package net.pterodactylus.sone.text import freenet.keys.FreenetURI import import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.PostProvider import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.SoneProvider import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.CHK import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.FREEMAIL import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.HTTP import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.HTTPS import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.KSK import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.POST import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.SONE import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.SSK import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.USK import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.let import org.bitpedia.util.Base32 import /** * [Parser] implementation that can recognize Freenet URIs. */ class SoneTextParser(private val soneProvider: SoneProvider?, private val postProvider: PostProvider?) { fun parse(source: String, context: SoneTextParserContext?) = source.split("\n") .dropWhile { it.trim() == "" } .dropLastWhile { it.trim() == "" } .mergeMultipleEmptyLines() .flatMap { splitLineIntoParts(it, context) } .removeEmptyPlainTextParts() .mergeAdjacentPlainTextParts() private fun splitLineIntoParts(line: String, context: SoneTextParserContext?) = generateSequence(PlainTextPart("") as Part to line) { remainder -> if (remainder.second == "") null else LinkType.values() .mapNotNull { it.findNext(remainder.second) } .minBy { it.position } .let { when { it == null -> PlainTextPart(remainder.second) to "" it.position == 0 -> it.toPart(context) to it.remainder else -> PlainTextPart(remainder.second.substring(0, it.position)) to ( + it.remainder) } } }.map { it.first }.toList() private fun NextLink.toPart(context: SoneTextParserContext?) = when (linkType) { KSK, CHK -> try { FreenetURI(link).let { freenetUri -> FreenetLinkPart( link, if (freenetUri.isKSK) { freenetUri.guessableKey } else { freenetUri.metaString ?: freenetUri.docName ?: link.substring(0, 9) }, link.split('?').first() ) } } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { PlainTextPart(link) } SSK, USK -> try { FreenetLinkPart(link, FreenetURI(link).docName, trusted = context?.routingKey?.contentEquals(FreenetURI(link).routingKey) == true) } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { PlainTextPart(link) } SONE -> link.substring(7).let { SonePart(soneProvider?.getSone(it) ?: IdOnlySone(it)) } POST -> postProvider?.getPost(link.substring(7))?.let { PostPart(it) } ?: PlainTextPart(link) FREEMAIL -> link.indexOf('@').let { atSign -> link.substring(atSign + 1, link.length - 9).let { freemailId -> FreemailPart(link.substring(0, atSign), freemailId, freemailId.decodedId) } } HTTP, HTTPS -> LinkPart(link, link .withoutProtocol .withoutWwwPrefix .withoutUrlParameters .withoutMiddlePathComponents .withoutTrailingSlash) } } private fun List.mergeMultipleEmptyLines() = fold(emptyList()) { previous, current -> if (previous.isEmpty()) { previous + current } else { if ((previous.last() == "\n") && (current == "")) { previous } else { previous + ("\n" + current) } } } private fun List.mergeAdjacentPlainTextParts() = fold(emptyList()) { parts, part -> if ((parts.lastOrNull() is PlainTextPart) && (part is PlainTextPart)) { parts.dropLast(1) + PlainTextPart(parts.last().text + part.text) } else { parts + part } } private fun List.removeEmptyPlainTextParts() = filterNot { it == PlainTextPart("") } private val String.decodedId: String get() = Base64.encode(Base32.decode(this)) private val String.withoutProtocol get() = substring(indexOf("//") + 2) private val String.withoutUrlParameters get() = split('?').first() private val String.withoutWwwPrefix get() = split("/") .replaceFirst { it.split(".").dropWhile { it == "www" }.joinToString(".") } .joinToString("/") private fun List.replaceFirst(replacement: (T) -> T) = mapIndexed { index, element -> if (index == 0) replacement(element) else element } private val String.withoutMiddlePathComponents get() = split("/").let { if (it.size > 2) { "${it.first()}/…/${it.last()}" } else { it.joinToString("/") } } private val String.withoutTrailingSlash get() = if (endsWith("/")) substring(0, length - 1) else this private val SoneTextParserContext.routingKey: ByteArray? get() = postingSone?.routingKey private val Sone.routingKey: ByteArray get() = Base64.decode(id) private enum class LinkType(private val scheme: String, private val freenetLink: Boolean) { KSK("KSK@", true), CHK("CHK@", true), SSK("SSK@", true), USK("USK@", true), HTTP("http://", false), HTTPS("https://", false), SONE("sone://", false) { override fun validateLinkLength(length: Int) = length.takeIf { it == 50 } }, POST("post://", false), FREEMAIL("", true) { override fun findNext(line: String): NextLink? { val nextFreemailSuffix = line.indexOf(".freemail").takeIf { it >= 54 } ?: return null if (line[nextFreemailSuffix - 53] != '@') return null if (!line.substring(nextFreemailSuffix - 52, nextFreemailSuffix).matches(Regex("^[a-z2-7]*\$"))) return null val firstCharacterIndex = generateSequence(nextFreemailSuffix - 53) { it.minus(1).takeIf { (it >= 0) && line[it].validLocalPart } }.lastOrNull() ?: return null return NextLink(firstCharacterIndex, this, line.substring(firstCharacterIndex, nextFreemailSuffix + 9), line.substring(nextFreemailSuffix + 9)) } private val Char.validLocalPart get() = (this in ('A'..'Z')) || (this in ('a'..'z')) || (this in ('0'..'9')) || (this == '-') || (this == '_') || (this == '.') }; open fun findNext(line: String): NextLink? { val nextLinkPosition = line.indexOf(scheme).takeIf { it != -1 } ?: return null val endOfLink = line.substring(nextLinkPosition).findEndOfLink().validate() ?: return null val link = line.substring(nextLinkPosition, nextLinkPosition + endOfLink) val realNextLinkPosition = if (freenetLink && line.substring(0, nextLinkPosition).endsWith("freenet:")) nextLinkPosition - 8 else nextLinkPosition return NextLink(realNextLinkPosition, this, link, line.substring(nextLinkPosition + endOfLink)) } private fun String.findEndOfLink() = substring(0, whitespace.find(this)?.range?.start ?: length) .dropLastWhile(::isPunctuation) .upToFirstUnmatchedParen() private fun Int.validate() = validateLinkLength(this) protected open fun validateLinkLength(length: Int) = length.takeIf { it > scheme.length } private fun String.upToFirstUnmatchedParen() = foldIndexed(Pair(0, null)) { index, (openParens, firstUnmatchedParen), currentChar -> when (currentChar) { '(' -> (openParens + 1) to firstUnmatchedParen ')' -> ((openParens - 1) to (if (openParens == 0) (firstUnmatchedParen ?: index) else firstUnmatchedParen)) else -> openParens to firstUnmatchedParen } }.second ?: length } private val punctuationChars = listOf('.', ',', '?', '!') private fun isPunctuation(char: Char) = char in punctuationChars private val whitespace = Regex("[\\u000a\u0020\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u200c\u200d\u202f\u205f\u2060\u2800\u3000]") private data class NextLink(val position: Int, val linkType: LinkType, val link: String, val remainder: String)