String line;
String prefix=etl::dirname(filename)+ETL_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
+ getline(stream,line); // read first line and check whether it is a Papagayo lip sync file
+ if (line == "MohoSwitch1") // it is a Papagayo lipsync file
+ {
+ String phoneme, prevphoneme, prevext, ext(".jpg"); // default image format
+ int frame, prevframe = -1; // it means that the previous phoneme is not known
+ while(!stream.eof())
+ {
+ getline(stream,line);
+ if(line.find(String("FPS ")) == 0)
+ {
+ float f = atof(String(line.begin()+4,line.end()).c_str());
+ if (f) fps = f;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (line == "bmp" ||
+ line == "jpg" ||
+ line == "png" ||
+ line == "ppm" ||
+ line == "tiff" )
+ {
+ ext = String(".") + line;
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t pos = line.find(String(" ")); // find space position. The format is "frame phoneme-name".
+ if(pos != String::npos)
+ {
+ frame = atoi(String(line.begin(),line.begin()+pos).c_str());
+ phoneme = String(line.begin()+pos+1, line.end());
+ if (prevframe != -1)
+ while (prevframe < frame)
+ {
+ filename_list.push_back(prefix + prevphoneme + prevext);
+ synfig::info("frame %d, phoneme = %s, path = '%s'", prevframe, prevphoneme.c_str(), (prefix + prevphoneme + prevext).c_str());
+ prevframe++;
+ }
+ prevext = ext;
+ prevframe = frame;
+ prevphoneme = phoneme;
+ }
+ }
+ filename_list.push_back(prefix + prevphoneme + prevext); // do it one more time for the last phoneme
+ synfig::info("finally, frame %d, phoneme = %s, path = '%s'", prevframe, prevphoneme.c_str(), (prefix + prevphoneme + prevext).c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ stream.seekg(ios_base::beg);