--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.sone.web
+import com.google.common.base.Optional.absent
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Album
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Image
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Post
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.PostReply
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Profile
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Sone
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever
+import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains
+import org.junit.Test
+ * Unit test for [SearchPage].
+ */
+class SearchPageTest : WebPageTest() {
+ private val page = SearchPage(template, webInterface)
+ override fun getPage() = page
+ @Test
+ fun `empty query redirects to index page`() {
+ verifyRedirect("index.html")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `empty search phrases redirect to index page`() {
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "\"\"")
+ verifyRedirect("index.html")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `invalid search phrases redirect to index page`() {
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "\"")
+ verifyRedirect("index.html")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for sone link redirects to view sone page`() {
+ addSone("sone-id", mock<Sone>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "sone://sone-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewSone.html?sone=sone-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for sone link without prefix redirects to view sone page`() {
+ addSone("sone-id", mock<Sone>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "sone-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewSone.html?sone=sone-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for a post link redirects to post page`() {
+ addPost("post-id", mock<Post>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "post://post-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewPost.html?post=post-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for a post ID without prefix redirects to post page`() {
+ addPost("post-id", mock<Post>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "post-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewPost.html?post=post-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for a reply link redirects to the post page`() {
+ val postReply = mock<PostReply>().apply { whenever(postId).thenReturn("post-id") }
+ addPostReply("reply-id", postReply)
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "reply://reply-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewPost.html?post=post-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for a reply ID redirects to the post page`() {
+ val postReply = mock<PostReply>().apply { whenever(postId).thenReturn("post-id") }
+ addPostReply("reply-id", postReply)
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "reply-id")
+ verifyRedirect("viewPost.html?post=post-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for an album link redirects to the image browser`() {
+ addAlbum("album-id", mock<Album>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "album://album-id")
+ verifyRedirect("imageBrowser.html?album=album-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for an album ID redirects to the image browser`() {
+ addAlbum("album-id", mock<Album>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "album-id")
+ verifyRedirect("imageBrowser.html?album=album-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for an image link redirects to the image browser`() {
+ addImage("image-id", mock<Image>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "image://image-id")
+ verifyRedirect("imageBrowser.html?image=image-id")
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `searching for an image ID redirects to the image browser`() {
+ addImage("image-id", mock<Image>())
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "image-id")
+ verifyRedirect("imageBrowser.html?image=image-id")
+ }
+ private fun createReply(text: String, postId: String? = null, sone: Sone? = null) = mock<PostReply>().apply {
+ whenever(this.text).thenReturn(text)
+ postId?.run { whenever(this@apply.postId).thenReturn(postId) }
+ sone?.run { whenever(this@apply.sone).thenReturn(sone) }
+ }
+ private fun createPost(id: String, text: String) = mock<Post>().apply {
+ whenever(this.id).thenReturn(id)
+ whenever(recipient).thenReturn(absent())
+ whenever(this.text).thenReturn(text)
+ }
+ private fun createSoneWithPost(post: Post) = mock<Sone>().apply {
+ whenever(posts).thenReturn(listOf(post))
+ whenever(profile).thenReturn(Profile(this))
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ fun `searching for a single word finds the post`() {
+ val postWithMatch = createPost("post-with-match", "the word here")
+ val postWithoutMatch = createPost("post-without-match", "no match here")
+ val soneWithMatch = createSoneWithPost(postWithMatch)
+ val soneWithoutMatch = createSoneWithPost(postWithoutMatch)
+ addSone("sone-with-match", soneWithMatch)
+ addSone("sone-without-match", soneWithoutMatch)
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "word")
+ page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext)
+ assertThat(templateContext["postHits"] as Collection<Post>, contains<Post>(postWithMatch))
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ fun `searching for a single word locates word in reply`() {
+ val postWithMatch = createPost("post-with-match", "no match here")
+ val postWithoutMatch = createPost("post-without-match", "no match here")
+ val soneWithMatch = createSoneWithPost(postWithMatch)
+ val soneWithoutMatch = createSoneWithPost(postWithoutMatch)
+ val replyWithMatch = createReply("the word here", "post-with-match", soneWithMatch)
+ val replyWithoutMatch = createReply("no match here", "post-without-match", soneWithoutMatch)
+ addPostReply("reply-with-match", replyWithMatch)
+ addPostReply("reply-without-match", replyWithoutMatch)
+ addSone("sone-with-match", soneWithMatch)
+ addSone("sone-without-match", soneWithoutMatch)
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "word")
+ page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext)
+ assertThat(templateContext["postHits"] as Collection<Post>, contains<Post>(postWithMatch))
+ }
+ private fun createSoneWithPost(idPostfix: String, text: String) =
+ createPost("post-$idPostfix", text).apply {
+ addSone("sone-$idPostfix", createSoneWithPost(this))
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ fun `earlier matches score higher than later matches`() {
+ val postWithEarlyMatch = createSoneWithPost("with-early-match", "optional match")
+ val postWithLaterMatch = createSoneWithPost("with-later-match", "match that is optional")
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "optional ")
+ page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext)
+ assertThat(templateContext["postHits"] as Collection<Post>, contains<Post>(postWithEarlyMatch, postWithLaterMatch))
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ fun `searching for required word does not return posts without that word`() {
+ val postWithRequiredMatch = createSoneWithPost("with-required-match", "required match")
+ createPost("without-required-match", "not a match")
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "+required ")
+ page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext)
+ assertThat(templateContext["postHits"] as Collection<Post>, contains<Post>(postWithRequiredMatch))
+ }
+ @Test
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ fun `searching for forbidden word does not return posts with that word`() {
+ createSoneWithPost("with-forbidden-match", "forbidden match")
+ val postWithoutForbiddenMatch = createSoneWithPost("without-forbidden-match", "not a match")
+ addHttpRequestParameter("query", "match -forbidden")
+ page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext)
+ assertThat(templateContext["postHits"] as Collection<Post>, contains<Post>(postWithoutForbiddenMatch))
+ }