#include <synfigapp/main.h>
#include "../../app.h"
#include "../../dialogs/dialog_color.h"
+#include <errno.h>
#include "../../general.h"
+ action_group->add(Gtk::Action::create(
+ "palette-save",
+ Gtk::StockID("gtk-save"),
+ _("Save palette"),
+ _("Save the current palette")
+ ),
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *this,
+ &Dock_PalEdit::on_save_pressed
+ )
+ );
+ action_group->add(Gtk::Action::create(
+ "palette-load",
+ Gtk::StockID("gtk-open"),
+ _("Load a palette"),
+ _("Load a saved palette")
+ ),
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *this,
+ &Dock_PalEdit::on_load_pressed
+ )
+ );
+ action_group->add(Gtk::Action::create(
+ "palette-set-default",
+ Gtk::StockID("gtk-clear"),
+ _("Load default"),
+ _("Load default palette")
+ ),
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *this,
+ &Dock_PalEdit::set_default_palette
+ )
+ );
" <toolbar action='toolbar-palette'>"
" <toolitem action='palette-add-color' />"
+ " <toolitem action='palette-save' />"
+ " <toolitem action='palette-load' />"
+ " <toolitem action='palette-set-default' />"
" </toolbar>"
+ synfig::String filename = "";
+ while (App::dialog_save_file(_("Choose a Filename to Save As"),
+ {
+ // If the filename still has wildcards, then we should
+ // continue looking for the file we want
+ string base_filename = basename(filename);
+ if (find(base_filename.begin(),base_filename.end(),'*')!=base_filename.end())
+ continue;
+ if (filename_extension(filename) == "")
+ filename+=".spal";
+ try
+ {
+ String ext(filename_extension(filename));
+ if(ext!=".spal" && !App::dialog_yes_no(_("Unknown extension"),
+ _("You have given the file name an extension\nwhich I do not recognize. Are you sure this is what you want?")))
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+ struct stat s;
+ int stat_return = stat(filename.c_str(), &s);
+ // if stat() fails with something other than 'file doesn't exist', there's been a real
+ // error of some kind. let's give up now and ask for a new path.
+ if (stat_return == -1 && errno != ENOENT)
+ {
+ perror(filename.c_str());
+ string msg(strprintf(_("Unable to check whether '%s' exists."), filename.c_str()));
+ App::dialog_error_blocking(_("Save Palette - Error"),msg.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if the file exists and the user doesn't want to overwrite it, keep prompting for a filename
+ string msg(strprintf(_("A file named '%s' already exists.\n\n"
+ "Do you want to replace it with the file you are saving?"), filename.c_str()));
+ if ((stat_return == 0) &&
+ !App::dialog_yes_no(_("File exists"),msg.c_str()))
+ continue;
+ }
+ palette_.save_to_file(filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ synfig::String filename = "*.spal";
+ while(App::dialog_open_file(_("Choose a Palette to load"), filename, ANIMATION_DIR_PREFERENCE))
+ {
+ // If the filename still has wildcards, then we should
+ // continue looking for the file we want
+ if(find(filename.begin(),filename.end(),'*')!=filename.end())
+ continue;
+ try
+ {
+ palette_=synfig::Palette::load_from_file(filename);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ App::get_ui_interface()->error(_("Unable to open file"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ refresh();
Dock_PalEdit::show_menu(int i)
Gtk::Menu* menu(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
- menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
- menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Load Default Palette"),
- sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::Dock_PalEdit::set_default_palette)
- ));
+ //menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());