- f.clear();
- f_w.clear();
+ point_cache.clear();
+ width_cache.clear();
- df.clear();
+ deriv.clear();
- di.clear();
- d_i.clear();
+ cum_dist.clear();
+ this_dist.clear();
-synfigapp::BLineConverter::operator()(std::list<synfig::BLinePoint> &out, const std::list<synfig::Point> &in,const std::list<synfig::Real> &in_w)
+synfigapp::BLineConverter::operator()(std::list<synfig::BLinePoint> &blinepoints_out,
+ const std::list<synfig::Point> &points_in,
+ const std::list<synfig::Real> &widths_in)
//Profiling information
/*etl::clock::value_type initialprocess=0, curveval=0, breakeval=0, disteval=0;
etl::clock_realtime timer,total;*/
- if(in.size()<=1)
+ if (points_in.size() <= 1)
- std::list<synfig::Point>::const_iterator i = in.begin(), end = in.end();
- std::list<synfig::Real>::const_iterator iw = in_w.begin();
- synfig::Point c;
+ std::list<synfig::Point>::const_iterator point_iter = points_in.begin(), end = points_in.end();
+ std::list<synfig::Real>::const_iterator width_iter = widths_in.begin();
+ synfig::Point c;
- if(in.size() == in_w.size())
+ if (points_in.size() == widths_in.size())
- for(;i != end; ++i,++iw)
- if(*i != c) // eliminate duplicate points
+ for(;point_iter != end; ++point_iter,++width_iter)
+ if(*point_iter != c) // eliminate duplicate points
- f.push_back(c = *i);
- f_w.push_back(*iw);
+ point_cache.push_back(c = *point_iter);
+ width_cache.push_back(*width_iter);
- {
- for(;i != end; ++i)
- if(*i != c) // eliminate duplicate points
- f.push_back(c = *i);
- }
+ for(;point_iter != end; ++point_iter)
+ if(*point_iter != c) // eliminate duplicate points
+ point_cache.push_back(c = *point_iter);
//initialprocess = timer();
- if(f.size()<=6)
+ if (point_cache.size() < 7)
+ {
+ info("only %d unique points - giving up", point_cache.size());
+ }
//get curvature information
int i,i0,i1;
synfig::Vector v1,v2;
- cvt.resize(f.size());
+ cvt.resize(point_cache.size());
cvt.front() = 1;
cvt.back() = 1;
- for(i = 1; i < (int)f.size()-1; ++i)
+ for(i = 1; i < (int)point_cache.size()-1; ++i)
i0 = std::max(0,i - 2);
- i1 = std::min((int)(f.size()-1),i + 2);
+ i1 = std::min((int)(point_cache.size()-1),i + 2);
- v1 = f[i] - f[i0];
- v2 = f[i1] - f[i];
+ v1 = point_cache[i] - point_cache[i0];
+ v2 = point_cache[i1] - point_cache[i];
cvt[i] = (v1*v2)/(v1.mag()*v2.mag());
//postprocess for breaks too close to each other
Real d = 0;
- Point p = f[brk.front()];
+ Point p = point_cache[brk.front()];
//first set
for(i = 1; i < brk.size()-1; ++i) //do not want to include end point...
- d = (f[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
+ d = (point_cache[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
if(d > fixdistsq) break; //don't want to group breaks if we ever get over the dist...
//want to erase all points before...
//end set
- p = f[brk.back()];
+ p = point_cache[brk.back()];
for(i = brk.size()-2; i > 0; --i) //start at one in from the end
- d = (f[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
+ d = (point_cache[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
if(d > fixdistsq) break; //don't want to group breaks if we ever get over the dist
if(i != brk.size()-2)
synfig::Point p1,p2;
- p1=p2=f[0];
+ p1=p2=point_cache[0];
- di.resize(f.size()); d_i.resize(f.size());
+ cum_dist.resize(point_cache.size()); this_dist.resize(point_cache.size());
Real d = 0;
- for(unsigned int i = 0; i < f.size();)
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < point_cache.size();)
- d += (d_i[i] = (p2-p1).mag());
- di[i] = d;
+ d += (this_dist[i] = (p2-p1).mag());
+ cum_dist[i] = d;
- p2=f[++i];
+ //! \todo is this legal? it reads off the end of the vector
+ p2=point_cache[++i];
//disteval = timer();
- setwidth = (f.size() == f_w.size());
+ setwidth = (point_cache.size() == width_cache.size());
for(j = 0; j < (int)brk.size() - 1; ++j)
//new derivatives
- ftemp.assign(f.begin()+i0, f.begin()+i3+1);
+ ftemp.assign(point_cache.begin()+i0, point_cache.begin()+i3+1);
- df.resize(size);
+ deriv.resize(size);
- // Wondering whether the modification of the df vector
+ // Wondering whether the modification of the deriv vector
// using a char* pointer and pointer arithmetric was safe,
// I looked it up...
// some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity
// &v[n] == &v[0] + n for all 0 <= n < v.size().
- GetFirstDerivatives(ftemp,0,size,(char*)&df[0],sizeof(df[0]));
+ GetFirstDerivatives(ftemp,0,size,(char*)&deriv[0],sizeof(deriv[0]));
- //GetSimpleDerivatives(ftemp,0,size,df,0,di);
+ //GetSimpleDerivatives(ftemp,0,size,deriv,0,cum_dist);
//< don't have to worry about indexing stuff as it is all being taken care of right now
//preproceval += timer();
//start off with break points as indices
- curind.push_back(cpindex(i0,di[i3]-di[i0],0)); //0 error because no curve on the left
- curind.push_back(cpindex(i3,di[i3]-di[i0],-1)); //error needs to be reevaluated
+ curind.push_back(cpindex(i0,cum_dist[i3]-cum_dist[i0],0)); //0 error because no curve on the left
+ curind.push_back(cpindex(i3,cum_dist[i3]-cum_dist[i0],-1)); //error needs to be reevaluated
done = false; //we want to loop
unsigned int dcount = 0;
//tessellate all curves with invalid error values
- work[0] = f[i0];
+ work[0] = point_cache[i0];
- /*numtess += */tessellate_curves(curind,f,df,work);
+ /*numtess += */tessellate_curves(curind,point_cache,deriv,work);
//tesseval += timer();
//now get all error values
//evaluate error from points (starting at current index)
int size = curind[i].curind - curind[i-1].curind + 1;
- curind[i].error = CurveError(&f[curind[i-1].curind], size,
+ curind[i].error = CurveError(&point_cache[curind[i-1].curind], size,
work,(curind[i-1].curind - i0)*2,(curind[i].curind - i0)*2+1);
/*if(curind[i].error > 1.0e5)
synfig::info("Holy crap %d-%d error %f",curind[i-1].curind,curind[i].curind,curind[i].error);
curind[i].error = -1;
- numtess += tessellate_curves(curind,f,df,work);
- curind[i].error = CurveError(&f[curind[i-1].curind], size,
+ numtess += tessellate_curves(curind,f,deriv,work);
+ curind[i].error = CurveError(&point_cache[curind[i-1].curind], size,
work,0,work.size());//(curind[i-1].curind - i0)*2,(curind[i].curind - i0)*2+1);
ibreak = (ibase + itop)/2;
Real scale, scale2;
- assert(ibreak < f.size());
+ assert(ibreak < point_cache.size());
//synfig::info("Split %d -%d- %d, error: %f", ibase,ibreak,itop,maxrelerror);
curind[maxi-1].error = -1;
if(maxi+1 < indsize) curind[maxi+1].error = -1; //if there is a curve segment beyond this it will be effected as well
- scale = di[itop] - di[ibreak];
- scale2 = maxi+1 < indsize ? di[curind[maxi+1].curind] - di[itop] : scale; //to the right valid?
+ scale = cum_dist[itop] - cum_dist[ibreak];
+ scale2 = maxi+1 < indsize ? cum_dist[curind[maxi+1].curind] - cum_dist[itop] : scale; //to the right valid?
curind[maxi].tangentscale = std::min(scale, scale2);
- scale = di[ibreak] - di[ibase];
- scale2 = maxi >= 2 ? di[ibase] - di[curind[maxi-2].curind] : scale; // to the left valid -2 ?
+ scale = cum_dist[ibreak] - cum_dist[ibase];
+ scale2 = maxi >= 2 ? cum_dist[ibase] - cum_dist[curind[maxi-2].curind] : scale; // to the left valid -2 ?
curind[maxi-1].tangentscale = std::min(scale, scale2);
- scale = std::min(di[ibreak] - di[ibase], di[itop] - di[ibreak]);
+ scale = std::min(cum_dist[ibreak] - cum_dist[ibase], cum_dist[itop] - cum_dist[ibreak]);
curind.insert(curind.begin()+maxi,cpindex(ibreak, scale, -1));
//curind.push_back(cpindex(ibreak, scale, -1));
is = curind[0].curind;
//first point inherits current tangent status
- v = df[is - i0];
+ v = deriv[is - i0];
if(v.mag_squared() > EPSILON)
v *= (curind[0].tangentscale/v.mag());
else a.set_tangent2(v);
- a.set_vertex(f[is]);
- if(setwidth)a.set_width(f_w[is]);
+ a.set_vertex(point_cache[is]);
+ if(setwidth)a.set_width(width_cache[is]);
- out.push_back(a);
+ blinepoints_out.push_back(a);
a.set_split_tangent_flag(false); //won't need to break anymore
breaktan = false;
is = curind[i].curind;
//first point inherits current tangent status
- v = df[is-i0];
+ v = deriv[is-i0];
if(v.mag_squared() > EPSILON)
v *= (curind[i].tangentscale/v.mag());
a.set_tangent(v); // always inside, so guaranteed to be smooth
- a.set_vertex(f[is]);
- if(setwidth)a.set_width(f_w[is]);
+ a.set_vertex(point_cache[is]);
+ if(setwidth)a.set_width(width_cache[is]);
- out.push_back(a);
+ blinepoints_out.push_back(a);
//set the last point's data
is = curind.back().curind; //should already be this
- v = df[is-i0];
+ v = deriv[is-i0];
if(v.mag_squared() > EPSILON)
v *= (curind.back().tangentscale/v.mag());
//will get the vertex and tangent 2 from next round
- a.set_vertex(f[i3]);
+ a.set_vertex(point_cache[i3]);
- a.set_width(f_w[i3]);
- out.push_back(a);
+ a.set_width(width_cache[i3]);
+ blinepoints_out.push_back(a);
/*etl::clock::value_type totaltime = total(),
misctime = totaltime - initialprocess - curveval - breakeval - disteval
" Total time: %f, Misc time: %f\n",
initialprocess, curveval,breakeval,disteval,
- in.size(),out.size(),
+ points_in.size(),blinepoints_out.size(),