package net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot import* import* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.plugin.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.* import org.hamcrest.* import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.* import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import org.hamcrest.core.* import kotlin.test.* /** * Unit test for [WebOfTrustConnector]. */ class WebOfTrustConnectorTest { private val ownIdentity = DefaultOwnIdentity("id", "nickname", "requestUri", "insertUri") private val identity = DefaultIdentity("id-a", "alpha", "url://alpha") @Test fun `wot plugin can be pinged`() { createPluginConnector("Ping") .connect { ping() } } @Test fun `own identities are returned correctly`() { val ownIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetOwnIdentities") { put("Identity0", "id-0") put("RequestURI0", "request-uri-0") put("InsertURI0", "insert-uri-0") put("Nickname0", "nickname-0") put("Contexts0.Context0", "id-0-context-0") put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "id-0-property-0-name") put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "id-0-property-0-value") put("Identity1", "id-1") put("RequestURI1", "request-uri-1") put("InsertURI1", "insert-uri-1") put("Nickname1", "nickname-1") put("Contexts1.Context0", "id-1-context-0") put("Properties1.Property0.Name", "id-1-property-0-name") put("Properties1.Property0.Value", "id-1-property-0-value") }.connect { loadAllOwnIdentities() } assertThat(ownIdentities, containsInAnyOrder( isOwnIdentity("id-0", "nickname-0", "request-uri-0", "insert-uri-0", contains("id-0-context-0"), hasEntry("id-0-property-0-name", "id-0-property-0-value")), isOwnIdentity("id-1", "nickname-1", "request-uri-1", "insert-uri-1", contains("id-1-context-0"), hasEntry("id-1-property-0-name", "id-1-property-0-value")) )) } @Test fun `trusted identities are requested with correct own identity`() { val pluginConnector = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Truster", equalTo("id"))) .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } } @Test fun `trusted identities are requested with correct selection parameter`() { val pluginConnector = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Selection", equalTo("+"))) .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } } @Test fun `trusted identities are requested with empty context if null context requested`() { val pluginConnector = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo(""))) .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } } @Test fun `trusted identities are requested with context if context requested`() { val pluginConnector = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext"))) .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity, "TestContext") } } @Test fun `trusted identities are requested with trust values`() { createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore", hasField("WantTrustValues", equalTo("true"))) .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } } @Test fun `empty list of trusted identities is returned correctly`() { val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") .connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } assertThat(trustedIdentities, empty()) } @Test fun `trusted identities without context, properties, or trust value are returned correctly`() { val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") { put("Identity0", "id0") put("Nickname0", "nickname0") put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0") put("Identity1", "id1") put("Nickname1", "nickname1") put("RequestURI1", "request-uri1") }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains( allOf( isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), isEmptyMap()), isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0)) ), allOf( isIdentity("id1", "nickname1", "request-uri1", empty(), isEmptyMap()), isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(null, 0, 0)) ) )) } @Test fun `trusted identity with contexts is returned correctly`() { val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") { put("Identity0", "id0") put("Nickname0", "nickname0") put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0") put("Contexts0.Context0", "Context0") put("Contexts0.Context1", "Context1") }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains( isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", containsInAnyOrder("Context0", "Context1"), isEmptyMap()) )) } @Test fun `trusted identity with properties is returned correctly`() { val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") { put("Identity0", "id0") put("Nickname0", "nickname0") put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0") put("Properties0.Property0.Name", "foo") put("Properties0.Property0.Value", "bar") put("Properties0.Property1.Name", "baz") put("Properties0.Property1.Value", "quo") }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains( isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), allOf(hasEntry("foo", "bar"), hasEntry("baz", "quo"))) )) } @Test fun `trusted identity with trust value is returned correctly`() { val trustedIdentities = createPluginConnector("GetIdentitiesByScore") { put("Identity0", "id0") put("Nickname0", "nickname0") put("RequestURI0", "request-uri0") put("Trust0", "12") put("Score0", "34") put("Rank0", "56") }.connect { loadTrustedIdentities(ownIdentity) } assertThat(trustedIdentities, contains( allOf( isIdentity("id0", "nickname0", "request-uri0", empty(), isEmptyMap()), isTrusted(ownIdentity, isTrust(12, 34, 56)) ) )) } @Test fun `adding a context sends the correct own identity id`() { createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo( .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") } } @Test fun `adding a context sends the correct context`() { createPluginConnector("AddContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext"))) .connect { addContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") } } @Test fun `removing a context sends the correct own identity id`() { createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Identity", equalTo( .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") } } @Test fun `removing a context sends the correct context`() { createPluginConnector("RemoveContext", hasField("Context", equalTo("TestContext"))) .connect { removeContext(ownIdentity, "TestContext") } } @Test fun `setting a property sends the correct identity id`() { createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo( .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") } } @Test fun `setting a property sends the correct property name`() { createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty"))) .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") } } @Test fun `setting a property sends the correct property value`() { createPluginConnector("SetProperty", hasField("Value", equalTo("TestValue"))) .connect { setProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty", "TestValue") } } @Test fun `removing a property sends the correct identity id`() { createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Identity", equalTo( .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") } } @Test fun `removing a property sends the correct property name`() { createPluginConnector("RemoveProperty", hasField("Property", equalTo("TestProperty"))) .connect { removeProperty(ownIdentity, "TestProperty") } } @Test fun `getting trust sends correct own identity id`() { createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Truster", equalTo( .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } } @Test fun `getting trust sends correct identity id`() { createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo( .connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } } @Test fun `getting trust returns correct trust values`() { val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo( { put("Trust", "12") put("Score", "34") put("Rank", "56") }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, 56)) } @Test fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for trust as null`() { val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo( { put("Trust", "incorrect") put("Score", "34") put("Rank", "56") }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } assertThat(trust, isTrust(null, 34, 56)) } @Test fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for score as null`() { val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo( { put("Trust", "12") put("Score", "incorrect") put("Rank", "56") }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, null, 56)) } @Test fun `getting trust reads incorrect numbers for rank as null`() { val trust = createPluginConnector("GetIdentity", hasField("Identity", equalTo( { put("Trust", "12") put("Score", "34") put("Rank", "incorrect") }.connect { getTrust(ownIdentity, identity) } assertThat(trust, isTrust(12, 34, null)) } @Test fun `setting trust sends correct own identity id`() { createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Truster", equalTo( .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") } } @Test fun `setting trust sends correct identity id`() { createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Trustee", equalTo( .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") } } @Test fun `setting trust sends correct trust value`() { createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Value", equalTo("123"))) .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") } } @Test fun `setting trust sends correct comment`() { createPluginConnector("SetTrust", hasField("Comment", equalTo("Test Trust"))) .connect { setTrust(ownIdentity, identity, 123, "Test Trust") } } } private fun PluginConnector.connect(block: WebOfTrustConnector.() -> R) = WebOfTrustConnector(this).let(block) fun createPluginConnector(message: String, fieldsMatcher: Matcher = IsAnything(), build: SimpleFieldSetBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) = object : PluginConnector { override fun sendRequest(pluginName: String, identifier: String, fields: SimpleFieldSet, data: Bucket?) = if ((pluginName != wotPluginName) || (fields.get("Message") != message)) { throw PluginException() } else { assertThat(fields, fieldsMatcher) PluginReply(SimpleFieldSetBuilder().apply(build).get(), null) } } private const val wotPluginName = "plugins.WebOfTrust.WebOfTrust"