assertThat("Part Text", "Some text and a link: [http://example.sone/abc|example.sone/abc|example.sone/abc]... Nice!", is(convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class, LinkPart.class)));
+ @Test
+ public void commasAreIgnoredAtEndOfLinkBeforeWhitespace() {
+ SoneTextParser soneTextParser = new SoneTextParser(null, null);
+ Iterable<Part> parts = soneTextParser.parse("Some text and a link: http://example.sone/abc, nice!", null);
+ assertThat("Parts", parts, notNullValue());
+ assertThat("Part Text", "Some text and a link: [http://example.sone/abc|example.sone/abc|example.sone/abc], nice!", is(convertText(parts, PlainTextPart.class, LinkPart.class)));
+ }
* Converts all given {@link Part}s into a string, validating that the
* part’s classes match only the expected classes.