//! \writeme
enum BlendMethod
- BLEND_COMPOSITE=0, //!< Color A is composited onto B (Taking into about A's alpha)
- BLEND_STRAIGHT=1, //!< Straight linear interpolation from A->B (Alpha ignored)
- BLEND_BRIGHTEN=2, //!< If composite is brighter than B, use composite. B otherwise.
- BLEND_DARKEN=3, //!< If composite is brighter than B, use composite. B otherwise.
- BLEND_ADD=4, //!< Simple A+B.
- BLEND_SUBTRACT=5, //!< Simple A-B.
- BLEND_MULTIPLY=6, //!< Simple A*B.
- BLEND_DIVIDE=7, //!< Simple B/A
- BLEND_COLOR=8, //!< Preserves the U and V channels of color A
- BLEND_HUE=9, //!< Preserves the angle of the UV vector of color A
- BLEND_SATURATION=10,//!< Preserves the magnitude of the UV Vector of color A
- BLEND_LUMINANCE=11, //!< Preserves the Y channel of color A
- BLEND_BEHIND=12, //!< Similar to BLEND_COMPOSITE, except that B is composited onto A.
- BLEND_ONTO=13, //!< Similar to BLEND_COMPOSITE, except that B's alpha is maintained
- BLEND_SCREEN=16, //!< \writeme
- BLEND_OVERLAY=20, //!< \writeme
- BLEND_DIFFERENCE=18, //!< \writeme
+ BLEND_COMPOSITE=0, //!< Color A is composited onto B (Taking A's alpha into account)
+ BLEND_STRAIGHT=1, //!< Straight linear interpolation from A->B (Alpha ignored)
+ BLEND_ONTO=13, //!< Similar to BLEND_COMPOSITE, except that B's alpha is maintained
+ BLEND_STRAIGHT_ONTO=21, //!< <deprecated> \writeme
+ BLEND_BEHIND=12, //!< Similar to BLEND_COMPOSITE, except that B is composited onto A.
+ BLEND_SCREEN=16, //!< \writeme
+ BLEND_OVERLAY=20, //!< \writeme
BLEND_HARD_LIGHT=17, //!< \writeme
- //! Deprecated
- BLEND_ALPHA_BRIGHTEN=14, //!< If A is less opaque than B, use A
- BLEND_ALPHA_DARKEN=15, //!< If A is more opaque than B, use B
- BLEND_ALPHA_OVER=19,//!< multiply alphas and then straight blends that using the amount
- BLEND_STRAIGHT_ONTO=21,//!< \writeme
- BLEND_END=22 //!< \internal
+ BLEND_MULTIPLY=6, //!< Simple A*B.
+ BLEND_DIVIDE=7, //!< Simple B/A
+ BLEND_ADD=4, //!< Simple A+B.
+ BLEND_SUBTRACT=5, //!< Simple A-B.
+ BLEND_DIFFERENCE=18, //!< Simple |A-B|.
+ BLEND_BRIGHTEN=2, //!< If composite is brighter than B, use composite. B otherwise.
+ BLEND_DARKEN=3, //!< If composite is darker than B, use composite. B otherwise.
+ BLEND_COLOR=8, //!< Preserves the U and V channels of color A
+ BLEND_HUE=9, //!< Preserves the angle of the UV vector of color A
+ BLEND_SATURATION=10, //!< Preserves the magnitude of the UV Vector of color A
+ BLEND_LUMINANCE=11, //!< Preserves the Y channel of color A
+ BLEND_ALPHA_BRIGHTEN=14, //!< <deprecated> If A is less opaque than B, use A
+ BLEND_ALPHA_DARKEN=15, //!< <deprecated> If A is more opaque than B, use B
+ BLEND_ALPHA_OVER=19, //!< <deprecated> multiply alphas and then straight blends using the amount
+ BLEND_END=22 //!< \internal
/* Other */