- private val String?.emptyToNull get() = if (this == "") null else this
- private val Document.metaDescription: String?
- get() = head().getElementsByTag("meta")
- .map { it.attr("name") to it.attr("content") }
- .firstOrNull { it.first == "description" }
- ?.second
- private val Document.firstNonHeadingParagraph: String?
- get() = body().children()
- .filter { it.children().all { it is TextNode } }
- .map { it to it.text() }
- .filterNot { it.second == "" }
- .firstOrNull { !it.first.tagName().startsWith("h", ignoreCase = true) }
- ?.second
- private val Int.human get() = when (this) {
- in 0..1023 -> "$this B"
- in 1024..1048575 -> "${this / 1024} KiB"
- in 1048576..1073741823 -> "${this / 1048576} MiB"
- else -> "${this / 1073741824} GiB"
- }
override fun failed(uri: FreenetURI) {
failureCache.put(uri.toString().decode().normalize(), true)
return LinkedElement(link, loading = true)
- private fun String.decode() = URLDecoder.decode(this, "UTF-8")!!
- private fun String.normalize() = Normalizer.normalize(this, Normalizer.Form.NFC)!!
+private fun String.decode() = URLDecoder.decode(this, "UTF-8")!!
+private fun String.normalize() = Normalizer.normalize(this, Normalizer.Form.NFC)!!
+private val String?.emptyToNull get() = if (this == "") null else this
+private val Document.metaDescription: String?
+ get() = head().getElementsByTag("meta")
+ .map { it.attr("name") to it.attr("content") }
+ .firstOrNull { it.first == "description" }
+ ?.second
+private val Document.firstNonHeadingParagraph: String?
+ get() = body().children()
+ .filter { it.children().all { it is TextNode } }
+ .map { it to it.text() }
+ .filterNot { it.second == "" }
+ .firstOrNull { !it.first.tagName().startsWith("h", ignoreCase = true) }
+ ?.second
+private val Int.human get() = when (this) {
+ in 0..1023 -> "$this B"
+ in 1024..1048575 -> "${this / 1024} KiB"
+ in 1048576..1073741823 -> "${this / 1048576} MiB"
+ else -> "${this / 1073741824} GiB"