/* * Sone - UpdateChecker.java - Copyright © 2011–2019 David Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.core import com.google.common.eventbus.* import com.google.common.primitives.* import com.google.inject.Inject import freenet.keys.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.event.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.main.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.* import net.pterodactylus.util.version.Version import java.io.* import java.util.* import java.util.logging.* import java.util.logging.Logger.* import javax.inject.Singleton /** * Watches the official Sone homepage for new releases. */ @Singleton class UpdateChecker @Inject constructor( private val eventBus: EventBus, private val freenetInterface: FreenetInterface, private val currentRunningVersion: Version, pluginHomepage: PluginHomepage) { private val logger: Logger = getLogger(UpdateChecker::class.java.name) private val currentUri by lazy { FreenetURI(pluginHomepage.homepage) } var latestEdition = SonePlugin.getLatestEdition() private set var latestVersion: Version = currentRunningVersion private set var latestVersionDate: Long = 0 private set fun hasLatestVersion() = latestVersion > currentRunningVersion fun start() { freenetInterface.registerUsk(currentUri) { uri, edition, newKnownGood, newSlot -> logger.log(Level.FINEST, String.format("Found update for %s: %d, %s, %s", uri, edition, newKnownGood, newSlot)) if (newKnownGood || newSlot) { try { freenetInterface.fetchUri(uri.setMetaString(arrayOf("sone.properties"))) ?.onNull { logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Could not fetch properties of latest homepage: %s", uri)) }?.fetchResult ?.asBucket()?.use { resultBucket -> resultBucket.inputStream .let { parseProperties(it) } .let { extractCurrentVersion(it) } .onNull { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Invalid data parsed from properties.") } ?.takeIf { it.version > latestVersion } ?.also { updateVersionInformation(it, edition) } ?.also { logger.info { "Found new version: %s (%tc%s)".format(it.version, it.time, if (it.disruptive) ", disruptive" else "") } } ?.also { eventBus.post(UpdateFoundEvent(it.version, it.time, edition, it.disruptive)) } } } catch (ioe1: IOException) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, String.format("Could not parse sone.properties of %s!", uri), ioe1) } } } } fun stop() { freenetInterface.unregisterUsk(currentUri) } private fun updateVersionInformation(versionInformation: VersionInformation, edition: Long) { latestVersion = versionInformation.version latestVersionDate = versionInformation.time latestEdition = edition } private fun parseProperties(propertiesInputStream: InputStream) = Properties().apply { InputStreamReader(propertiesInputStream, "UTF-8").use { inputStreamReader -> load(inputStreamReader) } } private fun extractCurrentVersion(properties: Properties) = properties.getProperty("CurrentVersion/Version") ?.let { Version.parse(it) } ?.let { version -> properties.getProperty("CurrentVersion/ReleaseTime") ?.let { Longs.tryParse(it) } ?.let { time -> VersionInformation(version, time, disruptiveVersionBetweenCurrentAndFound(properties)) } } private fun disruptiveVersionBetweenCurrentAndFound(properties: Properties) = properties.stringPropertyNames() .filter { it.startsWith("DisruptiveVersion/") } .map { it.removePrefix("DisruptiveVersion/") } .map { Version.parse(it) } .any { it > currentRunningVersion } } private data class VersionInformation(val version: Version, val time: Long, val disruptive: Boolean)