/* * Sone - IdentityChangeDetector.kt - Copyright © 2013–2020 David Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot /** * Detects changes between two lists of [Identity]s. The detector can find * added and removed identities, and for identities that exist in both list * their contexts and properties are checked for added, removed, or (in case of * properties) changed values. */ class IdentityChangeDetector(oldIdentities: Collection) { private val oldIdentities: Map = oldIdentities.associateBy { it.id } var onNewIdentity: IdentityProcessor? = null var onRemovedIdentity: IdentityProcessor? = null var onChangedIdentity: IdentityProcessor? = null var onUnchangedIdentity: IdentityProcessor? = null fun detectChanges(newIdentities: Collection) { onRemovedIdentity.notify(oldIdentities.values.filter { it !in newIdentities }) onNewIdentity.notify(newIdentities.filter { it !in oldIdentities.values }) onChangedIdentity.notify(newIdentities.filter { it.id in oldIdentities }.filter { identityHasChanged(oldIdentities[it.id]!!, it) }) onUnchangedIdentity.notify(newIdentities.filter { it.id in oldIdentities }.filterNot { identityHasChanged(oldIdentities[it.id]!!, it) }) } private fun identityHasChanged(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity?) = identityHasNewContexts(oldIdentity, newIdentity!!) || identityHasRemovedContexts(oldIdentity, newIdentity) || identityHasNewProperties(oldIdentity, newIdentity) || identityHasRemovedProperties(oldIdentity, newIdentity) || identityHasChangedProperties(oldIdentity, newIdentity) private fun identityHasNewContexts(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity) = newIdentity.contexts.any { it !in oldIdentity.contexts } private fun identityHasRemovedContexts(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity) = oldIdentity.contexts.any { it !in newIdentity.contexts } private fun identityHasNewProperties(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity) = newIdentity.properties.keys.any { it !in oldIdentity.properties } private fun identityHasRemovedProperties(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity) = oldIdentity.properties.keys.any { it !in newIdentity.properties } private fun identityHasChangedProperties(oldIdentity: Identity, newIdentity: Identity) = oldIdentity.properties.entries.any { newIdentity.properties[it.key] != it.value } } typealias IdentityProcessor = (Identity) -> Unit private fun IdentityProcessor?.notify(identities: Iterable) = this?.let { identities.forEach(this::invoke) }