Page.Bookmarks.Title=Bookmarks - Sone
Page.Bookmarks.Text.NoBookmarks=You don’t have any bookmarks defined right now. You can bookmark posts by clicking the star below the post.
+Page.Bookmarks.Text.PostsNotLoaded=Some of your bookmarked posts have not been shown because they could not be loaded. This can happen if your restarted Sone recently or if the originating Sone has deleted the post.
Page.NoPermission.Title=Unauthorized Access - Sone
Page.NoPermission.Page.Title=Unauthorized Access
<div id="posts">
<%include include/pagination.html>
<%foreach posts post>
- <%include include/viewPost.html>
- <%foreachelse>
- <p><%= Page.Bookmarks.Text.NoBookmarks|l10n|html></p>
+ <%if post.loaded>
+ <%= true|store key=postShown>
+ <%include include/viewPost.html>
+ <%else>
+ <%= true|store key=postNotLoaded>
+ <%/if>
+ <%if postNotLoaded>
+ <p><%= Page.Bookmarks.Text.PostsNotLoaded|l10n|html></p>
+ <%else>
+ <%if !postShown>
+ <p><%= Page.Bookmarks.Text.NoBookmarks|l10n|html></p>
+ <%/if>
+ <%/if>
<%include include/pagination.html>