package net.pterodactylus.sone.template import import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.Core import import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.FreemailPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.FreenetLinkPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.Part import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.PlainTextPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.PostPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.SonePart import net.pterodactylus.util.template.HtmlFilter import net.pterodactylus.util.template.TemplateContext import net.pterodactylus.util.template.TemplateContextFactory import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.`is` import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Attribute import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.`when` import /** * Unit test for [RenderFilter]. */ class RenderFilterTest { companion object { private const val FREEMAIL_ID = "t4dlzfdww3xvsnsc6j6gtliox6zaoak7ymkobbmcmdw527ubuqra" private const val SONE_FREEMAIL = "sone@$FREEMAIL_ID.freemail" private const val SONE_IDENTITY = "nwa8lHa271k2QvJ8aa0Ov7IHAV-DFOCFgmDt3X6BpCI" private const val POST_ID = "37a06250-6775-4b94-86ff-257ba690953c" } private val core = mock() private val templateContextFactory = TemplateContextFactory() private val templateContext: TemplateContext private val sone = setupSone(SONE_IDENTITY, "Sone", "First") private val parameters = mutableMapOf() init { templateContextFactory.addFilter("html", HtmlFilter()) templateContext = templateContextFactory.createTemplateContext() } private val filter = RenderFilter(core, templateContextFactory) @Test fun `plain text part is rendered correctly`() { assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("plain text")), `is`("plain text")) } private fun renderParts(vararg part: Part) = filter.format(templateContext, listOf(*part), parameters) as String @Test fun `plain text part is shortened if length exceeds maxl ength`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `plain text part is not shortened if length does not exceed max length`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(20, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `short parts are not shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This.")), `is`("This.")) } @Test fun `multiple plain text parts are shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This "), PlainTextPart("is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `parts after length has been reached are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), PlainTextPart(" And even more.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `link parts are not shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) val linkNode = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.", false))).body().child(0) verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet", "KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.") } @Test fun `additional link parts are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.", false)), `is`("This is a …")) } private fun setLengthAndCutOffLength(length: Int, cutOffLength: Int) { parameters.put("length", length) parameters.put("cut-off-length", cutOffLength) } @Test fun `sone parts are added but their length is ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) val body = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(renderParts(SonePart(sone), PlainTextPart("This is a long text."))).body() val linkNode = body.childNode(0) as Element println(linkNode) verifyLink(linkNode, "viewSone.html?sone=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", "First", "First") assertThat((body.childNode(1) as TextNode).text(), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `additional sone parts are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), SonePart(sone)), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `freenet link is rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt", false)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet", "KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt") } private fun verifyLink(linkNode: Element, url: String, cssClass: String, tooltip: String, text: String) { assertThat(linkNode.nodeName(), `is`("a")) assertThat>(linkNode.attributes().asList(), containsInAnyOrder( Attribute("href", url), Attribute("class", cssClass), Attribute("title", tooltip) )) assertThat(linkNode.text(), `is`(text)) } @Test fun `trusted freenet link is rendered with correct css class`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt", true)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet-trusted", "KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt") } private fun String.toLinkNode() = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(this).body().child(0) @Test fun `internet link is rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(LinkPart("", "")).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/external-link/?_CHECKED_HTTP_=${URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8")}", "internet", "", "") } @Test fun `sone parts are rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(SonePart(sone)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewSone.html?sone=" + SONE_IDENTITY, "in-sone", "First", "First") } private fun setupSone(identity: String, name: String?, firstName: String): Sone { val sone = mock() `when`( `when`(sone.profile).thenReturn(Profile(sone)) `when`( sone.profile.firstName = firstName `when`(core.getSone(identity)).thenReturn(Optional.of(sone)) return sone } @Test fun `sone part with unknown sone is rendered as link to web of trust`() { val sone = setupSone(SONE_IDENTITY, null, "First") val linkNode = renderParts(SonePart(sone)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/WebOfTrust/ShowIdentity?id=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", SONE_IDENTITY, SONE_IDENTITY) } @Test fun `post part is cut off correctly when there are spaces`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "1234 678901 345 789012 45678 01.") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "1234 678901 345…") } private fun setupPost(sone: Sone, value: String): Post { val post = mock() `when`( `when`(post.sone).thenReturn(sone) `when`(post.text).thenReturn(value) return post } @Test fun `post part is cut off correctly when there are no spaces`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "1234567890123456789012345678901.") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "12345678901234567890…") } @Test fun `post part shorter than 21 chars is not cut off`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "12345678901234567890") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "12345678901234567890") } @Test fun `multiple parts are rendered correctly`() { val parts = arrayOf(PlainTextPart("te"), PlainTextPart("xt")) assertThat(renderParts(*parts), `is`("text")) } @Test fun `freemail address is displayed correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreemailPart("sone", FREEMAIL_ID, SONE_IDENTITY)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/Freemail/NewMessage?to=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", "First\n$SONE_FREEMAIL", "sone@First.freemail") } }