/** * Sone - HistogramRendererTest.kt - Copyright © 2019–2020 David ‘Bombe’ Roden * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package net.pterodactylus.sone.template import com.codahale.metrics.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.OverrideLocale import net.pterodactylus.util.template.* import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.* import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import org.jsoup.* import org.jsoup.nodes.* import org.junit.* import java.util.* import java.util.Locale.ENGLISH /** * Unit test for [HistogramRenderer]. */ class HistogramRendererTest { @get:Rule val overrideLocale = OverrideLocale(ENGLISH) private val translation = object : Translation { override val currentLocale = Locale.ENGLISH override fun translate(key: String) = "Metric Name".takeIf { key == "Page.Metrics.TestHistogram.Title" } ?: "" } private val metricRenderer = HistogramRenderer() private val templateContext = TemplateContext().apply { addFilter("html", HtmlFilter()) addFilter("duration", DurationFormatFilter()) addFilter("l10n", L10nFilter(translation)) } @Test fun `histogram is rendered as table row`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.nodeName(), equalTo("tr")) } } @Test fun `histogram has eleven columns`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td"), hasSize(11)) } } @Test fun `first column contains translated metric name`() { createAndVerifyTableRow(mapOf("name" to "test.histogram")) { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[0].text(), equalTo("Metric Name")) } } @Test fun `second column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(1) } @Test fun `second column contains count`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[1].text(), equalTo("2001")) } } @Test fun `third column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(2) } @Test fun `third column contains min value`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[2].text(), equalTo("2.0ms")) } } @Test fun `fourth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(3) } @Test fun `fourth column contains max value`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[3].text(), equalTo("998.0ms")) } } @Test fun `fifth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(4) } @Test fun `fifth column contains mean value`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[4].text(), equalTo("492.7ms")) } } @Test fun `sixth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(5) } @Test fun `sixth column contains median value`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[5].text(), equalTo("483.6ms")) } } @Test fun `seventh column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(6) } @Test fun `seventh column contains 75th percentile`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[6].text(), equalTo("740.9ms")) } } @Test fun `eighth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(7) } @Test fun `eighth column contains 95th percentile`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[7].text(), equalTo("940.9ms")) } } @Test fun `ninth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(8) } @Test fun `ninth column contains 98th percentile`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[8].text(), equalTo("975.6ms")) } } @Test fun `tenth column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(9) } @Test fun `tenth column contains 99th percentile`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[9].text(), equalTo("991.6ms")) } } @Test fun `eleventh column is numeric`() { verifyColumnIsNumeric(10) } @Test fun `eleventh column contains 99,9th percentile`() { createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[10].text(), equalTo("998.0ms")) } } private fun createAndVerifyTableRow(parameters: Map? = null, verify: (Element) -> Unit) = metricRenderer.format(templateContext, histogram, parameters) .let { "$it
" } .let(Jsoup::parseBodyFragment) .getElementById("t").child(0).child(0) .let(verify) private fun verifyColumnIsNumeric(column: Int) = createAndVerifyTableRow { assertThat(it.getElementsByTag("td")[column].classNames(), hasItem("numeric")) } } private val random = Random(1) private val histogram = MetricRegistry().histogram("test.histogram") { Histogram(SlidingWindowReservoir(1028)) }.apply { (0..2000).map { random.nextInt(1_000_000) }.forEach(this::update) }