+ bool keep_going = true;
// we were having a crash where pastecanvas layers were still
// refering to a canvas after it had been destroyed; this code
// will stop the pastecanvas layers from refering to the canvas
// before the canvas is destroyed
- for (std::set<Node*>::iterator iter = parent_set.begin(); iter != parent_set.end(); iter++)
+ // the set_sub_canvas(0) ends up deleting the parent-child link,
+ // which modifies the set we're iterating through, invalidating
+ // the set iterator. the outer while loop makes sure that we
+ // recreate the set iterator each time the set itself is modified
+ while (keep_going)
- Layer_PasteCanvas* paste_canvas = dynamic_cast<Layer_PasteCanvas*>(*iter);
- if(paste_canvas)
- paste_canvas->set_sub_canvas(0);
- else
- warning("destroyed canvas has a parent that is not a pastecanvas - please report if repeatable");
+ keep_going = false; // only keep going if we find a pastecanvas parent to clear
+ for (std::set<Node*>::iterator iter = parent_set.begin(); iter != parent_set.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ Layer_PasteCanvas* paste_canvas = dynamic_cast<Layer_PasteCanvas*>(*iter);
+ if(paste_canvas)
+ {
+ paste_canvas->set_sub_canvas(0);
+ keep_going = true;
+ break; // out of the for loop to the while loop
+ }
+ else
+ warning("destroyed canvas has a parent that is not a pastecanvas - please report if repeatable");
+ }
//if(is_inline() && parent_) assert(0);