--- /dev/null
- onion_skin_icon.sif
+ SYNFIG = synfig
+ EXT = @imageext@
+ installer_logo.sif \
+ installer_logo_osx.sif \
+ splash_screen.sifz \
+ splash_screen-0.61.08.sif \
+ splash_screen-0.61.07.sif \
+ about_icon.sif \
+ angle_icon.sif \
+ bline_icon.sif \
+ blinepoint_icon.sif \
+ bool_icon.sif \
+ canvas_icon.sif \
+ canvas_pointer_icon.sif \
+ children_icon.sif \
+ circle_icon.sif \
+ clear_redo_icon.sif \
+ clear_undo_icon.sif \
+ color_icon.sif \
+ curves_icon.sif \
+ draw_icon.sif \
+ duplicate_icon.sif \
+ encapsulate_icon.sif \
+ eyedrop_icon.sif \
+ fill_icon.sif \
+ gradient_icon.sif \
+ group_icon.sif \
+ info_icon.sif \
+ integer_icon.sif \
+ keyframe_icon.sif \
+ keyframe_lock_icon.sif \
+ layer_icon.sif \
+ list_icon.sif \
+ logo.sif \
+ meta_data_icon.sif \
+ mirror_icon.sif \
+ navigator_icon.sif \
+ normal_icon.sif \
+ pastecanvas_icon.sif \
+ polygon_icon.sif \
+ real_icon.sif \
+ rectangle_icon.sif \
+ rotate_icon.sif \
+ saveall_icon.sif \
+ scale_icon.sif \
+ segment_icon.sif \
+ select_all_child_layers_icon.sif \
+ sif_icon.sif \
+ sketch_icon.sif \
+ smooth_move_icon.sif \
+ string_icon.sif \
+ reset_colors_icon.sif \
+ swap_colors_icon.sif \
+ synfig_icon.sif \
+ synfig_icon.svg \
+ time_icon.sif \
+ time_track_icon.sif \
+ valuenode_icon.sif \
+ vector_icon.sif \
+ wallpaper.sif \
+ width_icon.sif \
+ zoom_icon.sif \
+ rename_icon.sif \
+ plant_icon.sif \
+ text_icon.sif \
+ polyline_icon.sif \
+ star_icon.sif \
+ set_fill_color.sif \
+ set_outline_color.sif \
+ seek_begin.sif \
+ seek_end.sif \
+ seek_next_frame.sif \
+ seek_prev_frame.sif \
+ duck_position_icon.sif \
+ duck_vertex_icon.sif \
+ duck_tangent_icon.sif \
+ duck_radius_icon.sif \
+ duck_width_icon.sif \
+ duck_angle_icon.sif \
+ show_grid_icon.sif \
+ snap_grid_icon.sif \
- onion_skin_icon.$(EXT)
++ onion_skin_icon.sif \
++ incr_resolution_icon.sif \
++ decr_resolution_icon.sif
+ IMAGES = \
+ installer_logo.$(EXT) \
+ installer_logo_osx.$(EXT) \
+ mirror_icon.$(EXT) \
+ time_icon.$(EXT) \
+ time_track_icon.$(EXT) \
+ curves_icon.$(EXT) \
+ pastecanvas_icon.$(EXT) \
+ group_icon.$(EXT) \
+ clear_redo_icon.$(EXT) \
+ clear_undo_icon.$(EXT) \
+ navigator_icon.$(EXT) \
+ info_icon.$(EXT) \
+ zoom_icon.$(EXT) \
+ meta_data_icon.$(EXT) \
+ children_icon.$(EXT) \
+ keyframe_icon.$(EXT) \
+ reset_colors_icon.$(EXT) \
+ swap_colors_icon.$(EXT) \
+ rotate_icon.$(EXT) \
+ scale_icon.$(EXT) \
+ smooth_move_icon.$(EXT) \
+ width_icon.$(EXT) \
+ rectangle_icon.$(EXT) \
+ circle_icon.$(EXT) \
+ draw_icon.$(EXT) \
+ sketch_icon.$(EXT) \
+ fill_icon.$(EXT) \
+ normal_icon.$(EXT) \
+ select_all_child_layers_icon.$(EXT) \
+ sif_icon.$(EXT) \
+ synfig_icon.$(EXT) \
+ saveall_icon.$(EXT) \
+ bool_icon.$(EXT) \
+ integer_icon.$(EXT) \
+ angle_icon.$(EXT) \
+ segment_icon.$(EXT) \
+ blinepoint_icon.$(EXT) \
+ list_icon.$(EXT) \
+ canvas_pointer_icon.$(EXT) \
+ string_icon.$(EXT) \
+ eyedrop_icon.$(EXT) \
+ about_icon.$(EXT) \
+ splash_screen.$(EXT) \
+ canvas_icon.$(EXT) \
+ vector_icon.$(EXT) \
+ real_icon.$(EXT) \
+ color_icon.$(EXT) \
+ valuenode_icon.$(EXT) \
+ polygon_icon.$(EXT) \
+ bline_icon.$(EXT) \
+ layer_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duplicate_icon.$(EXT) \
+ encapsulate_icon.$(EXT) \
+ gradient_icon.$(EXT) \
+ keyframe_lock_all.$(EXT) \
+ keyframe_lock_past.$(EXT) \
+ keyframe_lock_future.$(EXT) \
+ keyframe_lock_none.$(EXT) \
+ rename_icon.$(EXT) \
+ plant_icon.$(EXT) \
+ text_icon.$(EXT) \
+ polyline_icon.$(EXT) \
+ star_icon.$(EXT) \
+ set_fill_color.$(EXT) \
+ set_outline_color.$(EXT) \
+ seek_begin.$(EXT) \
+ seek_end.$(EXT) \
+ seek_next_frame.$(EXT) \
+ seek_prev_frame.$(EXT) \
+ duck_position_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duck_vertex_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duck_tangent_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duck_radius_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duck_width_icon.$(EXT) \
+ duck_angle_icon.$(EXT) \
+ show_grid_icon.$(EXT) \
+ snap_grid_icon.$(EXT) \
++ onion_skin_icon.$(EXT) \
++ incr_resolution_icon.$(EXT) \
++ decr_resolution_icon.$(EXT)
+ Makefile.in
+ $(IMAGES) \
+ images.nsh \
+ unimages.nsh \
+ installer_logo.bmp \
+ sif_icon.ico \
+ synfig_icon.ico \
+ icons.nsh \
+ unicons.nsh
+ 16x16 \
+ 22x22 \
+ 24x24 \
+ 32x32 \
+ 48x48 \
+ 64x64 \
+ 128x128
+ image_DATA = $(IMAGES)
+ all: $(IMAGES)
+ SUFFIXES = .sif .tif .png
+ PNGTOICO = png2ico
+ .sif.ico:
+ $(SYNFIG) $< -w 16 -h 16 -o $*-16x16.png $< -w 32 -h 32 -o $*-32x32.png $< -w 48 -h 48 -o $*-48x48.png $< -w 64 -h 64 -o $*-64x64.png
+ cp -f `which $(PNGTOICO)`.* ./
+ $(PNGTOICO) $@ $*-16x16.png $*-32x32.png $*-48x48.png $*-64x64.png
+ rm -f ./$(PNGTOICO).* $*-16x16.png $*-32x32.png $*-48x48.png $*-64x64.png
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./icons.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unicons.nsh
+ clean-local:
+ $(RM) -r $(CLEANDIRS)
+ .sif.bmp:
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0
+ .sif.$(EXT):
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ .sifz.$(EXT):
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ keyframe_lock_all.$(EXT): $(srcdir)/keyframe_lock_icon.sif
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ keyframe_lock_past.$(EXT): $(srcdir)/keyframe_lock_icon.sif
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -c PastOnly
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ keyframe_lock_future.$(EXT): $(srcdir)/keyframe_lock_icon.sif
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -c FutureOnly
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ keyframe_lock_none.$(EXT): $(srcdir)/keyframe_lock_icon.sif
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -c Disabled
+ echo " File \"images\\$@\"" >>./images.nsh
+ echo " Delete \"\$$INSTDIR\\share\\pixmaps\\$@\"" >>./unimages.nsh
+ if !WIN32_PKG
+ 16x16/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 16x16
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 16 -h 16
+ icons16dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
+ icons16_DATA = 16x16/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 22x22/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 22x22
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 22 -h 22
+ icons22dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps
+ icons22_DATA = 22x22/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 24x24/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 24x24
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 24 -h 24
+ icons24dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps
+ icons24_DATA = 24x24/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 32x32/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 32x32
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 32 -h 32
+ icons32dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
+ icons32_DATA = 32x32/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 48x48/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 48x48
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 48 -h 48
+ icons48dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
+ icons48_DATA = 48x48/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 64x64/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 64x64
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 64 -h 64
+ icons64dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps
+ icons64_DATA = 64x64/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ 128x128/synfig_icon.$(EXT): synfig_icon.sif
+ -mkdir 128x128
+ $(SYNFIG) -q $< -o $@ --time 0 -w 128 -h 128
+ icons128dir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps
+ icons128_DATA = 128x128/synfig_icon.$(EXT)
+ iconsscalabledir = $(datadir)/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
+ iconsscalable_DATA = synfig_icon.svg
+ endif
+ endif
--- /dev/null
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+ <name>Duck Angle Icon.</name>
+ <desc>Copyright 2009 Carlos López and Gerald Young. Released under GNU Public License published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.0 of the License or any later version.</desc>
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+ </radial_composite>
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+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.3042364448"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine572Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>0.100000</r>
+ <g>0.100000</g>
+ <b>0.100000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
- <bool value="true"/>
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-2.3964121342</x>
+ <y>3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-2.3964121342</x>
+ <y>-3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.3042364448"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine572Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>0.100000</r>
+ <g>0.100000</g>
+ <b>0.100000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
- <bool value="true"/>
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-0.7988041639</x>
+ <y>3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-0.7988041639</x>
+ <y>-3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.3042364448"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine572Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>0.100000</r>
+ <g>0.100000</g>
+ <b>0.100000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
- <bool value="true"/>
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>2.3964118958</x>
+ <y>3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>2.3964118958</x>
+ <y>-3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.3042364448"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine571Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>0.100000</r>
+ <g>0.100000</g>
+ <b>0.100000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
- <bool value="true"/>
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-3.1952161789</x>
+ <y>2.3964121342</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>3.1952159405</x>
+ <y>2.3964121342</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.3042364448"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine571Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>1.000000</r>
+ <g>0.000000</g>
+ <b>0.000000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
- <bool value="true"/>
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>-3.1952161789</x>
+ <y>-0.7988040447</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>3.1952159405</x>
+ <y>-0.7988040447</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.5070607960"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ <layer type="outline" active="true" version="0.2" desc="NewBLine572Contorno">
+ <param name="z_depth">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="amount">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blend_method">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="color">
+ <color>
+ <r>1.000000</r>
+ <g>0.000000</g>
+ <b>0.000000</b>
+ <a>1.000000</a>
+ </color>
+ </param>
+ <param name="origin">
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.0000000000</x>
+ <y>0.0000000000</y>
+ </vector>
+ </param>
+ <param name="invert">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="antialias">
++ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="feather">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="blurtype">
+ <integer value="1"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="winding_style">
+ <integer value="0"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="bline">
+ <bline type="bline_point" loop="false">
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.7988039255</x>
+ <y>3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <composite type="bline_point">
+ <point>
+ <vector>
+ <x>0.7988039255</x>
+ <y>-3.1952161789</y>
+ </vector>
+ </point>
+ <width>
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </width>
+ <origin>
+ <real value="0.5000000000"/>
+ </origin>
+ <split>
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </split>
+ <t1>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t1>
+ <t2>
+ <radial_composite type="vector">
+ <radius>
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </radius>
+ <theta>
+ <angle value="0.000000"/>
+ </theta>
+ </radial_composite>
+ </t2>
+ </composite>
+ </entry>
+ </bline>
+ </param>
+ <param name="width">
+ <real value="0.5070607960"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="expand">
+ <real value="0.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="sharp_cusps">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[0]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="round_tip[1]">
+ <bool value="false"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="loopyness">
+ <real value="1.0000000000"/>
+ </param>
+ <param name="homogeneous_width">
+ <bool value="true"/>
+ </param>
+ </layer>
+ </canvas>
--- /dev/null
- displaybar = manage(new class Gtk::Table(1, 7, false));
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file canvasview.cpp
+ ** \brief Template File
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos López
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #ifdef USING_PCH
+ # include "pch.h"
+ #else
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ # include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <sigc++/adaptors/hide.h>
+ #include <ETL/clock>
+ #include <sstream>
+ #include <gtkmm/paned.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/scale.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/dialog.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/messagedialog.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/treemodelsort.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/buttonbox.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/separator.h>
+ #include <gtk/gtktreestore.h>
+ #include <gtk/gtkversion.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_reference.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_subtract.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_linear.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_timedswap.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_scale.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_dynamiclist.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_twotone.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_stripes.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_blinecalctangent.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_blinecalcvertex.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_blinecalcwidth.h>
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_bline.h>
+ #include <synfig/layer.h>
+ #include <synfigapp/uimanager.h>
+ #include <synfigapp/canvasinterface.h>
+ #include <synfigapp/selectionmanager.h>
+ //#include <synfigapp/action_setwaypoint.h>
+ //#include <synfigapp/action_deletewaypoint.h>
+ #include <sigc++/retype_return.h>
+ #include <sigc++/retype.h>
+ //#include <sigc++/hide.h>
+ #include "canvasview.h"
+ #include "instance.h"
+ #include "app.h"
+ #include "cellrenderer_value.h"
+ #include "cellrenderer_timetrack.h"
+ #include "workarea.h"
+ #include "dialog_color.h"
+ #include "eventkey.h"
+ #include "state_polygon.h"
+ #include "state_bline.h"
+ #include "state_normal.h"
+ #include "state_eyedrop.h"
+ #include "state_draw.h"
+ #include "ducktransform_scale.h"
+ #include "ducktransform_translate.h"
+ #include "ducktransform_rotate.h"
+ #include "event_mouse.h"
+ #include "event_layerclick.h"
+ #include "toolbox.h"
+ #include "dialog_preview.h"
+ #include "dialog_soundselect.h"
+ #include "preview.h"
+ #include "audiocontainer.h"
+ #include "widget_timeslider.h"
+ #include "keyframedial.h"
+ #include <synfigapp/main.h>
+ #include <synfigapp/inputdevice.h>
+ #include "general.h"
+ #endif
+ /* === U S I N G =========================================================== */
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace etl;
+ using namespace synfig;
+ using namespace studio;
+ using namespace sigc;
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ #define GRAB_HINT_DATA(y) { \
+ String x; \
+ if(synfigapp::Main::settings().get_value(String("pref.")+y+"_hints",x)) \
+ { \
+ set_type_hint((Gdk::WindowTypeHint)atoi(x.c_str())); \
+ } \
+ }
+ #ifndef SMALL_BUTTON
+ #define SMALL_BUTTON(button,stockid,tooltip) \
+ button = manage(new class Gtk::Button()); \
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID(stockid),iconsize)); \
+ button->add(*icon); \
+ tooltips.set_tip(*button,tooltip); \
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);\
+ icon->show(); \
+ button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); \
+ button->show()
+ #endif
+ #define NORMAL_BUTTON(button,stockid,tooltip) \
+ button = manage(new class Gtk::Button()); \
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID(stockid),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)); \
+ button->add(*icon); \
+ tooltips.set_tip(*button,tooltip); \
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);\
+ icon->show(); \
+ /*button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);*/ \
+ button->show()
+ #endif
+ #define NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(x,y,z) Gtk::Button *SMALL_BUTTON(x,y,z)
+ #define NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT sigc::mem_fun(*reinterpret_cast<studio::CanvasViewUIInterface*>(get_ui_interface().get()),&studio::CanvasViewUIInterface::not_implemented)
+ #define SLOT_EVENT(x) sigc::hide_return(sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::process_event_key),x))
+ /* === C L A S S E S ======================================================= */
+ class studio::UniversalScrubber
+ {
+ CanvasView *canvas_view;
+ bool scrubbing;
+ etl::clock scrub_timer;
+ sigc::connection end_scrub_connection;
+ public:
+ UniversalScrubber(CanvasView *canvas_view):
+ canvas_view(canvas_view),
+ scrubbing(false)
+ {
+ canvas_view->canvas_interface()->signal_time_changed().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::UniversalScrubber::on_time_changed)
+ );
+ }
+ ~UniversalScrubber()
+ {
+ end_scrub_connection.disconnect();
+ }
+ void on_time_changed()
+ {
+ // Make sure we are changing the time quickly
+ // before we enable scrubbing
+ if(!scrubbing && scrub_timer()>1)
+ {
+ scrub_timer.reset();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we aren't scrubbing already, enable it
+ if(!scrubbing)
+ {
+ scrubbing=true;
+ audio_container()->start_scrubbing(canvas_view->get_time());
+ }
+ // Reset the scrubber ender
+ end_scrub_connection.disconnect();
+ end_scrub_connection=Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
+ sigc::bind_return(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&UniversalScrubber::end_of_scrubbing),
+ false
+ ),
+ 1000
+ );
+ // Scrub!
+ audio_container()->scrub(canvas_view->get_time());
+ scrub_timer.reset();
+ }
+ void end_of_scrubbing()
+ {
+ scrubbing=false;
+ audio_container()->stop_scrubbing();
+ scrub_timer.reset();
+ }
+ handle<AudioContainer> audio_container()
+ {
+ assert(canvas_view->audio);
+ return canvas_view->audio;
+ }
+ };
+ class studio::CanvasViewUIInterface : public synfigapp::UIInterface
+ {
+ CanvasView *view;
+ public:
+ CanvasViewUIInterface(CanvasView *view):
+ view(view)
+ {
+ view->statusbar->push(_("Idle"));
+ }
+ ~CanvasViewUIInterface()
+ {
+ //view->statusbar->pop();
+ //view->progressbar->set_fraction(0);
+ }
+ virtual Response confirmation(const std::string &title,
+ const std::string &primaryText,
+ const std::string &secondaryText,
+ const std::string &confirmPhrase,
+ const std::string &cancelPhrase,
+ Response defaultResponse=RESPONSE_OK)
+ {
+ view->present();
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(
+ *view, // Parent
+ primaryText, // Message
+ false, // Markup
+ Gtk::BUTTONS_NONE, // Buttons
+ true // Modal
+ );
+ if (! title.empty())
+ dialog.set_title(title);
+ if (! secondaryText.empty())
+ dialog.set_secondary_text(secondaryText);
+ dialog.add_button(cancelPhrase, RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+ dialog.add_button(confirmPhrase, RESPONSE_OK);
+ dialog.set_default_response(defaultResponse);
+ dialog.show_all();
+ return (Response) dialog.run();
+ }
+ virtual Response yes_no(const std::string &title, const std::string &message,Response dflt=RESPONSE_YES)
+ {
+ view->present();
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ Gtk::Dialog dialog(
+ title, // Title
+ *view, // Parent
+ true, // Modal
+ true // use_separator
+ );
+ Gtk::Label label(message);
+ label.show();
+ dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(label);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-yes"),RESPONSE_YES);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-no"),RESPONSE_NO);
+ dialog.set_default_response(dflt);
+ dialog.show();
+ return (Response)dialog.run();
+ }
+ virtual Response yes_no_cancel(const std::string &title, const std::string &message,Response dflt=RESPONSE_YES)
+ {
+ view->present();
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ Gtk::Dialog dialog(
+ title, // Title
+ *view, // Parent
+ true, // Modal
+ true // use_separator
+ );
+ Gtk::Label label(message);
+ label.show();
+ dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(label);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-yes"),RESPONSE_YES);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-no"),RESPONSE_NO);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-cancel"),RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+ dialog.set_default_response(dflt);
+ dialog.show();
+ return (Response)dialog.run();
+ }
+ virtual Response ok_cancel(const std::string &title, const std::string &message,Response dflt=RESPONSE_OK)
+ {
+ view->present();
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ Gtk::Dialog dialog(
+ title, // Title
+ *view, // Parent
+ true, // Modal
+ true // use_separator
+ );
+ Gtk::Label label(message);
+ label.show();
+ dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start(label);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-ok"),RESPONSE_OK);
+ dialog.add_button(Gtk::StockID("gtk-cancel"),RESPONSE_CANCEL);
+ dialog.set_default_response(dflt);
+ dialog.show();
+ return (Response)dialog.run();
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ task(const std::string &task)
+ {
+ if(!view->is_playing_)
+ {
+ view->statusbar->pop();
+ view->statusbar->push(task);
+ }
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ if(view->cancel){return false;}
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ error(const std::string &err)
+ {
+ view->statusbar->push(_("ERROR"));
+ // If we are in the process of canceling,
+ // then just go ahead and return false --
+ // don't bother displaying a dialog
+ if(view->cancel)return false;
+ Gtk::MessageDialog dialog(*view, err, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE, true);
+ dialog.show();
+ dialog.run();
+ view->statusbar->pop();
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ warning(const std::string &err)
+ {
+ view->statusbar->pop();
+ view->statusbar->push(err);
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ if(view->cancel)return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ amount_complete(int current, int total)
+ {
+ if(!view->is_playing_)
+ {
+ if(!view->working_depth)
+ {
+ if(current)
+ view->stopbutton->set_sensitive(true);
+ else
+ view->stopbutton->set_sensitive(false);
+ }
+ float x((float)current/(float)total);
+ if(x<0)x=0;
+ else if(x>1)x=1;
+ view->progressbar->set_fraction(x);
+ }
+ //while(studio::App::events_pending())studio::App::iteration(false);
+ if(view->cancel){/*view->cancel=false;*/return false;}
+ return true;
+ }
+ void
+ not_implemented()
+ {
+ error(_("Feature not yet implemented"));
+ }
+ };
+ class studio::CanvasViewSelectionManager : public synfigapp::SelectionManager
+ {
+ CanvasView *view;
+ CanvasView::LayerTreeModel layer_tree_model;
+ CanvasView::ChildrenTreeModel children_tree_model;
+ public:
+ CanvasViewSelectionManager(CanvasView *view): view(view) { }
+ private:
+ void _set_selected_layer(const synfig::Layer::Handle &layer)
+ {
+ view->layer_tree->select_layer(layer);
+ /*
+ // Don't change the selection while we are busy
+ // I cannot remember exactly why I put this here...
+ // It musta been for some reason, but I cannot recall.
+ //if(App::Busy::count)
+ // return;
+ if(view->layer_tree->get_selection()->get_selected())
+ {
+ const Gtk::TreeRow row = *(view->layer_tree->get_selection()->get_selected());
+ // Don't do anything if that layer is already selected
+ if(layer == static_cast<synfig::Layer::Handle>(row[layer_tree_model.layer]))
+ return;
+ }
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter;
+ if(view->layer_tree_store()->find_layer_row(layer,iter))
+ {
+ Gtk::TreePath path(iter);
+ for(int i=path.get_depth();i;i--)
+ {
+ int j;
+ path=Gtk::TreePath(iter);
+ for(j=i;j;j--)
+ path.up();
+ view->layer_tree->get_tree_view().expand_row(path,false);
+ }
+ view->layer_tree->get_tree_view().scroll_to_row(Gtk::TreePath(iter));
+ view->layer_tree->get_selection()->select(iter);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ public:
+ //! Returns the number of layers selected.
+ virtual int get_selected_layer_count()const
+ {
+ return get_selected_layers().size();
+ }
+ //! Returns a list of the currently selected layers.
+ virtual LayerList get_selected_layers()const
+ {
+ // assert(view->layer_tree);
+ if(!view->layer_tree) { synfig::error("%s:%d canvas_view.layer_tree not defined!?", __FILE__, __LINE__); return LayerList(); }
+ return view->layer_tree->get_selected_layers();
+ }
+ //! Returns the first layer selected or an empty handle if none are selected.
+ virtual synfig::Layer::Handle get_selected_layer()const
+ {
+ // assert(view->layer_tree);
+ if(!view->layer_tree) { synfig::error("%s:%d canvas_view.layer_tree not defined!?", __FILE__, __LINE__); return 0; }
+ return view->layer_tree->get_selected_layer();
+ }
+ //! Sets which layers should be selected
+ virtual void set_selected_layers(const LayerList &layer_list)
+ {
+ // assert(view->layer_tree);
+ if(!view->layer_tree) { synfig::error("%s:%d canvas_view.layer_tree not defined!?", __FILE__, __LINE__); return; }
+ view->layer_tree->select_layers(layer_list);
+ //view->get_smach().process_event(EVENT_REFRESH_DUCKS);
+ //view->queue_rebuild_ducks();
+ }
+ //! Sets which layer should be selected.
+ virtual void set_selected_layer(const synfig::Layer::Handle &layer)
+ {
+ // assert(view->layer_tree);
+ if(!view->layer_tree) { synfig::error("canvas_view.layer_tree not defined!?"); return; }
+ view->layer_tree->select_layer(layer);
+ //view->queue_rebuild_ducks();
+ }
+ //! Clears the layer selection list
+ virtual void clear_selected_layers()
+ {
+ if(!view->layer_tree) return;
+ view->layer_tree->clear_selected_layers();
+ }
+ //! Returns the number of value_nodes selected.
+ virtual int get_selected_children_count()const
+ {
+ return get_selected_children().size();
+ }
+ static inline void __child_grabber(const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter, ChildrenList* ret)
+ {
+ const CanvasView::ChildrenTreeModel children_tree_model;
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc((*iter)[children_tree_model.value_desc]);
+ if(value_desc)
+ ret->push_back(value_desc);
+ }
+ //! Returns a list of the currently selected value_nodes.
+ virtual ChildrenList get_selected_children()const
+ {
+ if(!view->children_tree) return ChildrenList();
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection=view->children_tree->get_selection();
+ if(!selection)
+ return ChildrenList();
+ ChildrenList ret;
+ selection->selected_foreach_iter(
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::ptr_fun(
+ &studio::CanvasViewSelectionManager::__child_grabber
+ ),
+ &ret
+ )
+ );
+ /*
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter(view->children_tree_store()->children().begin());
+ iter++;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = iter->children();
+ for(iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(selection->is_selected(row))
+ ret.push_back((synfigapp::ValueDesc)row[children_tree_model.value_desc]);
+ }
+ */
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //! Returns the first value_node selected or an empty handle if none are selected.
+ virtual ChildrenList::value_type get_selected_child()const
+ {
+ if(!view->children_tree) return ChildrenList::value_type();
+ ChildrenList children(get_selected_children());
+ if(children.empty())
+ return ChildrenList::value_type();
+ return children.front();
+ }
+ //! Sets which value_nodes should be selected
+ virtual void set_selected_children(const ChildrenList &/*children_list*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //! Sets which value_node should be selected. Empty handle if none.
+ virtual void set_selected_child(const ChildrenList::value_type &/*child*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //! Clears the value_node selection list
+ virtual void clear_selected_children()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ int get_selected_layer_parameter_count()const
+ {
+ return get_selected_layer_parameters().size();
+ }
+ LayerParamList get_selected_layer_parameters()const
+ {
+ if(!view->layer_tree) return LayerParamList();
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection=view->layer_tree->get_selection();
+ if(!selection)
+ return LayerParamList();
+ LayerParamList ret;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = const_cast<CanvasView*>(view)->layer_tree_store()->children();
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter;
+ for(iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter)
+ {
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=row.children().begin();iter!=row.children().end();iter++)
+ {
+ Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
+ if(selection->is_selected(row))
+ ret.push_back(LayerParam(row[layer_tree_model.layer],(Glib::ustring)row[layer_tree_model.id]));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ LayerParam get_selected_layer_parameter() const
+ {
+ if(!view->layer_tree) return LayerParam();
+ return get_selected_layer_parameters().front();
+ }
+ void set_selected_layer_parameters(const LayerParamList &/*layer_param_list*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ void set_selected_layer_param(const LayerParam &/*layer_param*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ void clear_selected_layer_parameters()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }; // END of class SelectionManager
+ CanvasView::IsWorking::IsWorking(CanvasView &canvas_view_):
+ canvas_view_(canvas_view_)
+ {
+ if(!canvas_view_.working_depth)
+ canvas_view_.stopbutton->set_sensitive(true);
+ canvas_view_.working_depth++;
+ canvas_view_.cancel=false;
+ }
+ CanvasView::IsWorking::~IsWorking()
+ {
+ canvas_view_.working_depth--;
+ if(!canvas_view_.working_depth)
+ canvas_view_.stopbutton->set_sensitive(false);
+ }
+ CanvasView::IsWorking::operator bool()const
+ {
+ if(canvas_view_.cancel)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */
+ CanvasView::CanvasView(etl::loose_handle<Instance> instance,etl::handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface_):
+ smach_ (this),
+ instance_ (instance),
+ canvas_interface_ (canvas_interface_),
+ //layer_tree_store_ (LayerTreeStore::create(canvas_interface_)),
+ //children_tree_store_ (ChildrenTreeStore::create(canvas_interface_)),
+ //keyframe_tree_store_ (KeyframeTreeStore::create(canvas_interface_)),
+ time_adjustment_ (0,0,25,0,0,0),
+ time_window_adjustment_ (0,0,25,0,0,0),
+ quality_adjustment_ (8,1,10,1,1,0),
+ future_onion_adjustment_ (0,0,2,1,1,0),
+ past_onion_adjustment_ (0,0,2,1,1,0),
+ statusbar (manage(new class Gtk::Statusbar())),
+ timeslider (new Widget_Timeslider),
+ widget_kf_list (new Widget_Keyframe_List),
+ ui_interface_ (new CanvasViewUIInterface(this)),
+ selection_manager_ (new CanvasViewSelectionManager(this)),
+ is_playing_ (false),
+ working_depth (0),
+ cancel (false),
+ canvas_properties (*this,canvas_interface_),
+ canvas_options (this),
+ render_settings (*this,canvas_interface_),
+ waypoint_dialog (*this,canvas_interface_->get_canvas()),
+ keyframe_dialog (*this,canvas_interface_),
+ preview_dialog (new Dialog_Preview),
+ sound_dialog (new Dialog_SoundSelect(*this,canvas_interface_))
+ {
+ layer_tree=0;
+ children_tree=0;
+ duck_refresh_flag=true;
+ toggling_ducks_=false;
+ changing_resolution_=false;
+ updating_quality_=false;
+ toggling_show_grid=false;
+ toggling_snap_grid=false;
+ toggling_onion_skin=false;
+ smach_.set_default_state(&state_normal);
+ disp_audio = new Widget_Sound();
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Entered constructor");
+ // Minor hack
+ get_canvas()->set_time(0);
+ //layer_tree_store_->rebuild();
+ // Set up the UI and Selection managers
+ canvas_interface()->set_ui_interface(get_ui_interface());
+ canvas_interface()->set_selection_manager(get_selection_manager());
+ rebuild_ducks_queued=false;
+ //notebook=manage(new class Gtk::Notebook());
+ //Gtk::VPaned *vpaned = manage(new class Gtk::VPaned());
+ //vpaned->pack1(*create_work_area(), Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::SHRINK);
+ //vpaned->pack2(*notebook, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ //vpaned->show_all();
+ //notebook->show();
+ //notebook->append_page(*create_layer_tree(),_("Layers"));
+ //notebook->append_page(*create_children_tree(),_("Children"));
+ //notebook->append_page(*create_keyframe_tree(),_("Keyframes"));
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Before big chunk of allocation and tabling stuff");
+ //create all allocated stuff for this canvas
+ audio = new AudioContainer();
+ Gtk::Table *layout_table= manage(new class Gtk::Table(1, 4, false));
+ //layout_table->attach(*vpaned, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ layout_table->attach(*create_work_area(), 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ layout_table->attach(*create_display_bar(), 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ init_menus();
+ //layout_table->attach(*App::ui_manager()->get_widget("/menu-main"), 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ layout_table->attach(*create_time_bar(), 0, 1, 3, 4, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ layout_table->attach(*create_status_bar(), 0, 1, 4, 5, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ update_title();
+ layout_table->show();
+ add(*layout_table);
+ //set_transient_for(*App::toolbox);
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Before Signals");
+ /*
+ -- ** -- Signals -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ canvas_interface()->signal_dirty_preview().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_dirty_preview));
+ canvas_interface()->signal_mode_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_mode_changed));
+ canvas_interface()->signal_time_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_time_changed));
+ //canvas_interface()->signal_time_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::refresh_tables));
+ canvas_interface()->signal_id_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_id_changed));
+ canvas_interface()->signal_rend_desc_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::refresh_rend_desc));
+ waypoint_dialog.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_changed));
+ waypoint_dialog.signal_delete().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_delete));
+ time_window_adjustment().set_child_adjustment(&time_adjustment());
+ time_window_adjustment().signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::refresh_time_window));
+ time_adjustment().signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::time_was_changed));
+ work_area->signal_layer_selected().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::workarea_layer_selected));
+ work_area->signal_input_device_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::on_input_device_changed));
+ canvas_interface()->signal_canvas_added().connect(
+ sigc::hide(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*instance,&studio::Instance::refresh_canvas_tree)
+ )
+ );
+ canvas_interface()->signal_canvas_removed().connect(
+ sigc::hide(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*instance,&studio::Instance::refresh_canvas_tree)
+ )
+ );
+ canvas_interface()->signal_layer_param_changed().connect(
+ sigc::hide(
+ sigc::hide(
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ refresh_rend_desc();
+ refresh_time_window();
+ /*! \todo We shouldn't need to do this at construction --
+ ** This should be performed at the first time the window
+ ** becomes visible.
+ */
+ work_area->queue_render_preview();
+ // If the canvas is really big, zoom out so that we can fit it all in the window
+ /*! \todo In other words, this is a zoom-to-fit, and should be
+ ** in its own function.
+ */
+ int w=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_w()+70;
+ int h=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_h()+70;
+ while(w>700 || h>600)
+ {
+ // Minor hack:
+ // zoom_out() =>
+ // WorkArea::async_update_preview() =>
+ // WorkArea::set_zoom(float) =>
+ // WorkArea::async_update_preview() =>
+ // desc.set_time(cur_time), where cur_time isn't initialized
+ work_area->set_time(0);
+ work_area->zoom_out();
+ w=round_to_int(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_w()*work_area->get_zoom()+70);
+ h=round_to_int(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_h()*work_area->get_zoom()+70);
+ }
+ if(w>700)w=700;
+ if(h>600)h=600;
+ set_default_size(w,h);
+ property_window_position().set_value(Gtk::WIN_POS_NONE);
+ std::list<Gtk::TargetEntry> listTargets;
+ listTargets.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("STRING") );
+ listTargets.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("text/plain") );
+ listTargets.push_back( Gtk::TargetEntry("image") );
+ drag_dest_set(listTargets);
+ signal_drag_data_received().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_drop_drag_data_received) );
+ /*
+ Time length(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end()-get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ if(length<10.0)
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(length);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(10.0);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(10.0);
+ }
+ */
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Before Sound Hookup");
+ //load sound info from meta data
+ {
+ //synfig::warning("Should load Audio: %s with %s offset",apath.c_str(),aoffset.c_str());
+ on_audio_file_notify(); //redundant setting of the metadata, but oh well, it's no big deal :)
+ on_audio_offset_notify();
+ //signal connection - since they are all associated with the canvas view
+ //hook in signals for sound options box
+ sound_dialog->signal_file_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_file_change));
+ sound_dialog->signal_offset_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_offset_change));
+ //attach to the preview when it's visible
+ //preview_dialog->get_widget().signal_play().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::play_audio));
+ //preview_dialog->get_widget().signal_stop().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::stop_audio));
+ //hook to metadata signals
+ get_canvas()->signal_meta_data_changed("audiofile").connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_file_notify));
+ get_canvas()->signal_meta_data_changed("audiooffset").connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_offset_notify));
+ //universal_scrubber=std::auto_ptr<UniversalScrubber>(new UniversalScrubber(this));
+ }
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Before Final time set up");
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ time_window_adjustment().value_changed();
+ GRAB_HINT_DATA("canvas_view");
+ /*
+ {
+ set_skip_taskbar_hint(true);
+ set_skip_pager_hint(true);
+ set_type_hint(Gdk::WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_UTILITY);
+ }
+ */
+ refresh_rend_desc();
+ hide_tables();
+ on_time_changed();
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Constructor Done");
+ }
+ CanvasView::~CanvasView()
+ {
+ signal_deleted()();
+ App::ui_manager()->remove_action_group(action_group);
+ // Shut down the smach
+ smach_.egress();
+ smach_.set_default_state(0);
+ // We want to ensure that the UI_Manager and
+ // the selection manager get destructed right now.
+ ui_interface_.reset();
+ selection_manager_.reset();
+ // Delete any external widgets
+ for(;!ext_widget_book_.empty();ext_widget_book_.erase(ext_widget_book_.begin()))
+ {
+ if(ext_widget_book_.begin()->second)
+ delete ext_widget_book_.begin()->second;
+ }
+ //delete preview
+ audio.reset();
+ hide();
+ // don't be calling on_dirty_preview once this object has been deleted;
+ // this was causing a crash before
+ canvas_interface()->signal_dirty_preview().clear();
+ synfig::info("CanvasView::~CanvasView(): Deleted");
+ }
+ std::list<int>&
+ CanvasView::get_pixel_sizes()
+ {
+ // prime factors of 120 are 2, 2, 2, 3, 5 - see TILE_SIZE in synfig-core/trunk/src/synfig/target_tile.h
+ static int pixel_size_array[] = {2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20,24,30,40,60,120};
+ static list<int> pixel_sizes = list<int>(pixel_size_array, pixel_size_array + sizeof(pixel_size_array) / sizeof(int));
+ return pixel_sizes;
+ }
+ Gtk::Widget *
+ CanvasView::create_time_bar()
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ //Setup the Time Slider and the Time window scroll
+ Gtk::HScrollbar *time_window_scroll = manage(new class Gtk::HScrollbar(time_window_adjustment()));
+ //Gtk::HScrollbar *time_scroll = manage(new class Gtk::HScrollbar(time_adjustment()));
+ //Widget_Timeslider *time_scroll = manage(new Widget_Timeslider);
+ timeslider->set_time_adjustment(&time_adjustment());
+ timeslider->set_bounds_adjustment(&time_window_adjustment());
+ //layout_table->attach(*timeslider, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL);
+ //Setup the keyframe list widget
+ widget_kf_list->set_time_adjustment(&time_adjustment());
+ widget_kf_list->set_canvas_interface(canvas_interface());
+ widget_kf_list->show();
+ tooltips.set_tip(*time_window_scroll,_("Moves the time window"));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*timeslider,_("Changes the current time"));
+ time_window_scroll->show();
+ timeslider->show();
+ //time_window_scroll->set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); // Uncomment this produce bad render of the HScroll
+ timeslider->set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
+ //time_scroll->signal_value_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::render_preview_hook));
+ //time_scroll->set_update_policy(Gtk::UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS);
+ //Setup the Animation Mode Button and the Keyframe Lock button
+ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
+ SMALL_BUTTON(animatebutton,"gtk-yes",_("Animate"));
+ animatebutton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_animate_button_pressed));
+ animatebutton->show();
+ //Setup the audio display
+ disp_audio->set_size_request(-1,32); //disp_audio->show();
+ disp_audio->set_time_adjustment(&time_adjustment());
+ disp_audio->signal_start_scrubbing().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*audio,&AudioContainer::start_scrubbing)
+ );
+ disp_audio->signal_scrub().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*audio,&AudioContainer::scrub)
+ );
+ disp_audio->signal_stop_scrubbing().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*audio,&AudioContainer::stop_scrubbing)
+ );
+ //Setup the current time widget
+ current_time_widget=manage(new Widget_Time);
+ current_time_widget->set_value(get_time());
+ current_time_widget->set_fps(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ current_time_widget->signal_value_changed().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_current_time_widget_changed)
+ );
+ current_time_widget->set_size_request(0,-1); // request horizontal shrink
+ tooltips.set_tip(*current_time_widget,_("Current time"));
+ current_time_widget->show();
+ //Setup the FrameDial widget
+ framedial = manage(new class FrameDial());
+ framedial->signal_seek_begin().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time), Time::begin())
+ );
+ framedial->signal_seek_prev_frame().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_frame), -1)
+ );
+ framedial->signal_play_stop().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_play_stop_pressed)
+ );
+ framedial->signal_seek_next_frame().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_frame), 1)
+ );
+ framedial->signal_seek_end().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time), Time::end())
+ );
+ framedial->show();
+ //Setup the KeyFrameDial widget
+ KeyFrameDial *keyframedial = Gtk::manage(new class KeyFrameDial());
+ keyframedial->signal_seek_prev_keyframe().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_prev_keyframe));
+ keyframedial->signal_seek_next_keyframe().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_next_keyframe));
+ keyframedial->signal_lock_keyframe().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_keyframe_button_pressed));
+ keyframedial->show();
+ keyframebutton=keyframedial->get_lock_button();
+ timebar = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::Table(5, 4, false));
+ //Adjust both widgets to be the same as the
+ int header_height = 0;
+ header_height = atoi(getenv("SYNFIG_TIMETRACK_HEADER_HEIGHT"));
+ if (header_height < 3)
+ header_height = 24;
+ timeslider->set_size_request(-1,header_height-header_height/3+1);
+ widget_kf_list->set_size_request(-1,header_height/3+1);
+ //Attach widgets to the timebar
+ //timebar->attach(*manage(disp_audio), 1, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*current_time_widget, 0, 1, 0, 2, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ timebar->attach(*framedial, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*timeslider, 1, 3, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*widget_kf_list, 1, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*time_window_scroll, 1, 3, 2, 3, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*keyframedial, 3, 4, 0, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->attach(*animatebutton, 4, 5, 0, 2, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ //timebar->attach(*keyframebutton, 1, 2, 3, 4, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ timebar->show();
+ return timebar;
+ }
+ Gtk::Widget *
+ CanvasView::create_work_area()
+ {
+ work_area=std::auto_ptr<WorkArea>(new class studio::WorkArea(canvas_interface_));
+ work_area->set_instance(get_instance());
+ work_area->set_canvas(get_canvas());
+ work_area->set_canvas_view(this);
+ work_area->set_progress_callback(get_ui_interface().get());
+ work_area->signal_popup_menu().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::popup_main_menu));
+ work_area->show();
+ return work_area.get();
+ }
+ Gtk::Widget*
+ CanvasView::create_status_bar()
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
+ cancel=false;
+ // Create the status bar at the bottom of the window
+ Gtk::Table *statusbartable= manage(new class Gtk::Table(5, 1, false));
+ // statusbar = manage(new class Gtk::Statusbar()); // This is already done at construction
+ progressbar =manage(new class Gtk::ProgressBar());
+ SMALL_BUTTON(stopbutton,"gtk-stop",_("Stop"));
+ SMALL_BUTTON(refreshbutton,"gtk-refresh",_("Refresh"));
+ //SMALL_BUTTON(treetogglebutton,"gtk-go-down",_("Toggle Layer Tree"));
+ // NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(raisebutton,"gtk-go-up",_("Raise Layer"));
+ // NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(lowerbutton,"gtk-go-down",_("Lower Layer"));
+ //statusbartable->attach(*treetogglebutton, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ // statusbartable->attach(*lowerbutton, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ // statusbartable->attach(*raisebutton, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ statusbartable->attach(*statusbar, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ statusbartable->attach(*progressbar, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ statusbartable->attach(*refreshbutton, 3, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ statusbartable->attach(*stopbutton, 4, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ statusbar->set_has_resize_grip(false);
+ statusbar->show();
+ stopbutton->show();
+ refreshbutton->show();
+ progressbar->show();
+ stopbutton->set_sensitive(false);
+ //refreshbutton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_refresh_pressed));
+ //stopbutton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::stop));
+ //treetogglebutton->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_tables));
+ refreshbutton->signal_clicked().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH));
+ stopbutton->signal_clicked().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_STOP));
+ statusbartable->show_all();
+ return statusbartable;
+ }
+ Gtk::Widget*
+ CanvasView::create_display_bar()
+ {
- toggleducksdial = Gtk::manage(new class ToggleDucksDial());
++ displaybar = manage(new class Gtk::Table(10, 1, false));
++ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon_16x16");
+ // Setup the ToggleDuckDial widget
- resolutiondial=Gtk::manage(new class ResolutionDial());
++ toggleducksdial = Gtk::manage(new class ToggleDucksDial(iconsize));
+ Duck::Type m = work_area->get_type_mask();
+ toggleducksdial->update_toggles(m);
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_position().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_POSITION)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_vertex().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_VERTEX)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_tangent().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_TANGENT)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_radius().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_RADIUS)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_width().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_WIDTH)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->signal_ducks_angle().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),Duck::TYPE_ANGLE)
+ );
+ toggleducksdial->show();
+ // Set up the ResolutionDial widget
- Gtk::Image *icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_show_grid"), Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon")));
++ resolutiondial=Gtk::manage(new class ResolutionDial(iconsize));
+ resolutiondial->update_lowres(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ resolutiondial->signal_increase_resolution().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::decrease_low_res_pixel_size));
+ resolutiondial->signal_decrease_resolution().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::increase_low_res_pixel_size));
+ resolutiondial->signal_use_low_resolution().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_low_res_pixel_flag));
+ resolutiondial->show();
+ // Set up a separator
+ Gtk::VSeparator *separator1 = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::VSeparator());
+ separator1->show();
+ Gtk::VSeparator *separator2 = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::VSeparator());
+ separator2->show();
+ // Set up quality spin button
+ quality_spin=Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::SpinButton(quality_adjustment_));
+ quality_spin->signal_value_changed().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::update_quality));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*quality_spin, _("Quality (lower is better)"));
+ quality_spin->show();
+ // Set up the show grid toggle button
+ show_grid = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::ToggleButton());
+ show_grid->set_active(work_area->grid_status());
- Gtk::Image *icon2 = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_snap_grid"), Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon")));
++ Gtk::Image *icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_show_grid"), iconsize));
+ icon->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon->show();
+ show_grid->add(*icon);
+ show_grid->signal_toggled().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_show_grid));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*show_grid, _("Show grid when enabled"));
+ show_grid->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ show_grid->show();
+ // Set up the snap to grid toggle button
+ snap_grid = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::ToggleButton());
+ snap_grid->set_active(work_area->grid_status());
- Gtk::Image *icon3 = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_onion_skin"), Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon")));
++ Gtk::Image *icon2 = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_snap_grid"), iconsize));
+ icon2->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon2->show();
+ snap_grid->add(*icon2);
+ snap_grid->signal_toggled().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_snap_grid));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*snap_grid, _("Snap grid when enabled"));
+ snap_grid->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ snap_grid->show();
+ // Set up the onion skin toggle button
+ onion_skin = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::ToggleButton());
+ onion_skin->set_active(work_area->get_onion_skin());
++ Gtk::Image *icon3 = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-toggle_onion_skin"), iconsize));
+ icon3->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon3->show();
+ onion_skin->add(*icon3);
+ onion_skin->signal_toggled().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_onion_skin));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*onion_skin, _("Shows onion skin when enabled"));
+ onion_skin->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ onion_skin->show();
+ // Set up past onion skin spin button
+ past_onion_spin=Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::SpinButton(past_onion_adjustment_));
+ past_onion_spin->signal_value_changed().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::set_onion_skins));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*past_onion_spin, _("Past onion skins"));
+ past_onion_spin->show();
+ // Set up future onion skin spin button
+ future_onion_spin=Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::SpinButton(future_onion_adjustment_));
+ future_onion_spin->signal_value_changed().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::set_onion_skins));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*future_onion_spin, _("Future onion skins"));
+ future_onion_spin->show();
+ displaybar->attach(*toggleducksdial, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*separator1, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
+ displaybar->attach(*resolutiondial, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*separator2, 3, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
+ displaybar->attach(*quality_spin, 4, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*show_grid, 5, 6, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*snap_grid, 6, 7, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*past_onion_spin, 7, 8, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*onion_skin, 8, 9, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->attach(*future_onion_spin, 9, 10, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK);
+ displaybar->show();
+ return displaybar;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_current_time_widget_changed()
+ {
+ set_time(current_time_widget->get_value());
+ // show the value being used - it will have been rounded to nearest frame
+ // this was already being done elsewhere, but only if the time was really changed;
+ // if the current time was 6f and the user edited it to 6.1f, then the 6.1f would
+ // be left in the display without the following line to fix it
+ current_time_widget->set_value(get_time());
+ current_time_widget->set_position(-1); // leave the cursor at the end
+ }
+ // Gtk::Widget*
+ // CanvasView::create_children_tree()
+ // {
+ // // Create the layer tree
+ // children_tree=manage(new class ChildrenTree());
+ //
+ // // Set up the layer tree
+ // //children_tree->set_model(children_tree_store());
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->set_time_adjustment(time_adjustment());
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->show();
+ //
+ // // Connect Signals
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->signal_edited_value().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_edited_value));
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->signal_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_children_user_click));
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->signal_waypoint_clicked_childrentree().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview));
+ // if(children_tree)children_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH_DUCKS));
+ //
+ // return children_tree;
+ // }
+ // Gtk::Widget*
+ // CanvasView::create_keyframe_tree()
+ // {
+ // keyframe_tree=manage(new KeyframeTree());
+ //
+ // //keyframe_tree->get_selection()->set_mode(Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE);
+ // //keyframe_tree->show();
+ // //keyframe_tree->set_model(keyframe_tree_store());
+ // keyframe_tree->set_editable(true);
+ // //keyframe_tree->signal_edited().connect(sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::update_keyframe)));
+ //
+ // keyframe_tree->signal_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_keyframe_tree_event));
+ //
+ // Gtk::ScrolledWindow *scroll_layer_tree = manage(new class Gtk::ScrolledWindow());
+ // scroll_layer_tree->set_flags(Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
+ // scroll_layer_tree->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
+ // scroll_layer_tree->add(*keyframe_tree);
+ // scroll_layer_tree->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
+ // //scroll_layer_tree->show();
+ //
+ //
+ // Gtk::Table *layout_table= manage(new Gtk::Table(1, 2, false));
+ // layout_table->attach(*scroll_layer_tree, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 0, 0);
+ //
+ // Gtk::Image *icon;
+ // Gtk::IconSize iconsize(Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon"));
+ //
+ // NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(button_add,"gtk-add",_("New Keyframe"));
+ // NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(button_duplicate,"synfig-duplicate",_("Duplicate Keyframe"));
+ // NEW_SMALL_BUTTON(button_delete,"gtk-delete",_("Delete Keyframe"));
+ //
+ // Gtk::HBox *hbox(manage(new Gtk::HBox()));
+ // layout_table->attach(*hbox, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ //
+ // hbox->pack_start(*button_add,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
+ // hbox->pack_start(*button_duplicate,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
+ // hbox->pack_start(*button_delete,Gtk::PACK_SHRINK);
+ //
+ // /*
+ // button_raise->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_HALF);
+ // button_lower->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_HALF);
+ // button_duplicate->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_HALF);
+ // button_delete->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_HALF);
+ // */
+ //
+ // button_add->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_keyframe_add_pressed));
+ // button_duplicate->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_keyframe_duplicate_pressed));
+ // button_delete->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_keyframe_remove_pressed));
+ //
+ // //layout_table->show_all();
+ //
+ // keyframe_tab_child=layout_table;
+ //
+ //
+ // layout_table->hide();
+ //
+ // return layout_table;
+ // }
+ // Gtk::Widget*
+ // CanvasView::create_layer_tree()
+ // {
+ // // Create the layer tree
+ // printf("CanvasView::create_layer_tree()\n");
+ // layer_tree=manage(new class LayerTree());
+ //
+ // // Set up the layer tree
+ // //layer_tree->set_model(layer_tree_store());
+ // layer_tree->set_time_adjustment(time_adjustment());
+ // layer_tree->show();
+ //
+ // // Connect Signals
+ // layer_tree->signal_layer_toggle().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_layer_toggle));
+ // layer_tree->signal_edited_value().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_edited_value));
+ // layer_tree->signal_layer_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_layer_user_click));
+ // layer_tree->signal_param_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_children_user_click));
+ // layer_tree->signal_waypoint_clicked_layertree().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview));
+ // layer_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH_DUCKS));
+ //
+ // layer_tree->hide();
+ // return layer_tree;
+ // }
+ void
+ CanvasView::init_menus()
+ {
+ /*
+ mainmenu.set_accel_group(get_accel_group());
+ mainmenu.set_accel_path("<Canvas-view>");
+ filemenu.set_accel_group(get_accel_group());
+ filemenu.set_accel_path("<Canvas-view>/File");
+ editmenu.set_accel_group(get_accel_group());
+ editmenu.set_accel_path("<Canvas-view>/Edit");
+ layermenu.set_accel_group(get_accel_group());
+ layermenu.set_accel_path("<Canvas-view>/Layer");
+ */
+ //cache the position of desired widgets
+ /*Menus to worry about:
+ - filemenu
+ - editmenu
+ - layermenu
+ - duckmaskmenu
+ - mainmenu
+ - canvasmenu
+ - viewmenu
+ */
+ action_group = Gtk::ActionGroup::create();
+ //action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("MenuFile", _("_File")) );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("new", Gtk::Stock::NEW),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::ptr_fun(&studio::App::new_instance))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("open", Gtk::Stock::OPEN),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::open))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("save", Gtk::Stock::SAVE),
+ hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::save))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("save-as", Gtk::Stock::SAVE_AS),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::dialog_save_as))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("revert", Gtk::Stock::REVERT_TO_SAVED),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::safe_revert))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("cvs-add", Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_add")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_add))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("cvs-update", Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_update")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_update))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("cvs-revert", Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_revert")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_revert))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("cvs-commit", Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_commit")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_commit))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("import", _("Import")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::image_import))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("render", _("Render")),
+ sigc::mem_fun0(render_settings,&studio::RenderSettings::present)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("preview", _("Preview")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_preview_option)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("sound", _("Sound File")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_option)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("options", _("Options")),
+ sigc::mem_fun0(canvas_options,&studio::CanvasOptions::present)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("close", Gtk::StockID("gtk-close"), _("Close Window")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::close_view))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("close-document", Gtk::StockID("gtk-close"), _("Close Document")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::close_instance))
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("quit", Gtk::StockID("gtk-quit"), _("Quit")),
+ sigc::hide_return(sigc::ptr_fun(&studio::App::quit))
+ );
+ //action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("undo", Gtk::StockID("gtk-undo")),
+ //);
+ //action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("redo", Gtk::StockID("gtk-redo")),
+ //);
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("select-all-ducks", _("Select All Ducks")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area,&studio::WorkArea::select_all_ducks)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("unselect-all-ducks", _("Unselect All Ducks")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area,&studio::WorkArea::unselect_all_ducks)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("select-all-layers", _("Select All Layers")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_select_layers)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("unselect-all-layers", _("Unselect All Layers")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_unselect_layers)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("stop", Gtk::StockID("gtk-stop")),
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("refresh", Gtk::StockID("gtk-refresh")),
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("properties", Gtk::StockID("gtk-properties")),
+ sigc::mem_fun0(canvas_properties,&studio::CanvasProperties::present)
+ );
+ // Preview Quality Menu
+ {
+ int i;
+ action_group->add( Gtk::RadioAction::create(quality_group,"quality-00", _("Use Parametric Renderer")),
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::set_quality),
+ 0
+ )
+ );
+ for(i=1;i<=10;i++)
+ {
+ String note;
+ if (i == 1) note = _(" (best)");
+ if (i == 10) note = _(" (fastest)");
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RadioAction> action(Gtk::RadioAction::create(quality_group,strprintf("quality-%02d",i),
+ strprintf(_("Set Quality to %d"),i) + note));
+ if (i==8) // default quality
+ {
+ action->set_active();
+ work_area->set_quality(i);
+ }
+ action_group->add( action,
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::set_quality),
+ i
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Low-Res Quality Menu
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(list<int>::iterator iter = CanvasView::get_pixel_sizes().begin(); iter != CanvasView::get_pixel_sizes().end(); iter++)
+ {
+ i = *iter;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RadioAction> action(Gtk::RadioAction::create(low_res_pixel_size_group,strprintf("lowres-pixel-%d",i),
+ strprintf(_("Set Low-Res pixel size to %d"),i)));
+ if(i==2) // default pixel size
+ {
+ action->set_active();
+ work_area->set_low_res_pixel_size(i);
+ }
+ action_group->add( action,
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::set_low_res_pixel_size),
+ i
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action;
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("decrease-low-res-pixel-size", _("Decrease Low-Res Pixel Size"));
+ action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(this, &studio::CanvasView::decrease_low_res_pixel_size));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("increase-low-res-pixel-size", _("Increase Low-Res Pixel Size"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(this, &studio::CanvasView::increase_low_res_pixel_size));
+ }
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("play", Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PLAY),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::play)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("dialog-flipbook", _("Preview Window")),
+ sigc::mem_fun0(*preview_dialog, &studio::Dialog_Preview::present)
+ );
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action;
+ grid_show_toggle = Gtk::ToggleAction::create("toggle-grid-show", _("Show Grid"));
+ grid_show_toggle->set_active(work_area->grid_status());
+ action_group->add(grid_show_toggle, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_show_grid));
+ grid_snap_toggle = Gtk::ToggleAction::create("toggle-grid-snap", _("Snap to Grid"));
+ grid_snap_toggle->set_active(work_area->get_grid_snap());
+ action_group->add(grid_snap_toggle, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_snap_grid));
+ action = Gtk::ToggleAction::create("toggle-guide-show", _("Show Guides"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_show_guides());
+ action_group->add(action, sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::toggle_guide_snap));
+ action = Gtk::ToggleAction::create("toggle-low-res", _("Use Low-Res"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ action_group->add(action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_low_res_pixel_flag));
+ action = Gtk::ToggleAction::create("toggle-onion-skin", _("Show Onion Skin"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_onion_skin());
+ action_group->add(action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_onion_skin));
+ }
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-fit", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-fit")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_fit)
+ );
+ action_group->add( Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-100", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-100")),
+ sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_norm)
+ );
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action;
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-next-frame", Gtk::Stock::GO_FORWARD,_("Next Frame"),_("Next Frame"));
+ action_group->add(action,sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_frame),1));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-prev-frame", Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK,_("Prev Frame"),_("Prev Frame"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_frame),-1));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-next-second", Gtk::Stock::GO_FORWARD,_("Seek Forward"),_("Seek Forward"));
+ action_group->add(action,sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time),Time(1)));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-prev-second", Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK,_("Seek Backward"),_("Seek Backward"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time),Time(-1)));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-end", Gtk::Stock::GOTO_LAST,_("Seek to End"),_("Seek to End"));
+ action_group->add(action,sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time),Time::end()));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-begin", Gtk::Stock::GOTO_FIRST,_("Seek to Begin"),_("Seek to Begin"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek_time),Time::begin()));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("jump-next-keyframe", Gtk::Stock::GO_FORWARD,_("Jump to Next Keyframe"),_("Jump to Next Keyframe"));
+ action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_next_keyframe));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("jump-prev-keyframe", Gtk::Stock::GO_BACK,_("Jump to Prev Keyframe"),_("Jump to Prev Keyframe"));
+ action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_prev_keyframe));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-in", Gtk::Stock::ZOOM_IN);
+ action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_in));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-out", Gtk::Stock::ZOOM_OUT);
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_out) );
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("time-zoom-in", Gtk::Stock::ZOOM_IN, _("Zoom In on Timeline"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_in) );
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("time-zoom-out", Gtk::Stock::ZOOM_OUT, _("Zoom Out on Timeline"));
+ action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_out) );
+ }
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action;
+ #define DUCK_MASK(lower,upper,string) \
+ action=Gtk::ToggleAction::create("mask-" #lower "-ducks", string); \
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_##upper)); \
+ action_group->add(action, \
+ sigc::bind( \
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask), \
+ Duck::TYPE_##upper))
+ DUCK_MASK(position,POSITION,_("Show Position Ducks"));
+ DUCK_MASK(tangent,TANGENT,_("Show Tangent Ducks"));
+ DUCK_MASK(vertex,VERTEX,_("Show Vertex Ducks"));
+ DUCK_MASK(radius,RADIUS,_("Show Radius Ducks"));
+ DUCK_MASK(width,WIDTH,_("Show Width Ducks"));
+ DUCK_MASK(angle,ANGLE,_("Show Angle Ducks"));
+ #undef DUCK_MASK
+ }
+ add_accel_group(App::ui_manager()->get_accel_group());
+ /* // Here is where we add the actions that may have conflicting
+ // keyboard accelerators.
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ActionGroup> accel_action_group(Gtk::ActionGroup::create("canvas_view"));
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action;
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-next-frame", Gtk::StockID("gtk-forward"),_("Next Frame"),_("Next Frame"));
+ accel_action_group->add(action,sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek),1));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("seek-prev-frame", Gtk::StockID("gtk-forward"),_("Prev Frame"),_("Prev Frame"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::seek),-1));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("jump-next-keyframe", Gtk::StockID("gtk-forward"),_("Jump to Next Keyframe"),_("Jump to Next Keyframe"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_next_keyframe));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("jump-prev-keyframe", Gtk::StockID("gtk-back"),_("Jump to Prev Keyframe"),_("Jump to Prev Keyframe"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_prev_keyframe));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-in", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-in"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action,sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_in));
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("canvas-zoom-out", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-out"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_out) );
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("time-zoom-in", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-in"), _("Zoom In on Timeline"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_in) );
+ action=Gtk::Action::create("time-zoom-out", Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-out"), _("Zoom Out on Timeline"));
+ accel_action_group->add( action, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_out) );
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::UIManager> accel_ui_manager(Gtk::UIManager::create());
+ Glib::ustring ui_info =
+ "
+ <ui>
+ <accelerator action='seek-next-frame' />
+ <accelerator action='seek-prev-frame' />
+ <accelerator action='jump-next-keyframe' />
+ <accelerator action='jump-prev-keyframe' />
+ <accelerator action='canvas-zoom-in' />
+ <accelerator action='canvas-zoom-out' />
+ <accelerator action='time-zoom-in' />
+ <accelerator action='time-zoom-out' />
+ </ui>
+ ";
+ accel_ui_manager->add_ui_from_string(ui_info);
+ add_accel_group(accel_ui_manager->get_accel_group());
+ accel_ui_manager->insert_action_group(accel_action_group);
+ set_ref_obj("accel_ui_manager",accel_ui_manager);
+ set_ref_obj("accel_action_group",accel_action_group);
+ }
+ */
+ #if 0
+ //
+ // //Test some key stuff
+ //
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-save"),
+ // hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::save))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-save-as"),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_save_as))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-revert-to-saved"),hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance().get(), &studio::Instance::safe_revert))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ //
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_add"),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_add))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_update"),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_update))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-cvs_commit"),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*get_instance(), &studio::Instance::dialog_cvs_commit))));
+ //
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Import..."),Gtk::AccelKey('I',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::image_import))));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Render"),Gtk::AccelKey("F9"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(render_settings,&studio::RenderSettings::present)
+ // ));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Preview"),Gtk::AccelKey("F11"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_preview_option)
+ // ));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Sound File"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_audio_option)
+ // ));
+ //
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Options"),Gtk::AccelKey("F12"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(canvas_options,&studio::CanvasOptions::present)
+ // ));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Close View"),
+ // sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::close_view))
+ // ));
+ // filemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Close Document"),
+ // sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::close_document))
+ // ));
+ //
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-undo"),Gtk::AccelKey('Z',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_UNDO)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-redo"),Gtk::AccelKey('R',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REDO)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-cut"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-copy"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-paste"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Select All Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('E',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::mem_fun(*work_area,&studio::WorkArea::select_all_ducks)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Unselect All Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('E',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::mem_fun(*work_area,&studio::WorkArea::unselect_all_ducks)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Select All Layers"),Gtk::AccelKey('A',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_select_layers)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Unselect All Layers"),Gtk::AccelKey('D',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_unselect_layers)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ //
+ // //editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-stop"),Gtk::AccelKey(GDK_Escape,static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::stop))));
+ // //editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-refresh"),Gtk::AccelKey('k',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),sigc::hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_refresh_pressed))));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-stop"),Gtk::AccelKey(GDK_Escape,static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_STOP)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-refresh"),Gtk::AccelKey('k',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH)));
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // editmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-properties"),Gtk::AccelKey("F8"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(canvas_properties,&studio::CanvasProperties::present)
+ // ));
+ //
+ // build_new_layer_menu(newlayermenu);
+ // layermenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("New"),newlayermenu));
+ //
+ //
+ // {
+ // synfigapp::Action::ParamList param_list;
+ // param_list.add("canvas",Canvas::Handle(get_canvas()));
+ // param_list.add("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ // add_actions_to_menu(&canvasmenu, param_list,synfigapp::Action::CATEGORY_CANVAS);
+ // }
+ //
+ //
+ // //canvasmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Keyframe Dialog"),sigc::mem_fun(keyframe_dialog,&studio::Dialog_Keyframe::present)));
+ //
+ // // Duck Mask Menu
+ // if(1)
+ // {
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::TearoffMenuElem());
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Position Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('1',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_position=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_position->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_POSITION));
+ // duck_mask_position->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Vertex Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('2',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_vertex=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_vertex->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_VERTEX));
+ // duck_mask_vertex->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // Duck::TYPE_VERTEX
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Tangent Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('3',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_tangent=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_tangent->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_TANGENT));
+ // duck_mask_tangent->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Radius Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('4',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_radius=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_radius->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_RADIUS));
+ // duck_mask_radius->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // Duck::TYPE_RADIUS
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Width Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('5',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_width=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_width->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_WIDTH));
+ // duck_mask_width->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // Duck::TYPE_WIDTH
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // duckmaskmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::CheckMenuElem(_("Angle Ducks"),Gtk::AccelKey('6',Gdk::MOD1_MASK)));
+ // duck_mask_angle=static_cast<Gtk::CheckMenuItem*>(&duckmaskmenu.items().back());
+ // duck_mask_angle->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_ANGLE));
+ // duck_mask_angle->signal_toggled().connect(
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask),
+ // Duck::TYPE_ANGLE
+ // )
+ // );
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Mask Ducks"),duckmaskmenu));
+ // }
+ //
+ // // Preview Quality Menu
+ // if(1)
+ // {
+ // qualitymenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::TearoffMenuElem());
+ // int i;
+ // qualitymenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(strprintf(_("Use Parametric Renderer"),0),
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::set_quality),
+ // 0
+ // )
+ // ));
+ // for(i=1;i<=10;i++)
+ // {
+ // qualitymenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(strprintf(_("Set Quality to %d"),i),Gtk::AccelKey('0'+(i%10),Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),
+ // sigc::bind(
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::set_quality),
+ // i
+ // )
+ // ));
+ // }
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Preview Quality"),qualitymenu));
+ // }
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PLAY,
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::play)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("Flipbook Dialog"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*preview_dialog, &studio::Dialog_Preview::present)));
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Toggle Grid Show"),Gtk::AccelKey('g',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::toggle_grid)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Toggle Grid Snap"),Gtk::AccelKey('l',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::toggle_grid_snap)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Toggle Guide Snap"),Gtk::AccelKey('k',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::toggle_guide_snap)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Toggle Low-Res"),Gtk::AccelKey('`',Gdk::CONTROL_MASK),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::toggle_low_resolution_flag)));
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-in"),Gtk::AccelKey('=',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_in)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-out"),Gtk::AccelKey('-',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_out)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-fit"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_fit)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-100"),Gtk::AccelKey('`',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*work_area, &studio::WorkArea::zoom_norm)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-in"),Gtk::AccelKey('+',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_in)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-zoom-out"),Gtk::AccelKey('_',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::time_zoom_out)));
+ //
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Jump to Next Keyframe"),Gtk::AccelKey(']',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_next_keyframe)));
+ // viewmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Jump to Prev Keyframe"),Gtk::AccelKey('[',static_cast<Gdk::ModifierType>(0)),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::jump_to_prev_keyframe)));
+ //
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::TearoffMenuElem());
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_File"),filemenu));
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Edit"),editmenu));
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_View"),viewmenu));
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Canvas"),canvasmenu));
+ // mainmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Layer"),layermenu));
+ //
+ // mainmenu.accelerate(*this);
+ //
+ ///*
+ // {
+ //
+ // trackmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("New Waypoint"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // trackmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Delete Waypoint"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // trackmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Export"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // trackmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // trackmenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Properties"),NOT_IMPLEMENTED_SLOT));
+ // }
+ //*/
+ // mainmenu.show();
+ // filemenu.show();
+ // editmenu.show();
+ // canvasmenu.show();
+ // layermenu.show();
+ //
+ // keyframemenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::StockMenuElem(Gtk::StockID("gtk-properties"),
+ // sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::show_keyframe_dialog)
+ // ));
+ //
+ //
+ // get_accel_group()->unlock();
+ //
+ // //Set the accelerator paths for all the menus
+ // filemenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/File");
+ // editmenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/Edit");
+ // layermenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/Layer");
+ // //mainmenu.set_accel_path("<synfig-main>");
+ // canvasmenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/Canvas");
+ // viewmenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/View");
+ // duckmaskmenu.set_accel_path("<synfig>/DuckMask");
+ #endif
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_select_layers()
+ {
+ Canvas::Handle canvas(get_canvas());
+ for (CanvasBase::iterator iter = canvas->begin(); iter != canvas->end(); iter++)
+ layer_tree->select_all_children_layers(*iter);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_unselect_layers()
+ {
+ layer_tree->clear_selected_layers();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::show_keyframe_dialog()
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection(keyframe_tree->get_selection());
+ if(selection->get_selected())
+ {
+ Gtk::TreeRow row(*selection->get_selected());
+ Keyframe keyframe(row[keyframe_tree->model.keyframe]);
+ keyframe_dialog.set_keyframe(keyframe);
+ keyframe_dialog.present();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::add_layer(synfig::String x)
+ {
+ Canvas::Handle canvas;
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList layer_list(get_selection_manager()->get_selected_layers());
+ int target_depth(0);
+ if(layer_list.empty())
+ {
+ canvas=get_canvas();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ canvas=(*layer_list.begin())->get_canvas();
+ target_depth=canvas->get_depth(*layer_list.begin());
+ }
+ Layer::Handle layer(canvas_interface()->add_layer_to(x,canvas,target_depth));
+ if(layer)
+ {
+ get_selection_manager()->clear_selected_layers();
+ get_selection_manager()->set_selected_layer(layer);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::popup_layer_menu(synfig::Layer::Handle layer)
+ {
+ //Gtk::Menu* menu(manage(new Gtk::Menu));
+ Gtk::Menu* menu(¶mmenu);
+ menu->items().clear();
+ synfigapp::Action::ParamList param_list;
+ param_list.add("time",canvas_interface()->get_time());
+ param_list.add("canvas",Canvas::Handle(layer->get_canvas()));
+ param_list.add("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ param_list.add("layer",layer);
+ //Gtk::Menu *newlayers(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ //build_new_layer_menu(*newlayers);
+ //parammenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("New Layer"),*newlayers));
+ if(layer->get_name()=="PasteCanvas")
+ {
+ menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Select All Children"),
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *layer_tree,
+ &studio::LayerTree::select_all_children_layers
+ ),
+ layer
+ )
+ ));
+ }
+ add_actions_to_menu(menu, param_list,synfigapp::Action::CATEGORY_LAYER);
+ menu->popup(3,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::register_layer_type(synfig::Layer::Book::value_type &/*lyr*/,std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Menu*>* /*category_map*/)
+ {
+ /* if(lyr.second.category==CATEGORY_DO_NOT_USE)
+ return;
+ if(category_map->count(lyr.second.category)==0)
+ (*category_map)[lyr.second.category]=manage(new Gtk::Menu());
+ (*category_map)[lyr.second.category]->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(lyr.second.local_name,
+ sigc::hide_return(
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&studio::CanvasView::add_layer),
+ lyr.first
+ )
+ )
+ ));
+ */
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::build_new_layer_menu(Gtk::Menu &/*menu*/)
+ {
+ /*
+ std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Menu*> category_map;
+ std::for_each(
+ synfig::Layer::book().begin(),
+ synfig::Layer::book().end(),
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *this,
+ &studio::CanvasView::register_layer_type
+ ),
+ &category_map
+ )
+ );
+ menu.items().clear();
+ menu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::TearoffMenuElem());
+ std::map<synfig::String,Gtk::Menu*>::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=category_map.begin();iter!=category_map.end();++iter)
+ menu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(iter->first,*iter->second));
+ menu.show();
+ */
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::popup_main_menu()
+ {
+ //mainmenu.popup(0,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ Gtk::Menu* menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Menu*>(App::ui_manager()->get_widget("/menu-main"));
+ if(menu)
+ {
+ //menu->set_accel_group(App::ui_manager()->get_accel_group());
+ //menu->accelerate(*this);
+ menu->popup(0,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_refresh_pressed()
+ {
+ rebuild_tables();
+ rebuild_ducks();
+ work_area->queue_render_preview();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::workarea_layer_selected(synfig::Layer::Handle layer)
+ {
+ get_selection_manager()->clear_selected_layers();
+ if(layer)
+ get_selection_manager()->set_selected_layer(layer);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::refresh_rend_desc()
+ {
+ current_time_widget->set_fps(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ //????
+ //synfig::info("Canvasview: Refreshing render desc info");
+ if(!get_time().is_equal(time_adjustment().get_value()))
+ {
+ time_adjustment().set_value(get_time());
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ Time length(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end()-get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(length);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW_SIZE);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(DEFAULT_TIME_WINDOW_SIZE);
+ }
+ //set the FPS of the timeslider
+ timeslider->set_global_fps(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ //set the beginning and ending time of the time slider
+ Time begin_time=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start();
+ Time end_time=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end();
+ // Setup the time_window adjustment
+ time_window_adjustment().set_lower(begin_time);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_upper(end_time);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_step_increment(synfig::Time(1.0/get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate()));
+ //Time length(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end()-get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ if(length < time_window_adjustment().get_page_size())
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(length);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(length);
+ }
+ /*synfig::info("w: %p - [%.3f,%.3f] (%.3f,%.3f) child: %p\n",
+ &time_window_adjustment_, time_window_adjustment_.get_lower(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_upper(),time_window_adjustment_.get_value(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_page_size(),time_window_adjustment_.get_child_adjustment()
+ );*/
+ time_window_adjustment().changed(); //only non-value stuff was changed
+ // Setup the time adjustment
+ //time_adjustment().set_lower(time_window_adjustment().get_value());
+ //time_adjustment().set_upper(time_window_adjustment().get_value()+time_window_adjustment().get_page_size());
+ // time_adjustment().set_lower(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ // time_adjustment().set_upper(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end());
+ time_adjustment().set_step_increment(synfig::Time(1.0/get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate()));
+ time_adjustment().set_page_increment(synfig::Time(1.0));
+ time_adjustment().set_page_size(0);
+ time_adjustment().changed();
+ /*synfig::info("w: %p - [%.3f,%.3f] (%.3f,%.3f) child: %p\n",
+ &time_window_adjustment_, time_window_adjustment_.get_lower(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_upper(),time_window_adjustment_.get_value(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_page_size(),time_window_adjustment_.get_child_adjustment()
+ ); */
+ if(begin_time==end_time)
+ {
+ hide_timebar();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ show_timebar();
+ }
+ //clamp time to big bounds...
+ if(time_window_adjustment().get_value() < begin_time)
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(begin_time);
+ time_window_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ if(time_window_adjustment().get_value() + time_window_adjustment().get_page_size() > end_time)
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(end_time - time_window_adjustment().get_page_size());
+ time_window_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ if(time_adjustment().get_value() < begin_time)
+ {
+ time_adjustment().set_value(begin_time);
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ if(time_adjustment().get_value() > end_time)
+ {
+ time_adjustment().set_value(end_time);
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ /*synfig::info("Time stats: \n"
+ "w: %p - [%.3f,%.3f] (%.3f,%.3f) child: %p\n"
+ "t: %p - [%.3f,%.3f] %.3f",
+ &time_window_adjustment_, time_window_adjustment_.get_lower(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_upper(),time_window_adjustment_.get_value(),
+ time_window_adjustment_.get_page_size(),time_window_adjustment_.get_child_adjustment(),
+ &time_adjustment_,time_adjustment_.get_lower(),time_adjustment_.get_upper(),
+ time_adjustment_.get_value()
+ );*/
+ work_area->queue_render_preview();
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::close_view()
+ {
+ if(get_instance()->get_visible_canvases()==1)
+ close_instance();
+ else
+ hide();
+ return false;
+ }
+ static bool _close_instance(etl::handle<Instance> instance)
+ {
+ etl::handle<Instance> argh(instance);
+ instance->safe_close();
+ synfig::info("closed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::close_instance()
+ {
+ if (get_work_area()->get_updating())
+ {
+ get_work_area()->stop_updating(true); // stop and mark as cancelled
+ // give the workarea chances to stop updating
+ Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &CanvasView::close_instance),
+ 250);
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(_close_instance),
+ (etl::handle<Instance>)get_instance()),
+ 250);
+ return false;
+ }
+ handle<CanvasView>
+ CanvasView::create(etl::loose_handle<Instance> instance, etl::handle<synfig::Canvas> canvas)
+ {
+ etl::handle<studio::CanvasView> view(new CanvasView(instance,instance->synfigapp::Instance::find_canvas_interface(canvas)));
+ instance->canvas_view_list().push_front(view);
+ instance->signal_canvas_view_created()(view.get());
+ return view;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::update_title()
+ {
+ string title;
+ title = strprintf("%s%s\"%s\"",
+ (
+ get_instance()->get_action_count()
+ ? "*"
+ : ""
+ ), (
+ get_instance()->has_real_filename()
+ ? (etl::basename(get_instance()->get_file_name()) + " : ").c_str()
+ : ""
+ ), (
+ get_canvas()->get_name().empty()
+ ? get_canvas()->get_id().c_str()
+ : get_canvas()->get_name().c_str()
+ ));
+ if(get_instance()->synfigapp::Instance::in_repository())
+ {
+ title+=" (CVS";
+ if(get_instance()->synfigapp::Instance::is_modified())
+ title+=_("-MODIFIED");
+ if(get_instance()->synfigapp::Instance::is_updated())
+ title+=_("-UPDATED");
+ title+=')';
+ }
+ if(get_canvas()->is_root())
+ title+=_(" (Root)");
+ set_title(title);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_hide()
+ {
+ smach_.egress();
+ Gtk::Window::on_hide();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::present()
+ {
+ grab_focus();//on_focus_in_event(0);
+ Gtk::Window::present();
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_focus_in_event(GdkEventFocus*x)
+ {
+ if(studio::App::get_selected_canvas_view()!=this)
+ {
+ if(studio::App::get_selected_canvas_view())
+ {
+ studio::App::get_selected_canvas_view()->get_smach().process_event(EVENT_YIELD_TOOL_OPTIONS);
+ App::ui_manager()->remove_action_group(App::get_selected_canvas_view()->action_group);
+ }
+ get_smach().process_event(EVENT_REFRESH_TOOL_OPTIONS);
+ studio::App::set_selected_canvas_view(this);
+ App::ui_manager()->insert_action_group(action_group);
+ }
+ // HACK ... Questionable...?
+ if(x)
+ return Gtk::Window::on_focus_in_event(x);
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_focus_out_event(GdkEventFocus*x)
+ {
+ //App::ui_manager()->remove_action_group(action_group);
+ //App::ui_manager()->ensure_update();
+ return Gtk::Window::on_focus_out_event(x);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::refresh_tables()
+ {
+ // if(layer_tree_store_)layer_tree_store_->refresh();
+ // if(children_tree_store_)children_tree_store_->refresh();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::rebuild_tables()
+ {
+ // layer_tree_store_->rebuild();
+ // children_tree_store_->rebuild();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::build_tables()
+ {
+ // layer_tree_store_->rebuild();
+ // children_tree_store_->rebuild();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_layer_toggle(synfig::Layer::Handle layer)
+ {
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("LayerActivate"));
+ assert(action);
+ if(!action)
+ return;
+ action->set_param("canvas",Canvas::Handle(layer->get_canvas()));
+ if(!action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface()))
+ // if(!action->set_param("canvas_interface",get_instance()->find_canvas_interface(layer->get_canvas())))
+ synfig::error("LayerActivate didn't like CanvasInterface...?");
+ action->set_param("time",get_time());
+ action->set_param("layer",layer);
+ action->set_param("new_status",!layer->active());
+ assert(action->is_ready());
+ canvas_interface()->get_instance()->perform_action(action);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::popup_param_menu(synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc, float location, bool bezier)
+ {
+ parammenu.items().clear();
+ get_instance()->make_param_menu(¶mmenu,get_canvas(),value_desc,location,bezier);
+ parammenu.popup(3,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::add_actions_to_menu(Gtk::Menu *menu, const synfigapp::Action::ParamList ¶m_list,synfigapp::Action::Category category)const
+ {
+ get_instance()->add_actions_to_menu(menu, param_list, category);
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_layer_user_click(int button, Gtk::TreeRow /*row*/, LayerTree::ColumnID /*column_id*/)
+ {
+ switch(button)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ {
+ Gtk::MenuItem* menu = dynamic_cast<Gtk::MenuItem*>(App::ui_manager()->get_widget("/menu-main/menu-layer"));
+ if(menu && menu->get_submenu())
+ {
+ //menu->set_accel_group(App::ui_manager()->get_accel_group());
+ //menu->accelerate(*this);
+ menu->get_submenu()->popup(button,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ }
+ #if 0
+ bool multiple_selected=true;
+ if(layer_tree->get_selection()->count_selected_rows()<=1)
+ multiple_selected=false;
+ // If the clicked row is not selected, then unselect
+ // everything that isn't selected and select this row
+ if(multiple_selected && !layer_tree->get_selection()->is_selected(row))
+ {
+ layer_tree->get_selection()->unselect_all();
+ layer_tree->get_selection()->select(row);
+ multiple_selected=false;
+ }
+ if(column_id==COLUMNID_TIME_TRACK)
+ return false;
+ //synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc(row[layer_param_tree_model.value_desc]);
+ //ValueNode::Handle value_node(row[layer_param_tree_model.value_node]);
+ //ValueNode::Handle parent_value_node;
+ //ValueBase value=row[layer_param_tree_model.value];
+ //if(row.parent())
+ //{
+ // parent_value_node=(*row.parent())[layer_tree_model.value_node];
+ //}
+ {
+ Layer::Handle layer(row[layer_tree_model.layer]);
+ synfigapp::Action::ParamList param_list;
+ param_list.add("time",canvas_interface()->get_time());
+ param_list.add("canvas",Canvas::Handle(row[layer_tree_model.canvas]));
+ param_list.add("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ if(!multiple_selected)
+ param_list.add("layer",layer);
+ else
+ {
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList layer_list(get_selection_manager()->get_selected_layers());
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=layer_list.begin();iter!=layer_list.end();++iter)
+ param_list.add("layer",Layer::Handle(*iter));
+ }
+ parammenu.items().clear();
+ Gtk::Menu *newlayers(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ // do we need this? the code is all #ifdef'ed out anyway
+ // newlayers->signal_hide().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&delete_widget), newlayers));
+ build_new_layer_menu(*newlayers);
+ parammenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("New Layer"),*newlayers));
+ if(!multiple_selected && layer->get_name()=="PasteCanvas")
+ {
+ parammenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Select All Children"),
+ sigc::bind(
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *layer_tree,
+ &studio::LayerTree::select_all_children_layers
+ ),
+ layer
+ )
+ ));
+ }
+ add_actions_to_menu(¶mmenu, param_list,synfigapp::Action::CATEGORY_LAYER);
+ parammenu.popup(button,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ else if(column_id==LayerTree::COLUMNID_TIME_TRACK && value_node && handle<synfig::ValueNode_Animated>::cast_dynamic(value_node))
+ {
+ // Right-click on time track with animated
+ // trackmenu.popup(0,0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!multiple_selected)
+ {
+ popup_param_menu(value_desc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #warning update me!
+ #if 0
+ parammenu.items().clear();
+ parammenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Connect"),
+ hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(),&synfigapp::CanvasInterface::connect_selected_layer_params))
+ ));
+ parammenu.items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Disconnect"),
+ hide_return(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface().get(),&synfigapp::CanvasInterface::disconnect_selected_layer_params))
+ ));
+ parammenu.popup(0,0);
+ #endif
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ */
+ #endif
+ }
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_children_user_click(int button, Gtk::TreeRow row, ChildrenTree::ColumnID column_id)
+ {
+ switch(button)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ {
+ if(column_id==COLUMNID_TIME_TRACK)
+ return false;
+ if(!(bool)row[children_tree_model.is_canvas])
+ {
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc=row[children_tree_model.value_desc];
+ if (!value_desc)
+ {
+ //! \todo fix properly -- what is the child dialog for?
+ synfig::info("preventing child dialog right-click crash");
+ return true;
+ }
+ assert(value_desc);
+ popup_param_menu(value_desc);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_keyframe_tree_event(GdkEvent *event)
+ {
+ switch(event->type)
+ {
+ switch(event->button.button)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ {
+ //keyframemenu.popup(event->button.button,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::refresh_time_window()
+ {
+ //time_adjustment().set_lower(time_window_adjustment().get_value());
+ //time_adjustment().set_upper(time_window_adjustment().get_value()+time_window_adjustment().get_page_size());
+ time_adjustment().set_page_increment(1.0); // One second
+ time_adjustment().set_page_size(0);
+ if(get_canvas())
+ time_adjustment().set_step_increment(1.0/get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ time_adjustment().changed();
+ if(children_tree)
+ children_tree->queue_draw();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_time_changed()
+ {
+ Time time(get_time());
+ current_time_widget->set_value(time);
+ try {
+ get_canvas()->keyframe_list().find(time);
+ current_time_widget->modify_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL,Gdk::Color("#FF0000"));
+ }catch(...){
+ current_time_widget->modify_text(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL,Gdk::Color("#000000"));
+ }
+ if(get_time() != time_adjustment().get_value())
+ {
+ //Recenters the window, causing it to jump (possibly undesirably... but whatever)
+ if(time < time_window_adjustment().get_value() ||
+ time > time_window_adjustment().get_value()+time_window_adjustment().get_page_size())
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(
+ time-time_window_adjustment().get_page_size()/2
+ );
+ }
+ time_adjustment().set_value(time);
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ // Shouldn't these trees just hook into
+ // the time changed signal...?
+ if(layer_tree)layer_tree->queue_draw();
+ if(children_tree)children_tree->queue_draw();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::time_zoom_in()
+ {
+ float frame_rate = get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate();
+ Time min_page_size = 2/frame_rate;
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(time_window_adjustment().get_page_size()*0.75);
+ if (time_window_adjustment().get_page_size() < min_page_size)
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(min_page_size);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(time_window_adjustment().get_page_size());
+ time_window_adjustment().changed();
+ refresh_time_window();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::time_zoom_out()
+ {
+ Time length = (get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end() -
+ get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start());
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(time_window_adjustment().get_page_size()/0.75);
+ if (time_window_adjustment().get_page_size() > length)
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_size(length);
+ time_window_adjustment().set_page_increment(time_window_adjustment().get_page_size());
+ time_window_adjustment().changed();
+ refresh_time_window();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::time_was_changed()
+ {
+ synfig::Time time((synfig::Time)(double)time_adjustment().get_value());
+ set_time(time);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_edited_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc,synfig::ValueBase new_value)
+ {
+ canvas_interface()->change_value(value_desc,new_value);
+ }
+ /*
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_children_edited_value(const Glib::ustring&path_string,synfig::ValueBase value)
+ {
+ Gtk::TreePath path(path_string);
+ const Gtk::TreeRow row = *(children_tree->get_model()->get_iter(path));
+ assert((bool)row[children_tree_model.is_value_node]);
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc=row[children_tree_model.value_desc];
+ assert(value_desc);
+ on_edited_value(value_desc,value);
+ }
+ */
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_id_changed()
+ {
+ update_title();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_mode_changed(synfigapp::CanvasInterface::Mode mode)
+ {
+ // If the animate flag was set in mode...
+ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
+ if(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE)
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("gtk-no"),iconsize));
+ animatebutton->remove();
+ animatebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*animatebutton,_("In Animate Editing Mode"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("gtk-yes"),iconsize));
+ animatebutton->remove();
+ animatebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*animatebutton,_("Not in Animate Editing Mode"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ if((mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && (mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-keyframe_lock_all"),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON));
+ keyframebutton->remove();
+ keyframebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*keyframebutton,_("All Keyframes Locked"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ else if((mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && !(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-keyframe_lock_future"),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON));
+ keyframebutton->remove();
+ keyframebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*keyframebutton,_("Future Keyframes Locked"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ else if(!(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && (mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-keyframe_lock_past"),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON));
+ keyframebutton->remove();
+ keyframebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*keyframebutton,_("Past Keyframes Locked"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ else if(!(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && !(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ icon=manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("synfig-keyframe_lock_none"),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_BUTTON));
+ keyframebutton->remove();
+ keyframebutton->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*keyframebutton,_("No Keyframes Locked"));
+ icon->set_padding(0,0);
+ icon->show();
+ }
+ work_area->queue_draw();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_animate_button_pressed()
+ {
+ if(get_mode()&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE)
+ set_mode(get_mode()-synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE);
+ else
+ set_mode(get_mode()|synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_keyframe_button_pressed()
+ {
+ synfigapp::CanvasInterface::Mode mode(get_mode());
+ // future && past --> past
+ if((mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && (mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ set_mode(get_mode()-synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE);
+ // past --> future
+ else if(!(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && (mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ set_mode((get_mode()-synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST)|synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE);
+ // future --> (nothing)
+ else if((mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && !(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ set_mode(get_mode()-synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE);
+ // (nothing) --> future && past
+ else if(!(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE) && !(mode&synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST))
+ set_mode(get_mode()|synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_FUTURE|synfigapp::MODE_ANIMATE_PAST);
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::duck_change_param(const synfig::Point &value,synfig::Layer::Handle layer, synfig::String param_name)
+ {
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(layer,param_name),value);
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_duck_changed(const synfig::Point &value,const synfigapp::ValueDesc& value_desc)
+ {
+ if (ValueNode_BLineCalcWidth::Handle bline_width = ValueNode_BLineCalcWidth::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ Real old_width((*bline_width)(get_time()).get(Real()));
+ Real new_width(value.mag());
+ int scale_index(bline_width->get_link_index_from_name("scale"));
+ Real scale((*(bline_width->get_link(scale_index)))(get_time()).get(Real()));
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_width,scale_index), new_width * scale / old_width);
+ }
+ if (ValueNode_BLineCalcVertex::Handle bline_vertex = ValueNode_BLineCalcVertex::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ ValueNode_BLine::Handle bline = ValueNode_BLine::Handle::cast_dynamic(bline_vertex->get_link(bline_vertex->get_link_index_from_name("bline")));
+ Real radius = 0.0;
+ Real amount = synfig::find_closest_point((*bline)(get_time()), value, radius, bline->get_loop());
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_vertex,bline_vertex->get_link_index_from_name("amount")), amount);
+ }
+ if (ValueNode_BLineCalcTangent::Handle bline_tangent = ValueNode_BLineCalcTangent::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ switch(value_desc.get_value_type())
+ {
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_REAL:
+ {
+ Real old_length = (*bline_tangent)(get_time()).get(Real());
+ Real new_length = value.mag();
+ int scale_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("scale"));
+ int fixed_length_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("fixed_length"));
+ Real scale((*(bline_tangent->get_link(scale_index)))(get_time()).get(Real()));
+ bool fixed_length((*(bline_tangent->get_link(fixed_length_index)))(get_time()).get(bool()));
+ if (fixed_length)
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,scale_index), new_length);
+ if (old_length == 0)
+ return true;
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,scale_index), new_length * scale / old_length);
+ }
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_ANGLE:
+ assert(0); // doesn't happen?
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_VECTOR:
+ {
+ Vector old_tangent = (*bline_tangent)(get_time()).get(Vector());
+ Angle old_angle = old_tangent.angle();
+ Real old_length = old_tangent.mag();
+ Angle new_angle = value.angle();
+ Real new_length = value.mag();
+ int offset_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("offset"));
+ int scale_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("scale"));
+ int fixed_length_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("fixed_length"));
+ Angle old_offset((*(bline_tangent->get_link(offset_index)))(get_time()).get(Angle()));
+ Real scale((*(bline_tangent->get_link(scale_index)))(get_time()).get(Real()));
+ bool fixed_length((*(bline_tangent->get_link(fixed_length_index)))(get_time()).get(bool()));
+ if (fixed_length)
+ {
+ if (!(canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,scale_index), new_length)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (old_length != 0 && !(canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,scale_index), new_length * scale / old_length)))
+ return false;
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,offset_index), old_offset + new_angle - old_angle);
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ValueNode_Scale::Handle scale_value_node = ValueNode_Scale::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ int link_index(scale_value_node->get_link_index_from_name("link"));
+ if(scale_value_node->is_invertible(get_time()))
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc(scale_value_node,link_index),
+ scale_value_node->get_inverse(get_time(), value)
+ );
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch(value_desc.get_value_type())
+ {
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_REAL:
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(value_desc,value.mag());
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_ANGLE:
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(value_desc,Angle::tan(value[1],value[0]));
+ default:
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(value_desc,value);
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_duck_angle_changed(const synfig::Angle &rotation,const synfigapp::ValueDesc& value_desc)
+ {
+ if (ValueNode_BLineCalcTangent::Handle bline_tangent = ValueNode_BLineCalcTangent::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ int offset_index(bline_tangent->get_link_index_from_name("offset"));
+ Angle old_offset((*(bline_tangent->get_link(offset_index)))(get_time()).get(Angle()));
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(bline_tangent,offset_index), old_offset + rotation);
+ }
+ if (ValueNode_Scale::Handle scale_value_node = ValueNode_Scale::Handle::cast_dynamic(value_desc.get_value_node()))
+ {
+ int link_index(scale_value_node->get_link_index_from_name("link"));
+ if(scale_value_node->is_invertible(get_time()))
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc(scale_value_node,link_index),
+ scale_value_node->get_inverse(get_time(), rotation)
+ );
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ // \todo will this really always be the case?
+ assert(value_desc.get_value_type() == ValueBase::TYPE_ANGLE);
+ return canvas_interface()->change_value(value_desc, value_desc.get_value(get_time()).get(Angle()) + rotation);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::selected_layer_color_set(synfig::Color color)
+ {
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList selected_list(get_selection_manager()->get_selected_layers());
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList::iterator iter;
+ // Create the action group
+ //synfigapp::PassiveGrouper group(canvas_interface()->get_instance(),_("Set Colors"));
+ Layer::Handle layer;
+ for(iter=selected_list.begin();iter!=selected_list.end();++iter)
+ {
+ if(*iter==layer)
+ continue;
+ layer=*iter;
+ on_edited_value(synfigapp::ValueDesc(layer,"color"),color);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::rebuild_ducks_layer_(synfig::TransformStack& transform_stack, synfig::Canvas::Handle canvas, std::set<synfig::Layer::Handle>& selected_list)
+ {
+ int transforms(0);
+ String layer_name;
+ #define QUEUE_REBUILD_DUCKS sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::queue_rebuild_ducks)
+ if(!canvas)
+ {
+ synfig::warning("CanvasView::rebuild_ducks_layer_(): Layer doesn't have canvas set");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(Canvas::iterator iter(canvas->begin());iter!=canvas->end();++iter)
+ {
+ Layer::Handle layer(*iter);
+ if(selected_list.count(layer))
+ {
+ if(!curr_transform_stack_set)
+ {
+ curr_transform_stack_set=true;
+ curr_transform_stack=transform_stack;
+ }
+ // This layer is currently selected.
+ duck_changed_connections.push_back(layer->signal_changed().connect(QUEUE_REBUILD_DUCKS));
+ // do the bounding box thing
+ bbox|=transform_stack.perform(layer->get_bounding_rect());
+ // Grab the layer's list of parameters
+ Layer::ParamList paramlist(layer->get_param_list());
+ // Grab the layer vocabulary
+ Layer::Vocab vocab=layer->get_param_vocab();
+ Layer::Vocab::iterator iter;
+ for(iter=vocab.begin();iter!=vocab.end();iter++)
+ {
+ if(!iter->get_hidden() && !iter->get_invisible_duck())
+ {
+ synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc(layer,iter->get_name());
+ work_area->add_to_ducks(value_desc,this,transform_stack,&*iter);
+ if(value_desc.is_value_node())
+ duck_changed_connections.push_back(value_desc.get_value_node()->signal_changed().connect(QUEUE_REBUILD_DUCKS));
+ }
+ if(iter->get_name()=="color")
+ {
+ /*
+ if(!App::dialog_color->busy())
+ {
+ App::dialog_color->reset();
+ App::dialog_color->set_color(layer->get_param("color").get(Color()));
+ App::dialog_color->signal_edited().connect(
+ sigc::mem_fun(
+ *this,
+ &studio::CanvasView::selected_layer_color_set
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ layer_name=layer->get_name();
+ if(layer->active())
+ {
+ Transform::Handle trans(layer->get_transform());
+ if(trans)
+ {
+ transform_stack.push(trans);
+ transforms++;
+ }
+ /* // Add transforms onto the stack
+ if(layer_name=="Translate")
+ {
+ transform_stack.push(synfig::Transform_Translate(layer->get_param("origin").get(Vector())));
+ transforms++;
+ }else
+ if(layer_name=="Zoom")
+ {
+ Vector scale;
+ scale[0]=scale[1]=exp(layer->get_param("amount").get(Real()));
+ transform_stack.push(synfig::Transform_Scale(scale,layer->get_param("center").get(Vector())));
+ transforms++;
+ }else
+ if(layer_name=="stretch")
+ {
+ Vector scale(layer->get_param("amount").get(Vector()));
+ transform_stack.push(synfig::Transform_Scale(scale,layer->get_param("center").get(Vector())));
+ transforms++;
+ }else
+ if(layer_name=="Rotate")
+ {
+ transform_stack.push(synfig::Transform_Rotate(layer->get_param("amount").get(Angle()),layer->get_param("origin").get(Vector())));
+ transforms++;
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ // If this is a paste canvas layer, then we need to
+ // descend into it
+ if(layer_name=="PasteCanvas")
+ {
+ Vector scale;
+ scale[0]=scale[1]=exp(layer->get_param("zoom").get(Real()));
+ Vector origin(layer->get_param("origin").get(Vector()));
+ Canvas::Handle child_canvas(layer->get_param("canvas").get(Canvas::Handle()));
+ Vector focus(layer->get_param("focus").get(Vector()));
+ if(!scale.is_equal_to(Vector(1,1)))
+ transform_stack.push(new Transform_Scale(layer->get_guid(), scale,origin+focus));
+ if(!origin.is_equal_to(Vector(0,0)))
+ transform_stack.push(new Transform_Translate(layer->get_guid(), origin));
+ rebuild_ducks_layer_(transform_stack,child_canvas,selected_list);
+ if(!origin.is_equal_to(Vector(0,0)))
+ transform_stack.pop();
+ if(!scale.is_equal_to(Vector(1,1)))
+ transform_stack.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove all of the transforms we have added
+ while(transforms--) { transform_stack.pop(); }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::queue_rebuild_ducks()
+ {
+ #if 0
+ if(rebuild_ducks_queued)
+ return;
+ #else
+ if(rebuild_ducks_queued)
+ queue_rebuild_ducks_connection.disconnect();
+ #endif
+ queue_rebuild_ducks_connection=Glib::signal_timeout().connect(
+ sigc::bind_return(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::rebuild_ducks),
+ false
+ ),
+ 50
+ );
+ rebuild_ducks_queued=true;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::rebuild_ducks()
+ {
+ /*static int i=0;
+ i++;
+ if(i>30)
+ synfig::info("%d",i/(i-i));
+ */
+ rebuild_ducks_queued=false;
+ //queue_rebuild_ducks_connection.disconnect();
+ if(work_area->is_dragging())
+ {
+ queue_rebuild_ducks();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!duck_refresh_flag)
+ {
+ duck_refresh_needed=true;
+ return;
+ }
+ bbox=Rect::zero();
+ work_area->clear_ducks();
+ work_area->set_time(get_time());
+ get_canvas()->set_time(get_time());
+ curr_transform_stack.clear();
+ //curr_transform_stack.push(new Transform_Translate(Point(0,0)));
+ curr_transform_stack_set=false;
+ for(;!duck_changed_connections.empty();duck_changed_connections.pop_back())duck_changed_connections.back().disconnect();
+ //get_canvas()->set_time(get_time());
+ bool not_empty(false);
+ // First do the layers...
+ do{
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::LayerList selected_list(get_selection_manager()->get_selected_layers());
+ std::set<synfig::Layer::Handle> layer_set(selected_list.begin(),selected_list.end());
+ if(!layer_set.empty())
+ not_empty=true;
+ synfig::TransformStack transform_stack;
+ rebuild_ducks_layer_(transform_stack, get_canvas(), layer_set);
+ }while(0);
+ // Now do the children
+ do{
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::ChildrenList selected_list(get_selection_manager()->get_selected_children());
+ synfigapp::SelectionManager::ChildrenList::iterator iter;
+ synfig::TransformStack transform_stack;
+ if(selected_list.empty())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ not_empty=true;
+ for(iter=selected_list.begin();iter!=selected_list.end();++iter)
+ {
+ work_area->add_to_ducks(*iter,this,transform_stack);
+ }
+ }
+ }while(0);
+ work_area->refresh_selected_ducks();
+ work_area->queue_draw_preview();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::decrease_low_res_pixel_size()
+ {
+ if(changing_resolution_)
+ return;
+ changing_resolution_=true;
+ list<int> sizes = CanvasView::get_pixel_sizes();
+ int pixel_size = work_area->get_low_res_pixel_size();
+ for (list<int>::iterator iter = sizes.begin(); iter != sizes.end(); iter++)
+ if (*iter == pixel_size)
+ {
+ if (iter == sizes.begin())
+ // we already have the smallest low-res pixels possible - turn off low-res instead
+ work_area->set_low_resolution_flag(false);
+ else
+ {
+ iter--;
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action = action_group->get_action(strprintf("lowres-pixel-%d", *iter));
+ action->activate(); // to make sure the radiobutton in the menu is updated too
+ work_area->set_low_resolution_flag(true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Update the "toggle-low-res" action
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("toggle-low-res"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ // Update toggle low res button
+ resolutiondial->update_lowres(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ changing_resolution_=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::increase_low_res_pixel_size()
+ {
+ if(changing_resolution_)
+ return;
+ changing_resolution_=true;
+ list<int> sizes = CanvasView::get_pixel_sizes();
+ int pixel_size = work_area->get_low_res_pixel_size();
+ if (!work_area->get_low_resolution_flag())
+ {
+ // We were using "hi res" so change it to low res.
+ work_area->set_low_resolution_flag(true);
+ // Update the "toggle-low-res" action
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("toggle-low-res"));
+ action->set_active(true);
+ // Update the toggle low res button
+ resolutiondial->update_lowres(true);
+ changing_resolution_=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (list<int>::iterator iter = sizes.begin(); iter != sizes.end(); iter++)
+ if (*iter == pixel_size)
+ {
+ iter++;
+ if (iter != sizes.end())
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> action = action_group->get_action(strprintf("lowres-pixel-%d", *iter));
+ action->activate(); // to make sure the radiobutton in the menu is updated too
+ work_area->set_low_resolution_flag(true);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Update the "toggle-low-res" action
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("toggle-low-res"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ // Update toggle low res button
+ resolutiondial->update_lowres(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ changing_resolution_=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_low_res_pixel_flag()
+ {
+ if(changing_resolution_)
+ return;
+ changing_resolution_=true;
+ work_area->toggle_low_resolution_flag();
+ // Update the toggle low res button
+ resolutiondial->update_lowres(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ // Update the "toggle-low-res" action
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("toggle-low-res"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_low_resolution_flag());
+ changing_resolution_=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::update_quality()
+ {
+ //if(working_depth)
+ // return;
+ if(updating_quality_)
+ return;
+ updating_quality_=true;
+ work_area->set_quality((int) quality_spin->get_value());
+ // Update Quality Radio actions
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RadioAction> action=Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RadioAction>::cast_dynamic(
+ action_group->get_action(strprintf("quality-%02d",(int) quality_spin->get_value()))
+ );
+ action->set_active();
+ updating_quality_=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_quality(int x)
+ {
+ if(updating_quality_)
+ return;
+ work_area->set_quality(x);
+ // Update the quality spin button
+ quality_spin->set_value(x);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_onion_skins()
+ {
+ if(toggling_onion_skin)
+ return;
+ int onion_skins[2];
+ onion_skins[0]=past_onion_spin->get_value();
+ onion_skins[1]=future_onion_spin->get_value();
+ work_area->set_onion_skins(onion_skins);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_show_grid()
+ {
+ if(toggling_show_grid)
+ return;
+ toggling_show_grid=true;
+ work_area->toggle_grid();
+ // Update the toggle grid show action
+ set_grid_show_toggle(work_area->grid_status());
+ // Update the toggle grid show check button
+ show_grid->set_active(work_area->grid_status());
+ toggling_show_grid=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_snap_grid()
+ {
+ if(toggling_snap_grid)
+ return;
+ toggling_snap_grid=true;
+ work_area->toggle_grid_snap();
+ // Update the toggle grid snap action
+ set_grid_snap_toggle(work_area->get_grid_snap());
+ // Update the toggle grid snap check button
+ snap_grid->set_active(work_area->get_grid_snap());
+ toggling_snap_grid=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_onion_skin()
+ {
+ if(toggling_onion_skin)
+ return;
+ toggling_onion_skin=true;
+ work_area->toggle_onion_skin();
+ // Update the toggle onion skin action
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("toggle-onion-skin"));
+ action->set_active(work_area->get_onion_skin());
+ // Update the toggle grid snap check button
+ onion_skin->set_active(work_area->get_onion_skin());
+ toggling_onion_skin=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_dirty_preview()
+ {
+ if(!is_playing_)
+ {
+ IsWorking is_working(*this);
+ work_area->queue_render_preview();
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::play()
+ {
+ assert(get_canvas());
+ // If we are already busy, don't play!
+ if(working_depth)return;
+ // Set us up as working
+ IsWorking is_working(*this);
+ etl::clock timer;
+ Time
+ time=work_area->get_time(),
+ endtime=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_end();
+ // If we are already at the end of time, start over
+ if(time==endtime)
+ time=get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_time_start();
+ is_playing_=true;
+ work_area->clear_ducks();
+ for(timer.reset(); time + timer() < endtime;)
+ {
+ //Clamp the time window so we can see the time value as it races across the horizon
+ bool timewindreset = false;
+ while( time + timer() > Time(time_window_adjustment().get_sub_upper()) )
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(
+ min(
+ time_window_adjustment().get_value()+time_window_adjustment().get_page_size()/2,
+ time_window_adjustment().get_upper()-time_window_adjustment().get_page_size() )
+ );
+ timewindreset = true;
+ }
+ while( time + timer() < Time(time_window_adjustment().get_sub_lower()) )
+ {
+ time_window_adjustment().set_value(
+ max(
+ time_window_adjustment().get_value()-time_window_adjustment().get_page_size()/2,
+ time_window_adjustment().get_lower())
+ );
+ timewindreset = true;
+ }
+ //we need to tell people that the value changed
+ if(timewindreset) time_window_adjustment().value_changed();
+ //update actual time to next step
+ time_adjustment().set_value(time+timer());
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ if(!work_area->sync_render_preview())
+ break;
+ // wait for the workarea to refresh itself
+ while (studio::App::events_pending())
+ studio::App::iteration(false);
+ if(get_cancel_status())
+ {
+ is_playing_=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ on_play_stop_pressed();
+ is_playing_=false;
+ time_adjustment().set_value(endtime);
+ time_adjustment().value_changed();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::show_tables()
+ {
+ /*
+ Smach::event_result x(process_event_key(EVENT_TABLES_SHOW));
+ if(x==Smach::RESULT_OK || x==Smach::RESULT_ACCEPT)
+ {
+ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
+ treetogglebutton->remove();
+ treetogglebutton->add(*manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("gtk-go-down"),iconsize)));
+ treetogglebutton->show_all();
+ notebook->show();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::hide_tables()
+ {
+ /*
+ Smach::event_result x(process_event_key(EVENT_TABLES_HIDE));
+ if(x==Smach::RESULT_OK || x==Smach::RESULT_ACCEPT)
+ {
+ Gtk::IconSize iconsize=Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
+ treetogglebutton->remove();
+ treetogglebutton->add(*manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID("gtk-go-up"),iconsize)));
+ treetogglebutton->show_all();
+ notebook->hide();
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::tables_are_visible()
+ {
+ // return notebook->is_visible();
+ return false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_tables()
+ {
+ // if(tables_are_visible())
+ // hide_tables();
+ // else
+ // show_tables();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::show_timebar()
+ {
+ timebar->show();
+ //current_time_widget->show(); // not needed now that belongs to the timebar
+ //keyframe_tab_child->show();
+ if(layer_tree)
+ layer_tree->set_show_timetrack(true);
+ if(children_tree)
+ children_tree->set_show_timetrack(true);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::hide_timebar()
+ {
+ timebar->hide();
+ //current_time_widget->hide(); // not needed now that belongs to the timebar
+ //keyframe_tab_child->hide();
+ if(layer_tree)
+ layer_tree->set_show_timetrack(false);
+ if(children_tree)
+ children_tree->set_show_timetrack(false);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_sensitive_timebar(bool sensitive)
+ {
+ timebar->set_sensitive(sensitive);
+ //current_time_widget->set_sensitive(sensitive); //not needed now that belongs to timebar
+ //keyframe_tab_child->set_sensitive(sensitive);
+ if(layer_tree)
+ layer_tree->set_sensitive(sensitive);
+ if(children_tree)
+ children_tree->set_sensitive(sensitive);
+ }
+ static void
+ set_waypoint_model(std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> > waypoints,
+ Waypoint::Model model,
+ etl::loose_handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface)
+ {
+ // Create the action group
+ synfigapp::Action::PassiveGrouper group(canvas_interface->get_instance().get(),_("Change Waypoint Group"));
+ std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> >::const_iterator iter;
+ for(iter=waypoints.begin();iter!=waypoints.end();++iter)
+ {
+ Waypoint waypoint(*iter);
+ waypoint.apply_model(model);
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("WaypointSet"));
+ assert(action);
+ action->set_param("canvas",canvas_interface->get_canvas());
+ action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface);
+ action->set_param("waypoint",waypoint);
+ action->set_param("value_node",waypoint.get_parent_value_node());
+ if(!canvas_interface->get_instance()->perform_action(action))
+ {
+ group.cancel();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ duplicate_waypoints(std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> > waypoints,
+ etl::loose_handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface)
+ {
+ // Create the action group
+ synfigapp::Action::PassiveGrouper group(canvas_interface->get_instance().get(),_("Duplicate Waypoints"));
+ std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> >::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = waypoints.begin(); iter != waypoints.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ Waypoint waypoint(*iter);
+ ValueNode::Handle value_node(iter->get_parent_value_node());
+ canvas_interface->waypoint_duplicate(value_node, waypoint);
+ }
+ }
+ static void
+ remove_waypoints(std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> > waypoints,
+ etl::loose_handle<synfigapp::CanvasInterface> canvas_interface)
+ {
+ // Create the action group
+ synfigapp::Action::PassiveGrouper group(canvas_interface->get_instance().get(),_("Remove Waypoints"));
+ std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> >::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = waypoints.begin(); iter != waypoints.end(); iter++)
+ {
+ Waypoint waypoint(*iter);
+ ValueNode::Handle value_node(iter->get_parent_value_node());
+ canvas_interface->waypoint_remove(value_node, waypoint);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview(synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc,
+ std::set<synfig::Waypoint, std::less<UniqueID> > waypoint_set,
+ int button)
+ {
+ int size = waypoint_set.size();
+ Waypoint waypoint(*(waypoint_set.begin()));
+ Time time(waypoint.get_time());
+ if (size == 1)
+ {
+ waypoint_dialog.set_value_desc(value_desc);
+ waypoint_dialog.set_waypoint(waypoint);
+ }
+ switch(button)
+ {
+ case -1:
+ if (size == 1)
+ waypoint_dialog.show();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ {
+ Gtk::Menu* waypoint_menu(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ waypoint_menu->signal_hide().connect(sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(&delete_widget), waypoint_menu));
+ Gtk::Menu* interp_menu_in(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ Gtk::Menu* interp_menu_out(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ Gtk::Menu* interp_menu_both(manage(new Gtk::Menu()));
+ {
+ Waypoint::Model model;
+ model.reset(); model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_TCB);
+ interp_menu_in->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_TCB"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_after(INTERPOLATION_TCB);
+ interp_menu_out->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_TCB"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_TCB);
+ interp_menu_both->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_TCB"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
+ interp_menu_in->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Linear"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_after(INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
+ interp_menu_out->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Linear"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
+ interp_menu_both->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Linear"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_HALT);
+ interp_menu_in->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Ease In"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_after(INTERPOLATION_HALT);
+ interp_menu_out->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Ease Out"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_HALT);
+ interp_menu_both->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Ease In/Out"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_CONSTANT);
+ interp_menu_in->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Constant"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.reset(); model.set_after(INTERPOLATION_CONSTANT);
+ interp_menu_out->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Constant"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ model.set_before(INTERPOLATION_CONSTANT);
+ interp_menu_both->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Constant"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(set_waypoint_model), waypoint_set, model, canvas_interface())));
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (size == 1)
+ {
+ const synfigapp::ValueDesc value_desc(synfig::ValueNode_Animated::Handle::cast_reinterpret(waypoint.get_parent_value_node()), time);
+ get_instance()->make_param_menu(waypoint_menu,canvas_interface()->get_canvas(),value_desc,0.5f);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Jump To"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*canvas_interface(), &synfigapp::CanvasInterface::set_time), time)));
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Duplicate"),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(duplicate_waypoints), waypoint_set, canvas_interface())));
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem((size == 1) ? _("_Remove") : strprintf(_("_Remove %d Waypoints"), size),
+ sigc::bind(sigc::ptr_fun(remove_waypoints), waypoint_set, canvas_interface())));
+ if (size == 1 && value_desc.is_valid())
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Edit"),
+ sigc::mem_fun(waypoint_dialog,&Gtk::Widget::show)));
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::SeparatorElem());
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Both"), *interp_menu_both));
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_In"), *interp_menu_in));
+ waypoint_menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Out"), *interp_menu_out));
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ waypoint_menu->popup(button+1,gtk_get_current_event_time());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_waypoint_changed()
+ {
+ synfigapp::Action::ParamList param_list;
+ param_list.add("canvas",get_canvas());
+ param_list.add("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ param_list.add("value_node",waypoint_dialog.get_value_desc().get_value_node());
+ param_list.add("waypoint",waypoint_dialog.get_waypoint());
+ // param_list.add("time",canvas_interface()->get_time());
+ get_instance()->process_action("WaypointSetSmart", param_list);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_waypoint_delete()
+ {
+ synfigapp::Action::ParamList param_list;
+ param_list.add("canvas",get_canvas());
+ param_list.add("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ param_list.add("value_node",waypoint_dialog.get_value_desc().get_value_node());
+ param_list.add("waypoint",waypoint_dialog.get_waypoint());
+ // param_list.add("time",canvas_interface()->get_time());
+ get_instance()->process_action("WaypointRemove", param_list);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_drop_drag_data_received(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>& context, int /*x*/, int /*y*/, const Gtk::SelectionData& selection_data_, guint /*info*/, guint time)
+ {
+ // We will make this true once we have a solid drop
+ bool success(false);
+ //synfig::info("Dropped data of type \"%s\"",selection_data.get_data_type());
+ //synfig::info("Dropped data of target \"%s\"",gdk_atom_name(selection_data->target));
+ //synfig::info("selection=\"%s\"",gdk_atom_name(selection_data->selection));
+ if ((selection_data_.get_length() >= 0) && (selection_data_.get_format() == 8))
+ {
+ if(synfig::String(selection_data_.get_data_type())=="STRING")do
+ {
+ synfig::String selection_data((gchar *)(selection_data_.get_data()));
+ Layer::Handle layer(synfig::Layer::create("Text"));
+ if(!layer)
+ break;
+ if(!layer->set_param("text",ValueBase(selection_data)))
+ break;
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("LayerAdd"));
+ assert(action);
+ if(!action)
+ break;
+ action->set_param("canvas",get_canvas());
+ action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ action->set_param("new",layer);
+ if(!get_instance()->perform_action(action))
+ break;
+ // Ok, we have successfully imported at least one item.
+ success=true;
+ } while(0); // END of "STRING"
+ if(synfig::String(selection_data_.get_data_type())=="text/plain")
+ {
+ synfig::String selection_data((gchar *)(selection_data_.get_data()));
+ // For some reason, GTK hands us a list of URLs separated
+ // by not only Carriage-Returns, but also Line-Feeds.
+ // Line-Feeds will mess us up. Remove all the line-feeds.
+ while(selection_data.find_first_of('\r')!=synfig::String::npos)
+ selection_data.erase(selection_data.begin()+selection_data.find_first_of('\r'));
+ std::stringstream stream(selection_data);
+ //synfigapp::PassiveGrouper group(canvas_interface()->get_instance(),_("Insert Image"));
+ while(stream)
+ {
+ synfig::String filename,URI;
+ getline(stream,filename);
+ // If we don't have a filename, move on.
+ if(filename.empty())
+ continue;
+ // Make sure this URL is of the "file://" type.
+ URI=String(filename.begin(),filename.begin()+sizeof("file://")-1);
+ if(URI!="file://")
+ {
+ synfig::warning("Unknown URI (%s) in \"%s\"",URI.c_str(),filename.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Strip the "file://" part from the filename
+ filename=synfig::String(filename.begin()+sizeof("file://")-1,filename.end());
+ String ext(filename_extension(filename));
+ if (ext.size()) ext = ext.substr(1); // skip initial '.'
+ // If this is a SIF file, then we need to do things slightly differently
+ if(ext=="sketch")
+ {
+ if(work_area->load_sketch(filename))
+ {
+ success=true;
+ work_area->queue_draw();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String errors, warnings;
+ if(canvas_interface()->import(filename, errors, warnings, App::resize_imported_images))
+ success=true;
+ if (warnings != "")
+ App::dialog_warning_blocking(_("Warnings"), strprintf("%s:\n\n%s", _("Warnings"), warnings.c_str()));
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ } // END of "text/plain"
+ }
+ else
+ ui_interface_->error("Drop failed: bad selection data");
+ // Finish the drag
+ context->drag_finish(success, false, time);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_keyframe_add_pressed()
+ {
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("KeyframeAdd"));
+ if(!action)
+ {
+ ui_interface_->error("I am unable to find the appropriate action");
+ return;
+ }
+ action->set_param("canvas",get_canvas());
+ action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ action->set_param("keyframe",Keyframe(get_time()));
+ canvas_interface()->get_instance()->perform_action(action);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_keyframe_duplicate_pressed()
+ {
+ const KeyframeTreeStore::Model model;
+ const Gtk::TreeRow row(*keyframe_tree->get_selection()->get_selected());
+ Keyframe keyframe;
+ if(!row)
+ {
+ ui_interface_->error("I am unable to duplicate the keyframe");
+ return;
+ }
+ keyframe=row[model.keyframe];
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("KeyframeDuplicate"));
+ if(!action)
+ {
+ ui_interface_->error("I am unable to find the appropriate action");
+ return;
+ }
+ action->set_param("canvas",get_canvas());
+ action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ action->set_param("keyframe",keyframe);
+ action->set_param("time",get_time());
+ canvas_interface()->get_instance()->perform_action(action);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_keyframe_remove_pressed()
+ {
+ const KeyframeTreeStore::Model model;
+ const Gtk::TreeRow row(*keyframe_tree->get_selection()->get_selected());
+ Keyframe keyframe;
+ if(!row)
+ {
+ ui_interface_->error("I am unable to remove the keyframe");
+ return;
+ }
+ keyframe=row[model.keyframe];
+ synfigapp::Action::Handle action(synfigapp::Action::create("KeyframeRemove"));
+ if(!action)
+ {
+ ui_interface_->error("I am unable to find the appropriate action");
+ return;
+ }
+ action->set_param("canvas",get_canvas());
+ action->set_param("canvas_interface",canvas_interface());
+ action->set_param("keyframe",keyframe);
+ canvas_interface()->get_instance()->perform_action(action);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::toggle_duck_mask(Duckmatic::Type type)
+ {
+ if(toggling_ducks_)
+ return;
+ toggling_ducks_=true;
+ bool is_currently_on(work_area->get_type_mask()&type);
+ if(is_currently_on)
+ work_area->set_type_mask(work_area->get_type_mask()-type);
+ else
+ work_area->set_type_mask(work_area->get_type_mask()|type);
+ work_area->queue_draw();
+ try
+ {
+ // Update the toggle ducks actions
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction> action;
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-position-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_POSITION));
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-tangent-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_TANGENT));
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-vertex-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_VERTEX));
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-radius-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_RADIUS));
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-width-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_WIDTH));
+ action = Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(action_group->get_action("mask-angle-ducks"));
+ action->set_active((bool)(work_area->get_type_mask()&Duck::TYPE_ANGLE));
+ // Update toggle ducks buttons
+ toggleducksdial->update_toggles(work_area->get_type_mask());
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ toggling_ducks_=false;
+ }
+ toggling_ducks_=false;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::image_import()
+ {
+ // String filename(dirname(get_canvas()->get_file_name()));
+ String filename("*.*");
+ String errors, warnings;
+ if(App::dialog_open_file(_("Import Image"), filename, IMAGE_DIR_PREFERENCE))
+ {
+ canvas_interface()->import(filename, errors, warnings, App::resize_imported_images);
+ if (warnings != "")
+ App::dialog_warning_blocking(_("Warnings"), strprintf("%s:\n\n%s", _("Warnings"), warnings.c_str()));
+ }
+ }
+ Smach::event_result
+ CanvasView::process_event_key(EventKey x)
+ {
+ return smach_.process_event(x);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_input_device_changed(GdkDevice* device)
+ {
+ if(!device)
+ {
+ get_smach().egress();
+ }
+ assert(device);
+ synfigapp::InputDevice::Handle input_device;
+ input_device=synfigapp::Main::select_input_device(device->name);
+ App::toolbox->change_state(input_device->get_state());
+ process_event_key(EVENT_INPUT_DEVICE_CHANGED);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_preview_option()
+ {
+ Dialog_PreviewOptions *po = dynamic_cast<Dialog_PreviewOptions *>(get_ext_widget("prevoptions"));
+ Canvas::Handle canv = get_canvas();
+ if(canv)
+ {
+ RendDesc &r = canv->rend_desc();
+ if(r.get_frame_rate())
+ {
+ float rate = 1/r.get_frame_rate();
+ float beg = r.get_time_start() + r.get_frame_start()*rate;
+ float end = r.get_time_start() + r.get_frame_end()*rate;
+ if(!po)
+ {
+ po = new Dialog_PreviewOptions;
+ po->set_zoom(work_area->get_zoom()/2);
+ po->set_fps(r.get_frame_rate()/2);
+ po->set_begintime(beg);
+ po->set_begin_override(false);
+ po->set_endtime(end);
+ po->set_end_override(false);
+ set_ext_widget("prevoptions",po);
+ }
+ /*po->set_zoom(work_area->get_zoom()/2);
+ po->set_fps(r.get_frame_rate()/2);
+ po->set_begintime(beg);
+ po->set_begin_override(false);
+ po->set_endtime(end);
+ po->set_end_override(false);*/
+ po->set_global_fps(r.get_frame_rate());
+ po->signal_finish().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&CanvasView::on_preview_create));
+ po->present();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_preview_create(const PreviewInfo &info)
+ {
+ //set all the options
+ etl::handle<Preview> prev = new Preview;
+ prev->set_canvasview(this);
+ prev->set_zoom(info.zoom);
+ prev->set_fps(info.fps);
+ prev->set_overbegin(info.overbegin);
+ prev->set_begintime(info.begintime);
+ prev->set_overend(info.overend);
+ prev->set_endtime(info.endtime);
+ prev->set_quality(work_area->get_quality());
+ //render it out...
+ prev->render();
+ Dialog_Preview *pd = preview_dialog.get();
+ assert(pd);
+ pd->set_default_size(700,510);
+ pd->set_preview(prev.get());
+ pd->present();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_audio_option()
+ {
+ synfig::warning("Launching Audio Options");
+ sound_dialog->set_global_fps(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ sound_dialog->present();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_audio_file_change(const std::string &f)
+ {
+ //save in meta data - always even when not valid...
+ canvas_interface()->set_meta_data("audiofile",f);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_audio_offset_change(const synfig::Time &t)
+ {
+ canvas_interface()->set_meta_data("audiooffset",t.get_string());
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_audio_file_notify()
+ {
+ std::string file(get_canvas()->get_meta_data("audiofile"));
+ if(!file.c_str()) return;
+ if(!audio->load(file,dirname(get_canvas()->get_file_name())+string("/")))
+ {
+ if(file != "") synfig::warning("Could not load the file: %s", file.c_str());
+ get_canvas()->erase_meta_data("audiofile");
+ disp_audio->hide();
+ disp_audio->set_profile(etl::handle<AudioProfile>());
+ }else
+ {
+ //save in canvasview
+ synfig::warning("Getting the profile of the music stuff");
+ //profile specific stuff for the preview widget
+ //similar for other attachments
+ Dialog_Preview *pd = preview_dialog.get();
+ pd->get_widget().set_audio(audio);
+ handle<AudioProfile> prof = audio->get_profile();
+ if(!prof)
+ {
+ synfig::warning("Agh, I couldn't build the profile captain!");
+ }
+ pd->get_widget().set_audioprofile(prof);
+ disp_audio->set_profile(audio->get_profile());
+ disp_audio->show();
+ synfig::warning("successfully set the profiles and stuff");
+ }
+ disp_audio->queue_draw();
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_audio_offset_notify()
+ {
+ Time t(get_canvas()->get_meta_data("audiooffset"),get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate());
+ audio->set_offset(t);
+ sound_dialog->set_offset(t);
+ disp_audio->queue_draw();
+ // synfig::info("CanvasView::on_audio_offset_notify(): offset time set to %s",t.get_string(get_canvas()->rend_desc().get_frame_rate()).c_str());
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::play_audio(float t)
+ {
+ if(audio.get())
+ {
+ synfig::info("Playing audio at %f s",t);
+ audio->play(t);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::stop_audio()
+ {
+ if(audio.get())
+ {
+ audio->stop();
+ }
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_audio_scrub()
+ {
+ disp_audio->draw();
+ return true;
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase>
+ CanvasView::get_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x)
+ {
+ return ref_obj_book_[x];
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<const Glib::ObjectBase>
+ CanvasView::get_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x)const
+ {
+ return ref_obj_book_.find(x)->second;
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_ref_obj(const synfig::String& x, Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase> y)
+ {
+ ref_obj_book_[x]=y;
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>
+ CanvasView::get_tree_model(const synfig::String& x)
+ {
+ return Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>::cast_dynamic(ref_obj_book_["_tree_model_"+x]);
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<const Gtk::TreeModel>
+ CanvasView::get_tree_model(const synfig::String& x)const
+ {
+ return Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>::cast_dynamic(ref_obj_book_.find("_tree_model_"+x)->second);
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_tree_model(const synfig::String& x, Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel> y)
+ {
+ ref_obj_book_["_tree_model_"+x]=Glib::RefPtr<Glib::ObjectBase>::cast_static(y);
+ }
+ Gtk::Widget*
+ CanvasView::get_ext_widget(const synfig::String& x)
+ {
+ return ext_widget_book_[x];
+ }
+ void
+ CanvasView::set_ext_widget(const synfig::String& x, Gtk::Widget* y)
+ {
+ ext_widget_book_[x]=y;
+ if(x=="layers_cmp")
+ {
+ layer_tree=dynamic_cast<LayerTree*>(y);
+ layer_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_LAYER_SELECTION_CHANGED));
+ layer_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH_DUCKS));
+ layer_tree->signal_layer_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_layer_user_click));
+ layer_tree->signal_param_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_children_user_click));
+ layer_tree->signal_waypoint_clicked_layertree().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview));
+ }
+ if(x=="children")
+ {
+ children_tree=dynamic_cast<ChildrenTree*>(y);
+ if(children_tree)children_tree->signal_user_click().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_children_user_click));
+ if(children_tree)children_tree->signal_waypoint_clicked_childrentree().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &studio::CanvasView::on_waypoint_clicked_canvasview));
+ if(children_tree)children_tree->get_selection()->signal_changed().connect(SLOT_EVENT(EVENT_REFRESH_DUCKS));
+ }
+ if(x=="keyframes")
+ keyframe_tree=dynamic_cast<KeyframeTree*>(y);
+ }
+ bool
+ CanvasView::on_delete_event(GdkEventAny* event __attribute__ ((unused)))
+ {
+ close_view();
+ //! \todo This causes the window to be deleted straight away - but what if we prompt 'save?' and the user cancels?
+ // Is there ever any need to pass on the delete event to the window here?
+ // if(event) return Gtk::Window::on_delete_event(event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //! Modify the play stop button apearence and play stop the animation
+ void
+ CanvasView::on_play_stop_pressed()
+ {
+ Gtk::Image *icon;
+ Gtk::Button *stop_button;
+ stop_button=framedial->get_play_button();
+ bool play_flag;
+ if(!is_playing())
+ {
+ icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_STOP, Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon")));
+ stop_button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NORMAL);
+ play_flag=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PLAY, Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon")));
+ stop_button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ play_flag=false;
+ }
+ stop_button->remove();
+ stop_button->add(*icon);
+ icon->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon->show();
+ if(play_flag) play(); else stop();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file iconcontroller.cpp
+ ** \brief Template File
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Chris Moore
+ ** Copyright (c) 2008 Paul Wise
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Gerco Ballintijn
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos López
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #ifdef USING_PCH
+ # include "pch.h"
+ #else
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ # include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "iconcontroller.h"
+ #include <synfig/valuenode_const.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/button.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/window.h>
+ #include <synfigapp/action.h>
+ #include "general.h"
+ #endif
+ /* === U S I N G =========================================================== */
+ using namespace etl;
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace studio;
+ using namespace synfig;
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ # ifdef IMAGE_DIR
+ # undef IMAGE_DIR
+ # define IMAGE_DIR "share\\pixmaps"
+ # endif
+ #endif
+ #ifndef IMAGE_DIR
+ # define IMAGE_DIR "/usr/local/share/pixmaps"
+ #endif
+ #ifndef IMAGE_EXT
+ # define IMAGE_EXT "png"
+ #endif
+ /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */
+ static Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> _tree_pixbuf_table_value_type[(int)synfig::ValueBase::TYPE_END];
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ IconController::IconController(const synfig::String& basepath)
+ #else
+ IconController::IconController(const synfig::String& /*basepath*/)
+ #endif
+ {
+ Gtk::IconSource icon_source;
+ icon_source.set_direction_wildcarded();
+ icon_source.set_state_wildcarded();
+ icon_source.set_size_wildcarded();
+ icon_factory=Gtk::IconFactory::create();
+ std::string path_to_icons;
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ #else
+ path_to_icons=IMAGE_DIR;
+ #endif
+ char* synfig_root=getenv("SYNFIG_ROOT");
+ if(synfig_root) {
+ path_to_icons=synfig_root;
+ path_to_icons+="share";
+ path_to_icons+="pixmaps";
+ path_to_icons+="synfigstudio";
+ }
+ try{
+ Gtk::Window::set_default_icon_from_file(path_to_icons+"synfig_icon."+IMAGE_EXT);
+ } catch(...)
+ {
+ synfig::warning("Unable to open "+path_to_icons+"synfig_icon."+IMAGE_EXT);
+ }
+ /*
+ #define INIT_STOCK_ICON(name,iconfile,desc) \
+ stock_##name=Gtk::StockItem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-" #name),desc); \
+ Gtk::Stock::add(stock_##name); \
+ icon_source.set_filename(path_to_icons+iconfile); \
+ icon_##name.add_source(icon_source); \
+ icon_factory->add(stock_##name.get_stock_id(),icon_##name)
+ */
+ #define INIT_STOCK_ICON(name,iconfile,desc){ \
+ Gtk::StockItem stockitem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-" #name),desc); \
+ Gtk::Stock::add(stockitem); \
+ Gtk::IconSet icon_set; \
+ icon_source.set_filename(path_to_icons+iconfile); \
+ icon_set.add_source(icon_source); \
+ icon_factory->add(stockitem.get_stock_id(),icon_set); \
+ }
+ #define INIT_STOCK_ICON_CLONE(name,stockid,desc){ \
+ Gtk::StockItem stockitem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-" #name),desc); \
+ Gtk::Stock::add(stockitem); \
+ Gtk::IconSet icon_set; \
+ if(Gtk::Stock::lookup(stockitem.get_stock_id(),icon_set)) \
+ icon_factory->add(stockitem.get_stock_id(),icon_set); \
+ }
+ #define INIT_STOCK_ITEM(name,desc) \
+ stock_##name=Gtk::StockItem(Gtk::StockID("synfig-" #name),desc); \
+ Gtk::Stock::add(stock_##name);
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(bool,"bool_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Bool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(integer,"integer_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Integer"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(angle,"angle_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Angle"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(time,"time_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Time"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(real,"real_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Real"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(vector,"vector_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Vector"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(color,"color_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Color"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(segment,"segment_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Segment"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(blinepoint,"blinepoint_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("BLine Point"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(list,"list_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rename"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(canvas,"canvas_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Canvas"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(string,"string_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rename"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(reset_colors,"reset_colors_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Reset Colors"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(swap_colors,"swap_colors_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Swap Colors"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(value_node,"valuenode_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("ValueNode"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(about,"about_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("About"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(rename,"rename_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rename"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(canvas_pointer,"canvas_pointer_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rename"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(canvas_new,"canvas_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("New Canvas"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(saveall,"saveall_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Save All"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(layer,"layer_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Layer"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(layer_pastecanvas,"pastecanvas_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Paste Canvas"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(plant,"plant_icon."IMAGE_EXT,"");
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(group,"group_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Group"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(grid_enable,"grid_enable_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Show Grid"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(grid_disable,"grid_disable_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Hide Grid"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(grid_snap_enable,"grid_snap_enable_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Enable Grid Snap"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(grid_snap_disable,"grid_snap_disable_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Disable Grid Snap"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(duplicate,"duplicate_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Duplicate"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(encapsulate,"encapsulate_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Encapsulate"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(select_all_child_layers,"select_all_child_layers_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Select All Child Layers"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(clear_undo,"clear_undo_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Clear Undo Stack"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(clear_redo,"clear_redo_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Clear Redo Stack"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(children,"children_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Children"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(curves,"curves_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Curves"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(keyframes,"keyframe_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Keyframes"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(meta_data,"meta_data_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("MetaData"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(navigator,"navigator_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Navigator"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(timetrack,"time_track_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Time Track"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(keyframe_lock_all,"keyframe_lock_all."IMAGE_EXT,_("All Keyframes Locked"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(keyframe_lock_past,"keyframe_lock_past."IMAGE_EXT,_("Past Keyframes Locked"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(keyframe_lock_future,"keyframe_lock_future."IMAGE_EXT,_("Future Keyframes Locked"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(keyframe_lock_none,"keyframe_lock_none."IMAGE_EXT,_("No Keyframes Locked"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(set_outline_color,"set_outline_color."IMAGE_EXT,_("Set as Outline"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(set_fill_color,"set_fill_color."IMAGE_EXT,_("Set as Fill"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(seek_begin,"seek_begin."IMAGE_EXT,_("Seek to Begin"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(seek_prev_frame,"seek_prev_frame."IMAGE_EXT,_("Previous Frame"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(seek_next_frame,"seek_next_frame."IMAGE_EXT,_("Next Frame"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(seek_end,"seek_end."IMAGE_EXT,_("Seek to End"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_position,"duck_position_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle position ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_vertex,"duck_vertex_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle vertex ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_tangent,"duck_tangent_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle tangent ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_radius,"duck_radius_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle radius ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_width,"duck_width_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle width ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_duck_angle,"duck_angle_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle angle ducks"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_show_grid,"show_grid_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle show grid"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_snap_grid,"snap_grid_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle snap grid"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(toggle_onion_skin,"onion_skin_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Toggle onion skin"));
++ INIT_STOCK_ICON(increase_resolution,"incr_resolution_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Increase resolution"));
++ INIT_STOCK_ICON(decrease_resolution,"decr_resolution_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Decrease resolution"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON_CLONE(cvs_add,"gtk-add",_("CVS Add"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON_CLONE(cvs_update,"gtk-open",_("CVS Update"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON_CLONE(cvs_commit,"gtk-save",_("CVS Commit"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON_CLONE(cvs_revert,"gtk-revert",_("CVS Revert"));
+ // Tools
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(normal,"normal_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Normal Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(polygon,"polyline_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Polygon Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(bline,"bline_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("BLine Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(eyedrop,"eyedrop_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Eyedrop Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(fill,"fill_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Fill Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(draw,"draw_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Draw Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(sketch,"sketch_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Sketch Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(circle,"circle_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Circle Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(rectangle,"rectangle_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rectangle Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(smooth_move,"smooth_move_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("SmoothMove Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(scale,"scale_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Scale Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(width,"width_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Width Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(rotate,"rotate_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Rotate Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(zoom,"zoom_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Zoom Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(info,"info_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Info Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(mirror,"mirror_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Mirror Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(text,"text_icon."IMAGE_EXT,"Text Tool");
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(gradient,"gradient_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Gradient Tool"));
+ INIT_STOCK_ICON(star,"star_icon."IMAGE_EXT,_("Star Tool"));
+ icon_factory->add_default();
+ Gtk::IconSize::register_new("synfig-small_icon",12,12);
++ Gtk::IconSize::register_new("synfig-small_icon_16x16",16,16);
+ for(int i(0);i<(int)ValueBase::TYPE_END;i++)
+ _tree_pixbuf_table_value_type[i]=Gtk::Button().render_icon(value_icon(ValueBase::Type(i)),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR);
+ }
+ IconController::~IconController()
+ {
+ for(int i(0);i<(int)ValueBase::TYPE_END;i++)
+ _tree_pixbuf_table_value_type[i]=Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>();
+ icon_factory->remove_default();
+ }
+ Gdk::Cursor
+ IconController::get_normal_cursor()
+ {
+ return Gdk::Cursor(Gdk::TOP_LEFT_ARROW);
+ }
+ Gdk::Cursor
+ IconController::get_tool_cursor(const Glib::ustring& name,const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window>& window)
+ {
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixmap> pixmap;
+ pixmap=Gdk::Pixmap::create(window, 64, 64, 8);
+ pixmap->set_colormap(window->get_colormap());
+ //pixmap->set_colormap(Gdk::Colormap::create(pixmap->get_visual(),false));
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf;
+ pixbuf=Gtk::Button().render_icon(Gtk::StockID("synfig-"+name),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR);
+ pixbuf->render_to_drawable_alpha(
+ pixmap,
+ 0,0, // SOURCE X,Y
+ 0,0, // DEST X Y
+ -1,-1, // WIDTH HEIGHT
+ Gdk::PIXBUF_ALPHA_FULL, // (ignored)
+ 64, //int alpha_threshold,
+ Gdk::RGB_DITHER_MAX, //RgbDither dither,
+ 2,2 //int x_dither, int y_dither
+ );
+ /*
+ pixmap->draw_pixbuf(
+ Glib::RefPtr<const Gdk::GC>(0), // GC
+ pixbuf,
+ 0, 0, // Source X,Y
+ 0, 0, // Dest X,Y
+ -1, -1, // Width, Height
+ Gdk::RGB_DITHER_MAX, // Dither
+ 0,0 // Dither X,Y
+ );
+ */
+ Gdk::Color FG("#000000");
+ Gdk::Color BG("#FF00FF");
+ return Gdk::Cursor(pixmap, pixmap, FG, BG, 0, 0);
+ }
+ Gtk::StockID
+ studio::value_icon(synfig::ValueBase::Type type)
+ {
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_BOOL:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-bool");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_INTEGER:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-integer");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_ANGLE:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-angle");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_TIME:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-time");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_REAL:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-real");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_VECTOR:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-vector");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_COLOR:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-color");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_SEGMENT:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-segment");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_BLINEPOINT:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-blinepoint");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_LIST:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-list");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_CANVAS:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-canvas_pointer");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_STRING:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-string");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_GRADIENT:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-gradient");
+ break;
+ case ValueBase::TYPE_NIL:
+ default:
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-unknown");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Gtk::StockID
+ studio::valuenode_icon(etl::handle<synfig::ValueNode> value_node)
+ {
+ if(handle<ValueNode_Const>::cast_dynamic(value_node))
+ {
+ return value_icon(value_node->get_type());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-value_node");
+ }
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>
+ studio::get_tree_pixbuf(synfig::ValueBase::Type type)
+ {
+ //return Gtk::Button().render_icon(value_icon(type),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR);
+ return _tree_pixbuf_table_value_type[int(type)];
+ }
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ #undef DELETE
+ #endif
+ Gtk::StockID
+ studio::get_action_stock_id(const synfigapp::Action::BookEntry& action)
+ {
+ Gtk::StockID stock_id;
+ if(action.task=="add") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::ADD;
+ else if(action.task=="connect") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::CONNECT;
+ else if(action.task=="disconnect") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::DISCONNECT;
+ else if(action.task=="insert") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::ADD;
+ else if(action.task=="lower") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::GO_DOWN;
+ else if(action.task=="move_bottom") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::GOTO_BOTTOM;
+ else if(action.task=="move_top") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::GOTO_TOP;
+ else if(action.task=="raise") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::GO_UP;
+ else if(action.task=="remove") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::DELETE;
+ else if(action.task=="set_off") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::NO;
+ else if(action.task=="set_on") stock_id=Gtk::Stock::YES;
+ else stock_id=Gtk::StockID("synfig-"+
+ action.task);
+ return stock_id;
+ }
+ #ifdef WIN32
+ #endif
+ Gtk::StockID
+ studio::layer_icon(const synfig::String &layer)
+ {
+ if(layer=="PasteCanvas" || layer=="pastecanvas" || layer=="paste_canvas")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-layer_pastecanvas");
+ else if(layer=="rotate")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-rotate");
+ else if(layer=="zoom")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-zoom");
+ else if(layer=="region")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-bline");
+ else if(layer=="polygon")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-polygon");
+ else if(layer=="outline")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-width");
+ else if(layer=="circle")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-circle");
+ else if(layer=="rectangle")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-rectangle");
+ else if(layer=="star")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-star");
+ else if(layer=="plant")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-plant");
+ else if(layer=="text")
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-text");
+ else if(layer.find("gradient")!=String::npos)
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-gradient");
+ else
+ return Gtk::StockID("synfig-layer");
+ }
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>
+ studio::get_tree_pixbuf_layer(const synfig::String &layer)
+ {
+ return Gtk::Button().render_icon(layer_icon(layer),Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR);
+ }
--- /dev/null
-ResolutionDial::ResolutionDial(): Gtk::Table(1, 3, false)
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file resolutiondial.cpp
+ ** \brief Template File
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Gerco Ballintijn
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Lopez
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #ifdef USING_PCH
+ # include "pch.h"
+ #else
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ # include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "resolutiondial.h"
+ #include <gtkmm/image.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/stock.h>
+ #endif
+ /* === U S I N G =========================================================== */
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace studio;
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ /* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */
+ /* === P R O C E D U R E S ================================================= */
+ /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */
- Gtk::IconSize iconsize = Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
++ResolutionDial::ResolutionDial(Gtk::IconSize & size): Gtk::Table(3, 1, false)
+ {
- increase_resolution = create_icon(iconsize, Gtk::Stock::ADD, _("Increase Display Resolution"));
- decrease_resolution = create_icon(iconsize, Gtk::Stock::REMOVE, _("Decrease Display Resolution"));
-ResolutionDial::create_icon(Gtk::IconSize size, const Gtk::BuiltinStockID & stockid,
++ increase_resolution = create_icon(size, Gtk::StockID("synfig-increase_resolution"), _("Increase Display Resolution"));
++ decrease_resolution = create_icon(size, Gtk::StockID("synfig-decrease_resolution"), _("Decrease Display Resolution"));
+ use_low_resolution = create_check(_("Low Res"), _("Use Low Resolution when enabled"));
+ attach(*decrease_resolution, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*use_low_resolution, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*increase_resolution, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ }
+ Gtk::Button *
++ResolutionDial::create_icon(Gtk::IconSize size, const Gtk::StockID & stockid,
+ const char * tooltip)
+ {
+ Gtk::Button *button = manage(new class Gtk::Button());
+ Gtk::Image *icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(stockid, size));
+ button->add(*icon);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*button, tooltip);
+ icon->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon->show();
+ button->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ button->show();
+ return button;
+ }
+ Gtk::CheckButton *
+ ResolutionDial::create_check(const char *label, const char * tooltip)
+ {
+ Gtk::CheckButton *cbutton = manage(new class Gtk::CheckButton());
+ cbutton->set_label(label);
+ tooltips.set_tip(*cbutton, tooltip);
+ cbutton->show();
+ return cbutton;
+ }
+ void
+ ResolutionDial::update_lowres(bool flag)
+ {
+ use_low_resolution->set_active(flag);
+ }
--- /dev/null
- Gtk::Button *create_icon(Gtk::IconSize size, const Gtk::BuiltinStockID & stockid, const char * tooltip);
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file resolutiondial.h
+ ** \brief Template Header
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2008 Chris Moore
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Gerco Ballintijn
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Lopez
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === S T A R T =========================================================== */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/table.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/checkbutton.h>
+ #include "duckmatic.h"
+ #include "general.h"
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ /* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */
+ /* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */
+ namespace studio
+ {
+ class ResolutionDial : public Gtk::Table
+ {
+ Gtk::Tooltips tooltips;
+ Gtk::Button *increase_resolution;
+ Gtk::Button *decrease_resolution;
+ Gtk::CheckButton *use_low_resolution;
- ResolutionDial();
++ Gtk::Button *create_icon(Gtk::IconSize size, const Gtk::StockID & stockid, const char * tooltip);
+ Gtk::CheckButton *create_check(const char *text, const char *tooltip);
+ public:
++ ResolutionDial(Gtk::IconSize & size);
+ void update_lowres(bool flag);
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_increase_resolution() { return increase_resolution->signal_clicked(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_decrease_resolution() { return decrease_resolution->signal_clicked(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_use_low_resolution() { return use_low_resolution-> signal_toggled(); }
+ }; // END of class ResolutionDial
+ }; // END of namespace studio
+ /* === E N D =============================================================== */
+ #endif
--- /dev/null
-ToggleDucksDial::ToggleDucksDial(): Gtk::Table(1, 6, false)
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file toggleducksdial.cpp
+ ** \brief Template File
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Gerco Ballintijn
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Lopez
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #ifdef USING_PCH
+ # include "pch.h"
+ #else
+ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ # include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "toggleducksdial.h"
+ #include <gtkmm/image.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/stock.h>
+ #endif
+ /* === U S I N G =========================================================== */
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace studio;
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ /* === G L O B A L S ======================================================= */
+ /* === P R O C E D U R E S ================================================= */
+ /* === M E T H O D S ======================================================= */
- Gtk::IconSize iconsize = Gtk::IconSize::from_name("synfig-small_icon");
- ducks_position = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_position", _("Toggle position ducks"));
- ducks_vertex = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_vertex", _("Toggle vertex ducks"));
- ducks_tangent = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_tangent", _("Toggle tangent ducks"));
- ducks_radius = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_radius", _("Toggle radius ducks"));
- ducks_width = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_width", _("Toggle width ducks"));
- ducks_angle = create_label_button(iconsize, "synfig-toggle_duck_angle", _("Toggle angle ducks"));
++ToggleDucksDial::ToggleDucksDial(Gtk::IconSize & size): Gtk::Table(1, 6, false)
+ {
++ ducks_position = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_position", _("Toggle position ducks"));
++ ducks_vertex = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_vertex", _("Toggle vertex ducks"));
++ ducks_tangent = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_tangent", _("Toggle tangent ducks"));
++ ducks_radius = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_radius", _("Toggle radius ducks"));
++ ducks_width = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_width", _("Toggle width ducks"));
++ ducks_angle = create_label_button(size, "synfig-toggle_duck_angle", _("Toggle angle ducks"));
+ attach(*ducks_position, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*ducks_vertex, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*ducks_tangent, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*ducks_radius, 3, 4, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*ducks_width, 4, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ attach(*ducks_angle, 5, 6, 0, 1, Gtk::SHRINK, Gtk::SHRINK, 0, 0);
+ }
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *
+ ToggleDucksDial::create_label_button(Gtk::IconSize iconsize, const char *stockid,
+ const char * tooltip)
+ {
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *tbutton = manage(new class Gtk::ToggleButton());
+ Gtk::Image *icon = manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::StockID(stockid), iconsize));
+ tooltips.set_tip(*tbutton, tooltip);
+ tbutton->add(*icon);
+ icon->set_padding(0, 0);
+ icon->show();
+ tbutton->set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE);
+ tbutton->show();
+ return tbutton;
+ }
+ void
+ ToggleDucksDial::update_toggles(Duck::Type mask)
+ {
+ ducks_position-> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_POSITION));
+ ducks_vertex -> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_VERTEX));
+ ducks_tangent -> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_TANGENT));
+ ducks_radius -> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_RADIUS));
+ ducks_width -> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_WIDTH));
+ ducks_angle -> set_active((mask & Duck::TYPE_ANGLE));
+ }
--- /dev/null
- ToggleDucksDial();
+ /* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+ /*! \file toggleducksdial.h
+ ** \brief Template Header
+ **
+ ** $Id$
+ **
+ ** \legal
+ ** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+ ** Copyright (c) 2008 Chris Moore
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Gerco Ballintijn
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Lopez
+ **
+ ** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ ** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ ** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** General Public License for more details.
+ ** \endlegal
+ */
+ /* ========================================================================= */
+ /* === S T A R T =========================================================== */
+ /* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+ #include <gtkmm/tooltips.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/table.h>
+ #include <gtkmm/togglebutton.h>
+ #include "duckmatic.h"
+ #include "general.h"
+ /* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+ /* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */
+ /* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */
+ namespace studio
+ {
+ class ToggleDucksDial : public Gtk::Table
+ {
+ Gtk::Tooltips tooltips;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_position;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_vertex;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_tangent;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_radius;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_width;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *ducks_angle;
+ Gtk::ToggleButton *create_label_button(Gtk::IconSize iconsize, const char * stockid, const char * tooltip);
+ public:
++ ToggleDucksDial(Gtk::IconSize & size);
+ void update_toggles(Duck::Type mask);
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_position() { return ducks_position->signal_toggled(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_vertex() { return ducks_vertex-> signal_toggled(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_tangent() { return ducks_tangent-> signal_toggled(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_radius() { return ducks_radius-> signal_toggled(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_width() { return ducks_width-> signal_toggled(); }
+ Glib::SignalProxy0<void> signal_ducks_angle() { return ducks_angle-> signal_toggled(); }
+ }; // END of class ToggleDucksDial
+ }; // END of namespace studio
+ /* === E N D =============================================================== */
+ #endif