--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.webpages.weather.wetterde
+import kotlinx.html.body
+import kotlinx.html.div
+import kotlinx.html.h1
+import kotlinx.html.head
+import kotlinx.html.html
+import kotlinx.html.img
+import kotlinx.html.stream.createHTML
+import kotlinx.html.style
+import kotlinx.html.unsafe
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Reaction
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.State
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Trigger
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.output.DefaultOutput
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.output.Output
+import java.text.DateFormat
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
+import java.util.Locale
+ * TODO
+ *
+ * @author [David ‘Bombe’ Roden](mailto:bombe@pterodactylus.net)
+ */
+class WetterDeTrigger : Trigger {
+ private val dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.ENGLISH)
+ private lateinit var state: WetterDeState
+ private var changed = false
+ override fun mergeStates(previousState: State, currentState: State): State {
+ changed = previousState != currentState
+ state = currentState as WetterDeState
+ return currentState
+ }
+ override fun triggers(): Boolean {
+ return changed
+ }
+ override fun output(reaction: Reaction): Output {
+ val output = DefaultOutput("The Weather (according to wetter.de) on %s".format(dateFormatter.format(state.dateTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli())))
+ output.addText("text/html", generateHtmlOutput())
+ return output
+ }
+ private fun generateHtmlOutput(): String {
+ return createHTML().html {
+ head {
+ style("text/css") {
+ unsafe {
+ +".hour-state { display: table-row; } "
+ +".hour-state > div { display: table-cell; padding-right: 1em; } "
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ body {
+ val startTime = state.dateTime.toInstant()
+ h1 { +"The Weather (according to wetter.de) on %s".format(dateFormatter.format(startTime.toEpochMilli())) }
+ state.forEach {
+ div("hour-state") {
+ div("time") { +"%tH:%<tM".format(startTime.plus(it.hourIndex.toLong(), ChronoUnit.HOURS).toEpochMilli()) }
+ div("temperature") { +"%d °C".format(it.temperature) }
+ div("felt-temperature") { +"(%d °C)".format(it.feltTemperature) }
+ div("rain-probability") { +"%d%%".format((it.rainProbability * 100).toInt()) }
+ div("rain-amount") { +"%s l/m²".format(it.rainAmount.minDigits()) }
+ div("wind-direction") { +it.windDirection.arrow }
+ div("wind-speed") { +"%d km/h".format(it.windSpeed) }
+ div("gust-speed") { +"(up to %d km/h)".format(it.gustSpeed) }
+ div("humidity") { +"%d%%".format((it.humidity * 100).toInt()) }
+ div("description") { +it.description }
+ div("image") { img(src = it.image) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }.toString()
+ }
+ private fun Double.minDigits(): String {
+ return this.toString().replace(Regex("\\.0*$"), "")
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.webpages.weather.wetterde
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.Reaction
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.State
+import net.pterodactylus.rhynodge.webpages.weather.WindDirection
+import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.`is`
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
+import java.time.ZoneId.of
+import java.time.ZonedDateTime
+ * Unit test for [WetterDeTriggerTest].
+ * @author [David ‘Bombe’ Roden](mailto:bombe@pterodactylus.net)
+ */
+class WetterDeTriggerTest {
+ private val now = ZonedDateTime.now(of("Europe/Berlin"))
+ private val previousState = WetterDeState(now.minusDays(1))
+ private val trigger = WetterDeTrigger()
+ @Test
+ fun currentStateIsAlwaysReturned() {
+ val currentState = WetterDeState(now)
+ assertThat(trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState), `is`(currentState as State))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun triggerDoesNotTriggerIfStateHasNotChanged() {
+ val currentState = WetterDeState(now.minusDays(1))
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ assertThat(trigger.triggers(), `is`(false))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun triggerDoesTriggerIfStateHasChanged() {
+ val currentState = WetterDeState(now)
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ assertThat(trigger.triggers(), `is`(true))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun outputContainsCorrectSummary() {
+ val currentState = WetterDeState(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 5, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, of("Europe/Berlin")))
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ val reaction = mock(Reaction::class.java)
+ val output = trigger.output(reaction)
+ assertThat(output.summary(), `is`("The Weather (according to wetter.de) on May 28, 2016"))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun outputContainsCorrectHourData() {
+ val currentState = WetterDeState(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 5, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, of("Europe/Berlin")))
+ currentState += HourState(0, 10, 11, 0.12, 13.0, WindDirection.SOUTHSOUTHEAST, 14, 15, 0.16, "17", "http://18")
+ currentState += HourState(1, 20, 21, 0.22, 23.0, WindDirection.NORTHNORTHWEST, 24, 25, 0.26, "27", "http://28")
+ trigger.mergeStates(previousState, currentState)
+ val reaction = mock(Reaction::class.java)
+ val output = trigger.output(reaction)
+ val htmlText = output.text("text/html", -1)
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("00:00"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("10 °C"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("(11 °C)"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("12%"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("13 l/m²"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("↖↑"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("14 km/h"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("15 km/h"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("16%"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("17"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("http://18"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("01:00"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("20 °C"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("(21 °C)"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("22%"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("23 l/m²"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("↘↓"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("24 km/h"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("25 km/h"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("26%"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("27"))
+ assertThat(htmlText, containsString("http://28"))
+ }