Mutex::Lock lock(mutex);
if (!needs_sync_) return;
+ time_t start_time; time(&start_time);
+ time_t end_time; time(&end_time);
+ if (end_time-start_time > 4)
+ synfig::info("Plant::sync() constructed %d particles in %d seconds\n",
+ particle_list.size(), int(end_time-start_time));
std::vector<Particle>::reverse_iterator iter;
- const float size_factor(1);
- float radius(size_factor*size*sqrt(1.0f/(abs(pw)*abs(ph)))), temp_radius;
+ float radius(size*sqrt(1.0f/(abs(pw)*abs(ph))));
- if(radius>1.0f)
+ int x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ for(iter=particle_list.rbegin();iter!=particle_list.rend();++iter)
- radius*=1.0; // what does this do?
- int x1,y1,x2,y2;
- for(iter=particle_list.rbegin();iter!=particle_list.rend();++iter)
+ float scaled_radius(radius);
+ Color color(iter->color);
+ if(size_as_alpha)
- temp_radius = radius;
- float radius(temp_radius);
- Color color(iter->color);
- if(size_as_alpha)
- {
- radius*=color.get_a();
- color.set_a(1);
- }
+ scaled_radius*=color.get_a();
+ color.set_a(1);
+ }
- // calculate the box that this particle will be drawn as
- x1=ceil_to_int((iter->point[0]-tl[0])/pw-(radius*0.5));
- y1=ceil_to_int((iter->point[1]-tl[1])/ph-(radius*0.5));
- x2=x1+round_to_int(radius);
- y2=y1+round_to_int(radius);
+ // calculate the box that this particle will be drawn as
+ float x1f=(iter->point[0]-tl[0])/pw-(scaled_radius*0.5);
+ float x2f=(iter->point[0]-tl[0])/pw+(scaled_radius*0.5);
+ float y1f=(iter->point[1]-tl[1])/ph-(scaled_radius*0.5);
+ float y2f=(iter->point[1]-tl[1])/ph+(scaled_radius*0.5);
+ x1=ceil_to_int(x1f);
+ x2=ceil_to_int(x2f)-1;
+ y1=ceil_to_int(y1f);
+ y2=ceil_to_int(y2f)-1;
- // if the box is entirely off the canvas, go to the next particle
- if(x1>=surface_width || y1>=surface_height || x2<0 || y2<0) continue;
+ // if the box is entirely off the canvas, go to the next particle
+ if(x1>surface_width || y1>surface_height || x2<0 || y2<0) continue;
- // adjust the box so it's entirely on the canvas
- if(x2>=surface_width) x2=surface_width;
- if(y2>=surface_height) y2=surface_height;
- if(x1<0) x1=0;
- if(y1<0) y1=0;
+ float x1e=x1-x1f, x2e=x2f-x2, y1e=y1-y1f, y2e=y2f-y2;
+ // printf("x1e %.4f x2e %.4f y1e %.4f y2e %.4f\n", x1e, x2e, y1e, y2e);
- int w(min(round_to_int(radius),x2-x1));
- int h(min(round_to_int(radius),y2-y1));
+ // adjust the box so it's entirely on the canvas
+ if(x1<=0) { x1=0; x1e=0; }
+ if(y1<=0) { y1=0; y1e=0; }
+ if(x2>=surface_width) { x2=surface_width; x2e=0; }
+ if(y2>=surface_height) { y2=surface_height; y2e=0; }
- if(w<=0 || h<=0)
- continue;
+ int w(x2-x1), h(y2-y1);
- Surface::alpha_pen surface_pen(dest_surface.get_pen(x1,y1),1.0f);
+ Surface::alpha_pen surface_pen(dest_surface.get_pen(x1,y1),1.0f);
+ if(w>0 && h>0)
+ /* the rectangle doesn't cross any vertical pixel boundaries so we don't
+ * need to draw any top or bottom edges
+ */
+ if(x2<x1)
+ {
+ // case 1 - a single pixel
+ if(y2<y1)
+ {
+ surface_pen.move_to(x2,y2);
+ surface_pen.set_alpha((x2f-x1f)*(y2f-y1f));
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ // case 2 - a single vertical column of pixels
+ else
+ {
+ surface_pen.move_to(x2,y1-1);
+ if (y1e!=0) // maybe draw top pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(y1e*(x2f-x1f));
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.inc_y();
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x2f-x1f);
+ for(int i=y1; i<y2; i++) // maybe draw pixels between
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.inc_y();
+ }
+ if (y2e!=0) // maybe draw bottom pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(y2e*(x2f-x1f));
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ }
- }
- else
- {
- //radius/=0.01;
- radius*=sqrt(step)*12.0f;
- for(iter=particle_list.rbegin();iter!=particle_list.rend();++iter)
+ else
- temp_radius = radius;
- float radius(temp_radius);
- Color color(iter->color);
- if(size_as_alpha)
+ // case 3 - a single horizontal row of pixels
+ if(y2<y1)
- radius*=color.get_a();
- color.set_a(1);
+ surface_pen.move_to(x1-1,y2);
+ if (x1e!=0) // maybe draw left pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x1e*(y2f-y1f));
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.inc_x();
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(y2f-y1f);
+ for(int i=x1; i<x2; i++) // maybe draw pixels between
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.inc_x();
+ }
+ if (x2e!=0) // maybe draw right pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x2e*(y2f-y1f));
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ }
+ // case 4 - a proper block of pixels
+ else
+ {
+ if (x1e!=0) // maybe draw left edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.move_to(x1-1,y1-1);
+ if (y1e!=0) // maybe draw top left pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x1e*y1e);
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.inc_y();
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x1e);
+ for(int i=y1; i<y2; i++) // maybe draw pixels along the left edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.inc_y();
+ }
+ if (y2e!=0) // maybe draw bottom left pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x1e*y2e);
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.inc_x();
+ }
+ else
+ surface_pen.move_to(x1,y2);
+ if (y2e!=0) // maybe draw bottom edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(y2e);
+ for(int i=x1; i<x2; i++) // maybe draw pixels along the bottom edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.inc_x();
+ }
+ if (x2e!=0) // maybe draw bottom right pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x2e*y2e);
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.dec_y();
+ }
+ else
+ surface_pen.move_to(x2,y2-1);
+ if (x2e!=0) // maybe draw right edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x2e);
+ for(int i=y1; i<y2; i++) // maybe draw pixels along the right edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.dec_y();
+ }
+ if (y1e!=0) // maybe draw top right pixel
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(x2e*y1e);
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ }
+ surface_pen.dec_x();
+ }
+ else
+ surface_pen.move_to(x2-1,y1-1);
+ if (y1e!=0) // maybe draw top edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.set_alpha(y1e);
+ for(int i=x1; i<x2; i++) // maybe draw pixels along the top edge
+ {
+ surface_pen.put_value(color);
+ surface_pen.dec_x();
+ }
+ }
- bool top = false, bottom = false, left = false, right = false;
- // calculate the point that this particle will be drawn as
- int x=ceil_to_int((iter->point[0]-tl[0])/pw-1.499999f);
- if (x < 0)
- if (x == -1) left = true; else continue;
- else if (x > surface_width-2)
- if (x == surface_width-1) right = true; else continue;
- int y=ceil_to_int((iter->point[1]-tl[1])/ph-1.499999f);
- if (y < 0)
- if (y == -1) top = true; else continue;
- else if (y > surface_height-2)
- if (y == surface_height-1) bottom = true; else continue;
- // calculate how much of the point is at (x) and how much at (x+1)
- float x1=((iter->point[0]-tl[0])/pw-0.5f-x)*radius, x0=radius-x1;
- // calculate how much of the point is at (y) and how much at (y+1)
- float y1=((iter->point[1]-tl[1])/ph-0.5f-y)*radius, y0=radius-y1;
- Surface::alpha_pen surface_pen(dest_surface.get_pen(x,y),1.0f);
- // | x0 | x1
- // ---+-----+-----
- // y0 | 1st | 2nd
- // ---+-----+-----
- // y1 | 4th | 3rd
- if (!left && !top) { surface_pen.set_alpha(x0*y0); surface_pen.put_value(color); }
- surface_pen.inc_x();
- if (!right && !top) { surface_pen.set_alpha(x1*y0); surface_pen.put_value(color); }
- surface_pen.inc_y();
- if (!right && !bottom) { surface_pen.set_alpha(x1*y1); surface_pen.put_value(color); }
- surface_pen.dec_x();
- if (!left && !bottom) { surface_pen.set_alpha(x0*y1); surface_pen.put_value(color); }