import static java.time.LocalDateTime.of;
import static java.util.Optional.empty;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
-import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder;
+import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import static org.jsoup.Jsoup.parse;
public void moviesAreLocated() throws IOException {
assertThat(movies, containsInAnyOrder(
movie("All of Us Strangers", "",
+ allOf(startsWith("Sich neu verlieben, durch eine Zeitschleife"), endsWith("Quelle:")),
performance(of(2024, 2, 9, 16, 15), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 10, 22, 15), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 11, 20, 15), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 14, 14, 30), "2D OV", "")
movie("Dune", "",
+ allOf(startsWith(""Dune" erzählt die packende Geschichte"), endsWith("Quelle:")),
performance(of(2024, 2, 9, 19, 0), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 10, 15, 30), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 11, 13, 30), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 13, 17, 0), "2D OV", "")
movie("SAVOY Sneak-Preview", "",
+ allOf(startsWith("Wir zeigen unsere OV-Sneak freitagabends"), endsWith("Logenpreis 1,- Euro Ermäßigung. ")),
performance(of(2024, 2, 9, 22, 30), "2D OV", ""),
performance(of(2024, 2, 16, 22, 0), "2D OV", "")
private Matcher<Movie> movie(String name, String imageUrl, Triple<LocalDateTime, String, String>... presentationTimesTypesAndLinks) {
+ return movie(name, imageUrl, anything(), presentationTimesTypesAndLinks);
+ }
+ @SafeVarargs
+ private Matcher<Movie> movie(String name, String imageUrl, Matcher<? super String> descriptionMatcher, Triple<LocalDateTime, String, String>... presentationTimesTypesAndLinks) {
return new TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<Movie>() {
protected boolean matchesSafely(Movie movie, Description mismatchDescription) {
mismatchDescription.appendText("image URL is ").appendValue(movie.getImageUrl());
return false;
+ if (!descriptionMatcher.matches(movie.getDescription())) {
+ descriptionMatcher.describeMismatch(movie.getDescription(), mismatchDescription);
+ return false;
+ }
List<Performance> performances = new ArrayList<>(movie.getPerformances());
if (performances.size() != presentationTimesTypesAndLinks.length) {
mismatchDescription.appendText("has ").appendValue(performances.size()).appendText(" presentations");
public void describeTo(Description description) {
description.appendText("movie with name ").appendValue(name);
+ description.appendText(", description ").appendDescriptionOf(descriptionMatcher);
description.appendText(" and ").appendValue(presentationTimesTypesAndLinks.length).appendText(" presentations");
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo
import org.hamcrest.Matchers.not
import org.jsoup.Jsoup
+import org.jsoup.nodes.Element
import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode
import org.junit.Test
import java.time.LocalDateTime
fun `summary contains date of earliest movie`() {
val movieState = MovieState(
- Movie("1", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 12, 18, 45), "", "")) },
- Movie("2", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 3, 12, 15, 30), "", "")) },
- Movie("3", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 11, 21, 15), "", "")) }
+ Movie("1", "", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 12, 18, 45), "", "")) },
+ Movie("2", "", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 3, 12, 15, 30), "", "")) },
+ Movie("3", "", "").apply { addPerformance(Performance(LocalDateTime.of(2024, 2, 11, 21, 15), "", "")) }
), emptySet()
assertThat(movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null)).summary(), containsString("2024-02-11"))
fun `movie state with a new movie is triggered`() {
- assertThat(MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", ""))).triggered(), equalTo(true))
+ assertThat(MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", ""))).triggered(), equalTo(true))
fun `html output does contain a section for new movie if there are new movies`() {
- val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", ""), Movie("2", "")))
+ val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", ""), Movie("2", "", "")))
val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html"))
assertThat(""), not(empty()))
+ fun `new movies section contains description of movies`() {
+ val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("1", "", "Movie 1 is cool."), Movie("2", "", "Movie 2 is bad.")))
+ val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
+ val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html"))
+ assertThat(" .description").map(Element::text), contains("Movie 1 is cool.", "Movie 2 is bad."))
+ }
+ @Test
fun `new movies section contains the titles of all new movies`() {
- val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("New Movie", ""), Movie("Even Newer Movie", "")))
+ val movieState = MovieState(emptySet(), setOf(Movie("New Movie", "", ""), Movie("Even Newer Movie", "", "")))
val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
val document = Jsoup.parse(output.text("text/html"))
assertThat(" .name").textNodes().map(TextNode::text), containsInAnyOrder("New Movie", "Even Newer Movie"))
fun `html output contains a section for each day with a movie`() {
val movieState = MovieState(
- movie("Movie 1", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
- movie("Movie 2", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"),
- movie("Movie 3", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"),
- movie("Movie 4", "", "20240216-1000"),
+ movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
+ movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"),
+ movie("Movie 3", "", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"),
+ movie("Movie 4", "", "", "20240216-1000"),
), emptySet()
val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
fun `html output contains the correct movies within each day`() {
val movieState = MovieState(
- movie("Movie 1", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
- movie("Movie 2", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"),
- movie("Movie 3", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"),
- movie("Movie 4", "", "20240216-1000"),
+ movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
+ movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-2030", "20240213-1745", "20240214-1430"),
+ movie("Movie 3", "", "", "20240213-2015", "20240214-1730"),
+ movie("Movie 4", "", "", "20240216-1000"),
), setOf(
- movie("Movie 1", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
- movie("Movie 2", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815")
+ movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815"),
+ movie("Movie 2", "", "", "20240212-1845", "20240213-1330", "20240214-1815")
val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
fun `html output contains the correct release type for movies`() {
val movieState = MovieState(
- movie("Movie 1", "", "20240212-1845" to "2D OV", "20240213-1330" to "2D", "20240214-1815" to "2D OmeU"),
+ movie("Movie 1", "", "", "20240212-1845" to "2D OV", "20240213-1330" to "2D", "20240214-1815" to "2D OmeU"),
), setOf()
val output = movieState.output(Reaction("", null, null, null))
-private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, vararg times: String) = Movie(name, imageUrl).apply {
+private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, description: String = "", vararg times: String) = Movie(name, imageUrl, description).apply { { Performance(it, "", "https://link/$it") }.forEach(this::addPerformance)
-private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, vararg timesAndTypes: Pair<String, String>) = Movie(name, imageUrl).apply {
+private fun movie(name: String, imageUrl: String, description: String = "", vararg timesAndTypes: Pair<String, String>) = Movie(name, imageUrl, description).apply { { Performance(it.first.let(::dateTime), it.second, "https://link/${it.first}") }.forEach(this::addPerformance)