import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.ConfigurationSoneParser.InvalidParentAlbumFound;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.ConfigurationSoneParser.InvalidPostFound;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.ConfigurationSoneParser.InvalidPostReplyFound;
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.SoneChangeDetector.PostProcessor;
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.SoneChangeDetector.PostReplyProcessor;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.ImageInsertFinishedEvent;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.InsertionDelayChangedEvent;
import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.MarkPostKnownEvent;
- private List<Object> collectEventsForChangesInSone(Sone oldSone,
- final Sone newSone) {
- final List<Object> events = new ArrayList<Object>();
- SoneChangeDetector soneChangeDetector = new SoneChangeDetector(
- oldSone);
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPosts(new PostProcessor() {
- @Override
- public void processPost(Post post) {
- if (post.getSone().equals(newSone)) {
- post.setKnown(true);
- } else if (post.getTime() < database.getFollowingTime(newSone.getId())) {
- post.setKnown(true);
- } else if (!post.isKnown()) {
- events.add(new NewPostFoundEvent(post));
- }
- }
- });
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPosts(new PostProcessor() {
- @Override
- public void processPost(Post post) {
- events.add(new PostRemovedEvent(post));
- }
- });
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPostReplies(new PostReplyProcessor() {
- @Override
- public void processPostReply(PostReply postReply) {
- if (postReply.getSone().equals(newSone)) {
- postReply.setKnown(true);
- } else if (postReply.getTime() < database.getFollowingTime(newSone.getId())) {
- postReply.setKnown(true);
- } else if (!postReply.isKnown()) {
- events.add(new NewPostReplyFoundEvent(postReply));
- }
+ private List<Object> collectEventsForChangesInSone(Sone oldSone, Sone newSone) {
+ List<Object> events = new ArrayList<>();
+ SoneComparison soneComparison = new SoneComparison(oldSone, newSone);
+ for (Post newPost : soneComparison.getNewPosts()) {
+ if (newPost.getSone().equals(newSone)) {
+ newPost.setKnown(true);
+ } else if (newPost.getTime() < database.getFollowingTime(newSone.getId())) {
+ newPost.setKnown(true);
+ } else if (!newPost.isKnown()) {
+ events.add(new NewPostFoundEvent(newPost));
- });
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPostReplies(new PostReplyProcessor() {
- @Override
- public void processPostReply(PostReply postReply) {
- events.add(new PostReplyRemovedEvent(postReply));
+ }
+ for (Post post : soneComparison.getRemovedPosts()) {
+ events.add(new PostRemovedEvent(post));
+ }
+ for (PostReply postReply : soneComparison.getNewPostReplies()) {
+ if (postReply.getSone().equals(newSone)) {
+ postReply.setKnown(true);
+ } else if (postReply.getTime() < database.getFollowingTime(newSone.getId())) {
+ postReply.setKnown(true);
+ } else if (!postReply.isKnown()) {
+ events.add(new NewPostReplyFoundEvent(postReply));
- });
- soneChangeDetector.detectChanges(newSone);
+ }
+ for (PostReply postReply : soneComparison.getRemovedPostReplies()) {
+ events.add(new PostReplyRemovedEvent(postReply));
+ }
return events;
+++ /dev/null
-package net.pterodactylus.sone.core;
-import static;
-import static;
-import static;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * Compares the contents of two {@link Sone}s and fires events for new and
- * removed elements.
- */
-public class SoneChangeDetector {
- private final Sone oldSone;
- private Optional<PostProcessor> newPostProcessor = absent();
- private Optional<PostProcessor> removedPostProcessor = absent();
- private Optional<PostReplyProcessor> newPostReplyProcessor = absent();
- private Optional<PostReplyProcessor> removedPostReplyProcessor = absent();
- public SoneChangeDetector(Sone oldSone) {
- this.oldSone = oldSone;
- }
- public void onNewPosts(PostProcessor newPostProcessor) {
- this.newPostProcessor = fromNullable(newPostProcessor);
- }
- public void onRemovedPosts(PostProcessor removedPostProcessor) {
- this.removedPostProcessor = fromNullable(removedPostProcessor);
- }
- public void onNewPostReplies(PostReplyProcessor newPostReplyProcessor) {
- this.newPostReplyProcessor = fromNullable(newPostReplyProcessor);
- }
- public void onRemovedPostReplies(
- PostReplyProcessor removedPostReplyProcessor) {
- this.removedPostReplyProcessor = fromNullable(removedPostReplyProcessor);
- }
- public void detectChanges(Sone newSone) {
- processPosts(from(newSone.getPosts()).filter(
- notContainedIn(oldSone.getPosts())), newPostProcessor);
- processPosts(from(oldSone.getPosts()).filter(
- notContainedIn(newSone.getPosts())), removedPostProcessor);
- processPostReplies(from(newSone.getReplies()).filter(
- notContainedIn(oldSone.getReplies())), newPostReplyProcessor);
- processPostReplies(from(oldSone.getReplies()).filter(
- notContainedIn(newSone.getReplies())), removedPostReplyProcessor);
- }
- private void processPostReplies(FluentIterable<PostReply> postReplies,
- Optional<PostReplyProcessor> postReplyProcessor) {
- for (PostReply postReply : postReplies) {
- notifyPostReplyProcessor(postReplyProcessor, postReply);
- }
- }
- private void notifyPostReplyProcessor(
- Optional<PostReplyProcessor> postReplyProcessor,
- PostReply postReply) {
- if (postReplyProcessor.isPresent()) {
- postReplyProcessor.get()
- .processPostReply(postReply);
- }
- }
- private void processPosts(FluentIterable<Post> posts,
- Optional<PostProcessor> newPostProcessor) {
- for (Post post : posts) {
- notifyPostProcessor(newPostProcessor, post);
- }
- }
- private void notifyPostProcessor(Optional<PostProcessor> postProcessor,
- Post newPost) {
- if (postProcessor.isPresent()) {
- postProcessor.get().processPost(newPost);
- }
- }
- private <T> Predicate<T> notContainedIn(final Collection<T> posts) {
- return new Predicate<T>() {
- @Override
- public boolean apply(T element) {
- return !posts.contains(element);
- }
- };
- }
- public interface PostProcessor {
- void processPost(Post post);
- }
- public interface PostReplyProcessor {
- void processPostReply(PostReply postReply);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package net.pterodactylus.sone.core
- * Wrapper around a [SoneChangeDetector] that can turn changed elements into
- * different elements which are then being returned. This can be used to turn
- * changed elements into events for further processing.
- */
-class SoneChangeCollector(private val oldSone: Sone) {
- private val newPostEventCreators = mutableListOf<(Post) -> Any?>()
- private val removedPostEventCreators = mutableListOf<(Post) -> Any?>()
- private val newPostReplyEventCreators = mutableListOf<(PostReply) -> Any?>()
- private val removedPostReplyEventCreators = mutableListOf<(PostReply) -> Any?>()
- fun onNewPost(postProcessor: (Post) -> Unit) =
- newPostEventCreators.add { postProcessor(it).let { null } }.let { this }
- fun newPostEvent(postEventCreator: (Post) -> Any?) =
- newPostEventCreators.add(postEventCreator).let { this }
- fun onNewPostReply(postReplyProcessor: (PostReply) -> Unit) =
- newPostReplyEventCreators.add { postReplyProcessor(it).let { null } }.let { this }
- fun newPostReplyEvent(postReplyEventCreator: (PostReply) -> Any?) =
- newPostReplyEventCreators.add(postReplyEventCreator).let { this }
- fun removedPostEvent(postEventCreator: (Post) -> Any?) =
- removedPostEventCreators.add(postEventCreator).let { this }
- fun onRemovedPostReply(postReplyEventCreator: (PostReply) -> Any?) =
- removedPostReplyEventCreators.add(postReplyEventCreator).let { this }
- fun detectChanges(newSone: Sone): List<Any> {
- val events = mutableListOf<Any>()
- SoneChangeDetector(oldSone).apply {
- onNewPosts { post -> newPostEventCreators.mapNotNull { it(post) }.forEach { events.add(it) } }
- onRemovedPosts { post -> removedPostEventCreators.mapNotNull { it(post) }.forEach { events.add(it) } }
- onNewPostReplies { reply -> newPostReplyEventCreators.mapNotNull { it(reply) }.forEach { events.add(it) } }
- onRemovedPostReplies { reply -> removedPostReplyEventCreators.mapNotNull { it(reply) }.forEach { events.add(it) } }
- detectChanges(newSone)
- }
- return events
- }
--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.sone.core
+class SoneComparison(private val oldSone: Sone, private val newSone: Sone) {
+ val newPosts: Collection<Post> get() = newSone.posts - oldSone.posts
+ val removedPosts: Collection<Post> get() = oldSone.posts - newSone.posts
+ val newPostReplies: Collection<PostReply> get() = newSone.replies - oldSone.replies
+ val removedPostReplies: Collection<PostReply> get() = oldSone.replies - newSone.replies
package net.pterodactylus.sone.core
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.NewPostFoundEvent
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.NewPostReplyFoundEvent
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.PostRemovedEvent
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.PostReplyRemovedEvent
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.Database
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.ifFalse
-import net.pterodactylus.util.logging.Logging
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.*
+import net.pterodactylus.util.logging.*
import javax.inject.Inject
logger.fine("Downloaded Sone $sone can not update stored Sone $storedSone.")
- collectEventsForChanges(storedSone, sone)
- .also { database.storeSone(sone) }
- .forEach(eventBus::post)
+ SoneComparison(storedSone, sone).apply {
+ newPosts
+ .onEach { post -> if (post.time <= sone.followingTime) post.isKnown = true }
+ .mapNotNull { post -> post.isKnown.ifFalse { NewPostFoundEvent(post) } }
+ .forEach(eventBus::post)
+ removedPosts
+ .map { PostRemovedEvent(it) }
+ .forEach(eventBus::post)
+ newPostReplies
+ .onEach { postReply -> if (postReply.time <= sone.followingTime) postReply.isKnown = true }
+ .mapNotNull { postReply -> postReply.isKnown.ifFalse { NewPostReplyFoundEvent(postReply) } }
+ .forEach(eventBus::post)
+ removedPostReplies
+ .map { PostReplyRemovedEvent(it) }
+ .forEach(eventBus::post)
+ }
sone.options = storedSone.options
sone.isKnown = storedSone.isKnown
sone.status = if (sone.time != 0L) SoneStatus.idle else SoneStatus.unknown
private val Sone.followingTime get() = database.getFollowingTime(id) ?: 0
- private fun collectEventsForChanges(oldSone: Sone, newSone: Sone): List<Any> =
- SoneChangeCollector(oldSone)
- .onNewPost { post -> if (post.time <= newSone.followingTime) post.isKnown = true }
- .newPostEvent { post -> post.isKnown.ifFalse { NewPostFoundEvent(post) } }
- .removedPostEvent { PostRemovedEvent(it) }
- .onNewPostReply { postReply -> if (postReply.time <= newSone.followingTime) postReply.isKnown = true }
- .newPostReplyEvent { postReply -> postReply.isKnown.ifFalse { NewPostReplyFoundEvent(postReply) } }
- .onRemovedPostReply { PostReplyRemovedEvent(it) }
- .detectChanges(newSone)
class DefaultUpdateSoneProcessor @Inject constructor(database: Database, eventBus: EventBus) :
+++ /dev/null
-package net.pterodactylus.sone.core;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.SoneChangeDetector.PostProcessor;
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.SoneChangeDetector.PostReplyProcessor;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
- * Unit test for {@link SoneChangeDetector}.
- */
-public class SoneChangeDetectorTest {
- private final Sone oldSone = mock(Sone.class);
- private final Sone newSone = mock(Sone.class);
- private final SoneChangeDetector soneChangeDetector =
- new SoneChangeDetector(oldSone);
- private final Post oldPost = mock(Post.class);
- private final Post removedPost = mock(Post.class);
- private final Post newPost = mock(Post.class);
- private final PostProcessor newPostProcessor = mock(PostProcessor.class);
- private final PostProcessor removedPostProcessor =
- mock(PostProcessor.class);
- private final PostReply oldPostReply = mock(PostReply.class);
- private final PostReply removedPostReply = mock(PostReply.class);
- private final PostReply newPostReply = mock(PostReply.class);
- private final PostReplyProcessor newPostReplyProcessor =
- mock(PostReplyProcessor.class);
- private final PostReplyProcessor removedPostReplyProcessor =
- mock(PostReplyProcessor.class);
- @Before
- public void setupPosts() {
- when(oldSone.getPosts()).thenReturn(asList(oldPost, removedPost));
- when(newSone.getPosts()).thenReturn(asList(oldPost, newPost));
- }
- @Before
- public void setupPostProcessors() {
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPosts(newPostProcessor);
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPosts(removedPostProcessor);
- }
- @Before
- public void setupPostReplies() {
- when(oldSone.getReplies()).thenReturn(
- new HashSet<PostReply>(
- asList(oldPostReply, removedPostReply)));
- when(newSone.getReplies()).thenReturn(
- new HashSet<PostReply>(asList(oldPostReply, newPostReply)));
- }
- @Before
- public void setupPostReplyProcessors() {
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPostReplies(newPostReplyProcessor);
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPostReplies(removedPostReplyProcessor);
- }
- @Test
- public void changeDetectorDetectsChanges() {
- soneChangeDetector.detectChanges(newSone);
- verify(newPostProcessor).processPost(newPost);
- verify(newPostProcessor, never()).processPost(oldPost);
- verify(newPostProcessor, never()).processPost(removedPost);
- verify(removedPostProcessor).processPost(removedPost);
- verify(removedPostProcessor, never()).processPost(oldPost);
- verify(removedPostProcessor, never()).processPost(newPost);
- verify(newPostReplyProcessor).processPostReply(newPostReply);
- verify(newPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(oldPostReply);
- verify(newPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(
- removedPostReply);
- verify(removedPostReplyProcessor).processPostReply(removedPostReply);
- verify(removedPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(
- oldPostReply);
- verify(removedPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(
- newPostReply);
- }
- @Test
- public void changeDetectorDoesNotNotifyAnyProcessorIfProcessorsUnset() {
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPosts(null);
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPosts(null);
- soneChangeDetector.onNewPostReplies(null);
- soneChangeDetector.onRemovedPostReplies(null);
- soneChangeDetector.detectChanges(newSone);
- verify(newPostProcessor, never()).processPost(any(Post.class));
- verify(removedPostProcessor, never()).processPost(any(Post.class));
- verify(newPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(any(PostReply.class));
- verify(removedPostReplyProcessor, never()).processPostReply(any(PostReply.class));
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package net.pterodactylus.sone.core
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever
-import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
-import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder
-import org.hamcrest.Matchers.emptyIterable
-import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo
-import org.junit.Test
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
- * Unit test for [SoneChangeCollectorTest].
- */
-class SoneChangeCollectorTest {
- private val oldSone = mock<Sone>()
- private val newSone = mock<Sone>()
- private val changeCollector = SoneChangeCollector(oldSone)
- @Test
- fun `new posts are correctly turned into events`() {
- val posts = listOf(mock<Post>(), mock(), mock())
- whenever(newSone.posts).thenReturn(posts)
- changeCollector.newPostEvent { it.takeIf { it != posts[1] } }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), containsInAnyOrder<Any>(posts[0], posts[2]))
- }
- @Test
- fun `actions can be performed on new post without being returned`() {
- val posts = listOf(mock<Post>(), mock(), mock())
- val counter = AtomicInteger(0)
- whenever(newSone.posts).thenReturn(posts.slice(0..2))
- whenever(oldSone.posts).thenReturn(posts.slice(2..2))
- changeCollector.onNewPost { counter.incrementAndGet() }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), emptyIterable())
- assertThat(counter.get(), equalTo(2))
- }
- @Test
- fun `removed posts are correctly turned into events`() {
- val posts = listOf(mock<Post>(), mock(), mock())
- whenever(oldSone.posts).thenReturn(posts)
- changeCollector.removedPostEvent { it.takeIf { it != posts[1] } }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), containsInAnyOrder<Any>(posts[0], posts[2]))
- }
- @Test
- fun `new post replies are correctly turned into events`() {
- val postReplies = listOf(mock<PostReply>(), mock(), mock())
- whenever(newSone.replies).thenReturn(postReplies.toSet())
- changeCollector.newPostReplyEvent { it.takeIf { it != postReplies[1] } }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), containsInAnyOrder<Any>(postReplies[0], postReplies[2]))
- }
- @Test
- fun `actions can be performed on new replies without being returned`() {
- val replies = listOf(mock<PostReply>(), mock(), mock())
- val counter = AtomicInteger(0)
- whenever(newSone.replies).thenReturn(replies.slice(0..2).toSet())
- whenever(oldSone.replies).thenReturn(replies.slice(2..2).toSet())
- changeCollector.onNewPostReply { counter.incrementAndGet() }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), emptyIterable())
- assertThat(counter.get(), equalTo(2))
- }
- @Test
- fun `removed post replies are correctly turned into events`() {
- val postReplies = listOf(mock<PostReply>(), mock(), mock())
- whenever(oldSone.replies).thenReturn(postReplies.toSet())
- changeCollector.onRemovedPostReply { it.takeIf { it != postReplies[1] } }
- assertThat(changeCollector.detectChanges(newSone), containsInAnyOrder<Any>(postReplies[0], postReplies[2]))
- }
--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.sone.core
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.*
+import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.*
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
+import org.junit.*
+class SoneComparsisonTest {
+ private val oldSone = mock<Sone>()
+ private val newSone = mock<Sone>()
+ private val oldPost = mock<Post>()
+ private val removedPost = mock<Post>()
+ private val newPost = mock<Post>()
+ private val oldPostReply = mock<PostReply>()
+ private val removedPostReply = mock<PostReply>()
+ private val newPostReply = mock<PostReply>()
+ init {
+ whenever(oldSone.posts).thenReturn(listOf(oldPost, removedPost))
+ whenever(newSone.posts).thenReturn(listOf(oldPost, newPost))
+ whenever(oldSone.replies).thenReturn(setOf(oldPostReply, removedPostReply))
+ whenever(newSone.replies).thenReturn(setOf(oldPostReply, newPostReply))
+ }
+ private val soneComparison = SoneComparison(oldSone, newSone)
+ @Test
+ fun `new posts are identified correctly`() {
+ assertThat(soneComparison.newPosts, contains(newPost))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removed posts are identified correctly`() {
+ assertThat(soneComparison.removedPosts, contains(removedPost))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `new post replies are identified correctly`() {
+ assertThat(soneComparison.newPostReplies, contains(newPostReply))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removed post replies are identified correctly`() {
+ assertThat(soneComparison.removedPostReplies, contains(removedPostReply))
+ }