// Close the unneeded pipeout
if( filename.c_str()[0] == '-' )
- execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
- "ppm", "-an", "-r",
- strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
- "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input",
- "-metadata",
- strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
- "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
- "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
- "-y", "--", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ {
+ // x264 codec needs -vpre hq parameters
+ if (video_codec == "libx264")
+ execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
+ "ppm", "-an", "-r",
+ strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
+ "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input", "-metadata",
+ strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
+ "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
+ "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
+ "-vpre", "hq",
+ "-y", "--", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ else
+ execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
+ "ppm", "-an", "-r",
+ strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
+ "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input", "-metadata",
+ strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
+ "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
+ "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
+ "-y", "--", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ }
- execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
- "ppm", "-an", "-r",
- strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
- "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input",
- "-metadata",
- strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
- "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
- "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
- "-y", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ {
+ if (video_codec == "libx264")
+ execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
+ "ppm", "-an", "-r",
+ strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
+ "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input",
+ "-metadata",
+ strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
+ "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
+ "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
+ "-vpre", "hq",
+ "-y", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ else
+ execlp("ffmpeg", "ffmpeg", "-f", "image2pipe", "-vcodec",
+ "ppm", "-an", "-r",
+ strprintf("%f", desc.get_frame_rate()).c_str(),
+ "-i", "pipe:", "-loop_input",
+ "-metadata",
+ strprintf("title=\"%s\"", get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()).c_str(),
+ "-vcodec", video_codec.c_str(),
+ "-b", strprintf("%ik", bitrate).c_str(),
+ "-y", filename.c_str(), (const char *)NULL);
+ }
// We should never reach here unless the exec failed
synfig::error(_("Unable to open pipe to ffmpeg"));