.title|html>">
+ <%ifnull album.albumImage>
+ <img src="images/unknown-image-0.png" width="266" height="200" alt="<% album.title|html>" title="<% album.title|html>" style="position: relative; top: 0px; left: -33px;"/>
+ <%else><!-- TODO -->
+ <% album.albumImage|image-link max-width=200 max-height=200 mode=enlarge title==album.title>
+ <%/if>
+ </a>
<% album.title|html>
- </a>
+ </div>
<%= false|store key=endRow>
<%if loop.count|mod divisor=3 offset=1><%= true|store key=endRow><%/if>