Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Ihre Sone sone://{0} wird jetzt hoch geladen.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Ihre Sone sone://{0} wurde in {1,number} {1,choice,0#Sekunden|1#Sekunde|1<Sekunden} hoch geladen.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Ihre Sone sone://{0} konnte nicht hoch geladen werden.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Einige Sones wurden beim Starten gesperrt, weil sie keine Inhalte enthielten. Versionen vor v81 hatten einen Fehler, der Sones ohne Inhalte zur Folge hatte. Um zu verhindern, dass solchermaßen defekte Sones hoch geladen werden, wurden sie automatisch gesperrt. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Sones, benutzen Sie den Sonerettungsmodus und entsperren Sie die Sones manuell, wenn Sie mit den Inhalten Ihrer Sones zufrieden sind. Die gesperrten Sones sind:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versionen vor v81 hatten einen Fehler, der Sones ohne Inhalte zur Folge hatte. Um zu verhindern, dass solchermaßen defekte Sones hoch geladen werden, wurden sie automatisch gesperrt. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Sones, benutzen Sie den Sonerettungsmodus und entsperren Sie die Sones manuell, wenn Sie mit den Inhalten Ihrer Sones zufrieden sind. Die gesperrten Sones sind:
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have automatically been locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Tu Sone sone://{0} está siendo insertado.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Tu Sone sone://{0} ha sido insertado en {1,number} {1,choice,0#segundos|1#segundo|1<segundos}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Tu Sone sone://{0} no pudo ser insertado.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-61, 324–328, 360, 464
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Votre Sone sone://{0} va maintenant être inséré.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=votre Sone sone://{0} a été inséré dans {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Votre Sone sone://{0} ne peut pas être inséré.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-61, 324–328, 360, 464
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}は現在インサート中です。
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}は{1,number}{1,choice,0#秒|1#秒|1<秒}でインサートされました。
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=あなたのSone sone://{0}のインサートに失敗しました。
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-51, 67, 103, 324–328, 360, 455, 464
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-61, 67, 103, 123-124, 305-307, 309-311, 324–328, 360, 455, 461-464
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Twoje Sone sone://{0} jest w tej chili wysyłane.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Twoje sone://{0} zostało wysłane w {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Twoje Sone sone://{0} nie mogło zostać wysłane.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-61, 324–328, 360, 455, 464
Notification.SoneIsInserting.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} is now being inserted.
Notification.SoneIsInserted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} has been inserted in {1,number} {1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}.
Notification.SoneInsertAborted.Text=Your Sone sone://{0} could not be inserted.
-Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Some Sones were locked on startup because they don’t contain anything. Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
+Notification.SoneLockedOnStartup.Text=Versions prior to v81 had a bug that resulted in empty Sones. To prevent buggy Sones from being inserted they have been automatically locked. Please check your Sones, use the Rescue Mode if necessary, and unlock your Sones once you are satisfied with the results. Locked Sones are:
# 55-61, 67, 103, 123-124, 305-307, 309-311, 324–328, 360, 455, 461-464