/* * Sone - FreenetTemplatePage.java - Copyright © 2010–2019 David Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.page import freenet.clients.http.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.main.* import net.pterodactylus.util.template.* import net.pterodactylus.util.web.* import java.lang.String.* import java.net.* import java.util.logging.* import java.util.logging.Logger.* /** * Base class for all [Page]s that are rendered with [Template]s and * fit into Freenet’s web interface. */ open class FreenetTemplatePage( private val path: String, private val templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer, loaders: Loaders, private val invalidFormPasswordRedirectTarget: String ) : FreenetPage, LinkEnabledCallback { open val styleSheets: Collection = emptySet() open val shortcutIcon: String? get() = null open val isFullAccessOnly get() = false override fun getPath() = path open fun getPageTitle(request: FreenetRequest) = "" override fun isPrefixPage() = false open fun getRedirectTarget(request: FreenetRequest): String? = null open fun getAdditionalLinkNodes(request: FreenetRequest): List> = emptyList() override fun isLinkExcepted(link: URI) = false override fun isEnabled(toadletContext: ToadletContext) = !isFullAccessOnly private val template = templatePath?.let(loaders::loadTemplate) ?: Template() override fun handleRequest(request: FreenetRequest, response: Response): Response { getRedirectTarget(request)?.let { redirectTarget -> return RedirectResponse(redirectTarget) } if (isFullAccessOnly && !request.toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess) { return response.setStatusCode(401).setStatusText("Not authorized").setContentType("text/html") } val toadletContext = request.toadletContext if (request.method == Method.POST) { /* require form password. */ val formPassword = request.httpRequest.getPartAsStringFailsafe("formPassword", 32) if (formPassword != toadletContext.container.formPassword) { return RedirectResponse(invalidFormPasswordRedirectTarget) } } val pageMaker = toadletContext.pageMaker val pageNode = pageMaker.getPageNode(getPageTitle(request), toadletContext) styleSheets.forEach(pageNode::addCustomStyleSheet) getAdditionalLinkNodes(request) .map { it to pageNode.headNode.addChild("link") } .forEach { (linkNodeParameters, linkNode) -> linkNodeParameters.forEach(linkNode::addAttribute) } shortcutIcon?.let { pageNode.addForwardLink("icon", it) } val output = try { val start = System.nanoTime() templateRenderer.render(template) { templateContext -> processTemplate(request, templateContext) }.also { val finish = System.nanoTime() logger.log(Level.FINEST, format("Template was rendered in %.2fms.", (finish - start) / 1000000.0)) } } catch (re1: RedirectException) { return RedirectResponse(re1.target ?: "") } pageNode.content.addChild("%", output) return response.setStatusCode(200).setStatusText("OK").setContentType("text/html").write(pageNode.outer.generate()) } open fun processTemplate(request: FreenetRequest, templateContext: TemplateContext) { /* do nothing. */ } class RedirectException(val target: String?) : Exception() { override fun toString(): String = format("RedirectException{target='%s'}", target) } } private val logger: Logger = getLogger(FreenetTemplatePage::class.java.name)