package net.pterodactylus.sone.core import import freenet.keys.FreenetURI import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.FreenetInterface.BackgroundFetchCallback import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.* import org.hamcrest.Description import org.hamcrest.Matcher import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasEntry import org.hamcrest.Matchers.not import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import java.util.logging.Handler import java.util.logging.Level.ALL import java.util.logging.LogRecord import java.util.logging.Logger import kotlin.math.min /** * Unit test for [DefaultElementLoaderTest]. */ class DefaultElementLoaderTest { @Test fun `image loader starts request for link that is not known`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, _, fetchedUris -> assertThat(fetchedUris, contains(freenetURI)) } } @Test fun `element loader only starts request once`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { elementLoader, _, _, fetchedUris -> elementLoader.loadElement(IMAGE_ID) assertThat(fetchedUris, contains(freenetURI)) } } @Test fun `element loader returns loading element on first call`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, linkedElement, _, _ -> assertThat(linkedElement.loading, equalTo(true)) } } @Test fun `element loader does not cancel on image mime type with 2 mib size`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "image/png", sizeOkay), equalTo(false)) assertThat(, not(contains(containsString("Canceling download")))) } } @Test fun `element loader does cancel on image mime type with more than 2 mib size`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "image/png", sizeNotOkay), equalTo(true)) assertThat(, contains(containsString("Canceling download"))) } } @Test fun `element loader does cancel on audio mime type`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "audio/mpeg", sizeOkay), equalTo(true)) assertThat(, contains(containsString("Canceling download"))) } } @Test fun `element loader does cancel on video mime type`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "video/mkv", sizeOkay), equalTo(true)) assertThat(, contains(containsString("Canceling download"))) } } @Test fun `element loader does cancel on text mime type`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "text/plain", sizeOkay), equalTo(true)) assertThat(, contains(containsString("Canceling download"))) } } @Test fun `element loader does not cancel on text html mime type`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> assertThat(callback.shouldCancel(freenetURI, "text/html", sizeOkay), equalTo(false)) assertThat(, not(contains(containsString("Canceling download")))) } } @Test fun `image loader can load image`() { runWithCallback(decomposedKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(normalizedKey), "image/png", read("/static/images/unknown-image-0.png")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(decomposedKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(normalizedKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "image"), hasEntry("size", 2451), hasEntry("sizeHuman", "2 KiB"), ))) } } @Test fun `element loader logs information about downloaded image`() { runWithCallback(decomposedKey) { _, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(normalizedKey), "image/png", read("/static/images/unknown-image-0.png")) assertThat(, contains(allOf( containsString(normalizedKey), containsString("2451") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader can extract description from description header`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader.html")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(textKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(textKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "html"), hasEntry("size", 266), hasEntry("sizeHuman", "266 B"), hasEntry("title", "Some Nice Page Title"), hasEntry("description", "This is an example of a very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader logs information from downloaded freesite`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { _, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader.html")) assertThat(, contains(allOf( containsString(textKey), containsString("Some Nice Page Title"), containsString("This is an example of a very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader can extract description from first non-heading paragraph`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader2.html")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(textKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(textKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "html"), hasEntry("size", 185), hasEntry("sizeHuman", "185 B"), hasEntry("title", "Some Nice Page Title"), hasEntry("description", "This is the first paragraph of the very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader can extract description if html is more complicated`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader3.html")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(textKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(textKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "html"), hasEntry("size", 204), hasEntry("sizeHuman", "204 B"), hasEntry("title", "Some Nice Page Title"), hasEntry("description", "This is the first paragraph of the very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader can not extract title if it is missing`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader4.html")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(textKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(textKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "html"), hasEntry("size", 229), hasEntry("sizeHuman", "229 B"), hasEntry("title", null), hasEntry("description", "This is an example of a very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `element loader can extract first paragraph from real-world example`() { runWithCallback(textKey) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> callback.loaded(FreenetURI(textKey), "text/html; charset=UTF-8", read("element-loader5.html")) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(textKey) assertThat(linkedElement, isLinkedElement(equalTo(textKey), allOf( hasEntry("type", "html"), hasEntry("title", "Some Nice Page Title"), hasEntry("description", "This is the first paragraph of the very nice freesite.") ))) } } @Test fun `image is not loaded again after it failed`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> elementLoader.loadElement(IMAGE_ID) callback.failed(freenetURI) assertThat(elementLoader.loadElement(IMAGE_ID).failed, equalTo(true)) } } @Test fun `element loading failure is logged`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID) { _, _, callback, _ -> callback.failed(freenetURI) assertThat(, contains(containsString("Download failed"))) } } @Test fun `image is loaded again after failure cache is expired`() { runWithCallback(IMAGE_ID, createTicker(1, MINUTES.toNanos(31))) { elementLoader, _, callback, _ -> elementLoader.loadElement(IMAGE_ID) callback.failed(freenetURI) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(IMAGE_ID) assertThat(linkedElement.failed, equalTo(false)) assertThat(linkedElement.loading, equalTo(true)) } } private fun read(resource: String): ByteArray = javaClass.getResourceAsStream(resource)?.use { input -> ByteArrayOutputStream().use { input.copyTo(it) it }.toByteArray() } ?: ByteArray(0) @get:Rule val silencedLoggin = silencedLogging() private val loggedRecords = mutableListOf() init { Logger.getLogger(DefaultElementLoader::class.qualifiedName) .apply { level = ALL } .apply { addHandler(object : Handler() { override fun publish(record: LogRecord) { loggedRecords += record } override fun flush() = Unit override fun close() = Unit }) } } } private fun runWithCallback(requestUri: String, ticker: Ticker = createTicker(), callbackAction: (elementLoader: ElementLoader, linkedElement: LinkedElement, callback: BackgroundFetchCallback, fetchedUris: List) -> Unit) { val fetchedUris = mutableListOf() val callback = AtomicReference() val freenetInterface = overrideStartFetch { uri, backgroundFetchCallback -> fetchedUris += uri callback.set(backgroundFetchCallback) } val elementLoader = DefaultElementLoader(freenetInterface, ticker) val linkedElement = elementLoader.loadElement(requestUri) callbackAction(elementLoader, linkedElement, callback.get(), fetchedUris) } private fun overrideStartFetch(action: (FreenetURI, BackgroundFetchCallback) -> Unit) = object : FreenetInterface(null, null, null, null, null, dummyHighLevelSimpleClientCreator) { override fun startFetch(uri: FreenetURI, backgroundFetchCallback: BackgroundFetchCallback) { action(uri, backgroundFetchCallback) } } private fun createTicker(vararg times: Long = LongArray(1) { 1 }) = object : Ticker() { private var counter = 0 override fun read() = times[min(times.size - 1, counter)] .also { counter++ } } private fun isLinkedElement(link: Matcher = everything(), properties: Matcher> = everything(), failed: Matcher = everything(), loading: Matcher = everything()) = object : TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher() { override fun matchesSafely(item: LinkedElement, mismatchDescription: Description) = handleMatcher(link,, mismatchDescription) && handleMatcher(properties,, mismatchDescription) && handleMatcher(failed, item.failed, mismatchDescription) && handleMatcher(loading, item.loading, mismatchDescription) override fun describeTo(description: Description) { description.appendText("is linked element for key matching ").appendValue(link) .appendText(", properties matching ").appendValue(properties) .appendText(", failed matching ").appendValue(failed) .appendText(", loading matching ").appendValue(loading) } } private const val IMAGE_ID = "KSK@gpl.png" private val freenetURI = FreenetURI(IMAGE_ID) private const val decomposedKey = "CHK@DCiVgTWW9nnWHJc9EVwtFJ6jAfBSVyy~rgiPvhUKbS4,mNY85V0x7dYcv7SnEYo1PCC6y2wNWMDNt-y9UWQx9fI,AAMC--8/fru%CC%88hstu%CC%88ck.jpg" private const val normalizedKey = "CHK@DCiVgTWW9nnWHJc9EVwtFJ6jAfBSVyy~rgiPvhUKbS4,mNY85V0x7dYcv7SnEYo1PCC6y2wNWMDNt-y9UWQx9fI,AAMC--8/frühstück.jpg" private const val textKey = "KSK@gpl.html" private const val sizeOkay = 2097152L private const val sizeNotOkay = sizeOkay + 1