- // the filename will be set to "Synfig Animation 1" or some such when first created
- // and will be changed to an absolute path once it has been saved
- // so if it still begins with "Synfig Animation " then we need to ask where to save it
- if(get_file_name().find(DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX)==0)
+ // if we don't have a real filename yet then we need to ask where to save it
+ if (!has_real_filename())
if (dialog_save_as())
return STATUS_OK;
+// the filename will be set to "Synfig Animation 1" or some such when first created
+// and will be changed to an absolute path once it has been saved
+// so if it still begins with "Synfig Animation " then we don't have a real filename yet
+ return get_file_name().find(DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX) != 0;
- if (get_file_name().find(DEFAULT_FILENAME_PREFIX) != 0)
+ if (has_real_filename())
filename = absolute_path(filename);
// show the canvas' name if it has one, else its ID
bool save_as(const synfig::String &filename);
+ //! returns true if the instance has a real filename associated with it, rather than the made up "synfig animation 1" or some such
+ bool has_real_filename();
//! Opens a "Save As" dialog, and then saves the composition to that file
//! returns true if the save was successful
bool dialog_save_as();