--- /dev/null
+ * Sone - WebOfTrustConnector.java - Copyright © 2010–2019 David Roden
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot
+import com.google.inject.*
+import freenet.support.*
+import freenet.support.api.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.NumberParsers.*
+import java.lang.String.*
+import java.util.*
+import java.util.logging.*
+import java.util.logging.Logger
+import java.util.logging.Logger.*
+ * Connector for the Web of Trust plugin.
+ */
+class PluginWebOfTrustConnector @Inject constructor(private val pluginConnector: PluginConnector) : WebOfTrustConnector {
+ private val logger: Logger = getLogger(PluginWebOfTrustConnector::class.java.name)
+ override fun loadAllOwnIdentities(): Set<OwnIdentity> {
+ val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetOwnIdentities").get())
+ var ownIdentityCounter = -1
+ val ownIdentities = HashSet<OwnIdentity>()
+ while (true) {
+ val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++ownIdentityCounter) ?: break
+ val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$ownIdentityCounter")
+ val insertUri = fields.get("InsertURI$ownIdentityCounter")
+ val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$ownIdentityCounter")
+ val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri, insertUri)
+ ownIdentity.setContexts(parseContexts("Contexts$ownIdentityCounter.", fields))
+ ownIdentity.properties = parseProperties("Properties$ownIdentityCounter.", fields)
+ ownIdentities.add(ownIdentity)
+ }
+ return ownIdentities
+ }
+ override fun loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String?): Set<Identity> {
+ val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentitiesByScore").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Selection", "+").put("Context", context ?: "").put("WantTrustValues", "true").get())
+ val identities = HashSet<Identity>()
+ var identityCounter = -1
+ while (true) {
+ val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++identityCounter) ?: break
+ val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$identityCounter")
+ val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$identityCounter")
+ val identity = DefaultIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri)
+ identity.setContexts(parseContexts("Contexts$identityCounter.", fields))
+ identity.properties = parseProperties("Properties$identityCounter.", fields)
+ val trust = parseInt(fields.get("Trust$identityCounter"), null)
+ val score = parseInt(fields.get("Score$identityCounter"), 0)!!
+ val rank = parseInt(fields.get("Rank$identityCounter"), 0)!!
+ identity.setTrust(ownIdentity, Trust(trust, score, rank))
+ identities.add(identity)
+ }
+ return identities
+ }
+ @Throws(PluginException::class)
+ override fun addContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "AddContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get())
+ }
+ @Throws(PluginException::class)
+ override fun removeContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get())
+ }
+ override fun setProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String, value: String) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).put("Value", value).get())
+ }
+ override fun removeProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).get())
+ }
+ override fun getTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity): Trust {
+ val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentity").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Identity", identity.id).get())
+ val trust = fields.get("Trust")
+ val score = fields.get("Score")
+ val rank = fields.get("Rank")
+ var explicit: Int? = null
+ var implicit: Int? = null
+ var distance: Int? = null
+ try {
+ explicit = Integer.valueOf(trust)
+ } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
+ /* ignore. */
+ }
+ try {
+ implicit = Integer.valueOf(score)
+ } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
+ /* ignore. */
+ }
+ try {
+ distance = Integer.valueOf(rank)
+ } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
+ /* ignore. */
+ }
+ return Trust(explicit, implicit, distance)
+ }
+ override fun setTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity, trust: Int, comment: String) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).put("Value", trust.toString()).put("Comment", comment).get())
+ }
+ override fun removeTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity) {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).get())
+ }
+ override fun ping() {
+ performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "Ping").get())
+ }
+ private fun performRequest(fields: SimpleFieldSet, data: Bucket? = null): PluginReply {
+ logger.log(Level.FINE, format("Sending FCP Request: %s", fields.get("Message")))
+ val pluginReply = pluginConnector.sendRequest(WOT_PLUGIN_NAME, "", fields, data)
+ logger.log(Level.FINEST, format("Received FCP Response for %s: %s", fields.get("Message"), pluginReply.fields.get("Message")))
+ if ("Error" == pluginReply.fields.get("Message")) {
+ throw PluginException("Could not perform request for " + fields.get("Message"))
+ }
+ return pluginReply
+ }
+private const val WOT_PLUGIN_NAME = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust"
+private fun parseContexts(prefix: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet): Set<String> {
+ val contexts = HashSet<String>()
+ var contextCounter = -1
+ while (true) {
+ val context = fields.get(prefix + "Context" + ++contextCounter) ?: break
+ contexts.add(context)
+ }
+ return contexts
+private fun parseProperties(prefix: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet): Map<String, String> {
+ val properties = HashMap<String, String>()
+ var propertiesCounter = -1
+ while (true) {
+ val propertyName = fields.get(prefix + "Property" + ++propertiesCounter + ".Name") ?: break
+ val propertyValue = fields.get(prefix + "Property" + propertiesCounter + ".Value")
+ properties[propertyName] = propertyValue
+ }
+ return properties
- * Sone - WebOfTrustConnector.java - Copyright © 2010–2019 David Roden
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot
-import com.google.inject.*
-import freenet.support.*
-import freenet.support.api.*
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.*
import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.*
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.NumberParsers.*
-import java.lang.String.*
-import java.util.*
-import java.util.logging.*
-import java.util.logging.Logger
-import java.util.logging.Logger.*
- * Connector for the Web of Trust plugin.
+ * Connector for the web of trust plugin.
-class WebOfTrustConnector @Inject constructor(private val pluginConnector: PluginConnector) {
- private val logger: Logger = getLogger(WebOfTrustConnector::class.java.name)
- fun stop() {
- /* does nothing. */
- }
+interface WebOfTrustConnector {
* Loads all own identities from the Web of Trust plugin.
* @throws WebOfTrustException if the own identities can not be loaded
- fun loadAllOwnIdentities(): Set<OwnIdentity> {
- val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetOwnIdentities").get())
- var ownIdentityCounter = -1
- val ownIdentities = HashSet<OwnIdentity>()
- while (true) {
- val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++ownIdentityCounter) ?: break
- val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$ownIdentityCounter")
- val insertUri = fields.get("InsertURI$ownIdentityCounter")
- val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$ownIdentityCounter")
- val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri, insertUri)
- ownIdentity.setContexts(parseContexts("Contexts$ownIdentityCounter.", fields))
- ownIdentity.properties = parseProperties("Properties$ownIdentityCounter.", fields)
- ownIdentities.add(ownIdentity)
- }
- return ownIdentities
- }
+ fun loadAllOwnIdentities(): Set<OwnIdentity>
* Loads all identities that the given identities trusts with a score of
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- @JvmOverloads
- fun loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String? = null): Set<Identity> {
- val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentitiesByScore").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Selection", "+").put("Context", context ?: "").put("WantTrustValues", "true").get())
- val identities = HashSet<Identity>()
- var identityCounter = -1
- while (true) {
- val id = fields.get("Identity" + ++identityCounter) ?: break
- val nickname = fields.get("Nickname$identityCounter")
- val requestUri = fields.get("RequestURI$identityCounter")
- val identity = DefaultIdentity(id, nickname, requestUri)
- identity.setContexts(parseContexts("Contexts$identityCounter.", fields))
- identity.properties = parseProperties("Properties$identityCounter.", fields)
- val trust = parseInt(fields.get("Trust$identityCounter"), null)
- val score = parseInt(fields.get("Score$identityCounter"), 0)!!
- val rank = parseInt(fields.get("Rank$identityCounter"), 0)!!
- identity.setTrust(ownIdentity, Trust(trust, score, rank))
- identities.add(identity)
- }
- return identities
- }
+ fun loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String? = null): Set<Identity>
* Adds the given context to the given identity.
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun addContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "AddContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get())
- }
+ fun addContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String)
* Removes the given context from the given identity.
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun removeContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveContext").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Context", context).get())
- }
+ fun removeContext(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, context: String)
* Sets the property with the given name to the given value.
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun setProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String, value: String) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).put("Value", value).get())
- }
+ fun setProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String, value: String)
* Removes the property with the given name.
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun removeProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveProperty").put("Identity", ownIdentity.id).put("Property", name).get())
- }
+ fun removeProperty(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, name: String)
* Returns the trust for the given identity assigned to it by the given own
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun getTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity): Trust {
- val (fields) = performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "GetIdentity").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Identity", identity.id).get())
- val trust = fields.get("Trust")
- val score = fields.get("Score")
- val rank = fields.get("Rank")
- var explicit: Int? = null
- var implicit: Int? = null
- var distance: Int? = null
- try {
- explicit = Integer.valueOf(trust)
- } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
- /* ignore. */
- }
- try {
- implicit = Integer.valueOf(score)
- } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
- /* ignore. */
- }
- try {
- distance = Integer.valueOf(rank)
- } catch (nfe1: NumberFormatException) {
- /* ignore. */
- }
- return Trust(explicit, implicit, distance)
- }
+ fun getTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity): Trust
* Sets the trust for the given identity.
* @throws PluginException if an error occured talking to the Web of Trust plugin
- fun setTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity, trust: Int, comment: String) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "SetTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).put("Value", trust.toString()).put("Comment", comment).get())
- }
+ fun setTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity, trust: Int, comment: String)
* Removes any trust assignment of the given own identity for the given
* @throws WebOfTrustException if an error occurs
- fun removeTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity) {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "RemoveTrust").put("Truster", ownIdentity.id).put("Trustee", identity.id).get())
- }
+ fun removeTrust(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, identity: Identity)
* Pings the Web of Trust plugin. If the plugin can not be reached, a
* @throws PluginException if the plugin is not loaded
- fun ping() {
- performRequest(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().put("Message", "Ping").get())
- }
- private fun performRequest(fields: SimpleFieldSet, data: Bucket? = null): PluginReply {
- logger.log(Level.FINE, format("Sending FCP Request: %s", fields.get("Message")))
- val pluginReply = pluginConnector.sendRequest(WOT_PLUGIN_NAME, "", fields, data)
- logger.log(Level.FINEST, format("Received FCP Response for %s: %s", fields.get("Message"), pluginReply.fields.get("Message")))
- if ("Error" == pluginReply.fields.get("Message")) {
- throw PluginException("Could not perform request for " + fields.get("Message"))
- }
- return pluginReply
- }
+ fun ping()
-private const val WOT_PLUGIN_NAME = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust"
-private fun parseContexts(prefix: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet): Set<String> {
- val contexts = HashSet<String>()
- var contextCounter = -1
- while (true) {
- val context = fields.get(prefix + "Context" + ++contextCounter) ?: break
- contexts.add(context)
- }
- return contexts
+ /**
+ * Stops the web of trust connector.
+ */
+ fun stop() = Unit
-private fun parseProperties(prefix: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet): Map<String, String> {
- val properties = HashMap<String, String>()
- var propertiesCounter = -1
- while (true) {
- val propertyName = fields.get(prefix + "Property" + ++propertiesCounter + ".Name") ?: break
- val propertyValue = fields.get(prefix + "Property" + propertiesCounter + ".Value")
- properties[propertyName] = propertyValue
- }
- return properties
loaders?.let { bind(Loaders::class.java).toInstance(it) }
+ bind(WebOfTrustConnector::class.java).to(PluginWebOfTrustConnector::class.java).`in`(Singleton::class.java)
bindListener(Matchers.any(), object : TypeListener {
override fun <I> hear(typeLiteral: TypeLiteral<I>, typeEncounter: TypeEncounter<I>) {
--- /dev/null
+package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot
+import freenet.support.*
+import freenet.support.api.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.*
+import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.*
+import org.hamcrest.*
+import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.*
+import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
+import org.hamcrest.core.*
+import kotlin.test.*
+ * Unit test for [PluginWebOfTrustConnector].
+ */
+class PluginWebOfTrustConnectorTest {
+ private val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity("id", "nickname", "requestUri", "insertUri")
+ private val identity = DefaultIdentity("id-a", "alpha", "url://alpha")
+ @Test
+ fun `wot plugin can be pinged`() {
+ createPluginConnector("Ping")
+ .connect { ping() }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `own identities are returned correctly`() {
+ val ownIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetOwnIdentities") {
+ put("Identity0", "id-0")
+ put("RequestURI0", "request-uri-0")
+ put("InsertURI0", "insert-uri-0")
+ put("Nickname0", "nickname-0")
+ put("Contexts0.Context0", "id-0-context-0")
+ put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "id-0-property-0-name")
+ put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "id-0-property-0-value")
+ put("Identity1", "id-1")
+ put("RequestURI1", "request-uri-1")
+ put("InsertURI1", "insert-uri-1")
+ put("Nickname1", "nickname-1")
+ put("Contexts1.Context0", "id-1-context-0")
+ put("Properties1.Property0.Name", "id-1-property-0-name")
+ put("Properties1.Property0.Value", "id-1-property-0-value")
+ }.connect { loadAllOwnIdentities() }
+ assertThat(ownIdentities, containsInAnyOrder(
+ isOwnIdentity("id-0", "nickname-0", "request-uri-0", "insert-uri-0", contains("id-0-context-0"), hasEntry("id-0-property-0-name", "id-0-property-0-value")),
+ isOwnIdentity("id-1", "nickname-1", "request-uri-1", "insert-uri-1", contains("id-1-context-0"), hasEntry("id-1-property-0-name", "id-1-property-0-value"))
+ ))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities are requested with correct own identity`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Truster", equalTo("id")))
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities are requested with correct selection parameter`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Selection", equalTo("+")))
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities are requested with empty context if null context requested`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo("")))
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities are requested with context if context requested`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities are requested with trust values`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("WantTrustValues", equalTo("true")))
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `empty list of trusted identities is returned correctly`() {
+ val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore")
+ .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ assertThat(trustedIdentities, empty())
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identities without context, properties, or trust value are returned correctly`() {
+ val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
+ put("Identity0", "id0")
+ put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
+ put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
+ put("Identity1", "id1")
+ put("Nickname1", "nickname1")
+ put("RequestURI1", "request-uri1")
+ }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
+ allOf(
+ isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty<String>(), isEmptyMap()),
+ isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0))
+ ),
+ allOf(
+ isIdentity("id1", "nickname1", "request-uri1", empty<String>(), isEmptyMap()),
+ isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0))
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identity with contexts is returned correctly`() {
+ val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
+ put("Identity0", "id0")
+ put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
+ put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
+ put("Contexts0.Context0", "Context0")
+ put("Contexts0.Context1", "Context1")
+ }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
+ isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", containsInAnyOrder("Context0", "Context1"), isEmptyMap())
+ ))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identity with properties is returned correctly`() {
+ val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
+ put("Identity0", "id0")
+ put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
+ put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
+ put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "foo")
+ put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "bar")
+ put("Properties0.Property1.Name", "baz")
+ put("Properties0.Property1.Value", "quo")
+ }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
+ isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), hasEntry("baz", "quo")))
+ ))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `trusted identity with trust value is returned correctly`() {
+ val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
+ put("Identity0", "id0")
+ put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
+ put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
+ put("Trust0", "12")
+ put("Score0", "34")
+ put("Rank0", "56")
+ }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
+ assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
+ allOf(
+ isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), isEmptyMap()),
+ isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(12, 34, 56))
+ )
+ ))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `adding a context sends the correct own identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `adding a context sends the correct context`() {
+ createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
+ .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing a context sends the correct own identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing a context sends the correct context`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
+ .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting a property sends the correct identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting a property sends the correct property name`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty")))
+ .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting a property sends the correct property value`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Value", equalTo("TestValue")))
+ .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing a property sends the correct identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing a property sends the correct property name`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty")))
+ .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust sends correct own identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust sends correct identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id)))
+ .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust returns correct trust values`() {
+ val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
+ put("Trust", "12")
+ put("Score", "34")
+ put("Rank", "56")
+ }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, 56))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for trust as null`() {
+ val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
+ put("Trust", "incorrect")
+ put("Score", "34")
+ put("Rank", "56")
+ }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ assertThat(trust, isTrust(null, 34, 56))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for score as null`() {
+ val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
+ put("Trust", "12")
+ put("Score", "incorrect")
+ put("Rank", "56")
+ }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, null, 56))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for rank as null`() {
+ val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
+ put("Trust", "12")
+ put("Score", "34")
+ put("Rank", "incorrect")
+ }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, null))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting trust sends correct own identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting trust sends correct identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Trustee", equalTo(identity.id)))
+ .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting trust sends correct trust value`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Value", equalTo("123")))
+ .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `setting trust sends correct comment`() {
+ createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Comment", equalTo("Test Trust")))
+ .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing trust sends correct own identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveTrust", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
+ .connect { removeTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `removing trust sends correct identity id`() {
+ createPluginConnector("RemoveTrust", hasField("Trustee", equalTo(identity.id)))
+ .connect { removeTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
+ }
+private fun <R> PluginConnector.connect(block: PluginWebOfTrustConnector.() -> R) =
+ PluginWebOfTrustConnector(this).let(block)
+fun createPluginConnector(message: String, fieldsMatcher: Matcher<SimpleFieldSet> = IsAnything<SimpleFieldSet>(), build: SimpleFieldSetBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) =
+ object : PluginConnector {
+ override fun sendRequest(pluginName: String, identifier: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet, data: Bucket?) =
+ if ((pluginName != wotPluginName) || (fields.get("Message") != message)) {
+ throw PluginException()
+ } else {
+ assertThat(fields, fieldsMatcher)
+ PluginReply(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().apply(build).get(), null)
+ }
+ }
+private const val wotPluginName = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust"
+++ /dev/null
-package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot
-import freenet.support.*
-import freenet.support.api.*
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.*
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.*
-import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.*
-import org.hamcrest.*
-import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.*
-import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*
-import org.hamcrest.core.*
-import kotlin.test.*
- * Unit test for [WebOfTrustConnector].
- */
-class WebOfTrustConnectorTest {
- private val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity("id", "nickname", "requestUri", "insertUri")
- private val identity = DefaultIdentity("id-a", "alpha", "url://alpha")
- @Test
- fun `wot plugin can be pinged`() {
- createPluginConnector("Ping")
- .connect { ping() }
- }
- @Test
- fun `own identities are returned correctly`() {
- val ownIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetOwnIdentities") {
- put("Identity0", "id-0")
- put("RequestURI0", "request-uri-0")
- put("InsertURI0", "insert-uri-0")
- put("Nickname0", "nickname-0")
- put("Contexts0.Context0", "id-0-context-0")
- put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "id-0-property-0-name")
- put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "id-0-property-0-value")
- put("Identity1", "id-1")
- put("RequestURI1", "request-uri-1")
- put("InsertURI1", "insert-uri-1")
- put("Nickname1", "nickname-1")
- put("Contexts1.Context0", "id-1-context-0")
- put("Properties1.Property0.Name", "id-1-property-0-name")
- put("Properties1.Property0.Value", "id-1-property-0-value")
- }.connect { loadAllOwnIdentities() }
- assertThat(ownIdentities, containsInAnyOrder(
- isOwnIdentity("id-0", "nickname-0", "request-uri-0", "insert-uri-0", contains("id-0-context-0"), hasEntry("id-0-property-0-name", "id-0-property-0-value")),
- isOwnIdentity("id-1", "nickname-1", "request-uri-1", "insert-uri-1", contains("id-1-context-0"), hasEntry("id-1-property-0-name", "id-1-property-0-value"))
- ))
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities are requested with correct own identity`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Truster", equalTo("id")))
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities are requested with correct selection parameter`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Selection", equalTo("+")))
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities are requested with empty context if null context requested`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo("")))
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities are requested with context if context requested`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities are requested with trust values`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("WantTrustValues", equalTo("true")))
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `empty list of trusted identities is returned correctly`() {
- val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore")
- .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- assertThat(trustedIdentities, empty())
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identities without context, properties, or trust value are returned correctly`() {
- val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
- put("Identity0", "id0")
- put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
- put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
- put("Identity1", "id1")
- put("Nickname1", "nickname1")
- put("RequestURI1", "request-uri1")
- }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
- allOf(
- isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty<String>(), isEmptyMap()),
- isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0))
- ),
- allOf(
- isIdentity("id1", "nickname1", "request-uri1", empty<String>(), isEmptyMap()),
- isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0))
- )
- ))
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identity with contexts is returned correctly`() {
- val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
- put("Identity0", "id0")
- put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
- put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
- put("Contexts0.Context0", "Context0")
- put("Contexts0.Context1", "Context1")
- }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
- isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", containsInAnyOrder("Context0", "Context1"), isEmptyMap())
- ))
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identity with properties is returned correctly`() {
- val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
- put("Identity0", "id0")
- put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
- put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
- put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "foo")
- put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "bar")
- put("Properties0.Property1.Name", "baz")
- put("Properties0.Property1.Value", "quo")
- }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
- isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), hasEntry("baz", "quo")))
- ))
- }
- @Test
- fun `trusted identity with trust value is returned correctly`() {
- val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") {
- put("Identity0", "id0")
- put("Nickname0", "nickname0")
- put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0")
- put("Trust0", "12")
- put("Score0", "34")
- put("Rank0", "56")
- }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) }
- assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains(
- allOf(
- isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), isEmptyMap()),
- isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(12, 34, 56))
- )
- ))
- }
- @Test
- fun `adding a context sends the correct own identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `adding a context sends the correct context`() {
- createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
- .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing a context sends the correct own identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing a context sends the correct context`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext")))
- .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting a property sends the correct identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting a property sends the correct property name`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty")))
- .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting a property sends the correct property value`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Value", equalTo("TestValue")))
- .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing a property sends the correct identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing a property sends the correct property name`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty")))
- .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust sends correct own identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust sends correct identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id)))
- .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust returns correct trust values`() {
- val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
- put("Trust", "12")
- put("Score", "34")
- put("Rank", "56")
- }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, 56))
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for trust as null`() {
- val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
- put("Trust", "incorrect")
- put("Score", "34")
- put("Rank", "56")
- }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- assertThat(trust, isTrust(null, 34, 56))
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for score as null`() {
- val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
- put("Trust", "12")
- put("Score", "incorrect")
- put("Rank", "56")
- }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, null, 56))
- }
- @Test
- fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for rank as null`() {
- val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo(identity.id))) {
- put("Trust", "12")
- put("Score", "34")
- put("Rank", "incorrect")
- }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, null))
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting trust sends correct own identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting trust sends correct identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Trustee", equalTo(identity.id)))
- .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting trust sends correct trust value`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Value", equalTo("123")))
- .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `setting trust sends correct comment`() {
- createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Comment", equalTo("Test Trust")))
- .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing trust sends correct own identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveTrust", hasField("Truster", equalTo(ownIdentity.id)))
- .connect { removeTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- }
- @Test
- fun `removing trust sends correct identity id`() {
- createPluginConnector("RemoveTrust", hasField("Trustee", equalTo(identity.id)))
- .connect { removeTrust(ownIdentity, identity) }
- }
-private fun <R> PluginConnector.connect(block: WebOfTrustConnector.() -> R) =
- WebOfTrustConnector(this).let(block)
-fun createPluginConnector(message: String, fieldsMatcher: Matcher<SimpleFieldSet> = IsAnything<SimpleFieldSet>(), build: SimpleFieldSetBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) =
- object : PluginConnector {
- override fun sendRequest(pluginName: String, identifier: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet, data: Bucket?) =
- if ((pluginName != wotPluginName) || (fields.get("Message") != message)) {
- throw PluginException()
- } else {
- assertThat(fields, fieldsMatcher)
- PluginReply(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().apply(build).get(), null)
- }
- }
-private const val wotPluginName = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust"
assertThat(firstMetricRegistry, sameInstance(secondMetricRegistry))
+ @Test
+ fun `wot connector can be created`() {
+ assertThat(injector.getInstance<WebOfTrustConnector>(), notNullValue())
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun `wot connector is created as singleton`() {
+ val firstWebOfTrustConnector = injector.getInstance<WebOfTrustConnector>()
+ val secondWebOfTrustConnector = injector.getInstance<WebOfTrustConnector>()
+ assertThat(firstWebOfTrustConnector, sameInstance(secondWebOfTrustConnector))
+ }