Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Bisher hat noch niemand etwas geschrieben. Sie sollten sofort damit anfangen!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Oder vielleicht folgen Sie gar keinen Sones? Werfen Sie doch mal einen Blick auf {link}bekannte Sones{/link} und folgen Sie Sones, die interessant aussehen!
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=Sie können auch automatisch allen neu entdeckten Sones folgen. Das entsprechende Feature können Sie in den {link}Optionen{/link} aktivieren!
Page.New.Title=Neue Nachrichten und Antworten - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=Neue Nachrichten und Antworten
Page.Index.PostList.Title=Post Feed
Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Nobody has written any posts yet. You should probably start it right now!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Or maybe you are not following any Sones? Take a look at the list of {link}known Sones{/link} and follow whoever looks interesting!
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=New Posts and Replies - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=New Posts and Replies
Page.Index.PostList.Title=Envoyer du contenu
Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Personne n'a encore écrit de message. vous devriez probablement commencer maintenant!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Peut-être ne suivez vous pas encore de Sones? Jetez un oeil à la liste des {link}Sones connus{/link} et suivez ceux qui pourrait vous intéresser!
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=Nouveaux messages et réponses - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=Nouveaux messages et réponses
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-# 454-456
+# 100, 454-456
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=もしくは誰もフォローしてないですか? {link}既知のSone{/link}を表示し、面白そうなSoneをフォローしましょう。
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=新しい投稿と返信 - Sone
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}は現在インサート中です。
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}は{1,number}{1,choice,0#秒|1#秒|1<秒}でインサートされました。
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}のインサートに失敗しました。
+# 100
Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Ingen har skrevet noen innlegg enda. Du burde starte med en gang!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Eller kanskje du ikke følger noen Soner? Naviger til {link}Kjente Soner{/link} og følg de som ser interessante ut!
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=Nye innlegg og svar - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=Nye innlegg og svar
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-# 120-121, 454-456
+# 100, 120-121, 454-456
Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Nie ma jeszcze żądnych postów. Można rozpocząć pisanie wątku!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Być może nie śledzisz żadnych Sone? Spójrz na tę listę {link}znane Sone{/link} i zacznij kogoś śledzić.
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=Nowe Posty i Odpowiedzi - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=Nowe Posty i Odpowiedzi
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Twoje Sone sone://{0} jest w tej chili wysyłane.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Twoje sone://{0} zostało wysłane w {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Twoje Sone sone://{0} nie mogło zostać wysłane.
+# 100
Page.Index.PostList.Title=Лента сообщений
Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=Никто еще не написал ни одного сообщения. Вам, наверное, следует начать это прямо сейчас!
Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones=Или возможно вы не подписаны ни на один Sone? Посмотрите на список {link}Известныx Sone{/link} и попдишитесь на всех, кто покажется вам интересным!
+Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption=You also have the option of automatically following newly discovered Sones. Take a look at the {link}options{/link} to activate the auto-follow feature!
Page.New.Title=Новые сообщения и ответы - Sone
Page.New.Page.Title=Новые сообщения и ответы
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-# 120-121, 454-456
+# 100, 120-121, 454-456
<p><%= Page.Index.PostList.Text.NoPostYet|l10n|html></p>
<p><%= Page.Index.PostList.Text.FollowSomeSones|l10n|html|replace needle=='{link}' replacement=='<a href="knownSones.html">'|replace needle=='{/link}' replacement=='</a>'></p>
+ <p><%= Page.Index.PostList.Text.AutoFollowOption|l10n|html|replace needle=='{link}' replacement=='<a href="options.html">'|replace needle=='{/link}' replacement=='</a>'></p>
<%include include/pagination.html pageParameter==page>