return true;
- // Render what is behind us
- if(!context.accelerated_render(surface,quality,renddesc,cb))
- {
- if(cb)cb->error(strprintf(__FILE__"%d: Accelerated Renderer Failure",__LINE__));
- return false;
- }
+ // not inverted
int left(ceil_to_int((min[0]-tl[0])/pw));
int right(floor_to_int((max[0]-tl[0])/pw));
Surface::alpha_pen pen;
// In the case where there is nothing to render...
- if(right-left<0||bottom-top<0)
+ if (right < left || bottom < top)
+ return true;
+ // optimisation - if the whole tile is covered by this rectangle,
+ // and the rectangle is a solid colour, we don't need to render
+ // what's behind us
+ if (is_solid_color() && top == 0 && left == 0 && bottom == h && right == w)
+ {
+ surface->set_wh(w,h);
+ surface->fill(color);
return true;
+ }
+ // Render what is behind us
+ if(!context.accelerated_render(surface,quality,renddesc,cb))
+ {
+ if(cb)cb->error(strprintf(__FILE__"%d: Accelerated Renderer Failure",__LINE__));
+ return false;
+ }