/* * Sone - MemoryDatabase.java - Copyright © 2013–2019 David Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.database.memory import com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull import com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap import com.google.common.collect.Multimap import com.google.common.collect.TreeMultimap import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AbstractService import com.google.inject.Inject import com.google.inject.Singleton import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Album import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Image import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Post import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.PostReply import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Reply.TIME_COMPARATOR import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Sone import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Sone.toAllAlbums import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.Sone.toAllImages import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.impl.AlbumBuilderImpl import net.pterodactylus.sone.data.impl.ImageBuilderImpl import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.AlbumBuilder import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.Database import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.DatabaseException import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.ImageBuilder import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.PostBuilder import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.PostDatabase import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.PostReplyBuilder import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.unit import net.pterodactylus.util.config.Configuration import net.pterodactylus.util.config.ConfigurationException import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock import kotlin.concurrent.withLock /** * Memory-based [PostDatabase] implementation. */ @Singleton class MemoryDatabase @Inject constructor(private val configuration: Configuration) : AbstractService(), Database { private val lock = ReentrantReadWriteLock() private val readLock by lazy { lock.readLock()!! } private val writeLock by lazy { lock.writeLock()!! } private val configurationLoader = ConfigurationLoader(configuration) private val allSones = mutableMapOf() private val allPosts = mutableMapOf() private val sonePosts: Multimap = HashMultimap.create() private val knownPosts = mutableSetOf() private val allPostReplies = mutableMapOf() private val sonePostReplies: Multimap = TreeMultimap.create(Comparator { leftString, rightString -> leftString.compareTo(rightString) }, TIME_COMPARATOR) private val knownPostReplies = mutableSetOf() private val allAlbums = mutableMapOf() private val soneAlbums: Multimap = HashMultimap.create() private val allImages = mutableMapOf() private val soneImages: Multimap = HashMultimap.create() private val memoryBookmarkDatabase = MemoryBookmarkDatabase(this, configurationLoader) private val memoryFriendDatabase = MemoryFriendDatabase(configurationLoader) override val soneLoader get() = this::getSone override val sones get() = readLock.withLock { allSones.values.toSet() } override val localSones get() = readLock.withLock { allSones.values.filter(Sone::isLocal) } override val remoteSones get() = readLock.withLock { allSones.values.filterNot(Sone::isLocal) } override val bookmarkedPosts get() = memoryBookmarkDatabase.bookmarkedPosts override fun save() { saveKnownPosts() saveKnownPostReplies() } override fun doStart() { memoryBookmarkDatabase.start() loadKnownPosts() loadKnownPostReplies() notifyStarted() } override fun doStop() { try { memoryBookmarkDatabase.stop() save() notifyStopped() } catch (de1: DatabaseException) { notifyFailed(de1) } } override fun newSoneBuilder() = MemorySoneBuilder(this) override fun storeSone(sone: Sone) { writeLock.withLock { removeSone(sone) allSones[sone.id] = sone sonePosts.putAll(sone.id, sone.posts) for (post in sone.posts) { allPosts[post.id] = post } sonePostReplies.putAll(sone.id, sone.replies) for (postReply in sone.replies) { allPostReplies[postReply.id] = postReply } soneAlbums.putAll(sone.id, toAllAlbums.apply(sone)!!) for (album in toAllAlbums.apply(sone)!!) { allAlbums[album.id] = album } soneImages.putAll(sone.id, toAllImages.apply(sone)!!) for (image in toAllImages.apply(sone)!!) { allImages[image.id] = image } } } override fun removeSone(sone: Sone) { writeLock.withLock { allSones.remove(sone.id) val removedPosts = sonePosts.removeAll(sone.id) for (removedPost in removedPosts) { allPosts.remove(removedPost.id) } val removedPostReplies = sonePostReplies.removeAll(sone.id) for (removedPostReply in removedPostReplies) { allPostReplies.remove(removedPostReply.id) } val removedAlbums = soneAlbums.removeAll(sone.id) for (removedAlbum in removedAlbums) { allAlbums.remove(removedAlbum.id) } val removedImages = soneImages.removeAll(sone.id) for (removedImage in removedImages) { allImages.remove(removedImage.id) } } } override fun getSone(soneId: String) = readLock.withLock { allSones[soneId] } override fun getFriends(localSone: Sone): Collection = if (!localSone.isLocal) { emptySet() } else { memoryFriendDatabase.getFriends(localSone.id) } override fun isFriend(localSone: Sone, friendSoneId: String) = if (!localSone.isLocal) { false } else { memoryFriendDatabase.isFriend(localSone.id, friendSoneId) } override fun addFriend(localSone: Sone, friendSoneId: String) { if (!localSone.isLocal) { return } memoryFriendDatabase.addFriend(localSone.id, friendSoneId) } override fun removeFriend(localSone: Sone, friendSoneId: String) { if (!localSone.isLocal) { return } memoryFriendDatabase.removeFriend(localSone.id, friendSoneId) } override fun getFollowingTime(friendSoneId: String) = memoryFriendDatabase.getFollowingTime(friendSoneId) override fun getPost(postId: String) = readLock.withLock { allPosts[postId] } override fun getPosts(soneId: String): Collection = sonePosts[soneId].toSet() override fun getDirectedPosts(recipientId: String) = readLock.withLock { allPosts.values.filter { it.recipientId.orNull() == recipientId } } override fun newPostBuilder(): PostBuilder = MemoryPostBuilder(this, this) override fun storePost(post: Post) { checkNotNull(post, "post must not be null") writeLock.withLock { allPosts[post.id] = post sonePosts[post.sone.id].add(post) } } override fun removePost(post: Post) { checkNotNull(post, "post must not be null") writeLock.withLock { allPosts.remove(post.id) sonePosts[post.sone.id].remove(post) post.sone.removePost(post) } } override fun getPostReply(id: String) = readLock.withLock { allPostReplies[id] } override fun getReplies(postId: String) = readLock.withLock { allPostReplies.values .filter { it.postId == postId } .sortedWith(TIME_COMPARATOR) } override fun newPostReplyBuilder(): PostReplyBuilder = MemoryPostReplyBuilder(this, this) override fun storePostReply(postReply: PostReply) = writeLock.withLock { allPostReplies[postReply.id] = postReply } override fun removePostReply(postReply: PostReply) = writeLock.withLock { allPostReplies.remove(postReply.id) }.unit override fun getAlbum(albumId: String) = readLock.withLock { allAlbums[albumId] } override fun newAlbumBuilder(): AlbumBuilder = AlbumBuilderImpl() override fun storeAlbum(album: Album) = writeLock.withLock { allAlbums[album.id] = album soneAlbums.put(album.sone.id, album) }.unit override fun removeAlbum(album: Album) = writeLock.withLock { allAlbums.remove(album.id) soneAlbums.remove(album.sone.id, album) }.unit override fun getImage(imageId: String) = readLock.withLock { allImages[imageId] } override fun newImageBuilder(): ImageBuilder = ImageBuilderImpl() override fun storeImage(image: Image): Unit = writeLock.withLock { allImages[image.id] = image soneImages.put(image.sone.id, image) } override fun removeImage(image: Image): Unit = writeLock.withLock { allImages.remove(image.id) soneImages.remove(image.sone.id, image) } override fun bookmarkPost(post: Post) = memoryBookmarkDatabase.bookmarkPost(post) override fun unbookmarkPost(post: Post) = memoryBookmarkDatabase.unbookmarkPost(post) override fun isPostBookmarked(post: Post) = memoryBookmarkDatabase.isPostBookmarked(post) protected fun isPostKnown(post: Post) = readLock.withLock { post.id in knownPosts } protected fun setPostKnown(post: Post, known: Boolean): Unit = writeLock.withLock { if (known) knownPosts.add(post.id) else knownPosts.remove(post.id) saveKnownPosts() } protected fun isPostReplyKnown(postReply: PostReply) = readLock.withLock { postReply.id in knownPostReplies } protected fun setPostReplyKnown(postReply: PostReply, known: Boolean): Unit = writeLock.withLock { if (known) knownPostReplies.add(postReply.id) else knownPostReplies.remove(postReply.id) } private fun loadKnownPosts() = configurationLoader.loadKnownPosts() .let { writeLock.withLock { knownPosts.clear() knownPosts.addAll(it) } } private fun saveKnownPosts() = try { readLock.withLock { knownPosts.forEachIndexed { index, knownPostId -> configuration.getStringValue("KnownPosts/$index/ID").value = knownPostId } configuration.getStringValue("KnownPosts/${knownPosts.size}/ID").value = null } } catch (ce1: ConfigurationException) { throw DatabaseException("Could not save database.", ce1) } private fun loadKnownPostReplies(): Unit = configurationLoader.loadKnownPostReplies().let { knownPostReplies -> writeLock.withLock { this.knownPostReplies.clear() this.knownPostReplies.addAll(knownPostReplies) } } private fun saveKnownPostReplies() = try { readLock.withLock { knownPostReplies.forEachIndexed { index, knownPostReply -> configuration.getStringValue("KnownReplies/$index/ID").value = knownPostReply } configuration.getStringValue("KnownReplies/${knownPostReplies.size}/ID").value = null } } catch (ce1: ConfigurationException) { throw DatabaseException("Could not save database.", ce1) } }