+ * Moves the given album up in this album’s albums. If the album is already
+ * the first album, nothing happens.
+ *
+ * @param album
+ * The album to move up
+ * @return The album that the given album swapped the place with, or
+ * <code>null</code> if the album did not change its place
+ */
+ public Album moveAlbumUp(Album album) {
+ Validation.begin().isNotNull("Album", album).check().isEqual("Album Owner", album.getSone(), this).isNull("Album Parent", album.getParent()).check();
+ int oldIndex = albums.indexOf(album);
+ if (oldIndex <= 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ albums.remove(oldIndex);
+ albums.add(oldIndex - 1, album);
+ return albums.get(oldIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Moves the given album down in this album’s albums. If the album is
+ * already the last album, nothing happens.
+ *
+ * @param album
+ * The album to move down
+ * @return The album that the given album swapped the place with, or
+ * <code>null</code> if the album did not change its place
+ */
+ public Album moveAlbumDown(Album album) {
+ Validation.begin().isNotNull("Album", album).check().isEqual("Album Owner", album.getSone(), this).isNull("Album Parent", album.getParent()).check();
+ int oldIndex = albums.indexOf(album);
+ if ((oldIndex < 0) || (oldIndex >= (albums.size() - 1))) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ albums.remove(oldIndex);
+ albums.add(oldIndex + 1, album);
+ return albums.get(oldIndex);
+ }
+ /**
* Returns Sone-specific options.
* @return The options of this Sone
return createErrorJsonObject("not-authorized");
if ("true".equals(request.getHttpRequest().getParam("moveLeft"))) {
- Album swappedAlbum = album.getParent().moveAlbumUp(album);
+ Album swappedAlbum = (album.getParent() != null) ? album.getParent().moveAlbumUp(album) : album.getSone().moveAlbumUp(album);
return createSuccessJsonObject().put("sourceAlbumId", album.getId()).put("destinationAlbumId", swappedAlbum.getId());
if ("true".equals(request.getHttpRequest().getParam("moveRight"))) {
- Album swappedAlbum = album.getParent().moveAlbumDown(album);
+ Album swappedAlbum = (album.getParent() != null) ? album.getParent().moveAlbumDown(album) : album.getSone().moveAlbumDown(album);
return createSuccessJsonObject().put("sourceAlbumId", album.getId()).put("destinationAlbumId", swappedAlbum.getId());