- cvt.clear();
- brk.clear();
+ curvature.clear();
+ break_tangents.clear();
etl::clock_realtime timer,total;*/
- if (points_in.size() <= 1)
+ if (points_in.size() < 2)
if (points_in.size() == widths_in.size())
- for(;point_iter != end; ++point_iter,++width_iter)
- if(*point_iter != c) // eliminate duplicate points
+ for(bool first = true; point_iter != end; ++point_iter,++width_iter)
+ if (first || *point_iter != c) // eliminate duplicate points
+ first = false;
point_cache.push_back(c = *point_iter);
- int i,i0,i1;
- synfig::Vector v1,v2;
- cvt.resize(point_cache.size());
+ int i_this, i_prev, i_next;
+ synfig::Vector v_prev, v_next;
- cvt.front() = 1;
- cvt.back() = 1;
+ curvature.resize(point_cache.size());
+ curvature.front() = curvature.back() = 1;
- for(i = 1; i < (int)point_cache.size()-1; ++i)
+ for (i_this = 1; i_this < (int)point_cache.size()-1; i_this++)
- i0 = std::max(0,i - 2);
- i1 = std::min((int)(point_cache.size()-1),i + 2);
+ i_prev = std::max(0, i_this-2);
+ i_next = std::min((int)(point_cache.size()-1), i_this+2);
- v1 = point_cache[i] - point_cache[i0];
- v2 = point_cache[i1] - point_cache[i];
+ v_prev = point_cache[i_this] - point_cache[i_prev];
+ v_next = point_cache[i_next] - point_cache[i_this];
- cvt[i] = (v1*v2)/(v1.mag()*v2.mag());
+ curvature[i_this] = (v_prev*v_next) / (v_prev.mag()*v_next.mag());
//break at sharp derivative points
//TODO tolerance should be set based upon digitization resolution (length dependent index selection)
Real tol = 0; //break tolerance, for the cosine of the change in angle (really high curvature or something)
- Real fixdistsq = 4*width*width; //the distance to ignore breaks at the end points (for fixing stuff)
unsigned int i = 0;
- int maxi = -1, last=0;
- Real minc = 1;
+ int sharpest_i=-1;
+ int last=0;
+ Real sharpest_curvature = 1;
- brk.push_back(0);
+ break_tangents.push_back(0);
- for(i = 1; i < cvt.size()-1; ++i)
+ // loop through the curvatures; in each continuous run of
+ // curvatures that exceed the tolerence, find the one with the
+ // sharpest curvature and add its index to the list of indices
+ // at which to split tangents
+ for (i = 1; i < curvature.size()-1; ++i)
- //insert if too sharp (we need to break the tangents to insert onto the break list)
- if(cvt[i] < tol)
+ if (curvature[i] < tol)
- if(cvt[i] < minc)
+ if(curvature[i] < sharpest_curvature)
- minc = cvt[i];
- maxi = i;
+ sharpest_curvature = curvature[i];
+ sharpest_i = i;
- else if(maxi >= 0)
+ else if (sharpest_i > 0)
- if(maxi >= last + 8)
+ // don't have 2 corners too close to each other
+ if (sharpest_i >= last + 8) //! \todo make this configurable
- //synfig::info("break: %d-%d",maxi+1,cvt.size());
- brk.push_back(maxi);
- last = maxi;
+ //synfig::info("break: %d-%d",sharpest_i+1,curvature.size());
+ break_tangents.push_back(sharpest_i);
+ last = sharpest_i;
- maxi = -1;
- minc = 1;
+ sharpest_i = -1;
+ sharpest_curvature = 1;
- brk.push_back(i);
+ break_tangents.push_back(i);
+// this section causes bug 1892566 if enabled
+#if 1
//postprocess for breaks too close to each other
+ Real fixdistsq = 4*width*width; //the distance to ignore breaks at the end points (for fixing stuff)
Real d = 0;
- Point p = point_cache[brk.front()];
+ Point p = point_cache[break_tangents.front()];
//first set
- for(i = 1; i < brk.size()-1; ++i) //do not want to include end point...
+ for (i = 1; i < break_tangents.size()-1; ++i) //do not want to include end point...
- d = (point_cache[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
+ d = (point_cache[break_tangents[i]] - p).mag_squared();
if(d > fixdistsq) break; //don't want to group breaks if we ever get over the dist...
//want to erase all points before...
if(i != 1)
- brk.erase(brk.begin(),brk.begin()+i-1);
+ break_tangents.erase(break_tangents.begin(),break_tangents.begin()+i-1);
//end set
- p = point_cache[brk.back()];
- for(i = brk.size()-2; i > 0; --i) //start at one in from the end
+ p = point_cache[break_tangents.back()];
+ for(i = break_tangents.size()-2; i > 0; --i) //start at one in from the end
- d = (point_cache[brk[i]] - p).mag_squared();
+ d = (point_cache[break_tangents[i]] - p).mag_squared();
if(d > fixdistsq) break; //don't want to group breaks if we ever get over the dist
- if(i != brk.size()-2)
- brk.erase(brk.begin()+i+2,brk.end()); //erase all points that we found... found none if i has not advanced
+ if(i != break_tangents.size()-2)
+ break_tangents.erase(break_tangents.begin()+i+2,break_tangents.end()); //erase all points that we found... found none if i has not advanced
//must not include the one we ended up on
//breakeval = timer();
- //synfig::info("found break points: %d",brk.size());
+ //synfig::info("found break points: %d",break_tangents.size());
//get the distance calculation of the entire curve (for tangent scaling)
setwidth = (point_cache.size() == width_cache.size());
- for(j = 0; j < (int)brk.size() - 1; ++j)
+ for(j = 0; j < (int)break_tangents.size() - 1; ++j)
//for b[j] to b[j+1] subdivide and stuff
- i0 = brk[j];
- i3 = brk[j+1];
+ i0 = break_tangents[j];
+ i3 = break_tangents[j+1];
unsigned int size = i3-i0+1; //must include the end points