Page.ViewSone.Page.TitleWithoutSone=View unknown Sone
Page.ViewSone.NoSone.Description=There is currently no known Sone with the ID {sone}. If you were looking for a specific Sone, make sure that it is visible in your web of trust!
Page.ViewSone.UnknownSone.Description=This Sone has not yet been retrieved. Please check back in a short time.
+Page.ViewSone.WriteAMessage=You can write a message to this Sone here. Please note that everybody will be able to read this message!
Page.ViewSone.PostList.Title=Posts by {sone}
Page.ViewSone.PostList.Text.NoPostYet=This Sone has not yet posted anything.
WebInterface.DefaultText.StatusUpdate=What’s on your mind?
+WebInterface.DefaultText.Message=Write a Message…
WebInterface.DefaultText.Reply=Write a Reply…
WebInterface.DefaultText.FirstName=First name
WebInterface.DefaultText.MiddleName=Middle name(s)
min-height: 48px;
-#sone .post .author {
+#sone .post .author, #sone .post .recipient {
display: inline;
font-weight: bold;
+ /* ajaxify input field on “view Sone” page. */
+ getTranslation("WebInterface.DefaultText.Message", function(defaultText) {
+ registerInputTextareaSwap("#sone #post-message input[name=text]", defaultText, "text", false, false);
+ $("#sone #post-message").submit(function() {
+ text = $(this).find(":input:enabled").val();
+ $.getJSON("ajax/createPost.ajax", { "formPassword": getFormPassword(), "recipient": $("#sone #sone-id").text(), "text": text }, function(data, textStatus) {
+ if ((data != null) && data.success) {
+ loadNewPost(data.postId);
+ }
+ });
+ $(this).find(":input:enabled").val("").blur();
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
/* Ajaxifies all posts. */
/* calling getTranslation here will cache the necessary values. */
getTranslation("WebInterface.Confirmation.DeletePostButton", function(text) {
<%include include/viewSone.html>
+ <p><%= Page.ViewSone.WriteAMessage|l10n|html></p>
+ <form action="createPost.html" id="post-message" method="post">
+ <input type="hidden" name="formPassword" value="<% formPassword|html>" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="returnPage" value="<% request.uri|html>" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="<%|html>" />
+ <input type="text" name="text" value="" />
+ <button type="submit"><%= Page.CreatePost.Button.Post|l10n|html></button>
+ </form>
<h1><%= Page.ViewSone.PostList.Title|l10n|insert needle="{sone}" key=sone.niceName|html></h1>
<div id="posts">