package net.pterodactylus.sone.text import freenet.keys.* import* import* import* import net.pterodactylus.sone.database.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkType.USK import org.bitpedia.util.* import* import javax.inject.* /** * [Parser] implementation that can recognize Freenet URIs. */ class SoneTextParser @Inject constructor(private val soneProvider: SoneProvider?, private val postProvider: PostProvider?) { fun parse(source: String, context: SoneTextParserContext?) = source.split("\n") .dropWhile { it.trim() == "" } .dropLastWhile { it.trim() == "" } .mergeMultipleEmptyLines() .flatMap { splitLineIntoParts(it, context) } .removeEmptyPlainTextParts() .mergeAdjacentPlainTextParts() private fun splitLineIntoParts(line: String, context: SoneTextParserContext?) = generateSequence(PlainTextPart("") as Part to line) { remainder -> if (remainder.second == "") null else LinkType.values() .mapNotNull { it.findNext(remainder.second) } .minBy { it.position } .let { when { it == null -> PlainTextPart(remainder.second) to "" it.position == 0 -> it.toPart(context) to it.remainder else -> PlainTextPart(remainder.second.substring(0, it.position)) to ( + it.remainder) } } }.map { it.first }.toList() private val NextLink.linkWithoutBacklink: String get() { val backlink = link.indexOf("/../") val query = link.indexOf("?") return if ((backlink > -1) && ((query == -1) || (query > -1) && (backlink < query))) link.substring(0, backlink) else link } private fun NextLink.toPart(context: SoneTextParserContext?) = when (linkType) { KSK, CHK -> try { FreenetURI(linkWithoutBacklink).let { freenetUri -> FreenetLinkPart( linkWithoutBacklink, freenetUri.allMetaStrings?.lastOrNull { it != "" } ?: freenetUri.docName ?: linkWithoutBacklink.substring(0, 9), linkWithoutBacklink.split('?').first() ) } } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { PlainTextPart(linkWithoutBacklink) } SSK, USK -> try { FreenetURI(linkWithoutBacklink).let { uri -> uri.allMetaStrings ?.takeIf { (it.size > 1) || ((it.size == 1) && (it.single() != "")) } ?.lastOrNull() ?: uri.docName ?: "${uri.keyType}@${uri.routingKey.freenetBase64}" }.let { FreenetLinkPart(linkWithoutBacklink.removeSuffix("/"), it, trusted = context?.routingKey?.contentEquals(FreenetURI(linkWithoutBacklink).routingKey) == true) } } catch (e: MalformedURLException) { PlainTextPart(linkWithoutBacklink) } SONE -> link.substring(7).let { SonePart(soneProvider?.getSone(it) ?: IdOnlySone(it)) } POST -> postProvider?.getPost(link.substring(7))?.let { PostPart(it) } ?: PlainTextPart(link) FREEMAIL -> link.indexOf('@').let { atSign -> link.substring(atSign + 1, link.length - 9).let { freemailId -> FreemailPart(link.substring(0, atSign), freemailId, freemailId.decodedId) } } HTTP, HTTPS -> LinkPart(link, link .withoutProtocol .withoutWwwPrefix .withoutUrlParameters .withoutMiddlePathComponents .withoutTrailingSlash) } } private fun List.mergeMultipleEmptyLines() = fold(emptyList()) { previous, current -> if (previous.isEmpty()) { previous + current } else { if ((previous.last() == "\n") && (current == "")) { previous } else { previous + ("\n" + current) } } } private fun List.mergeAdjacentPlainTextParts() = fold(emptyList()) { parts, part -> if ((parts.lastOrNull() is PlainTextPart) && (part is PlainTextPart)) { parts.dropLast(1) + PlainTextPart(parts.last().text + part.text) } else { parts + part } } private fun List.removeEmptyPlainTextParts() = filterNot { it == PlainTextPart("") } private val String.decodedId: String get() = Base64.encode(Base32.decode(this)) private val String.withoutProtocol get() = substring(indexOf("//") + 2) private val String.withoutUrlParameters get() = split('?').first() private val String.withoutWwwPrefix get() = split("/") .replaceFirst { it.split(".").dropWhile { it == "www" }.joinToString(".") } .joinToString("/") private fun List.replaceFirst(replacement: (T) -> T) = mapIndexed { index, element -> if (index == 0) replacement(element) else element } private val String.withoutMiddlePathComponents get() = split("/").let { if (it.size > 2) { "${it.first()}/…/${it.last()}" } else { it.joinToString("/") } } private val String.withoutTrailingSlash get() = if (endsWith("/")) substring(0, length - 1) else this private val SoneTextParserContext.routingKey: ByteArray? get() = postingSone?.routingKey private val Sone.routingKey: ByteArray get() = Base64.decode(id) private enum class LinkType(private val scheme: String, private val freenetLink: Boolean) { KSK("KSK@", true), CHK("CHK@", true), SSK("SSK@", true), USK("USK@", true), HTTP("http://", false), HTTPS("https://", false), SONE("sone://", false) { override fun validateLinkLength(length: Int) = length.takeIf { it == 50 } }, POST("post://", false), FREEMAIL("", true) { override fun findNext(line: String): NextLink? { val nextFreemailSuffix = line.indexOf(".freemail").takeIf { it >= 54 } ?: return null if (line[nextFreemailSuffix - 53] != '@') return null if (!line.substring(nextFreemailSuffix - 52, nextFreemailSuffix).matches(Regex("^[a-z2-7]*\$"))) return null val firstCharacterIndex = generateSequence(nextFreemailSuffix - 53) { it.minus(1).takeIf { (it >= 0) && line[it].validLocalPart } }.lastOrNull() ?: return null return NextLink(firstCharacterIndex, this, line.substring(firstCharacterIndex, nextFreemailSuffix + 9), line.substring(nextFreemailSuffix + 9)) } private val Char.validLocalPart get() = (this in ('A'..'Z')) || (this in ('a'..'z')) || (this in ('0'..'9')) || (this == '-') || (this == '_') || (this == '.') }; open fun findNext(line: String): NextLink? { val nextLinkPosition = line.indexOf(scheme).takeIf { it != -1 } ?: return null val endOfLink = line.substring(nextLinkPosition).findEndOfLink().validate() ?: return null val link = line.substring(nextLinkPosition, nextLinkPosition + endOfLink) val realNextLinkPosition = if (freenetLink && line.substring(0, nextLinkPosition).endsWith("freenet:")) nextLinkPosition - 8 else nextLinkPosition return NextLink(realNextLinkPosition, this, link, line.substring(nextLinkPosition + endOfLink)) } private fun String.findEndOfLink() = substring(0, whitespace.find(this)?.range?.start ?: length) .dropLastWhile(::isPunctuation) .upToFirstUnmatchedParen() private fun Int.validate() = validateLinkLength(this) protected open fun validateLinkLength(length: Int) = length.takeIf { it > scheme.length } private fun String.upToFirstUnmatchedParen() = foldIndexed(Pair(0, null)) { index, (openParens, firstUnmatchedParen), currentChar -> when (currentChar) { '(' -> (openParens + 1) to firstUnmatchedParen ')' -> ((openParens - 1) to (if (openParens == 0) (firstUnmatchedParen ?: index) else firstUnmatchedParen)) else -> openParens to firstUnmatchedParen } }.second ?: length } private val punctuationChars = listOf('.', ',', '?', '!') private fun isPunctuation(char: Char) = char in punctuationChars private val whitespace = Regex("[\\u000a\u0020\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u200c\u200d\u202f\u205f\u2060\u2800\u3000]") private data class NextLink(val position: Int, val linkType: LinkType, val link: String, val remainder: String) private val ByteArray.freenetBase64 get() = Base64.encode(this)!!